#!/usr/bin/env python3 import re import sys from argparse import ArgumentParser from collections import defaultdict from io import BytesIO from json import load, loads from logging import INFO, WARNING, Filter, Formatter, StreamHandler, getLogger from pathlib import Path from struct import calcsize, unpack from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET from scriptlib import SimulTemplateEntity, find_files class SingleLevelFilter(Filter): def __init__(self, passlevel, reject): self.passlevel = passlevel self.reject = reject def filter(self, record): if self.reject: return record.levelno != self.passlevel return record.levelno == self.passlevel class CheckRefs: def __init__(self): self.files: list[Path] = [] self.roots: list[Path] = [] self.deps: list[tuple[Path, Path]] = [] self.vfs_root = Path(__file__).resolve().parents[3] / "binaries" / "data" / "mods" self.supportedTextureFormats = ("dds", "png") self.supportedMeshesFormats = ("pmd", "dae") self.supportedAnimationFormats = ("psa", "dae") self.supportedAudioFormats = "ogg" self.mods = [] self.__init_logger() self.inError = False def __init_logger(self): logger = getLogger(__name__) logger.setLevel(INFO) # create a console handler, seems nicer to Windows and for future uses ch = StreamHandler(sys.stdout) ch.setLevel(INFO) ch.setFormatter(Formatter("%(levelname)s - %(message)s")) f1 = SingleLevelFilter(INFO, False) ch.addFilter(f1) logger.addHandler(ch) errorch = StreamHandler(sys.stderr) errorch.setLevel(WARNING) errorch.setFormatter(Formatter("%(levelname)s - %(message)s")) logger.addHandler(errorch) self.logger = logger def main(self): ap = ArgumentParser( description="Checks the game files for missing dependencies, unused files," " and for file integrity." ) ap.add_argument( "-u", "--check-unused", action="store_true", help="check for all the unused files in the given mods and their dependencies." " Implies --check-map-xml. Currently yields a lot of false positives.", ) ap.add_argument( "-x", "--check-map-xml", action="store_true", help="check maps for missing actor and templates.", ) ap.add_argument( "-a", "--validate-actors", action="store_true", help="run the validator.py script to check if the actors files have extra or missing " "textures. This currently only works for the public mod.", ) ap.add_argument( "-t", "--validate-templates", action="store_true", help="run the validator.py script to check if the xml files match their (.rng) " "grammar file.", ) ap.add_argument( "-m", "--mods", metavar="MOD", dest="mods", nargs="+", default=["public"], help="specify which mods to check. Default to public.", ) args = ap.parse_args() # force check_map_xml if check_unused is used to avoid false positives. args.check_map_xml |= args.check_unused # ordered uniq mods (dict maintains ordered keys from python 3.6) self.mods = list( dict.fromkeys([*args.mods, *self.get_mod_dependencies(*args.mods), "mod"]).keys() ) self.logger.info("Checking %s's integrity.", "|".join(args.mods)) self.logger.info("The following mods will be loaded: %s.", "|".join(self.mods)) if args.check_map_xml: self.add_maps_xml() self.add_maps_pmp() self.add_entities() self.add_actors() self.add_variants() self.add_art() self.add_materials() self.add_particles() self.add_soundgroups() self.add_audio() self.add_gui_xml() self.add_gui_data() self.add_civs() self.add_rms() self.add_techs() self.add_terrains() self.add_auras() self.add_tips() self.check_deps() if args.check_unused: self.check_unused() if args.validate_templates: sys.path.append(str(Path(__file__).parent.parent / "xmlvalidator")) from validate_grammar import RelaxNGValidator validate = RelaxNGValidator(self.vfs_root, self.mods) if not validate.run(): self.inError = True if