-- -- tests/actions/vstudio/vc200x/test_build_steps.lua -- Test generation of custom build step elements. -- Copyright (c) 2013 Jason Perkins and the Premake project -- local p = premake local suite = test.declare("vs200x_build_steps") local vc200x = p.vstudio.vc200x -- -- Setup/teardown -- local wks, prj function suite.setup() p.action.set("vs2005") p.escaper(p.vstudio.vs2005.esc) wks, prj = test.createWorkspace() end local function prepare() local cfg = test.getconfig(prj, "Debug") vc200x.VCPreBuildEventTool(cfg) end --- -- Should output empty element wrapper on no build steps. --- function suite.noCommandLine_onNoBuildSteps() prepare() test.capture [[ ]] end --- -- Should insert CR-LF at end of each command line. --- function suite.addsCRLF() prebuildcommands { "command_1", "command_2" } prepare() test.capture [[ ]] end -- -- If a message is specified, it should be included. -- function suite.onMessageProvided() prebuildcommands { "command1" } prebuildmessage "Pre-building..." prepare() test.capture [[ ]] end