// © 2020 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others. // License & terms of use: http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html #ifndef __UNUMBERRANGEFORMATTER_H__ #define __UNUMBERRANGEFORMATTER_H__ #include "unicode/utypes.h" #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING #include "unicode/parseerr.h" #include "unicode/ufieldpositer.h" #include "unicode/umisc.h" #include "unicode/uformattedvalue.h" #include "unicode/uformattable.h" /** * \file * \brief C-compatible API for localized number range formatting. * * This is the C-compatible version of the NumberRangeFormatter API. C++ users * should include unicode/numberrangeformatter.h and use the proper C++ APIs. * * First create a UNumberRangeFormatter, which is immutable, and then format to * a UFormattedNumberRange. * * Example code: *
 * // Setup:
 * UErrorCode ec = U_ZERO_ERROR;
 * UNumberRangeFormatter* uformatter = unumrf_openForSkeletonCollapseIdentityFallbackAndLocaleWithError(
 *     u"currency/USD precision-integer",
 *     -1,
 *     "en-US",
 *     NULL,
 *     &ec);
 * UFormattedNumberRange* uresult = unumrf_openResult(&ec);
 * if (U_FAILURE(ec)) { return; }
 * // Format a double range:
 * unumrf_formatDoubleRange(uformatter, 3.0, 5.0, uresult, &ec);
 * if (U_FAILURE(ec)) { return; }
 * // Get the result string:
 * int32_t len;
 * const UChar* str = ufmtval_getString(unumrf_resultAsValue(uresult, &ec), &len, &ec);
 * if (U_FAILURE(ec)) { return; }
 * // str should equal "$3 – $5"
 * // Cleanup:
 * unumf_close(uformatter);
 * unumf_closeResult(uresult);
* * If you are a C++ user linking against the C libraries, you can use the LocalPointer versions of these * APIs. The following example uses LocalPointer with the decimal number and field position APIs: * *
 * // Setup:
 * LocalUNumberRangeFormatterPointer uformatter(
 *     unumrf_openForSkeletonCollapseIdentityFallbackAndLocaleWithError(...));
 * LocalUFormattedNumberRangePointer uresult(unumrf_openResult(&ec));
 * if (U_FAILURE(ec)) { return; }
 * // Format a double number range:
 * unumrf_formatDoubleRange(uformatter.getAlias(), 3.0, 5.0, uresult.getAlias(), &ec);
 * if (U_FAILURE(ec)) { return; }
 * // No need to do any cleanup since we are using LocalPointer.
* * You can also get field positions. For more information, see uformattedvalue.h. */ /** * Defines how to merge fields that are identical across the range sign. * * @stable ICU 63 */ typedef enum UNumberRangeCollapse { /** * Use locale data and heuristics to determine how much of the string to collapse. Could end up collapsing none, * some, or all repeated pieces in a locale-sensitive way. * * The heuristics used for this option are subject to change over time. * * @stable ICU 63 */ UNUM_RANGE_COLLAPSE_AUTO, /** * Do not collapse any part of the number. Example: "3.2 thousand kilograms – 5.3 thousand kilograms" * * @stable ICU 63 */ UNUM_RANGE_COLLAPSE_NONE, /** * Collapse the unit part of the number, but not the notation, if present. Example: "3.2 thousand – 5.3 thousand * kilograms" * * @stable ICU 63 */ UNUM_RANGE_COLLAPSE_UNIT, /** * Collapse any field that is equal across the range sign. May introduce ambiguity on the magnitude of the * number. Example: "3.2 – 5.3 thousand kilograms" * * @stable ICU 63 */ UNUM_RANGE_COLLAPSE_ALL } UNumberRangeCollapse; /** * Defines the behavior when the two numbers in the range are identical after rounding. To programmatically detect * when the identity fallback is used, compare the lower and upper BigDecimals via FormattedNumber. * * @stable ICU 63 * @see NumberRangeFormatter */ typedef enum UNumberRangeIdentityFallback { /** * Show the number as a single value rather than a range. Example: "$5" * * @stable ICU 63 */ UNUM_IDENTITY_FALLBACK_SINGLE_VALUE, /** * Show the number using a locale-sensitive approximation pattern. If the numbers were the same before rounding, * show the single value. Example: "~$5" or "$5" * * @stable ICU 63 */ UNUM_IDENTITY_FALLBACK_APPROXIMATELY_OR_SINGLE_VALUE, /** * Show the number using a locale-sensitive approximation pattern. Use the range pattern always, even if the * inputs are the same. Example: "~$5" * * @stable ICU 63 */ UNUM_IDENTITY_FALLBACK_APPROXIMATELY, /** * Show the number as the range of two equal values. Use the range pattern always, even if the inputs are the * same. Example (with RangeCollapse.NONE): "$5 – $5" * * @stable ICU 63 */ UNUM_IDENTITY_FALLBACK_RANGE } UNumberRangeIdentityFallback; /** * Used in the result class FormattedNumberRange to indicate to the user whether the numbers formatted in the range * were equal or not, and whether or not the identity fallback was applied. * * @stable ICU 63 * @see NumberRangeFormatter */ typedef enum UNumberRangeIdentityResult { /** * Used to indicate that the two numbers in the range were equal, even before any rounding rules were applied. * * @stable ICU 63 * @see NumberRangeFormatter */ UNUM_IDENTITY_RESULT_EQUAL_BEFORE_ROUNDING, /** * Used