args.validate_actors: sys.path.append(str(Path(__file__).parent.parent / "xmlvalidator")) from validator import Validator validator = Validator(self.vfs_root, self.mods) if not validator.run(): self.inError = True return not self.inError def get_mod_dependencies(self, *mods): modjsondeps = [] for mod in mods: mod_json_path = self.vfs_root / mod / "mod.json" if not mod_json_path.exists(): self.logger.warning('Failed to find the mod.json for "%s"', mod) continue with open(mod_json_path, encoding="utf-8") as f: modjson = load(f) # 0ad's folder isn't named like the mod. modjsondeps.extend( ["public" if "0ad" in dep else dep for dep in modjson.get("dependencies", [])] ) return modjsondeps def vfs_to_relative_to_mods(self, vfs_path): for dep in self.mods: fn = Path(dep) / vfs_path if (self.vfs_root / fn).exists(): return fn return None def vfs_to_physical(self, vfs_path): fn = self.vfs_to_relative_to_mods(vfs_path) return self.vfs_root / fn def find_files(self, vfs_path, *ext_list): return find_files(self.vfs_root, self.mods, vfs_path, *ext_list) def add_maps_xml(self): self.logger.info("Loading maps XML...") mapfiles = self.find_files("maps/scenarios", "xml") mapfiles.extend(self.find_files("maps/skirmishes", "xml")) mapfiles.extend(self.find_files("maps/tutorials", "xml")) actor_prefix = "actor|" resource_prefix = "resource|" for fp, ffp in sorted(mapfiles): self.files.append(fp) self.roots.append(fp) et_map = ET.parse(ffp).getroot() entities = et_map.find("Entities") used = ( {entity.find("Template").text.strip() for entity in entities.findall("Entity")} if entities is not None else {} ) for template in used: if template.startswith(actor_prefix): self.deps.append((fp, Path(f"art/actors/{template[len(actor_prefix) :]}"))) elif template.startswith(resource_prefix): self.deps.append( (fp, Path(f"simulation/templates/{template[len(resource_prefix):]}.xml")) ) else: self.deps.append((fp, Path(f"simulation/templates/{template}.xml"))) # Map previews settings = loads(et_map.find("ScriptSettings").text) if settings.get("Preview"): self.deps.append( (fp, Path(f"art/textures/ui/session/icons/mappreview/{settings['Preview']}")) ) def add_maps_pmp(self): self.logger.info("Loading maps PMP...") # Need to generate terrain texture filename=>relative path lookup first terrains = {} for fp, ffp in self.find_files("art/terrains", "xml"): name = fp.stem # ignore terrains.xml if name != "terrains": if name in terrains: self.inError = True self.logger.error( "Duplicate terrain name '%s' (from '%s' and '%s')", name, terrains[name], ffp, ) terrains[name] = str(fp) mapfiles = self.find_files("maps/scenarios", "pmp") mapfiles.extend(self.find_files("maps/skirmishes", "pmp")) for fp, ffp in sorted(mapfiles): self.files.append(fp) self.roots.append(fp) with open(ffp, "rb") as f: expected_header = b"PSMP" header = f.read(len(expected_header)) if header != expected_header: raise ValueError(f"Invalid PMP header {header} in '{ffp}'") int_fmt = " 0: for sound_group in sound_groups: if sound_group.text and sound_group.text.strip(): if "{phenotype}" in sound_group.text: for phenotype in phenotypes: # see simulation/components/Sound.js and Identity.js # for explanation sound_path = sound_group.text.replace( "{phenotype}", phenotype ).replace("{lang}", lang) self.deps.append((fp, Path(f"audio/{sound_path}"))) else: sound_path = sound_group.text.replace("{lang}", lang) self.deps.append((fp, Path(f"audio/{sound_path}"))) if entity.find("Identity") is not None: icon = entity.find("Identity").find("Icon") if icon is not None and icon.text: if entity.find("Formation") is not None: self.deps.append( (fp, Path(f"art/textures/ui/session/icons/{icon.text}")) ) else: