/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- CxxTest: A lightweight C++ unit testing library. Copyright (c) 2008 Sandia Corporation. This software is distributed under the LGPL License v3 For more information, see the COPYING file in the top CxxTest directory. Under the terms of Contract DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation, the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ // Licensed under the LGPL, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html #ifndef __CXXTEST__XMLFORMATTER_H #define __CXXTEST__XMLFORMATTER_H // // The XmlFormatter is a TestListener that // prints reports of the errors to an output // stream in the form of an XML document. // // The following definitions are used if stack trace support is enabled, // to give the traces an easily-parsable XML format. If stack tracing is // not enabled, then these definitions will be ignored. #define CXXTEST_STACK_TRACE_ESCAPE_AS_XML #define CXXTEST_STACK_TRACE_NO_ESCAPE_FILELINE_AFFIXES #define CXXTEST_STACK_TRACE_INITIAL_PREFIX "\n" #define CXXTEST_STACK_TRACE_OTHER_PREFIX CXXTEST_STACK_TRACE_INITIAL_PREFIX #define CXXTEST_STACK_TRACE_OTHER_SUFFIX CXXTEST_STACK_TRACE_INITIAL_SUFFIX #define CXXTEST_STACK_TRACE_ELLIDED_MESSAGE "" #define CXXTEST_STACK_TRACE_FILELINE_PREFIX "\" location=\"" #define CXXTEST_STACK_TRACE_FILELINE_SUFFIX "" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace CxxTest { class TeeOutputStreams { private: class teebuffer : public std::basic_streambuf { typedef std::basic_streambuf streambuf_t; public: teebuffer(streambuf_t * buf1, streambuf_t * buf2) : buffer1(buf1), buffer2(buf2) {} virtual int overflow(int c) { if (c == EOF) { return !EOF; } else { int const ans1 = buffer1->sputc(c); int const ans2 = buffer2->sputc(c); return ans1 == EOF || ans2 == EOF ? EOF : c; } } virtual int sync() { int ans1 = buffer1->pubsync(); int ans2 = buffer2->pubsync(); return ans1 || ans2 ? -1 : 0; } streambuf_t * buffer1; streambuf_t * buffer2; }; public: TeeOutputStreams(std::ostream& _cout, std::ostream& _cerr) : out(), err(), orig_cout(_cout), orig_cerr(_cerr), tee_out(out.rdbuf(), _cout.rdbuf()), tee_err(err.rdbuf(), _cerr.rdbuf()) { orig_cout.rdbuf(&tee_out); orig_cerr.rdbuf(&tee_err); } ~TeeOutputStreams() { orig_cout.rdbuf(tee_out.buffer2); orig_cerr.rdbuf(tee_err.buffer2); } std::stringstream out; std::stringstream err; private: std::ostream& orig_cout; std::ostream& orig_cerr; teebuffer tee_out; teebuffer tee_err; }; class ElementInfo { public: std::string name; std::stringstream value; std::map attribute; ElementInfo() : name(), value(), attribute() {} ElementInfo(const ElementInfo& rhs) : name(rhs.name), value(rhs.value.str()), attribute(rhs.attribute) {} ElementInfo& operator=(const ElementInfo& rhs) { name = rhs.name; value.str(rhs.value.str()); attribute = rhs.attribute; return *this; } template void add(const std::string& name_, Type& value_) { std::ostringstream os; os << value_; attribute[name_] = os.str(); } void write(OutputStream& os) { os << " <" << name.c_str() << " "; std::map::iterator curr = attribute.begin(); std::map::iterator end = attribute.end(); while (curr != end) { os << curr->first.c_str() << "=\"" << curr->second.c_str() << "\" "; curr++; } if (value.str().empty()) { os << "/>"; } else { os << ">" << escape(value.str()).c_str() << ""; } os.endl(os); } std::string escape(const std::string& str) { std::string escStr = ""; for (size_t i = 0; i < str.length(); i++) { switch (str[i]) { case '"': escStr += """; break; case '\'': escStr += "'"; break; case '<': escStr += "<"; break; case '>': escStr += ">"; break; case '&': escStr += "&"; break; default: escStr += str[i]; break; } } return escStr; } }; class TestCaseInfo { public: TestCaseInfo() : fail(false), error(false), runtime(0.0) {} std::string className; std::string testName; std::string line; bool fail; bool error; double runtime; std::list elements; typedef std::list::iterator element_t; std::string world; element_t add_element(const std::string& name) { element_t elt = elements.insert(elements.end(), ElementInfo()); elt->name = name; return elt; } element_t update_element(const std::string& name) { element_t elt = elements.begin(); while (elt != elements.end()) { if (elt->name == name) { return elt; } elt++; } return add_element(name); } void write(OutputStream &o) { o << " "; o.endl(o); elts = true; } curr->write(o); curr++; } if (elts) { o << " "; } else { o << " />"; } o.endl(o); } }; class XmlFormatter : public TestListener { public: XmlFormatter(OutputStream *o, OutputStream *ostr, std::ostringstream *os) : _o(o), _ostr(ostr), _os(os), stream_redirect(NULL) { testcase = info.end(); } std::list info; std::list::iterator testcase; typedef std::list::iterator element_t; std::string classname; int ntests; int nfail; int nerror; double totaltime; int run() { TestRunner::runAllTests(*this); return tracker().failedTests(); } void enterWorld(const WorldDescription & /*desc*/) { ntests = 0; nfail = 0; nerror = 0; totaltime = 0; } static void totalTests(OutputStream &o) { char s[WorldDescription::MAX_STRLEN_TOTAL_TESTS]; const WorldDescription &wd = tracker().world(); o << wd.strTotalTests(s) << (wd.numTotalTests() == 1 ? " test" : " tests"); } void enterSuite(const SuiteDescription& desc) { classname = desc.suiteName(); // replace "::" namespace with java-style "." size_t pos = 0; while ((pos = classname.find("::", pos)) != CXXTEST_STD(string::npos)) { classname.replace(pos, 2, "."); } while (! classname.empty() && classname[0] == '.') { classname.erase(0, 1); } //CXXTEST_STD(cout) << "HERE " << desc.file() << " " // << classname << CXXTEST_STD(endl); //classname=desc.suiteName(); //(*_o) << "file=\"" << desc.file() << "\" "; //(*_o) << "line=\"" << desc.line() << "\""; //_o->flush(); } void leaveSuite(const SuiteDescription &) { std::list::iterator curr = info.begin(); std::list::iterator end = info.end(); while (curr != end) { if (curr->fail) { nfail++; } if (curr->error) { nerror++; } totaltime += curr->runtime; ntests++; curr++; } curr = info.begin(); end = info.end(); while (curr != end) { (*curr).write(*_ostr); curr++; } info.clear(); } void enterTest(const TestDescription & desc) { testcase = info.insert(info.end(), TestCaseInfo()); testcase->testName = desc.testName(); testcase->className = classname; std::ostringstream os; os << desc.line(); testcase->line = os.str(); if (stream_redirect) CXXTEST_STD(cerr) << "ERROR: The stream_redirect != NULL" << CXXTEST_STD(endl); stream_redirect = new TeeOutputStreams(CXXTEST_STD(cout), CXXTEST_STD(cerr)); } void leaveTest(const TestDescription &) { if (stream_redirect != NULL) { std::string out = stream_redirect->out.str(); if (! out.empty()) { // silently ignore the '.' if (out[0] != '.' || out.size() > 1) { testcase->add_element("system-out")->value << out; } } if (! stream_redirect->err.str().empty()) { testcase->add_element("system-err")->value << stream_redirect->err.str(); } delete stream_redirect; stream_redirect = NULL; } } void leaveWorld(const WorldDescription& desc) { std::ostringstream os; const std::string currentDateTime = currentDateTimeStr(); os << totaltime; (*_o) << "" << endl; (*_o) << ""; _o->endl(*_o); (*_o) << _os->str().c_str(); _os->clear(); (*_o) << "" << endl; _o->flush(); } void trace(const char* /*file*/, int line, const char *expression) { if (testcase == info.end()) { return; } element_t elt = testcase->add_element("trace"); elt->add("line", line); elt->value << expression; } void warning(const char* /*file*/, int line, const char *expression) { if (testcase == info.end()) { return; } element_t elt = testcase->add_element("warning"); elt->add("line", line); elt->value << expression; } void skippedTest(const char* file, int line, const char* expression) { testSkipped(file, line, "skipped") << "Test skipped: " << expression; } void failedTest(const char* file, int line, const char* expression) { testFailure(file, line, "failure") << "Test failed: " << expression; } void failedAssert(const char *file, int line, const char *expression) { testFailure(file, line, "failedAssert") << "Assertion failed: " << expression; } void failedAssertEquals(const char *file, int line, const char* xStr, const char* yStr, const char *x, const char *y) { testFailure(file, line, "failedAssertEquals") << "Error: Expected (" << xStr << " == " << yStr << "), found (" << x << " != " << y << ")"; } void failedAssertSameData(const char *file, int line, const char *xStr, const char *yStr, const char *sizeStr, const void* /*x*/, const void* /*y*/, unsigned size) { testFailure(file, line, "failedAssertSameData") << "Error: Expected " << sizeStr << " (" << size << ") bytes to be equal at (" << xStr << ") and (" << yStr << "), found"; } void failedAssertSameFiles(const char *file, int line, const char *, const char *, const char* explanation ) { testFailure(file, line, "failedAssertSameFiles") << "Error: " << explanation; } void failedAssertDelta(const char *file, int line, const char *xStr, const char *yStr, const char *dStr, const char *x, const char *y, const char *d) { testFailure(file, line, "failedAssertDelta") << "Error: Expected (" << xStr << " == " << yStr << ") up to " << dStr << " (" << d << "), found (" << x << " != " << y << ")"; } void failedAssertDiffers(const char *file, int line, const char *xStr, const char *yStr, const char *value) { testFailure(file, line, "failedAssertDiffers") << "Error: Expected (" << xStr << " != " << yStr << "), found (" << value << ")"; } void failedAssertLessThan(const char *file, int line, const char *xStr, const char *yStr, const char *x, const char *y) { testFailure(file, line, "failedAssertLessThan") << "Error: Expected (" << xStr << " < " << yStr << "), found (" << x << " >= " << y << ")"; } void failedAssertLessThanEquals(const char *file, int line, const char *xStr, const char *yStr, const char *x, const char *y) { testFailure(file, line, "failedAssertLessThanEquals") << "Error: Expected (" << xStr << " <= " << yStr << "), found (" << x << " > " << y << ")"; } void failedAssertRelation(const char *file, int line, const char *relation, const char *xStr, const char *yStr, const char *x, const char *y) { testFailure(file, line, "failedAssertRelation") << "Error: Expected " << relation << "( " << xStr << ", " << yStr << " ), found !" << relation << "( " << x << ", " << y << " )"; } void failedAssertPredicate(const char *file, int line, const char *predicate, const char *xStr, const char *x) { testFailure(file, line, "failedAssertPredicate") << "Error: Expected " << predicate << "( " << xStr << " ), found !" << predicate << "( " << x << " )"; } void failedAssertThrows(const char *file, int line, const char *expression, const char *type, bool otherThrown) { testFailure(file, line, "failedAssertThrows") << "Error: Expected (" << expression << ") to throw (" << type << ") but it " << (otherThrown ? "threw something else" : "didn't throw"); } void failedAssertThrowsNot(const char *file, int line, const char *expression) { testFailure(file, line, "failedAssertThrowsNot") << "Error: Expected (" << expression << ") not to throw, but it did"; } protected: OutputStream *outputStream() const { return _o; } OutputStream *outputFileStream() const { return _ostr; } private: XmlFormatter(const XmlFormatter &); XmlFormatter &operator=(const XmlFormatter &); std::stringstream& testFailure(const char* file, int line, const char *failureType) { testcase->fail = true; element_t elt = testcase->update_element("failure"); if (elt->value.str().empty()) { elt->add("type", failureType); elt->add("line", line); elt->add("file", file); } else { elt->value << CXXTEST_STD(endl); } return elt->value; //failedTest(file,line,message.c_str()); } std::stringstream& testSkipped(const char* file, int line, const char *failureType) { //testcase->fail = true; element_t elt = testcase->update_element("skipped"); if (elt->value.str().empty()) { elt->add("type", failureType); elt->add("line", line); elt->add("file", file); } else { elt->value << CXXTEST_STD(endl); } return elt->value; } std::string currentDateTimeStr() { std::string retVal; const time_t now(time(NULL)); char current_date_string[27]; #ifdef WIN32 if (ctime_s(current_date_string, sizeof(current_date_string)-1, &now) == 0) { retVal = current_date_string; retVal.erase(retVal.find_last_not_of(" \n\r\t")+1); // trim trailing whitespace } #else const size_t n = strlen(ctime_r(&now, current_date_string)); if (n) { current_date_string[n-1] = '\0'; // remove the ending \n retVal = current_date_string; } #endif return retVal; } #if 0 void attributeBinary(const char* name, const void *value, unsigned size) { (*_o) << name; (*_o) << "=\""; dump(value, size); (*_o) << "\" "; } void dump(const void *buffer, unsigned size) { if (!buffer) { return; } unsigned dumpSize = size; if (maxDumpSize() && dumpSize > maxDumpSize()) { dumpSize = maxDumpSize(); } const unsigned char *p = (const unsigned char *)buffer; for (unsigned i = 0; i < dumpSize; ++ i) { (*_o) << byteToHex(*p++) << " "; } if (dumpSize < size) { (*_o) << "... "; } } #endif static void endl(OutputStream &o) { OutputStream::endl(o); } OutputStream *_o; OutputStream *_ostr; std::ostringstream *_os; TeeOutputStreams *stream_redirect; }; } #endif // __CXXTEST__XMLFORMATTER_H