-- -- tests/actions/vstudio/cs2005/test_platform_groups.lua -- Check creation of per-platform property groups in VS2005+ C# projects. -- Copyright (c) 2009-2015 Jason Perkins and the Premake project -- local p = premake local suite = test.declare("vstudio_cs2005_platform_groups") local dn2005 = p.vstudio.dotnetbase -- -- Setup -- local wks function suite.setup() p.action.set("vs2010") wks = workspace("MyWorkspace") configurations { "Debug", "Release" } language "C#" end local function prepare(platform) local prj = project("MyProject") local cfg = test.getconfig(prj, "Debug", platform) dn2005.propertyGroup(cfg) end -- -- Check defaults. -- function suite.vs2008() p.action.set("vs2008") prepare() test.capture [[ ]] end function suite.vs2010() p.action.set("vs2010") prepare() test.capture [[ AnyCPU ]] end -- -- Check handling of specific architectures. -- function suite.vs2008_onAnyCpu() p.action.set("vs2008") platforms "Any CPU" prepare("Any CPU") test.capture [[ ]] end function suite.vs2010_onAnyCpu() p.action.set("vs2010") platforms "Any CPU" prepare("Any CPU") test.capture [[ AnyCPU ]] end function suite.onX86() platforms "x86" prepare("x86") test.capture [[ x86 ]] end function suite.onX86_64() platforms "x86_64" prepare("x86_64") test.capture [[ x64 ]] end function suite.onArbitrary64bitPlatform() platforms "Win64" system "Windows" architecture "x86_64" prepare("Win64") test.capture [[ x64 ]] end