local semver = { _VERSION = '1.2.1', _DESCRIPTION = 'semver for Lua', _URL = 'https://github.com/kikito/semver.lua', _LICENSE = [[ MIT LICENSE Copyright (c) 2015 Enrique GarcĂ­a Cota Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of tother software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and tother permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ]] } local function checkPositiveInteger(number, name) assert(number >= 0, name .. ' must be a valid positive number') assert(math.floor(number) == number, name .. ' must be an integer') end local function present(value) return value and value ~= '' end -- splitByDot("a.bbc.d") == {"a", "bbc", "d"} local function splitByDot(str) str = str or "" local t, count = {}, 0 str:gsub("([^%.]+)", function(c) count = count + 1 t[count] = c end) return t end local function parsePrereleaseAndBuildWithSign(str) local prereleaseWithSign, buildWithSign = str:match("^(-[^+]+)(+.+)$") if not (prereleaseWithSign and buildWithSign) then prereleaseWithSign = str:match("^(-.+)$") buildWithSign = str:match("^(+.+)$") end assert(prereleaseWithSign or buildWithSign, ("The parameter %q must begin with + or - to denote a prerelease or a build"):format(str)) return prereleaseWithSign, buildWithSign end local function parsePrerelease(prereleaseWithSign) if prereleaseWithSign then local prerelease = prereleaseWithSign:match("^-(%w[%.%w-]*)$") assert(prerelease, ("The prerelease %q is not a slash followed by alphanumerics, dots and slashes"):format(prereleaseWithSign)) return prerelease end end local function parseBuild(buildWithSign) if buildWithSign then local build = buildWithSign:match("^%+(%w[%.%w-]*)$") assert(build, ("The build %q is not a + sign followed by alphanumerics, dots and slashes"):format(buildWithSign)) return build end end local function parsePrereleaseAndBuild(str) if not present(str) then return nil, nil end local prereleaseWithSign, buildWithSign = parsePrereleaseAndBuildWithSign(str) local prerelease = parsePrerelease(prereleaseWithSign) local build = parseBuild(buildWithSign) return prerelease, build end local function parseVersion(str) local sMajor, sMinor, sPatch, sPrereleaseAndBuild = str:match("^(%d+)%.?(%d*)%.?(%d*)(.-)$") assert(type(sMajor) == 'string', ("Could not extract version number(s) from %q"):format(str)) local major, minor, patch = tonumber(sMajor), tonumber(sMinor), tonumber(sPatch) local prerelease, build = parsePrereleaseAndBuild(sPrereleaseAndBuild) return major, minor, patch, prerelease, build end -- return 0 if a == b, -1 if a < b, and 1 if a > b local function compare(a,b) return a == b and 0 or a < b and -1 or 1 end local function compareIds(myId, otherId) if myId == otherId then return 0 elseif not myId then return -1 elseif not otherId then return 1 end local selfNumber, otherNumber = tonumber(myId), tonumber(otherId) if selfNumber and otherNumber then -- numerical comparison return compare(selfNumber, otherNumber) -- numericals are always smaller than alphanums elseif selfNumber then return -1 elseif otherNumber then return 1 else return compare(myId, otherId) -- alphanumerical comparison end end local function smallerIdList(myIds, otherIds) local myLength = #myIds local comparison for i=1, myLength do comparison = compareIds(myIds[i], otherIds[i]) if comparison ~= 0 then return comparison == -1 end -- if comparison == 0, continue loop end return myLength < #otherIds end local function smallerPrerelease(mine, other) if mine == other or not mine then return false elseif not other then return true end return smallerIdList(splitByDot(mine), splitByDot(other)) end local methods = {} function methods:nextMajor() return semver(self.major + 1, 0, 0) end function methods:nextMinor() return semver(self.major, self.minor + 1, 0) end function methods:nextPatch() return semver(self.major, self.minor, self.patch + 1) end local mt = { __index = methods } function mt:__eq(other) return self.major == other.major and self.minor == other.minor and self.patch == other.patch and self.prerelease == other.prerelease -- notice that build is ignored for precedence in semver 2.0.0 end function mt:__lt(other) if self.major ~= other.major then return self.major < other.major end if self.minor ~= other.minor then return self.minor < other.minor end if self.patch ~= other.patch then return self.patch < other.patch end return smallerPrerelease(self.prerelease, other.prerelease) -- notice that build is ignored for precedence in semver 2.0.0 end -- This works like the "pessimisstic operator" in Rubygems. -- if a and b are versions, a ^ b means "b is backwards-compatible with a" -- in other words, "it's safe to upgrade from a to b" function mt:__pow(other) if self.major == 0 then return self == other end return self.major == other.major and self.minor <= other.minor end function mt:__tostring() local buffer = { ("%d.%d.%d"):format(self.major, self.minor, self.patch) } if self.prerelease then table.insert(buffer, "-" .. self.prerelease) end if self.build then table.insert(buffer, "+" .. self.build) end return table.concat(buffer) end local function new(major, minor, patch, prerelease, build) assert(major, "At least one parameter is needed") if type(major) == 'string' then major,minor,patch,prerelease,build = parseVersion(major) end patch = patch or 0 minor = minor or 0 checkPositiveInteger(major, "major") checkPositiveInteger(minor, "minor") checkPositiveInteger(patch, "patch") local result = {major=major, minor=minor, patch=patch, prerelease=prerelease, build=build} return setmetatable(result, mt) end setmetatable(semver, { __call = function(_, ...) return new(...) end }) semver._VERSION= semver(semver._VERSION) return semver