self.deps.append( (fp, Path(f"art/textures/ui/session/portraits/{icon.text}")) ) if ( entity.find("Heal") is not None and entity.find("Heal").find("RangeOverlay") is not None ): range_overlay = entity.find("Heal").find("RangeOverlay") for tag in ("LineTexture", "LineTextureMask"): elem = range_overlay.find(tag) if elem is not None and elem.text: self.deps.append((fp, Path(f"art/textures/selection/{elem.text}"))) if ( entity.find("Selectable") is not None and entity.find("Selectable").find("Overlay") is not None and entity.find("Selectable").find("Overlay").find("Texture") is not None ): texture = entity.find("Selectable").find("Overlay").find("Texture") for tag in ("MainTexture", "MainTextureMask"): elem = texture.find(tag) if elem is not None and elem.text: self.deps.append((fp, Path(f"art/textures/selection/{elem.text}"))) if entity.find("Formation") is not None: icon = entity.find("Formation").find("Icon") if icon is not None and icon.text: self.deps.append((fp, Path(f"art/textures/ui/session/icons/{icon.text}"))) cmp_auras = entity.find("Auras") if cmp_auras is not None: aura_string = cmp_auras.text for aura in aura_string.split(): if not aura: continue if aura.startswith("-"): continue self.deps.append((fp, Path(f"simulation/data/auras/{aura}.json"))) cmp_identity = entity.find("Identity") if cmp_identity is not None: req_tag = cmp_identity.find("Requirements") if req_tag is not None: def parse_requirements(fp, req, recursion_depth=1): techs_tag = req.find("Techs") if techs_tag is not None: for tech_tag in techs_tag.text.split(): self.deps.append( (fp, Path(f"simulation/data/technologies/{tech_tag}.json")) ) if recursion_depth > 0: recursion_depth -= 1 all_req_tag = req.find("All") if all_req_tag is not None: parse_requirements(fp, all_req_tag, recursion_depth) any_req_tag = req.find("Any") if any_req_tag is not None: parse_requirements(fp, any_req_tag, recursion_depth) parse_requirements(fp, req_tag) cmp_researcher = entity.find("Researcher") if cmp_researcher is not None: tech_string = cmp_researcher.find("Technologies") if tech_string is not None: for tech in tech_string.text.split(): if not tech: continue if tech.startswith("-"): continue if ( "{civ}" in tech and cmp_identity is not None and cmp_identity.find("Civ") is not None ): civ = cmp_identity.find("Civ").text # Fallback for non specific phase techs. if tech.startswith("phase") and not bool( [ phase_tech for phase_tech in custom_phase_techs if (tech.replace("{civ}", civ) + ".json") == phase_tech ] ): civ = "generic" tech = tech.replace("{civ}", civ) self.deps.append( (fp, Path(f"simulation/data/technologies/{tech}.json")) ) def append_variant_dependencies(self, variant, fp): variant_file = variant.get("file") mesh = variant.find("mesh") particles = variant.find("particles") texture_files = ( [tex.get("file") for tex in variant.find("textures").findall("texture")] if variant.find("textures") is not None else [] ) prop_actors = ( [prop.get("actor") for prop in variant.find("props").findall("prop")] if variant.find("props") is not None else [] ) animation_files = ( [anim.get("file") for anim in variant.find("animations").findall("animation")] if variant.find("animations") is not None else [] ) if variant_file: self.deps.append((fp, Path(f"art/variants/{variant_file}"))) if mesh is not None and mesh.text: self.deps.append((fp, Path(f"art/meshes/{mesh.text}"))) if particles is not None and particles.get("file"): self.deps.append((fp, Path(f"art/particles/{particles.get('file')}"))) for texture_file in [x for x in texture_files if x]: self.deps.append((fp, Path(f"art/textures/skins/{texture_file}"))) for prop_actor in [x for x in prop_actors if x]: self.deps.append((fp, Path(f"art/actors/{prop_actor}"))) for animation_file in [x for x in