/* Copyright (C) 2021 Wildfire Games. * This file is part of 0 A.D. * * 0 A.D. is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * 0 A.D. is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with 0 A.D. If not, see . */ pipeline { agent { label 'MacSlave' } options { skipDefaultCheckout() } parameters { string(name: 'DIFF_ID', defaultValue: '', description: 'ID of the Phabricator Differential.') string(name: 'PHID', defaultValue: '', description: 'Phabricator ID') booleanParam(name: 'CLEAN_WORKSPACE', defaultValue: false, description: 'Delete the workspace before compiling (NB: does not delete the compiled libraries)') } stages { stage ("Checkout") { options { retry(3) } steps { script { try { sh "svn update" } catch(e) { sh "svn cleanup" sleep 300 throw e } } sh "svn cleanup" } } stage ("Patch") { steps { script { try { sh "arc patch --diff ${params.DIFF_ID} --force" } catch (e) { sh "svn st binaries/data/ | cut -c 9- | xargs rm -rfv" sh "svn st source/ | cut -c 9- | xargs rm -rfv" sh "svn st -q | cut -c 9- | xargs rm -rfv" sh "svn revert -R ." sh "arc patch --diff ${params.DIFF_ID} --force" } } } } stage("macOS libraries build") { steps { sh "cd libraries/osx/ && ./build-osx-libs.sh -j4" } } stage("Update workspaces") { steps { script { if (params.CLEAN_WORKSPACE) { sh "rm -rf build/workspaces/gcc" } sh "cd build/workspaces/ && ./update-workspaces.sh -j4 --jenkins-tests" } } } stage("Debug Build & Tests") { steps { sh "cd build/workspaces/gcc/ && make -j4 config=debug 2> ../../../builderr-debug-macos.txt" script { try { sh "binaries/system/test_dbg > cxxtest-debug.xml" } catch (e) { echo (message: readFile (file: "cxxtest-debug.xml")) throw e } finally { junit "cxxtest-debug.xml" } } } } stage("Release Build & Tests") { steps { sh "cd build/workspaces/gcc/ && make -j4 config=release 2> ../../../builderr-release-macos.txt" script { try { sh "binaries/system/test > cxxtest-release.xml" } catch (e) { echo (message: readFile (file: "cxxtest-release.xml")) throw e } finally { junit "cxxtest-release.xml" } } } } } post { always { script { catchError { sh ''' for file in builderr-*.txt ; do if [ -s "$file" ]; then echo "$file" >> .phabricator-comment cat "$file" >> .phabricator-comment fi done ''' } try { if (fileExists(".phabricator-comment")) { step([$class: 'PhabricatorNotifier', commentOnSuccess: true, commentWithConsoleLinkOnFailure: true, customComment: true, commentFile: ".phabricator-comment"]) } else { step([$class: 'PhabricatorNotifier', commentWithConsoleLinkOnFailure: true]) } } catch(e) { throw e } finally { sh "rm -f .phabricator-comment builderr-*.txt cxxtest-*.xml" sh "svn st binaries/data/ | cut -c 9- | xargs rm -rfv" sh "svn st source/ | cut -c 9- | xargs rm -rfv" sh "svn st -q | cut -c 9- | xargs rm -rfv" sh "svn revert -R ." } } } } }