import math from os import path import zero_ad game = zero_ad.ZeroAD("http://localhost:6000") scriptdir = path.dirname(path.realpath(__file__)) with open(path.join(scriptdir, "..", "samples", "arcadia.json"), encoding="utf-8") as f: config = def dist(p1, p2): return math.sqrt(sum(math.pow(x2 - x1, 2) for (x1, x2) in zip(p1, p2, strict=False))) def center(units): sum_position = map(sum, zip(*(u.position() for u in units), strict=False)) return [x / len(units) for x in sum_position] def closest(units, position): dists = (dist(unit.position(), position) for unit in units) index = 0 min_dist = next(dists) for i, d in enumerate(dists): if d < min_dist: index = i min_dist = d return units[index] def test_construct(): state = game.reset(config) female_citizens = state.units(owner=1, entity_type="female_citizen") house_tpl = "structures/spart/house" house_count = len(state.units(owner=1, entity_type=house_tpl)) x = 680 z = 640 build_house = zero_ad.actions.construct(female_citizens, house_tpl, x, z, autocontinue=True) # Check that they start building the house state = game.step([build_house]) while len(state.units(owner=1, entity_type=house_tpl)) == house_count: state = game.step() def test_gather(): state = game.reset(config) female_citizen = state.units(owner=1, entity_type="female_citizen")[0] state.units(owner=0, entity_type="tree") nearby_tree = closest(state.units(owner=0, entity_type="tree"), female_citizen.position()) collect_wood = zero_ad.actions.gather([female_citizen], nearby_tree) state = game.step([collect_wood]) while len(state.unit(["resourceCarrying"]) == 0: state = game.step() def test_train(): state = game.reset(config) civic_centers = state.units(owner=1, entity_type="civil_centre") spearman_type = "units/spart/infantry_spearman_b" spearman_count = len(state.units(owner=1, entity_type=spearman_type)) train_spearmen = zero_ad.actions.train(civic_centers, spearman_type) state = game.step([train_spearmen]) while len(state.units(owner=1, entity_type=spearman_type)) == spearman_count: state = game.step() def test_walk(): state = game.reset(config) female_citizens = state.units(owner=1, entity_type="female_citizen") x = 680 z = 640 initial_distance = dist(center(female_citizens), [x, z]) walk = zero_ad.actions.walk(female_citizens, x, z) state = game.step([walk]) distance = initial_distance while distance >= initial_distance: state = game.step() female_citizens = state.units(owner=1, entity_type="female_citizen") distance = dist(center(female_citizens), [x, z]) def test_attack(): state = game.reset(config) unit = state.units(owner=1, entity_type="cavalry")[0] target = state.units(owner=2, entity_type="female_citizen")[0] initial_health_target = initial_health_unit = state = game.step([zero_ad.actions.reveal_map()]) attack = zero_ad.actions.attack([unit], target) state = game.step([attack]) while (state.unit( >= initial_health_target) and ( state.unit( >= initial_health_unit ): state = game.step() def test_chat(): game.reset(config) chat ="hello world!!") game.step([chat])