#!/usr/bin/env python3 import sys from argparse import ArgumentParser from json import load from logging import INFO, WARNING, Filter, Formatter, StreamHandler, getLogger from os.path import dirname, exists, join, realpath from pathlib import Path from re import match import lxml.etree class SingleLevelFilter(Filter): def __init__(self, passlevel, reject): self.passlevel = passlevel self.reject = reject def filter(self, record): if self.reject: return record.levelno != self.passlevel return record.levelno == self.passlevel class VFSFile: def __init__(self, mod_name, vfs_path): self.mod_name = mod_name self.vfs_path = vfs_path class RelaxNGValidator: def __init__(self, vfs_root, mods=None, verbose=False): self.mods = mods if mods is not None else [] self.vfs_root = Path(vfs_root) self.__init_logger() self.verbose = verbose def __init_logger(self): logger = getLogger(__name__) logger.setLevel(INFO) # create a console handler, seems nicer to Windows and for future uses ch = StreamHandler(sys.stdout) ch.setLevel(INFO) ch.setFormatter(Formatter("%(levelname)s - %(message)s")) f1 = SingleLevelFilter(INFO, False) ch.addFilter(f1) logger.addHandler(ch) errorch = StreamHandler(sys.stderr) errorch.setLevel(WARNING) errorch.setFormatter(Formatter("%(levelname)s - %(message)s")) logger.addHandler(errorch) self.logger = logger self.inError = False def run(self): self.validate_actors() self.validate_variants() self.validate_guis() self.validate_maps() self.validate_materials() self.validate_particles() self.validate_simulation() self.validate_soundgroups() self.validate_terrains() self.validate_textures() return not self.inError def main(self): """Program entry point, parses command line arguments and launches the validation.""" # ordered uniq mods (dict maintains ordered keys from python 3.6) self.logger.info("Checking %s's integrity.", "|".join(self.mods)) self.logger.info("The following mods will be loaded: %s.", "|".join(self.mods)) return self.run() def find_files(self, vfs_root, mods, vfs_path, *ext_list): """Find files. Returns a list of 2-size tuple with: - Path relative to the mod base - full Path """ full_exts = ["." + ext for ext in ext_list] def find_recursive(dp, base): """(relative Path, full Path) generator.""" if dp.is_dir(): if dp.name not in (".svn", ".git") and not dp.name.endswith("~"): for fp in dp.iterdir(): yield from find_recursive(fp, base) elif dp.suffix in full_exts: relative_file_path = dp.relative_to(base) yield (relative_file_path, dp.resolve()) return [ (rp, fp) for mod in mods for (rp, fp) in find_recursive(vfs_root / mod / vfs_path, vfs_root / mod) ] def validate_actors(self): self.logger.info("Validating actors...") files = self.find_files(self.vfs_root, self.mods, "art/actors/", "xml") self.validate_files("actors", files, "art/actors/actor.rng") def validate_variants(self): self.logger.info("Validating variants...") files = self.find_files(self.vfs_root, self.mods, "art/variants/", "xml") self.validate_files("variant", files, "art/variants/variant.rng") def validate_guis(self): self.logger.info("Validating gui files...") pages = [ file for file in self.find_files(self.vfs_root, self.mods, "gui/", "xml") if match(r".*[\\\/]page(_[^.\/\\]+)?\.xml$", str(file[0])) ] self.validate_files("gui page", pages, "gui/gui_page.rng") xmls = [ file for file in self.find_files(self.vfs_root, self.mods, "gui/", "xml") if not match(r".*[\\\/]page(_[^.\/\\]+)?