# Translation template for 0 A.D. — Empires Ascendant. # Copyright (C) 2024 Wildfire Games # This file is distributed under the same license as the 0 A.D. — Empires Ascendant # project. # Translators: # kecer, 2016 # Adrián Chaves Fernández, 2018 # LeviTaule, 2017 # Marek Berčík, 2021 # Mário Bulejko, 2015 # Miroslav Kadlec, 2018 # MiroslavR, 2014 # Miroslav Remák, 2014 # Patrik Špaňo, 2020,2024 # SuroX, 2016 # Peto (wt-ts), 2015-2016 # Rudolf Tisoň, 2021 # c1d3d4413723242329060e6153cf18b8_282267d, 2017-2019 # Tom Hanax, 2019 # Zuzana Miadoková, 2021-2022 msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: 0 A.D.\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2024-07-26 07:08+0000\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2014-06-19 17:53+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Patrik Špaňo, 2020,2024\n" "Language-Team: Slovak (http://app.transifex.com/wildfire-games/0ad/language/sk/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Language: sk\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=(n % 1 == 0 && n == 1 ? 0 : n % 1 == 0 && n >= 2 && n <= 4 ? 1 : n % 1 != 0 ? 2: 3);\n" #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:3 #, javascript-format msgid "" "I am starting a massive military campaign against %(_player_)s, come and " "join me." msgstr "Začínam masívnu vojenskú kampaň proti %(_player_)s, poď a pridaj sa." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:4 #, javascript-format msgid "" "I have set up a huge army to crush %(_player_)s. Join me and you will have " "your share of the loot." msgstr "Vytvoril som veľkú armádu na zničenie %(_player_)s. Pripoj sa a budeš mať svoj podiel na koristi." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:5 #, javascript-format msgid "" "I am launching an unprecedented attack against %(_player_)s. Bring your " "armies and we may soon win this war." msgstr "" #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:8 #, javascript-format msgid "I am launching an attack against %(_player_)s." msgstr "Útočím na hráča %(_player_)s." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:9 #, javascript-format msgid "I have just sent an army against %(_player_)s." msgstr "Práve som poslal armádu hráčovi %(_player_)s." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:10 #, javascript-format msgid "I am sending an army against %(_player_)s." msgstr "Posielam vojsko proti %(_player_)s." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:16 #, javascript-format msgid "Let me regroup my army and I will then join you against %(_player_)s." msgstr "Nechaj ma preskupiť si armádu a potom sa k tebe pridám proti %(_player_)s." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:17 #, javascript-format msgid "I am finishing preparations to attack %(_player_)s." msgstr "Ukončujem prípravy útoku na %(_player_)s." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:20 #, javascript-format msgid "" "Sorry, I do not have enough soldiers currently; but my next attack will " "target %(_player_)s." msgstr "Prepáč, práve nemám dosť vojakov, ale môj ďalší útok bude smerovať na hráča %(_player_)s." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:21 #, javascript-format msgid "" "Sorry, I still need to strengthen my army. However, I will attack " "%(_player_)s next." msgstr "Prepáč, ešte potrebujem posilniť svoju armádu. Najbližšie ale zaútočím na hráča%(_player_)s." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:24 #, javascript-format msgid "" "I cannot help you against %(_player_)s for the time being, I am planning to " "attack %(_player_2)s first." msgstr "Nemôžem ti zatiaľ pomôcť s útokom na %(_player_)s, plánujem najrpv zaútočiť na %(_player_2)s." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:29 #, javascript-format msgid "Here is a gift for you, %(_player_)s. Make good use of it." msgstr "Tu je dar pre teba, %(_player_)s. Dobre ho využi." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:30 #, javascript-format msgid "I see you are in a bad situation, %(_player_)s. I hope this helps." msgstr "Vidím, že máš problémy, %(_player_)s. Dúfam, že toto ti pomôže." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:31 #, javascript-format msgid "" "I can help you this time, %(_player_)s, but you should manage your resources" " more carefully in the future." msgstr "Tentoraz ti môžem pomôcť, %(_player_)s, ale v budúcnosti sa pokús zodpovednejšie manipulovať so surovinami." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:35 #, javascript-format msgid "I am in need of %(resource)s, can you help? I will make it up to you." msgstr "Potrebujem %(resource)s, môžeš mi pomôcť? Vynahradím ti to." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:36 #, javascript-format msgid "" "I would participate more efficiently in our common war effort if you could " "provide me some %(resource)s." msgstr "V našej spoločnej vojne by som sa účastnil oveľa efektívnejšie, ak by si mi mohol poskytnúť nejaké %(resource)s." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:37 #, javascript-format msgid "" "If you can spare me some %(resource)s, I will be able to strengthen my army." msgstr "Ak by si mi mohol poslať %(resource)s, pomohlo by mi to posilniť moju armádu." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:41 #, javascript-format msgid "" "I have set up a new route with %(_player_)s. Trading will be profitable for " "all of us." msgstr "Vytvoril som novú obchodnú cestu s hráčom %(_player_)s. Obchodovanie bude prospešné pre nás všetkých." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:42 #, javascript-format msgid "" "A new trade route is set up with %(_player_)s. Take your share of the " "profits." msgstr "Bola zriadená nová obchodná cesta hráčmi %(_player_)s. Zúčastnite sa na zisku." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:47 #, javascript-format msgid "%(_player_)s and I are now allies." msgstr "%(_player_)s je odteraz môj spojenec." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:50 #, javascript-format msgid "%(_player_)s and I are now neutral." msgstr "S hráčom %(_player_)s sme odteraz v neutrálnom vzťahu." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:53 #, javascript-format msgid "%(_player_)s and I are now enemies." msgstr "S hráčom %(_player_)s sme odteraz nepriatelia." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:60 #, javascript-format msgid "I cannot accept your offer to become allies, %(_player_)s." msgstr "Nemôžem akceptovať tvoj návrh na spojenectvo, %(_player_)s." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:61 #, javascript-format msgid "I must decline your offer of alliance, %(_player_)s." msgstr "Musím odmietnuť vašu ponuku spojenectva, %(_player_)s." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:62 #, javascript-format msgid "An alliance with you is not in my best interest, %(_player_)s." msgstr "Spojenectvo s vami nie je v mojom najlepšom záujme, %(_player_)s." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:65 #, javascript-format msgid "" "I will not be your ally, %(_player_)s. However, I will consider a neutrality" " pact." msgstr "Nebudem tvoj spojenec, %(_player_)s. Zvážim, avšak, pakt neutrality." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:66 #, javascript-format msgid "" "I reject your request for alliance, %(_player_)s, but we could become " "neutral." msgstr "Odmietam tvoju ponuku na spojenectvo, %(_player_)s, ale mohli by sme byť neutrálni." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:67 #, javascript-format msgid "%(_player_)s, only a neutrality agreement is conceivable to me." msgstr "%(_player_)s, nič iné než dohoda o neutralite pre mňa nie je predstaviteľné." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:70 #, javascript-format msgid "" "Our previous alliance did not work out, %(_player_)s. I must decline your " "offer." msgstr "Naše predcházajúce spojenectvo nefungovalo, %(_player_)s. Musím tvoju ponuku odmietnuť." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:71 #, javascript-format msgid "I won’t ally you again, %(_player_)s!" msgstr "Nebudem zase tvoj spojenec %(_player_)s!" #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:72 #, javascript-format msgid "No more alliances between us, %(_player_)s!" msgstr "Už žiadne ďalšie spojenctvo medzi nami, %(_player_)s!" #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:73 #, javascript-format msgid "Your request for peace means nothing to me anymore, %(_player_)s!" msgstr "Tvoja mierová ponuka pre mňa nič neznamená, %(_player_)s!" #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:74 #, javascript-format msgid "" "My answer to your repeated peace proposal will remain war, %(_player_)s!" msgstr "Odpoveď na tvoju ďalšiu ponuku mieru bude vyhlásenie vojny, %(_player_)s!" #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:77 #, javascript-format msgid "" "I will accept your offer to become allies, %(_player_)s. We will both " "benefit from this partnership." msgstr "Akceptujem tvoju ponuku na spojenectvo, %(_player_)s. Toto partnerstvo bude pre nás obojstranne výhodné." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:78 #, javascript-format msgid "An alliance between us is a good idea, %(_player_)s." msgstr "Spojenectvo medzi nami je dobrý nápad, %(_player_)s." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:79 #, javascript-format msgid "" "Let both of our people prosper from a peaceful association, %(_player_)s." msgstr "Nech oba naše národy prosperujú z mierumilovného spojenectva %(_player_)s." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:80 #, javascript-format msgid "We have found common ground, %(_player_)s. I accept the alliance." msgstr "Našli sme spoločnú reč, %(_player_)s. Akceptujem spojenectvo." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:81 #, javascript-format msgid "%(_player_)s, consider us allies from now on." msgstr "%(_player_)s, pokladaj nás odteraz za spojencov." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:84 #, javascript-format msgid "" "I will ally with you, %(_player_)s, but only if you send me a tribute of " "%(_amount_)s %(_resource_)s." msgstr "Budem tvojim spojencom, %(_player_)s, ale iba ak mi pošleš dar %(_amount_)s %(_resource_)s." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:85 #, javascript-format msgid "" "%(_player_)s, you must send me a tribute of %(_amount_)s %(_resource_)s " "before I accept an alliance with you." msgstr "%(_player_)s, musíš mi poslať dar %(_amount_)s %(_resource_)s predtým ako akceptujem spojenectvo s tebou." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:86 #, javascript-format msgid "" "Unless you send me %(_amount_)s %(_resource_)s, an alliance won’t be formed," " %(_player_)s." msgstr "%(_player_)s, neuzavriem s tebou spojenectvo dokým mi nepošleš %(_amount_)s %(_resource_)s." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:89 #, javascript-format msgid "" "%(_player_)s, my offer still stands. I will ally with you only if you send " "me a tribute of %(_amount_)s %(_resource_)s." msgstr "%(_player_)s, moja ponuka stále trvá. Budem tvojim spojencom jedine ak mi pošleš %(_amount_)s %(_resource_)s." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:90 #, javascript-format msgid "" "I’m still waiting for %(_amount_)s %(_resource_)s before accepting your " "alliance, %(_player_)s." msgstr "Stále čakám na %(_amount_)s %(_resource_)s predtým ako akceptujem spojenectvo, %(_player_)s." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:91 simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:112 #, javascript-format msgid "" "%(_player_)s, if you do not send me part of the %(_amount_)s %(_resource_)s " "tribute soon, I will break off our negotiations." msgstr "%(_player_)s, ak mi čoskoro nepošleš časť z daru %(_amount_)s %(_resource_)s, ukončím naše vyjednávanie." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:96 #, javascript-format msgid "I will not become neutral with you, %(_player_)s." msgstr "Nebudem s tebou v neutrálnom vzťahu, %(_player_)s." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:97 #, javascript-format msgid "%(_player_)s, I must decline your request for a neutrality pact." msgstr "%(_player_)s, musím odmietnuť tvoj návrh na neutralitu." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:100 #, javascript-format msgid "" "Our previous neutrality agreement ended in failure, %(_player_)s; I will not" " consider another one." msgstr "Naše predchádzajúca dohoda o neutralite skončila neúspechom, %(_player_)s; Nebudem zvažovať ďalšie." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:103 #, javascript-format msgid "" "I welcome your request for peace between our civilizations, %(_player_)s. I " "will accept." msgstr "Vítam tvoju žiadosť na mier medzi našimi civilizáciami, %(_player_)s. Príjmem ju." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:104 #, javascript-format msgid "" "%(_player_)s, I will accept your neutrality request. May both our " "civilizations benefit." msgstr "%(_player_)s, ackeptujem tvoju žiadosť o neutralitu. Nech obe naše civilizácie majú úžitok." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:107 #, javascript-format msgid "" "If you send me a tribute of %(_amount_)s %(_resource_)s, I will accept your " "neutrality request, %(_player_)s." msgstr "Ak mi pošleš ako dar %(_amount_)s %(_resource_)s, akceptujem tvoju žiadosť o neutralitu, %(_player_)s." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:108 #, javascript-format msgid "" "%(_player_)s, if you send me %(_amount_)s %(_resource_)s, I will accept a " "neutrality pact." msgstr "%(_player_)s, ak mi pošleš %(_amount_)s %(_resource_)s, akceptujem pakt neutrality." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:111 #, javascript-format msgid "" "%(_player_)s, I will not accept your neutrality request unless you tribute " "me %(_amount_)s %(_resource_)s soon." msgstr "%(_player_)s, neakceptujem tvoju žiadosť o neutralitu pokiaľ mi čoskoro nepošleš poplatok %(_amount_)s %(_resource_)s." