/* Copyright (C) 2024 Wildfire Games.
* This file is part of 0 A.D.
* 0 A.D. is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* 0 A.D. is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with 0 A.D. If not, see .
#include "renderer/backend/Format.h"
#include "renderer/backend/gl/Buffer.h"
#include "renderer/backend/gl/DeviceForward.h"
#include "renderer/backend/gl/Framebuffer.h"
#include "renderer/backend/gl/ShaderProgram.h"
#include "renderer/backend/gl/Texture.h"
#include "renderer/backend/IDevice.h"
#include "scriptinterface/ScriptForward.h"
typedef struct SDL_Window SDL_Window;
typedef void* SDL_GLContext;
namespace Renderer
namespace Backend
namespace GL
class CDeviceCommandContext;
class CDevice final : public IDevice
~CDevice() override;
* Creates the GL device and the GL context for the window if it presents.
static std::unique_ptr Create(SDL_Window* window, const bool arb);
Backend GetBackend() const override { return m_ARB ? Backend::GL_ARB : Backend::GL; }
const std::string& GetName() const override { return m_Name; }
const std::string& GetVersion() const override { return m_Version; }
const std::string& GetDriverInformation() const override { return m_DriverInformation; }
const std::vector& GetExtensions() const override { return m_Extensions; }
void Report(const ScriptRequest& rq, JS::HandleValue settings) override;
std::unique_ptr CreateCommandContext() override;
std::unique_ptr CreateGraphicsPipelineState(
const SGraphicsPipelineStateDesc& pipelineStateDesc) override;
std::unique_ptr CreateComputePipelineState(
const SComputePipelineStateDesc& pipelineStateDesc) override;
std::unique_ptr CreateVertexInputLayout(
const PS::span attributes) override;
CDeviceCommandContext* GetActiveCommandContext() { return m_ActiveCommandContext; }
std::unique_ptr CreateTexture(
const char* name, const ITexture::Type type, const uint32_t usage,
const Format format, const uint32_t width, const uint32_t height,
const Sampler::Desc& defaultSamplerDesc, const uint32_t MIPLevelCount, const uint32_t sampleCount) override;
std::unique_ptr CreateTexture2D(
const char* name, const uint32_t usage,
const Format format, const uint32_t width, const uint32_t height,
const Sampler::Desc& defaultSamplerDesc, const uint32_t MIPLevelCount = 1, const uint32_t sampleCount = 1) override;
std::unique_ptr CreateFramebuffer(
const char* name, SColorAttachment* colorAttachment,
SDepthStencilAttachment* depthStencilAttachment) override;
std::unique_ptr CreateBuffer(
const char* name, const IBuffer::Type type, const uint32_t size, const uint32_t usage) override;
std::unique_ptr CreateShaderProgram(
const CStr& name, const CShaderDefines& defines) override;
bool AcquireNextBackbuffer() override;
IFramebuffer* GetCurrentBackbuffer(
const AttachmentLoadOp colorAttachmentLoadOp,
const AttachmentStoreOp colorAttachmentStoreOp,
const AttachmentLoadOp depthStencilAttachmentLoadOp,
const AttachmentStoreOp depthStencilAttachmentStoreOp) override;
void Present() override;
void OnWindowResize(const uint32_t width, const uint32_t height) override;
bool UseFramebufferInvalidating() const { return m_UseFramebufferInvalidating; }
bool IsTextureFormatSupported(const Format format) const override;
bool IsFramebufferFormatSupported(const Format format) const override;
Format GetPreferredDepthStencilFormat(
const uint32_t usage, const bool depth, const bool stencil) const override;
const Capabilities& GetCapabilities() const override { return m_Capabilities; }
SDL_Window* m_Window = nullptr;
SDL_GLContext m_Context = nullptr;
int m_SurfaceDrawableWidth = 0, m_SurfaceDrawableHeight = 0;
bool m_ARB = false;
std::string m_Name;
std::string m_Version;
std::string m_DriverInformation;
std::vector m_Extensions;
// GL can have the only one command context at once.
// TODO: remove as soon as we have no GL code outside backend, currently
// it's used only as a helper for transition.
CDeviceCommandContext* m_ActiveCommandContext = nullptr;
using BackbufferKey = std::tuple<
AttachmentLoadOp, AttachmentStoreOp,
AttachmentLoadOp, AttachmentStoreOp>;
struct BackbufferKeyHash
size_t operator()(const BackbufferKey& key) const;
// We use std::unordered_map to avoid storing sizes of Attachment*Op
// enumerations. If it becomes a performance issue we'll replace it
// by an array.
BackbufferKey, std::unique_ptr, BackbufferKeyHash> m_Backbuffers;
bool m_BackbufferAcquired = false;
bool m_UseFramebufferInvalidating = false;
Capabilities m_Capabilities{};
} // namespace GL
} // namespace Backend
} // namespace Renderer