/* Copyright (C) 2023 Wildfire Games. * This file is part of 0 A.D. * * 0 A.D. is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * 0 A.D. is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with 0 A.D. If not, see . */ /* * Determine intersection of rays with a heightfield. */ #include "precompiled.h" #include "HFTracer.h" #include "graphics/Patch.h" #include "graphics/Terrain.h" #include "maths/BoundingBoxAligned.h" #include "maths/MathUtil.h" #include "maths/Vector3D.h" #include // To cope well with points that are slightly off the edge of the map, // we act as if there's an N-tile margin around the edges of the heightfield. // (N shouldn't be too huge else it'll hurt performance a little when // RayIntersect loops through it all.) // CTerrain::CalcPosition implements clamp-to-edge behaviour so the tracer // will have that behaviour. static const int MARGIN_SIZE = 64; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CHFTracer constructor CHFTracer::CHFTracer(CTerrain& terrain): m_Terrain(terrain), m_Heightfield(m_Terrain.GetHeightMap()), m_MapSize(m_Terrain.GetVerticesPerSide()), m_CellSize((float)TERRAIN_TILE_SIZE), m_HeightScale(HEIGHT_SCALE) { } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // RayTriIntersect: intersect a ray with triangle defined by vertices // v0,v1,v2; return true if ray hits triangle at distance less than dist, // or false otherwise static bool RayTriIntersect(const CVector3D& v0, const CVector3D& v1, const CVector3D& v2, const CVector3D& origin, const CVector3D& dir, float& dist) { const float EPSILON=0.00001f; // calculate edge vectors CVector3D edge0=v1-v0; CVector3D edge1=v2-v0; // begin calculating determinant - also used to calculate U parameter CVector3D pvec=dir.Cross(edge1); // if determinant is near zero, ray lies in plane of triangle float det = edge0.Dot(pvec); if (fabs(det)1.01f) return false; // prepare to test V parameter CVector3D qvec=tvec.Cross(edge0); // calculate V parameter and test bounds float v=dir.Dot(qvec)*inv_det; if (v<0.0f || u+v>1.0f) return false; // calculate distance to intersection point from ray origin float d=edge1.Dot(qvec)*inv_det; if (d>=0 && d0) { traversalPt=origin+dir*tmin; } else { traversalPt=origin; } // setup traversal variables int sx=dir.X<0 ? -1 : 1; int sz=dir.Z<0 ? -1 : 1; float invCellSize=1.0f/float(m_CellSize); float fcx=traversalPt.X*invCellSize; int cx=(int)floor(fcx); float fcz=traversalPt.Z*invCellSize; int cz=(int)floor(fcz); float invdx = 1.0e20f; float invdz = 1.0e20f; if (fabs(dir.X) > 1.0e-20) invdx = float(1.0/fabs(dir.X)); if (fabs(dir.Z) > 1.0e-20) invdz = float(1.0/fabs(dir.Z)); do { // test current cell if (cx >= -MARGIN_SIZE && cx < int(m_MapSize + MARGIN_SIZE - 1) && cz >= -MARGIN_SIZE && cz < int(m_MapSize + MARGIN_SIZE - 1)) { float dist; if (CellIntersect(cx,cz,origin,dir,dist)) { x=cx; z=cz; ipt=origin+dir*dist; return true; } } else { // Degenerate case: y close to zero // catch travelling off the map if ((cx < -MARGIN_SIZE) && (sx < 0)) return false; if ((cx >= (int)(m_MapSize + MARGIN_SIZE - 1)) && (sx > 0)) return false; if ((cz < -MARGIN_SIZE) && (sz < 0)) return false; if ((cz >= (int)(m_MapSize + MARGIN_SIZE - 1)) && (sz > 0)) return false; } // get coords of current cell fcx=traversalPt.X*invCellSize; fcz=traversalPt.Z*invCellSize; // get distance to next cell in x,z float dx=(sx==-1) ? fcx-float(cx) : 1-(fcx-float(cx)); dx*=invdx; float dz=(sz==-1) ? fcz-float(cz) : 1-(fcz-float(cz)); dz*=invdz; // advance .. float dist; if (dx=0); // fell off end of heightmap with no intersection; return a miss return false; } static bool TestTile(u16* heightmap, int stride, int i, int j, const CVector3D& pos, const CVector3D& dir, CVector3D& isct) { u16 y00 = heightmap[i + j*stride]; u16 y10 = heightmap[i+1 + j*stride]; u16 y01 = heightmap[i + (j+1)*stride]; u16 y11 = heightmap[i+1 + (j+1)*stride]; CVector3D p00( i * TERRAIN_TILE_SIZE, y00 * HEIGHT_SCALE, j * TERRAIN_TILE_SIZE); CVector3D p10((i+1) * TERRAIN_TILE_SIZE, y10 * HEIGHT_SCALE, j * TERRAIN_TILE_SIZE); CVector3D p01( i * TERRAIN_TILE_SIZE, y01 * HEIGHT_SCALE, (j+1) * TERRAIN_TILE_SIZE); CVector3D p11((i+1) * TERRAIN_TILE_SIZE, y11 * HEIGHT_SCALE, (j+1) * TERRAIN_TILE_SIZE); int mid1 = y00+y11; int mid2 = y01+y10; int triDir = (mid1 < mid2); float dist = FLT_MAX; if (triDir) { if (RayTriIntersect(p00, p10, p01, pos, dir, dist) || // lower-left triangle RayTriIntersect(p11, p01, p10, pos, dir, dist)) // upper-right triangle { isct = pos + dir * dist; return true; } } else { if (RayTriIntersect(p00, p11, p01, pos, dir, dist) || // upper-left triangle RayTriIntersect(p00, p10, p11, pos, dir, dist)) // lower-right triangle { isct = pos + dir * dist; return true; } } return false; } bool CHFTracer::PatchRayIntersect(CPatch* patch, const CVector3D& origin, const CVector3D& dir, CVector3D* out) { // (TODO: This largely duplicates RayIntersect - some refactoring might be // nice in the future.) // General approach: // Given the ray defined by origin + dir * t, we increase t until it // enters the patch's bounding box. The x,z coordinates identify which // tile it is currently above/below. Do an intersection test vs the tile's // two triangles. If it doesn't hit, do a 2D line rasterisation to find // the next tiles the ray will pass through, and test each of them. // Start by jumping to the point where the ray enters the bounding box CBoundingBoxAligned bound = patch->GetWorldBounds(); float tmin, tmax; if (!bound.RayIntersect(origin, dir, tmin, tmax)) { // Ray missed patch; no intersection return false; } int heightmapStride = patch->m_Parent->GetVerticesPerSide(); // Get heightmap, offset to start at this patch u16* heightmap = patch->m_Parent->GetHeightMap() + patch->m_X * PATCH_SIZE + patch->m_Z * PATCH_SIZE * heightmapStride; // Get patch-space position of ray origin and bbox entry point CVector3D patchPos( patch->m_X * PATCH_SIZE * TERRAIN_TILE_SIZE, 0.0f, patch->m_Z * PATCH_SIZE * TERRAIN_TILE_SIZE); CVector3D originPatch = origin - patchPos; CVector3D entryPatch = originPatch + dir * tmin; // We want to do a simple 2D line rasterisation (with the 3D ray projected // down onto the Y plane). That will tell us which cells are intersected // in 2D dimensions, then we can do a more precise 3D intersection test. // // WLOG, assume the ray has direction dir.x > 0, dir.z > 0, and starts in // cell (i,j). The next cell intersecting the line must be either (i+1,j) // or (i,j+1). To tell which, just check whether the point (i+1,j+1) is // above or below the ray. Advance into that cell and repeat. // // (If the ray passes precisely through (i+1,j+1), we can pick either. // If the ray is parallel to Y, only the first cell matters, then we can // carry on rasterising in any direction (a bit of a waste of time but // should be extremely rare, and it's safe and simple).) // Work out which tile we're starting in int i = Clamp(entryPatch.X / TERRAIN_TILE_SIZE, 0, PATCH_SIZE - 1); int j = Clamp(entryPatch.Z / TERRAIN_TILE_SIZE, 0, PATCH_SIZE - 1); // Work out which direction the ray is going in int di = (dir.X >= 0 ? 1 : 0); int dj = (dir.Z >= 0 ? 1 : 0); do { CVector3D isct; if (TestTile(heightmap, heightmapStride, i, j, originPatch, dir, isct)) { if (out) *out = isct + patchPos; return true; } // Get the vertex between the two possible next cells float nx = (i + di) * (int)TERRAIN_TILE_SIZE; float nz = (j + dj) * (int)TERRAIN_TILE_SIZE; // Test which side of the ray the vertex is on, and advance into the // appropriate cell, using a test that works for all 4 combinations // of di,dj float dot = dir.Z * (nx - originPatch.X) - dir.X * (nz - originPatch.Z); if ((di == dj) == (dot > 0.0f)) j += dj*2-1; else i += di*2-1; } while (i >= 0 && j >= 0 && i < PATCH_SIZE && j < PATCH_SIZE); // Ran off the edge of the patch, so no intersection return false; }