/** * Currently limited to at most 3 buttons per message box. * The convention is to have "cancel" appear first. */ function init(data) { // Set title Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("mbTitleBar").caption = data.title; // Set subject let mbTextObj = Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("mbText"); mbTextObj.caption = data.message; if (data.font) mbTextObj.font = data.font; // Default behaviour let mbCancelHotkey = Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("mbCancelHotkey"); mbCancelHotkey.onPress = Engine.PopGuiPage; // Calculate size let mbLRDiff = data.width / 2; let mbUDDiff = data.height / 2; Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("mbMain").size = "50%-" + mbLRDiff + " 50%-" + mbUDDiff + " 50%+" + mbLRDiff + " 50%+" + mbUDDiff; let captions = data.buttonCaptions || [translate("OK")]; let mbButton = []; setButtonCaptionsAndVisibitily(mbButton, captions, mbCancelHotkey, "mbButton"); distributeButtonsHorizontally(mbButton, captions); }