/* Copyright (C) 2024 Wildfire Games. * This file is part of 0 A.D. * * 0 A.D. is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * 0 A.D. is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with 0 A.D. If not, see . */ // This pipeline builds the game on Linux (with minimum supported versions of GCC and clang) and runs tests. pipeline { // Stop previous build in pull requests, but not in branches options { disableConcurrentBuilds(abortPrevious: env.CHANGE_ID != null) } parameters { booleanParam description: 'Non-incremental build', name: 'CLEANBUILD' } agent none stages { stage("Setup") { agent { node { label 'LinuxAgent' customWorkspace 'workspace/linux' } } steps { discoverGitReferenceBuild() sh "cd build/jenkins/dockerfiles/ && docker build -t buster-base -f buster-base.Dockerfile ." sh "cd build/jenkins/dockerfiles/ && docker build -t bullseye-base -f bullseye-base.Dockerfile ." } } stage("Linux Build") { failFast true matrix { axes { axis { name 'JENKINS_COMPILER' values 'gcc8', 'clang9' } } agent { dockerfile { label 'LinuxAgent' customWorkspace "workspace/${JENKINS_COMPILER}-pch" dir 'build/jenkins/dockerfiles' filename "${JENKINS_COMPILER}.Dockerfile" } } stages { stage("Pre-build") { steps { sh "git lfs pull -I binaries/data/tests" sh "git lfs pull -I \"binaries/data/mods/_test.*\"" sh "libraries/build-source-libs.sh 2> ${JENKINS_COMPILER}-prebuild-errors.log" sh "build/workspaces/update-workspaces.sh --jenkins-tests 2>> ${JENKINS_COMPILER}-prebuild-errors.log" script { if (params.CLEANBUILD) { sh "cd build/workspaces/gcc/ && make clean config=debug" sh "cd build/workspaces/gcc/ && make clean config=release" } } } post { failure { echo (message: readFile (file: "${JENKINS_COMPILER}-prebuild-errors.log")) } } } stage("Debug Build") { steps { sh "cd build/workspaces/gcc/ && make config=debug" } post { failure { script { if (!params.CLEANBUILD) { build wait: false, job: "$JOB_NAME", parameters: [booleanParam(name: 'CLEANBUILD', value: true)] }} } } } stage("Debug Tests") { steps { timeout(time: 15) { sh "cd binaries/system/ && ./test_dbg > cxxtest-debug.xml" } } post { always { junit 'binaries/system/cxxtest-debug.xml' } } } stage("Release Build") { steps { sh "cd build/workspaces/gcc/ && make config=release" } } stage("Release Tests") { steps { timeout(time: 15) { sh "cd binaries/system/ && ./test > cxxtest-release.xml" } } post { always { junit 'binaries/system/cxxtest-release.xml' } } } } } post { always { node('LinuxAgent') { ws('workspace/linux') { recordIssues enabledForFailure: true, qualityGates: [[threshold: 1, type: 'NEW']], tools: [clang(), gcc()] }} } } } } }