/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- CxxTest: A lightweight C++ unit testing library. Copyright (c) 2008 Sandia Corporation. This software is distributed under the LGPL License v3 For more information, see the COPYING file in the top CxxTest directory. Under the terms of Contract DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation, the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #ifndef __cxxtest__X11Gui_h__ #define __cxxtest__X11Gui_h__ // // X11Gui displays a simple progress bar using X11 // // It accepts the following command-line arguments: // -title - Sets the application title // -fn or -font <font> - Sets the font // -bg or -background <color> - Sets the background color (default=Grey) // -fg or -foreground <color> - Sets the text color (default=Black) // -green/-yellow/-red <color> - Sets the colors of the bar // #include <cxxtest/Gui.h> #include <X11/Xlib.h> #include <X11/Xutil.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> namespace CxxTest { class X11Gui : public GuiListener { public: void enterGui(int &argc, char **argv) { parseCommandLine(argc, argv); } void enterWorld(const WorldDescription &wd) { openDisplay(); if (_display) { createColors(); createWindow(); createGc(); createFont(); centerWindow(); initializeEvents(); initializeBar(wd); processEvents(); } } void guiEnterTest(const char *suiteName, const char *testName) { if (_display) { ++ _testsDone; setWindowName(suiteName, testName); redraw(); } } void yellowBar() { if (_display) { _barColor = getColor(_yellowName); getTotalTests(); processEvents(); } } void redBar() { if (_display) { _barColor = getColor(_redName); getTotalTests(); processEvents(); } } void leaveGui() { if (_display) { freeFontInfo(); destroyGc(); destroyWindow(); closeDisplay(); } } private: const char *_programName; Display *_display; Window _window; unsigned _numTotalTests, _testsDone; char _strTotalTests[WorldDescription::MAX_STRLEN_TOTAL_TESTS]; const char *_foregroundName, *_backgroundName; const char *_greenName, *_yellowName, *_redName; unsigned long _foreground, _background, _barColor; int _width, _height; GC _gc; const char *_fontName; XID _fontId; XFontStruct *_fontInfo; int _textHeight, _textDescent; long _eventMask; Colormap _colormap; void parseCommandLine(int &argc, char **argv) { _programName = argv[0]; _fontName = 0; _foregroundName = "Black"; _backgroundName = "Grey"; _greenName = "Green"; _yellowName = "Yellow"; _redName = "Red"; for (int i = 1; i + 1 < argc; ++ i) { if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-title")) { _programName = argv[++ i]; } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-fn") || !strcmp(argv[i], "-font")) { _fontName = argv[++ i]; } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-fg") || !strcmp(argv[i], "-foreground")) { _foregroundName = argv[++ i]; } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-bg") || !strcmp(argv[i], "-background")) { _backgroundName = argv[++ i]; } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-green")) { _greenName = argv[++ i]; } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-yellow")) { _yellowName = argv[++ i]; } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-red")) { _redName = argv[++ i]; } } } void openDisplay() { _display = XOpenDisplay(NULL); } void createColors() { _colormap = DefaultColormap(_display, 0); _foreground = getColor(_foregroundName); _background = getColor(_backgroundName); } unsigned long getColor(const char *colorName) { XColor color; XParseColor(_display, _colormap, colorName, &color); XAllocColor(_display, _colormap, &color); return color.pixel; } void createWindow() { _window = XCreateSimpleWindow(_display, RootWindow(_display, 0), 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, _background); } void createGc() { _gc = XCreateGC(_display, _window, 0, 0); } void createFont() { if (!loadFont()) { useDefaultFont(); } getFontInfo(); _textHeight = _fontInfo->ascent + _fontInfo->descent; _textDescent = _fontInfo->descent; } bool loadFont() { if (!_fontName) { return false; } _fontId = XLoadFont(_display, _fontName); return (XSetFont(_display, _gc, _fontId) == Success); } void useDefaultFont() { _fontId = XGContextFromGC(_gc); } void getFontInfo() { _fontInfo = XQueryFont(_display, _fontId); } void freeFontInfo() { XFreeFontInfo(NULL, _fontInfo, 1); } void initializeEvents() { _eventMask = ExposureMask; XSelectInput(_display, _window, _eventMask); } void initializeBar(const WorldDescription &wd) { getTotalTests(wd); _testsDone = 0; _barColor = getColor(_greenName); } void getTotalTests() { getTotalTests(tracker().world()); } void getTotalTests(const WorldDescription &wd) { _numTotalTests = wd.numTotalTests(); wd.strTotalTests(_strTotalTests); } void centerWindow() { XMapWindow(_display, _window); Screen *screen = XDefaultScreenOfDisplay(_display); int screenWidth = WidthOfScreen(screen); int screenHeight = HeightOfScreen(screen); int xCenter = screenWidth / 2; int yCenter = screenHeight / 2; _width = (screenWidth * 4) / 5; _height = screenHeight / 14; XMoveResizeWindow(_display, _window, xCenter - (_width / 2), yCenter - (_height / 2), _width, _height); } void processEvents() { redraw(); XEvent event; while (XCheckMaskEvent(_display, _eventMask, &event)) { redraw(); } } void setWindowName(const char *suiteName, const char *testName) { unsigned length = strlen(_programName) + strlen(suiteName) + strlen(testName) + sizeof(" - ::()"); char *name = (char *)malloc(length); sprintf(name, "%s - %s::%s()", _programName, suiteName, testName); XSetStandardProperties(_display, _window, name, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); free(name); } void redraw() { getWindowSize(); drawSolidBar(); drawDividers(); drawPercentage(); flush(); } void getWindowSize() { XWindowAttributes attributes; XGetWindowAttributes(_display, _window, &attributes); _width = attributes.width; _height = attributes.height; } void drawSolidBar() { unsigned barWidth = (_width * _testsDone) / _numTotalTests; XSetForeground(_display, _gc, _barColor); XFillRectangle(_display, _window, _gc, 0, 0, barWidth, _height); XSetForeground(_display, _gc, _background); XFillRectangle(_display, _window, _gc, barWidth, 0, _width + 1 - barWidth, _height); } void drawDividers() { if (_width / _numTotalTests < 5) { return; } for (unsigned i = 1; i < _testsDone; ++ i) { int x = (_width * i) / _numTotalTests; XDrawLine(_display, _window, _gc, x, 0, x, _height); } } void drawPercentage() { XSetForeground(_display, _gc, _foreground); char str[sizeof("1000000000 of ") + sizeof(_strTotalTests) + sizeof(" (100%)")]; sprintf(str, "%u of %s (%u%%)", _testsDone, _strTotalTests, (_testsDone * 100) / _numTotalTests); unsigned len = strlen(str); int textWidth = XTextWidth(_fontInfo, str, len); XDrawString(_display, _window, _gc, (_width - textWidth) / 2, ((_height + _textHeight) / 2) - _textDescent, str, len); } void flush() { XFlush(_display); } void destroyGc() { XFreeGC(_display, _gc); } void destroyWindow() { XDestroyWindow(_display, _window); } void closeDisplay() { XCloseDisplay(_display); } }; } #endif //__cxxtest__X11Gui_h__