/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- CxxTest: A lightweight C++ unit testing library. Copyright (c) 2008 Sandia Corporation. This software is distributed under the LGPL License v3 For more information, see the COPYING file in the top CxxTest directory. Under the terms of Contract DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation, the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #ifndef __cxxtest__QtGui_h__ #define __cxxtest__QtGui_h__ // // The QtGui displays a simple progress bar using the Qt Toolkit. It // has been tested with versions 2.x and 3.x. // // Apart from normal Qt command-line arguments, it accepts the following options: // -minimized Start minimized, pop up on error // -keep Don't close the window at the end // -title TITLE Set the window caption // // If both are -minimized and -keep specified, GUI will only keep the // window if it's in focus. // #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace CxxTest { class QtGui : public GuiListener { public: void enterGui(int &argc, char **argv) { parseCommandLine(argc, argv); createApplication(argc, argv); } void enterWorld(const WorldDescription &wd) { createWindow(wd); processEvents(); } void guiEnterSuite(const char *suiteName) { showSuiteName(suiteName); } void guiEnterTest(const char *suiteName, const char *testName) { setCaption(suiteName, testName); advanceProgressBar(); showTestName(testName); showTestsDone(_progressBar->progress()); processEvents(); } void yellowBar() { setColor(255, 255, 0); setIcon(QMessageBox::Warning); getTotalTests(); processEvents(); } void redBar() { if (_startMinimized && _mainWindow->isMinimized()) { showNormal(); } setColor(255, 0, 0); setIcon(QMessageBox::Critical); getTotalTests(); processEvents(); } void leaveGui() { if (keep()) { showSummary(); _application->exec(); } else { _mainWindow->close(true); } } private: QString _title; bool _startMinimized, _keep; unsigned _numTotalTests; QString _strTotalTests; QApplication *_application; QWidget *_mainWindow; QVBoxLayout *_layout; QProgressBar *_progressBar; QStatusBar *_statusBar; QLabel *_suiteName, *_testName, *_testsDone; void parseCommandLine(int argc, char **argv) { _startMinimized = _keep = false; _title = argv[0]; for (int i = 1; i < argc; ++ i) { QString arg(argv[i]); if (arg == "-minimized") { _startMinimized = true; } else if (arg == "-keep") { _keep = true; } else if (arg == "-title" && (i + 1 < argc)) { _title = argv[++i]; } } } void createApplication(int &argc, char **argv) { _application = new QApplication(argc, argv); } void createWindow(const WorldDescription &wd) { getTotalTests(wd); createMainWindow(); createProgressBar(); createStatusBar(); setMainWidget(); if (_startMinimized) { showMinimized(); } else { showNormal(); } } void getTotalTests() { getTotalTests(tracker().world()); } void getTotalTests(const WorldDescription &wd) { _numTotalTests = wd.numTotalTests(); char s[WorldDescription::MAX_STRLEN_TOTAL_TESTS]; _strTotalTests = wd.strTotalTests(s); } void createMainWindow() { _mainWindow = new QWidget(); _layout = new QVBoxLayout(_mainWindow); } void createProgressBar() { _layout->addWidget(_progressBar = new QProgressBar(_numTotalTests, _mainWindow)); _progressBar->setProgress(0); setColor(0, 255, 0); setIcon(QMessageBox::Information); } void createStatusBar() { _layout->addWidget(_statusBar = new QStatusBar(_mainWindow)); _statusBar->addWidget(_suiteName = new QLabel(_statusBar), 2); _statusBar->addWidget(_testName = new QLabel(_statusBar), 4); _statusBar->addWidget(_testsDone = new QLabel(_statusBar), 1); } void setMainWidget() { _application->setMainWidget(_mainWindow); } void showMinimized() { _mainWindow->showMinimized(); } void showNormal() { _mainWindow->showNormal(); centerWindow(); } void setCaption(const QString &suiteName, const QString &testName) { _mainWindow->setCaption(_title + " - " + suiteName + "::" + testName + "()"); } void showSuiteName(const QString &suiteName) { _suiteName->setText("class " + suiteName); } void advanceProgressBar() { _progressBar->setProgress(_progressBar->progress() + 1); } void showTestName(const QString &testName) { _testName->setText(testName + "()"); } void showTestsDone(unsigned testsDone) { _testsDone->setText(asString(testsDone) + " of " + _strTotalTests); } static QString asString(unsigned n) { return QString::number(n); } void setColor(int r, int g, int b) { QPalette palette = _progressBar->palette(); palette.setColor(QColorGroup::Highlight, QColor(r, g, b)); _progressBar->setPalette(palette); } void setIcon(QMessageBox::Icon icon) { #if QT_VERSION >= 0x030000 _mainWindow->setIcon(QMessageBox::standardIcon(icon)); #else // Qt version < 3.0.0 _mainWindow->setIcon(QMessageBox::standardIcon(icon, QApplication::style().guiStyle())); #endif // QT_VERSION } void processEvents() { _application->processEvents(); } void centerWindow() { QWidget *desktop = QApplication::desktop(); int xCenter = desktop->x() + (desktop->width() / 2); int yCenter = desktop->y() + (desktop->height() / 2); int windowWidth = (desktop->width() * 4) / 5; int windowHeight = _mainWindow->height(); _mainWindow->setGeometry(xCenter - (windowWidth / 2), yCenter - (windowHeight / 2), windowWidth, windowHeight); } bool keep() { if (!_keep) { return false; } if (!_startMinimized) { return true; } return (_mainWindow == _application->activeWindow()); } void showSummary() { QString summary = _strTotalTests + (_numTotalTests == 1 ? " test" : " tests"); if (tracker().failedTests()) { summary = "Failed " + asString(tracker().failedTests()) + " of " + summary; } else { summary = summary + " passed"; } _mainWindow->setCaption(_title + " - " + summary); _statusBar->removeWidget(_suiteName); _statusBar->removeWidget(_testName); _testsDone->setText(summary); } }; } #endif // __cxxtest__QtGui_h__