\.xml$", str(file[0])) ] self.validate_files("gui xml", xmls, "gui/gui.rng") def validate_maps(self): self.logger.info("Validating maps...") files = self.find_files(self.vfs_root, self.mods, "maps/scenarios/", "xml") self.validate_files("map", files, "maps/scenario.rng") files = self.find_files(self.vfs_root, self.mods, "maps/skirmishes/", "xml") self.validate_files("map", files, "maps/scenario.rng") def validate_materials(self): self.logger.info("Validating materials...") files = self.find_files(self.vfs_root, self.mods, "art/materials/", "xml") self.validate_files("material", files, "art/materials/material.rng") def validate_particles(self): self.logger.info("Validating particles...") files = self.find_files(self.vfs_root, self.mods, "art/particles/", "xml") self.validate_files("particle", files, "art/particles/particle.rng") def validate_simulation(self): self.logger.info("Validating simulation...") file = self.find_files(self.vfs_root, self.mods, "simulation/data/pathfinder", "xml") self.validate_files("pathfinder", file, "simulation/data/pathfinder.rng") file = self.find_files(self.vfs_root, self.mods, "simulation/data/territorymanager", "xml") self.validate_files("territory manager", file, "simulation/data/territorymanager.rng") def validate_soundgroups(self): self.logger.info("Validating soundgroups...") files = self.find_files(self.vfs_root, self.mods, "audio/", "xml") self.validate_files("sound group", files, "audio/sound_group.rng") def validate_terrains(self): self.logger.info("Validating terrains...") terrains = [ file for file in self.find_files(self.vfs_root, self.mods, "art/terrains/", "xml") if "terrains.xml" in str(file[0]) ] self.validate_files("terrain", terrains, "art/terrains/terrain.rng") terrains_textures = [ file for file in self.find_files(self.vfs_root, self.mods, "art/terrains/", "xml") if "terrains.xml" not in str(file[0]) ] self.validate_files( "terrain texture", terrains_textures, "art/terrains/terrain_texture.rng" ) def validate_textures(self): self.logger.info("Validating textures...") files = [ file for file in self.find_files(self.vfs_root, self.mods, "art/textures/", "xml") if "textures.xml" in str(file[0]) ] self.validate_files("texture", files, "art/textures/texture.rng") def get_physical_path(self, mod_name, vfs_path): return realpath(join(self.vfs_root, mod_name, vfs_path)) def get_relaxng_file(self, schemapath): """Get the highest priority mod relax NG file.""" for mod in self.mods: relax_ng_path = self.get_physical_path(mod, schemapath) if exists(relax_ng_path): return relax_ng_path return "" def validate_files(self, name, files, schemapath): relax_ng_path = self.get_relaxng_file(schemapath) if relax_ng_path == "": self.logger.warning("Could not find %s", schemapath) return data = lxml.etree.parse(relax_ng_path) relaxng = lxml.etree.RelaxNG(data) error_count = 0 for file in sorted(files): try: doc = lxml.etree.parse(str(file[1])) relaxng.assertValid(doc) except (lxml.etree.DocumentInvalid, lxml.etree.XMLSyntaxError): error_count = error_count + 1 self.logger.exception(file[1]) if self.verbose: self.logger.info("%d %s validation errors", error_count, name) elif error_count > 0: self.logger.error("%d %s validation errors", error_count, name) self.inError = True def get_mod_dependencies(vfs_root, *mods): modjsondeps = [] for mod in mods: mod_json_path = Path(vfs_root) / mod / "mod.json" if not exists(mod_json_path): continue with open(mod_json_path, encoding="utf-8") as f: modjson = load(f) # 0ad's folder isn't named like the mod. modjsondeps.extend( ["public" if "0ad" in dep else dep for dep in modjson.get("dependencies", [])] ) return modjsondeps if __name__ == "__main__": script_dir = dirname(realpath(__file__)) default_root = join(script_dir, "..", "..", "..", "binaries", "data", "mods") ap = ArgumentParser(description="Validates XML files againt their Relax NG schemas") ap.add_argument("-r", "--root", action="store", dest="root", default=default_root) ap.add_argument( "-v", "--verbose", action="store_true", default=True, help="Log validation errors." ) ap.add_argument( "-m", "--mods", metavar="MOD", dest="mods", nargs="+", default=["public"], help="specify which mods to check. Default to public and mod.", ) args = ap.parse_args() mods = list( dict.fromkeys([*args.mods, *get_mod_dependencies(args.root, *args.mods), "mod"]).keys() ) relax_ng_validator = RelaxNGValidator(args.root, mods=mods, verbose=args.verbose) if not relax_ng_validator.main(): sys.exit(1)