We are pleased to announce the updated release of CxxTest 4.4. CxxTest is a unit testing framework for C++ that is similar in spirit to JUnit, CppUnit, and xUnit. CxxTest is easy to use because it does not require precompiling a CxxTest testing library, it employs no advanced features of C++ (e.g. RTTI) and it supports a very flexible form of test discovery. This release includes a variety of bug fixes: - Fixed compilation error on Windows (MSVC) in XmlFormatter.h (#86) - Fix to ensure that tearDown() is called (#89) - Add option run test with a user defined command in scons (#91) - Use a Python path relative to the cxxtestgen script (#88) - Add defensive guard in ErrorFormatter.h (#96) - Fixed bug with "None" appearing in CXXTEST_CPPATH (#99) - Added CXXTEST_LIBPATH to properly use shared libraries (#100) - Added guards when XmlFormatter.h data is not initialize (#87) See the CxxTest Home Page (http://cxxtest.com) for documentation and download instructions. Enjoy! CxxTest Developer Team cxxtest-developers@googlegroups.com