from collections import Counter from decimal import Decimal from os.path import exists from re import split from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET class SimulTemplateEntity: def __init__(self, vfs_root, logger): self.vfs_root = vfs_root self.logger = logger def get_file(self, base_path, vfs_path, mod): default_path = self.vfs_root / mod / base_path file = (default_path / "special" / "filter" / vfs_path).with_suffix(".xml") if not exists(file): file = (default_path / "mixins" / vfs_path).with_suffix(".xml") if not exists(file): file = (default_path / vfs_path).with_suffix(".xml") return file def get_main_mod(self, base_path, vfs_path, mods): for mod in mods: fp = self.get_file(base_path, vfs_path, mod) if fp.exists(): main_mod = mod break else: # default to first mod # it should then not exist # it will raise an exception when trying to read it main_mod = mods[0] return main_mod def apply_layer(self, base_tag, tag): """Apply tag layer to base_tag.""" if tag.get("datatype") == "tokens": base_tokens = split(r"\s+", base_tag.text or "") tokens = split(r"\s+", tag.text or "") final_tokens = base_tokens.copy() for token in tokens: if token.startswith("-"): token_to_remove = token[1:] if token_to_remove in final_tokens: final_tokens.remove(token_to_remove) elif token not in final_tokens: final_tokens.append(token) base_tag.text = " ".join(final_tokens) base_tag.set("datatype", "tokens") elif tag.get("op"): op = tag.get("op") op1 = Decimal(base_tag.text or "0") op2 = Decimal(tag.text or "0") # Try converting to integers if possible, to pass validation. if op == "add": base_tag.text = str(int(op1 + op2) if int(op1 + op2) == op1 + op2 else op1 + op2) elif op == "mul": base_tag.text = str(int(op1 * op2) if int(op1 * op2) == op1 * op2 else op1 * op2) elif op == "mul_round": base_tag.text = str(round(op1 * op2)) else: raise ValueError(f"Invalid operator '{op}'") else: base_tag.text = tag.text for prop in tag.attrib: if prop not in ("disable", "replace", "parent", "merge"): base_tag.set(prop, tag.get(prop)) for child in tag: base_child = base_tag.find(child.tag) if "disable" in child.attrib: if base_child is not None: base_tag.remove(base_child) elif ("merge" not in child.attrib) or (base_child is not None): if "replace" in child.attrib and base_child is not None: base_tag.remove(base_child) base_child = None if base_child is None: base_child = ET.Element(child.tag) base_tag.append(base_child) self.apply_layer(base_child, child) if "replace" in base_child.attrib: del base_child.attrib["replace"] def load_inherited(self, base_path, vfs_path, mods): entity = self._load_inherited(base_path, vfs_path, mods) entity[:] = sorted(entity[:], key=lambda x: x.tag) return entity def _load_inherited(self, base_path, vfs_path, mods, base=None): # vfs_path should be relative to base_path in a mod if "|" in vfs_path: paths = vfs_path.split("|", 1) base = self._load_inherited(base_path, paths[1], mods, base) return self._load_inherited(base_path, paths[0], mods, base) main_mod = self.get_main_mod(base_path, vfs_path, mods) fp = self.get_file(base_path, vfs_path, main_mod) layer = ET.parse(fp).getroot() for el in layer.iter(): children = [x.tag for x in el] duplicates = [x for x, c in Counter(children).items() if c > 1] if duplicates: for dup in duplicates: self.logger.warning( "Duplicate child node '%s' in tag %s of %s", dup, el.tag, fp ) if layer.get("parent"): parent = self._load_inherited(base_path, layer.get("parent"), mods, base) self.apply_layer(parent, layer) return parent if not base: return layer self.apply_layer(base, layer) return base def find_files(vfs_root, mods, vfs_path, *ext_list): """Find files. Returns a list of 2-size tuple with: - Path relative to the mod base - full Path """ full_exts = ["." + ext for ext in ext_list] def find_recursive(dp, base): """(relative Path, full Path) generator.""" if dp.is_dir(): if not in (".svn", ".git") and not"~"): for fp in dp.iterdir(): yield from find_recursive(fp, base) elif dp.suffix in full_exts: relative_file_path = dp.relative_to(base) yield (relative_file_path, dp.resolve()) return [ (rp, fp) for mod in mods for (rp, fp) in find_recursive(vfs_root / mod / vfs_path, vfs_root / mod) ]