!!ARBfp1.0 #if USE_FP_SHADOW OPTION ARB_fragment_program_shadow; #endif ATTRIB v_tex = fragment.texcoord[0]; ATTRIB v_shadow = fragment.texcoord[1]; ATTRIB v_los = fragment.texcoord[2]; #if USE_OBJECTCOLOR PARAM objectColor = program.local[0]; #else #if USE_PLAYERCOLOR PARAM playerColor = program.local[0]; #endif #endif PARAM shadingColor = program.local[1]; PARAM ambient = program.local[2]; #if USE_FP_SHADOW && USE_SHADOW_PCF PARAM shadowScale = program.local[3]; TEMP offset, size, weight, depthSample; #endif #if USE_SPECULAR ATTRIB v_normal = fragment.texcoord[3]; ATTRIB v_half = fragment.texcoord[4]; PARAM specularPower = program.local[4]; PARAM specularColor = program.local[5]; PARAM sunColor = program.local[6]; #endif TEMP tex; TEMP texdiffuse; TEMP sundiffuse; TEMP temp; TEMP color; TEMP shadow; TEX tex, v_tex, texture[0], 2D; // Alpha-test as early as possible #ifdef REQUIRE_ALPHA_GEQUAL SUB temp.x, tex.a, REQUIRE_ALPHA_GEQUAL; KIL temp.x; // discard if < 0.0 #endif #if USE_TRANSPARENT MOV result.color.a, tex; #endif // Apply coloring based on texture alpha #if USE_OBJECTCOLOR LRP temp.rgb, objectColor, 1.0, tex.a; MUL texdiffuse.rgb, tex, temp; #else #if USE_PLAYERCOLOR LRP temp.rgb, playerColor, 1.0, tex.a; MUL texdiffuse.rgb, tex, temp; #else MOV texdiffuse.rgb, tex; #endif #endif #if USE_SPECULAR // specular = sunColor * specularColor * pow(max(0.0, dot(normalize(v_normal), v_half)), specularPower); TEMP specular; TEMP normal; MUL specular.rgb, specularColor, sunColor; DP3 normal.w, v_normal, v_normal; RSQ normal.w, normal.w; MUL normal.xyz, v_normal, normal.w; DP3_SAT temp.y, normal, v_half; // temp^p = (2^lg2(temp))^p = 2^(lg2(temp)*p) LG2 temp.y, temp.y; MUL temp.y, temp.y, specularPower.x; EX2 temp.y, temp.y; // TODO: why not just use POW here? (should test performance first) MUL specular.rgb, specular, temp.y; #endif // color = (texdiffuse * sundiffuse + specular) * get_shadow() + texdiffuse * ambient; // (sundiffuse is 2*fragment.color due to clamp-avoidance in the vertex program) #if USE_SHADOW && !DISABLE_RECEIVE_SHADOWS TEMP shadowBias; TEMP biasedShdw; MOV shadowBias.x, 0.003; MOV biasedShdw, v_shadow; SUB biasedShdw.z, v_shadow.z, shadowBias.x; #if USE_FP_SHADOW #if USE_SHADOW_PCF SUB offset.xy, v_shadow, 0.5; FRC offset.xy, offset; ADD size.xy, offset, 1.0; SUB size.zw, 2.0, offset.xyxy; MAD offset.xy, -0.5, offset, v_shadow; MOV offset.z, biasedShdw.z; ADD weight, { 1.0, 1.0, -0.5, -0.5 }, offset.xyxy; MUL weight, weight, shadowScale.zwzw; MOV offset.xy, weight.zwww; TEX depthSample.r, offset, texture[1], SHADOW2D; MOV temp.x, depthSample.r; MOV offset.x, weight.x; TEX depthSample.r, offset, texture[1], SHADOW2D; MOV temp.y, depthSample.r; MOV offset.xy, weight.zyyy; TEX depthSample.r, offset, texture[1], SHADOW2D; MOV temp.z, depthSample.r; MOV offset.x, weight.x; TEX depthSample.r, offset, texture[1], SHADOW2D; MOV temp.w, depthSample.r; MUL size, size.zxzx, size.wwyy; DP4 shadow.x, temp, size; MUL shadow.x, shadow.x, 0.111111; #else TEX shadow.x, biasedShdw, texture[1], SHADOW2D; #endif #else TEX tex, v_shadow, texture[1], 2D; MOV_SAT temp.z, biasedShdw.z; SGE shadow.x, tex.x, temp.z; #endif MUL sundiffuse.rgb, fragment.color, 2.0; #if USE_SPECULAR MAD color.rgb, texdiffuse, sundiffuse, specular; MUL temp.rgb, texdiffuse, ambient; MAD color.rgb, color, shadow.x, temp; #else MAD temp.rgb, sundiffuse, shadow.x, ambient; MUL color.rgb, texdiffuse, temp; #endif #else #if USE_SPECULAR MAD temp.rgb, fragment.color, 2.0, ambient; MAD color.rgb, texdiffuse, temp, specular; #else MAD temp.rgb, fragment.color, 2.0, ambient; MUL color.rgb, texdiffuse, temp; #endif #endif #if !IGNORE_LOS // Multiply everything by the LOS texture TEX tex.r, v_los, texture[2], 2D; SUB tex.r, tex.r, 0.03; MUL tex.r, tex.r, 0.97; MUL color.rgb, color, tex.r; #endif MUL result.color.rgb, color, shadingColor; END