to indicate that the two numbers in the range were equal, but only after rounding rules were applied. * * @stable ICU 63 * @see NumberRangeFormatter */ UNUM_IDENTITY_RESULT_EQUAL_AFTER_ROUNDING, /** * Used to indicate that the two numbers in the range were not equal, even after rounding rules were applied. * * @stable ICU 63 * @see NumberRangeFormatter */ UNUM_IDENTITY_RESULT_NOT_EQUAL, #ifndef U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API /** * The number of entries in this enum. * @internal */ UNUM_IDENTITY_RESULT_COUNT #endif } UNumberRangeIdentityResult; #ifndef U_HIDE_DRAFT_API struct UNumberRangeFormatter; /** * C-compatible version of icu::number::LocalizedNumberRangeFormatter. * * NOTE: This is a C-compatible API; C++ users should build against numberrangeformatter.h instead. * * @draft ICU 68 */ typedef struct UNumberRangeFormatter UNumberRangeFormatter; struct UFormattedNumberRange; /** * C-compatible version of icu::number::FormattedNumberRange. * * NOTE: This is a C-compatible API; C++ users should build against numberrangeformatter.h instead. * * @draft ICU 68 */ typedef struct UFormattedNumberRange UFormattedNumberRange; /** * Creates a new UNumberFormatter for the given skeleton string, collapse option, identity fallback * option, and locale. This is currently the only method for creating a new UNumberRangeFormatter. * * Objects of type UNumberRangeFormatter returned by this method are threadsafe. * * For more details on skeleton strings, see the documentation in numberrangeformatter.h. For more * details on the usage of this API, see the documentation at the top of unumberrangeformatter.h. * * NOTE: This is a C-compatible API; C++ users should build against numberrangeformatter.h instead. * * @param skeleton The skeleton string, like u"percent precision-integer" * @param skeletonLen The number of UChars in the skeleton string, or -1 if it is NUL-terminated. * @param collapse Option for how to merge affixes (if unsure, use UNUM_RANGE_COLLAPSE_AUTO) * @param identityFallback Option for resolving when both sides of the range are equal. * @param locale The NUL-terminated locale ID. * @param perror A parse error struct populated if an error occurs when parsing. Can be NULL. * If no error occurs, perror->offset will be set to -1. * @param ec Set if an error occurs. * @draft ICU 68 */ U_CAPI UNumberRangeFormatter* U_EXPORT2 unumrf_openForSkeletonWithCollapseAndIdentityFallback( const UChar* skeleton, int32_t skeletonLen, UNumberRangeCollapse collapse, UNumberRangeIdentityFallback identityFallback, const char* locale, UParseError* perror, UErrorCode* ec); /** * Creates an object to hold the result of a UNumberRangeFormatter * operation. The object can be used repeatedly; it is cleared whenever * passed to a format function. * * @param ec Set if an error occurs. * @draft ICU 68 */ U_CAPI UFormattedNumberRange* U_EXPORT2 unumrf_openResult(UErrorCode* ec); /** * Uses a UNumberRangeFormatter to format a range of doubles. * * The UNumberRangeFormatter can be shared between threads. Each thread should have its own local * UFormattedNumberRange, however, for storing the result of the formatting operation. * * NOTE: This is a C-compatible API; C++ users should build against numberrangeformatter.h instead. * * @param uformatter A formatter object; see unumberrangeformatter.h. * @param first The first (usually smaller) number in the range. * @param second The second (usually larger) number in the range. * @param uresult The object that will be mutated to store the result; see unumrf_openResult. * @param ec Set if an error occurs. * @draft ICU 68 */ U_CAPI void U_EXPORT2 unumrf_formatDoubleRange( const UNumberRangeFormatter* uformatter, double first, double second, UFormattedNumberRange* uresult, UErrorCode* ec); /** * Uses a UNumberRangeFormatter to format a range of decimal numbers. * * With a decimal number string, you can specify an input with arbitrary precision. * * The UNumberRangeFormatter can be shared between threads. Each thread should have its own local * UFormattedNumberRange, however, for storing the result of the formatting operation. * * NOTE: This is a C-compatible API; C++ users should build against numberrangeformatter.h instead. * * @param uformatter A formatter object; see unumberrangeformatter.h. * @param first The first (usually smaller) number in the range. * @param firstLen The length of the first decimal number string. * @param second The second (usually larger) number in the range. * @param secondLen The length of the second decimal number string. * @param uresult The object that will be mutated to store the result; see unumrf_openResult. * @param ec Set if an error occurs. * @draft ICU 68 */ U_CAPI void U_EXPORT2 unumrf_formatDecimalRange( const UNumberRangeFormatter* uformatter, const char* first, int32_t firstLen, const char* second, int32_t secondLen, UFormattedNumberRange* uresult, UErrorCode* ec); /** * Returns a representation of a