animation_files if x]: self.deps.append((fp, Path(f"art/animation/{animation_file}"))) def append_actor_dependencies(self, actor, fp): for group in actor.findall("group"): for variant in group.findall("variant"): self.append_variant_dependencies(variant, fp) material = actor.find("material") if material is not None and material.text: self.deps.append((fp, Path(f"art/materials/{material.text}"))) def add_actors(self): self.logger.info("Loading actors...") for fp, ffp in sorted(self.find_files("art/actors", "xml")): self.files.append(fp) self.roots.append(fp) root = ET.parse(ffp).getroot() if root.tag == "actor": self.append_actor_dependencies(root, fp) # model has lods elif root.tag == "qualitylevels": qualitylevels = root for actor in qualitylevels.findall("actor"): self.append_actor_dependencies(actor, fp) for actor in qualitylevels.findall("inline"): self.append_actor_dependencies(actor, fp) def add_variants(self): self.logger.info("Loading variants...") for fp, ffp in sorted(self.find_files("art/variants", "xml")): self.files.append(fp) self.roots.append(fp) variant = ET.parse(ffp).getroot() self.append_variant_dependencies(variant, fp) def add_art(self): self.logger.info("Loading art files...") self.files.extend( [ fp for (fp, ffp) in self.find_files( "art/textures/particles", *self.supportedTextureFormats ) ] ) self.files.extend( [ fp for (fp, ffp) in self.find_files( "art/textures/terrain", *self.supportedTextureFormats ) ] ) self.files.extend( [ fp for (fp, ffp) in self.find_files( "art/textures/skins", *self.supportedTextureFormats ) ] ) self.files.extend( [fp for (fp, ffp) in self.find_files("art/meshes", *self.supportedMeshesFormats)] ) self.files.extend( [fp for (fp, ffp) in self.find_files("art/animation", *self.supportedAnimationFormats)] ) def add_materials(self): self.logger.info("Loading materials...") for fp, ffp in sorted(self.find_files("art/materials", "xml")): self.files.append(fp) material_elem = ET.parse(ffp).getroot() for alternative in material_elem.findall("alternative"): material = alternative.get("material") if material is not None: self.deps.append((fp, Path(f"art/materials/{material}"))) def add_particles(self): self.logger.info("Loading particles...") for fp, ffp in sorted(self.find_files("art/particles", "xml")): self.files.append(fp) self.roots.append(fp) particle = ET.parse(ffp).getroot() texture = particle.find("texture") if texture is not None: self.deps.append((fp, Path(texture.text))) def add_soundgroups(self): self.logger.info("Loading sound groups...") for fp, ffp in sorted(self.find_files("audio", "xml")): self.files.append(fp) self.roots.append(fp) sound_group = ET.parse(ffp).getroot() path = sound_group.find("Path").text.rstrip("/") for sound in sound_group.findall("Sound"): self.deps.append((fp, Path(f"{path}/{sound.text}"))) def add_audio(self): self.logger.info("Loading audio files...") self.files.extend( [fp for (fp, ffp) in self.find_files("audio/", self.supportedAudioFormats)] ) def add_gui_object_repeat(self, obj, fp): for repeat in obj.findall("repeat"): for sub_obj in repeat.findall("object"): # TODO: look at sprites, styles, etc self.add_gui_object_include(sub_obj, fp) for sub_obj in repeat.findall("objects"): # TODO: look at sprites, styles, etc self.add_gui_object_include(sub_obj, fp) self.add_gui_object_include(repeat, fp) def add_gui_object_include(self, obj, fp): for include in obj.findall("include"): included_file = include.get("file") if included_file: self.deps.append((fp, Path(included_file))) def add_gui_object(self, parent, fp): if parent is None: return for obj in parent.findall("object"): # TODO: look at sprites, styles, etc self.add_gui_object_repeat(obj, fp) self.add_gui_object_include(obj, fp) self.add_gui_object(obj, fp) for obj in parent.findall("objects"): # TODO: look at sprites, styles, etc self.add_gui_object_repeat(obj, fp) self.add_gui_object_include(obj, fp) self.add_gui_object(obj, fp) def add_gui_xml(self): self.logger.info("Loading GUI XML...") gui_page_regex = re.compile(r".