/* Copyright (C) 2024 Wildfire Games. * This file is part of 0 A.D. * * 0 A.D. is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * 0 A.D. is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with 0 A.D. If not, see . */ // This pipeline is used to generate the nightly builds. def visualStudioPath = "\"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\MSBuild\\15.0\\Bin\\MSBuild.exe\"" def buildOptions = "/p:PlatformToolset=v141_xp /p:XPDeprecationWarning=false /t:pyrogenesis /t:AtlasUI /m:2 /nologo -clp:Warningsonly -clp:ErrorsOnly" def gitHash = "" def buildSPIRV = false pipeline { agent { node { label 'WindowsAgent' customWorkspace 'workspace/nightly-build' } } parameters { booleanParam(name: 'NEW_REPO', defaultValue: false, description: 'If a brand new nightly repo is being generated, do not attempt to identify unchanged translations.') stashedFile(name: 'spirv_rules', description: 'rules.json file for generation of SPIR-V shaders. Needed for a new repo, else the existing rules files will be used. Uploading a new rules file will force-rebuild the shaders.') } stages { stage("Generate build version") { steps { checkout scmGit(branches: [[name: "${GIT_BRANCH}"]], extensions: [localBranch()]) script { gitHash = bat(script:"@git rev-parse --short HEAD", returnStdout: true ).trim() } bat "cd build\\build_version && build_version.bat" } } stage("Pull game assets") { steps { bat "git lfs pull" } } stage("Check for shader changes") { when { anyOf { changeset 'binaries/data/mods/**/shaders/**/*.xml' changeset 'source/tools/spirv/compile.py' } } steps { script { buildSPIRV = true } } } stage ("Pre-build") { steps { bat "cd libraries && get-windows-libs.bat" bat "(robocopy C:\\wxwidgets3.2.5\\lib libraries\\win32\\wxwidgets\\lib /MIR /NDL /NJH /NJS /NP /NS /NC) ^& IF %ERRORLEVEL% LEQ 1 exit 0" bat "(robocopy C:\\wxwidgets3.2.5\\include libraries\\win32\\wxwidgets\\include /MIR /NDL /NJH /NJS /NP /NS /NC) ^& IF %ERRORLEVEL% LEQ 1 exit 0" bat "cd build\\workspaces && update-workspaces.bat --atlas --without-pch --large-address-aware --without-tests" } } stage ("Build") { steps { bat("cd build\\workspaces\\vs2017 && ${visualStudioPath} pyrogenesis.sln /p:Configuration=Release ${buildOptions}") } } stage("Check-in SPIRV generation rules") { when { expression { env.spirv_rules_FILENAME } } steps { unstash 'spirv_rules' bat "move spirv_rules source\\tools\\spirv\\rules.json" script { buildSPIRV = true } } } stage("Mirror to SVN") { steps { ws("workspace/nightly-svn") { svn(url: "https://svn.wildfiregames.com/nightly-build/trunk", changelog: false) bat "svn revert -R . && svn cleanup" script { env.NIGHTLY_PATH = env.WORKSPACE } } bat """ (robocopy . %NIGHTLY_PATH% ^ /XD .git ^ /XF .gitattributes ^ /XF .gitignore ^ /XD %cd%\\binaries\\system ^ /XD %cd%\\build\\workspaces\\vs2017 ^ /XD %cd%\\libraries\\source\\.svn ^ /XD %cd%\\libraries\\win32\\.svn ^ /XD %cd%\\libraries\\win32\\wxwidgets\\include ^ /XD %cd%\\libraries\\win32\\wxwidgets\\lib ^ /XD .svn ^ /XD %NIGHTLY_PATH%\\binaries\\data\\mods\\mod\\shaders\\spirv ^ /XD %NIGHTLY_PATH%\\binaries\\data\\mods\\public\\shaders\\spirv ^ /MIR /NDL /NJH /NJS /NP /NS /NC) ^& IF %ERRORLEVEL% LEQ 1 exit 0 """ bat """ (robocopy binaries\\system ..\\nightly-svn\\binaries\\system ^ /XF *.exp ^ /XF *.lib ^ /MIR /NDL /NJH /NJS /NP /NS /NC) ^& IF %ERRORLEVEL% LEQ 1 exit 0 """ } } stage("Recompile SPIR-V shaders") { when { expression { buildSPIRV } } steps { ws("workspace/nightly-svn") { bat "del /s /q binaries\\data\\mods\\mod\\shaders\\spirv" bat "del /s /q binaries\\data\\mods\\public\\shaders\\spirv" bat "python source/tools/spirv/compile.py -d binaries/data/mods/mod binaries/data/mods/mod source/tools/spirv/rules.json binaries/data/mods/mod" bat "python source/tools/spirv/compile.py -d binaries/data/mods/mod binaries/data/mods/public source/tools/spirv/rules.json binaries/data/mods/public" } } } stage("Update translations") { steps { ws("workspace/nightly-svn") { bat "cd source\\tools\\i18n && python update_templates.py" withCredentials([string(credentialsId: 'TX_TOKEN', variable: 'TX_TOKEN')]) { bat "cd source\\tools\\i18n && python pull_translations.py" } bat "cd source\\tools\\i18n && python generate_debug_translation.py --long" bat "cd source\\tools\\i18n && python clean_translation_files.py" script { if (!params.NEW_REPO) { bat "python source\\tools\\i18n\\check_diff.py --verbose" }} bat "cd source\\tools\\i18n && python credit_translators.py" } } } stage("Commit") { steps { ws("workspace/nightly-svn") { bat "svn add --force ." bat "(for /F \"tokens=* delims=! \" %%A in ('svn status ^| findstr /R \"^!\"') do (svn delete %%A)) || (echo No deleted files found) ^& exit 0" withCredentials([usernamePassword(credentialsId: 'nightly-autobuild', passwordVariable: 'SVNPASS', usernameVariable: 'SVNUSER')]) { script { env.GITHASH = gitHash bat 'svn commit --username %SVNUSER% --password %SVNPASS% --no-auth-cache --non-interactive -m "Nightly build for %GITHASH% (%DATE%)"' } } } } } } }