UFormattedNumberRange as a UFormattedValue, * which can be subsequently passed to any API requiring that type. * * The returned object is owned by the UFormattedNumberRange and is valid * only as long as the UFormattedNumber is present and unchanged in memory. * * You can think of this method as a cast between types. * * @param uresult The object containing the formatted number range. * @param ec Set if an error occurs. * @return A UFormattedValue owned by the input object. * @draft ICU 68 */ U_CAPI const UFormattedValue* U_EXPORT2 unumrf_resultAsValue(const UFormattedNumberRange* uresult, UErrorCode* ec); /** * Extracts the identity result from a UFormattedNumberRange. * * NOTE: This is a C-compatible API; C++ users should build against numberformatter.h instead. * * @param uresult The object containing the formatted number range. * @param ec Set if an error occurs. * @return The identity result; see UNumberRangeIdentityResult. * @draft ICU 68 */ U_CAPI UNumberRangeIdentityResult U_EXPORT2 unumrf_resultGetIdentityResult( const UFormattedNumberRange* uresult, UErrorCode* ec); #ifndef U_HIDE_DRAFT_API /** * Extracts the first formatted number as a decimal number. This endpoint * is useful for obtaining the exact number being printed after scaling * and rounding have been applied by the number range formatting pipeline. * * The syntax of the unformatted number is a "numeric string" * as defined in the Decimal Arithmetic Specification, available at * http://speleotrove.com/decimal * * @param uresult The input object containing the formatted number range. * @param dest the 8-bit char buffer into which the decimal number is placed * @param destCapacity The size, in chars, of the destination buffer. May be zero * for precomputing the required size. * @param ec receives any error status. * If U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR: Returns number of chars for * preflighting. * @return Number of chars in the data. Does not include a trailing NUL. * @draft ICU 68 */ U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2 unumrf_resultGetFirstDecimalNumber( const UFormattedNumberRange* uresult, char* dest, int32_t destCapacity, UErrorCode* ec); /** * Extracts the second formatted number as a decimal number. This endpoint * is useful for obtaining the exact number being printed after scaling * and rounding have been applied by the number range formatting pipeline. * * The syntax of the unformatted number is a "numeric string" * as defined in the Decimal Arithmetic Specification, available at * http://speleotrove.com/decimal * * @param uresult The input object containing the formatted number range. * @param dest the 8-bit char buffer into which the decimal number is placed * @param destCapacity The size, in chars, of the destination buffer. May be zero * for precomputing the required size. * @param ec receives any error status. * If U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR: Returns number of chars for * preflighting. * @return Number of chars in the data. Does not include a trailing NUL. * @draft ICU 68 */ U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2 unumrf_resultGetSecondDecimalNumber( const UFormattedNumberRange* uresult, char* dest, int32_t destCapacity, UErrorCode* ec); #endif // U_HIDE_DRAFT_API /** * Releases the UNumberFormatter created by unumf_openForSkeletonAndLocale(). * * @param uformatter An object created by unumf_openForSkeletonAndLocale(). * @draft ICU 68 */ U_CAPI void U_EXPORT2 unumrf_close(UNumberRangeFormatter* uformatter); /** * Releases the UFormattedNumber created by unumf_openResult(). * * @param uresult An object created by unumf_openResult(). * @draft ICU 68 */ U_CAPI void U_EXPORT2 unumrf_closeResult(UFormattedNumberRange* uresult); #if U_SHOW_CPLUSPLUS_API U_NAMESPACE_BEGIN /** * \class LocalUNumberRangeFormatterPointer * "Smart pointer" class; closes a UNumberFormatter via unumf_close(). * For most methods see the LocalPointerBase base class. * * Usage: *
 * LocalUNumberRangeFormatterPointer uformatter(
 *     unumrf_openForSkeletonCollapseIdentityFallbackAndLocaleWithError(...));
 * // no need to explicitly call unumrf_close()
* * @see LocalPointerBase * @see LocalPointer * @draft ICU 68 */ U_DEFINE_LOCAL_OPEN_POINTER(LocalUNumberRangeFormatterPointer, UNumberRangeFormatter, unumrf_close); /** * \class LocalUFormattedNumberPointer * "Smart pointer" class; closes a UFormattedNumber via unumf_closeResult(). * For most methods see the LocalPointerBase base class. * * Usage: *
 * LocalUFormattedNumberRangePointer uresult(unumrf_openResult(...));
 * // no need to explicitly call unumrf_closeResult()
* * @see LocalPointerBase * @see LocalPointer * @draft ICU 68 */ U_DEFINE_LOCAL_OPEN_POINTER(LocalUFormattedNumberRangePointer, UFormattedNumberRange, unumrf_closeResult); U_NAMESPACE_END #endif // U_SHOW_CPLUSPLUS_API #endif // U_HIDE_DRAFT_API #endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING */ #endif //__UNUMBERRANGEFORMATTER_H__