*[\\\/]page(_[^.\/\\]+)?\.xml$") for fp, ffp in sorted(self.find_files("gui", "xml")): self.files.append(fp) # GUI page definitions are assumed to be named page_[something].xml and alone in that. if gui_page_regex.match(str(fp)): self.roots.append(fp) root_xml = ET.parse(ffp).getroot() for include in root_xml.findall("include"): # If including an entire directory, find all the *.xml files if include.text.endswith("/"): self.deps.extend( [ (fp, sub_fp) for (sub_fp, sub_ffp) in self.find_files( f"gui/{include.text}", "xml" ) ] ) else: self.deps.append((fp, Path(f"gui/{include.text}"))) else: xml = ET.parse(ffp) root_xml = xml.getroot() name = root_xml.tag self.roots.append(fp) if name in ("objects", "object"): for script in root_xml.findall("script"): if script.get("file"): self.deps.append((fp, Path(script.get("file")))) if script.get("directory"): # If including an entire directory, find all the *.js files self.deps.extend( [ (fp, sub_fp) for (sub_fp, sub_ffp) in self.find_files( script.get("directory"), "js" ) ] ) self.add_gui_object(root_xml, fp) elif name == "setup": # TODO: look at sprites, styles, etc pass elif name == "styles": for style in root_xml.findall("style"): if style.get("sound_opened"): self.deps.append((fp, Path(f"{style.get('sound_opened')}"))) if style.get("sound_closed"): self.deps.append((fp, Path(f"{style.get('sound_closed')}"))) if style.get("sound_selected"): self.deps.append((fp, Path(f"{style.get('sound_selected')}"))) if style.get("sound_disabled"): self.deps.append((fp, Path(f"{style.get('sound_disabled')}"))) # TODO: look at sprites, styles, etc elif name == "sprites": for sprite in root_xml.findall("sprite"): for image in sprite.findall("image"): if image.get("texture"): self.deps.append( (fp, Path(f"art/textures/ui/{image.get('texture')}")) ) else: bio = BytesIO() xml.write(bio) bio.seek(0) raise ValueError( f"Unexpected GUI XML root element '{name}':\n{bio.read().decode('ascii')}" ) def add_gui_data(self): self.logger.info("Loading GUI data...") self.files.extend([fp for (fp, ffp) in self.find_files("gui", "js")]) self.files.extend([fp for (fp, ffp) in self.find_files("gamesettings", "js")]) self.files.extend([fp for (fp, ffp) in self.find_files("autostart", "js")]) self.roots.extend([fp for (fp, ffp) in self.find_files("autostart", "js")]) self.files.extend( [fp for (fp, ffp) in self.find_files("art/textures/ui", *self.supportedTextureFormats)] ) self.files.extend( [ fp for (fp, ffp) in self.find_files( "art/textures/selection", *self.supportedTextureFormats ) ] ) def add_civs(self): self.logger.info("Loading civs...") for fp, ffp in sorted(self.find_files("simulation/data/civs", "json")): self.files.append(fp) self.roots.append(fp) with open(ffp, encoding="utf-8") as f: civ = load(f) for music in civ.get("Music", []): self.deps.append((fp, Path(f"audio/music/{music['File']}"))) def add_tips(self): self.logger.info("Loading tips...") for fp, _ffp in sorted(self.find_files("gui/reference/tips/texts/", "txt")): self.files.append(fp) self.roots.append(fp) self.deps.append((fp, Path(f"art/textures/ui/tips/{fp.stem}.png"))) def add_rms(self): self.logger.info("Loading random maps...") self.files.extend([fp for (fp, ffp) in self.find_files("maps/random", "js")]) for fp, ffp in sorted(self.find_files("maps/random", "json")): if str(fp).startswith("maps/random/rmbiome"): continue self.files.append(fp) self.roots.append(fp) with open(ffp, encoding="utf-8") as f: randmap = load(f) settings = randmap.get("settings", {}) if settings.get("Script"): self.deps.append((fp, Path(f"maps/random/{settings['Script']}"))) # Map previews if settings.get("Preview"): self.deps.append( (fp, Path(f"art/textures/ui/session/icons/mappreview/{settings['Preview']}")) ) def add_techs(self): self.logger.info("Loading techs...") for fp, ffp in sorted(self.find_files("simulation/data/technologies", "json")): self.files.append(fp) with open(ffp, encoding="utf-8") as f: tech = load(f) if tech.get("autoResearch"): self.roots.append(fp) if tech.get("icon"): self.deps.append( (fp, Path(f"art/textures/ui/session/portraits/technologies/{tech['icon']}")) ) if tech.get("supersedes"): self.deps.append( (fp, Path(f"simulation/data/technologies/{tech['supersedes']}.json")) ) if tech.get("top"): self.deps.append((fp, Path(f"simulation/data/technologies/{tech['top']}.json"))) if tech.get("bottom"): self.deps.append((fp, Path(f"simulation/data/technologies/{tech['bottom']}.json"))) def add_terrains(self): self.logger.info("Loading terrains...") for fp, ffp in sorted(self.find_files("art/terrains", "xml")): # ignore terrains.xml if str(fp).endswith("terrains.xml"): continue self.files.append(fp) self.roots.append(fp) terrain = ET.parse(ffp).getroot() for texture in terrain.find("textures").findall("texture"): if texture.get("file"): self.deps.append((fp, Path(f"art/textures/terrain/{texture.get('file')}"))) if terrain.find("material") is not None: material = terrain.find("material").text self.deps.append((fp, Path(f"art/materials/{material}"))) def add_auras(self): self.logger.info("Loading auras...") for fp, ffp in sorted(self.find_files("simulation/data/auras", "json")): self.files.append(fp) with open(ffp, encoding="utf-8") as f: aura = load(f) if aura.get("overlayIcon"): self.deps.append((fp, Path(aura["overlayIcon"]))) range_overlay = aura.get("rangeOverlay", {}) for prop in ("lineTexture", "lineTextureMask"): if range_overlay.get(prop): self.deps.append((fp, Path(f"art/textures/selection/{range_overlay[prop]}"))) def check_deps(self): self.logger.info("Looking for missing files...") uniq_files = {r.as_posix() for r in self.files} lower_case_files = {f.lower(): f for f in uniq_files} missing_files: dict[str, set[str]] = defaultdict(set) for parent, dep in self.deps: dep_str = dep.as_posix() if "simulation/templates" in dep_str and ( dep_str.replace("templates/", "template/special/filter/") in uniq_files or dep_str.replace("templates/", "template/mixins/") in uniq_files ): continue if dep_str in uniq_files: continue missing_files[dep_str].add(parent.as_posix()) for dep, parents in sorted(missing_files.items()): callers = [str(self.vfs_to_relative_to_mods(ref)) for ref in parents] self.logger.error( "Missing file '%s' referenced by: %s", dep, ", ".join(sorted(callers)) ) if dep.lower() in lower_case_files: self.logger.warning( "### Case-insensitive match (found '%s')", lower_case_files[dep.lower()] ) self.inError = True def check_unused(self): self.logger.info("Looking for unused files...") deps = defaultdict(set) for parent, dep in self.deps: deps[parent.as_posix()].add(dep.as_posix()) uniq_files = {r.as_posix() for r in self.files} reachable = [r.as_posix() for r in set(self.roots)] while True: new_reachable = [] for r in reachable: new_reachable.extend([x for x in deps.get(r, {}) if x not in reachable]) if new_reachable: reachable.extend(new_reachable) else: break for f in sorted(uniq_files): if f in reachable or f.startswith(("art/terrains/", "maps/random/")): continue self.logger.warning("Unused file '%s'", str(self.vfs_to_relative_to_mods(f))) if __name__ == "__main__": check_ref = CheckRefs() if not check_ref.main(): sys.exit(1)