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:120 #, javascript-format msgid "" "%(_player_)s, it would help both of our civilizations if we formed an " "alliance. If you become allies with me, I will respond in kind." msgstr "%(_player_)s, pomohlo by obom našim civilizáciám, ak by sme vytvorili alianciu. Ak sa staneš mojim spojencom, budem aj ja tvojim." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:123 #, javascript-format msgid "%(_player_)s, my offer for an alliance has expired." msgstr "%(_player_)s, moja ponuka na spojenectvo vypršala." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:124 #, javascript-format msgid "" "%(_player_)s, I have rescinded my previous offer for an alliance between us." msgstr "%(_player_)s, stiahol som moju ponuku na spojenectvo medzi nami." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:129 #, javascript-format msgid "" "%(_player_)s, I would like to request a neutrality pact between our " "civilizations. If you become neutral with me, I will respond in kind." msgstr "%(_player_)s, rád by som nadviazal neutrálny pakt medzi našimi civilizáciami. Ak budeš ku mne neutrálny, ja budem k tebe tiež." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:130 #, javascript-format msgid "" "%(_player_)s, it would be both to our benefit if we negotiated a neutrality " "pact. I will become neutral with you if you do the same." msgstr "%(_player_)s, bolo by výhodné pre nás oboch, ak by sme rokovali o neutralite. Budem k tebe neutrálny, ak spravíš to isté." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:133 #, javascript-format msgid "%(_player_)s, I have decided to revoke my offer for a neutrality pact." msgstr "%(_player_)s, rozhodol som sa stiahnuť moju ponuku na neutrálny pakt." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:134 #, javascript-format msgid "" "%(_player_)s, as you have failed to respond to my request for peace between " "us, I have abrogated my offer." msgstr "%(_player_)s, keďže si neodpovedal na moju ponuku mieru, stiahol som ju." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:141 msgid "" "My armies failed while defending my empire. Please honor our alliance and " "send help!" msgstr "" #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:142 msgid "" "My humble armies feel weak and tired. My civilization depends on our " "alliance, please send help!" msgstr "" #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:143 msgid "I need your help. Please do not let my armies fall!" msgstr "" #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:146 msgid "" "My empire regained its old strength, now it is time to seek revenge " "together!" msgstr "" #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:147 msgid "" "My civilization raised from the ashes. Now my armies feel stronger and eager" " to fight for our alliance." msgstr "" #: simulation/ai/petra/data.json msgid "Petra Bot" msgstr "Bot Petra" #: simulation/ai/petra/data.json msgid "" "Petra is the default 0 A.D. AI bot. Please report issues to Wildfire Games (see the link in the main menu).\n" "\n" "The AI's resource gathering rate and trade gain depend on the difficulty level (Sandbox −58%, Very Easy −44%, Easy −25%, Medium ±0%, Hard +25%, Very Hard +56%). The easiest levels also have a slower research, training, and building rate. In addition, the Sandbox level does not expand nor attack." msgstr "" #: simulation/components/BuildRestrictions.js:91 #, javascript-format msgid "%(name)s cannot be built due to unknown error" msgstr "Budovu %(name)s nemožno postaviť v dôsledku neznámej chyby" #: simulation/components/BuildRestrictions.js:115 #, javascript-format msgid "%(name)s cannot be built in unexplored area" msgstr "Budovu %(name)s nemožno postaviť v nepreskúmanej oblasti" #: simulation/components/BuildRestrictions.js:163 #, javascript-format msgid "%(name)s cannot be built on another building or resource" msgstr "Budovu %(name)s nemožno postaviť na inej budove alebo zdroji" #: simulation/components/BuildRestrictions.js:167 #, javascript-format msgid "%(name)s cannot be built on invalid terrain" msgstr "Budovu %(name)s nemožno postaviť na neplatnom teréne" #. Translation: territoryType being displayed in a translated sentence in the #. form: "House #. cannot be built in %(territoryType)s territory.". #: simulation/components/BuildRestrictions.js:195 msgctxt "Territory type" msgid "own" msgstr "vlastnom" #. Translation: territoryType being displayed in a translated sentence in the #. form: "House #. cannot be built in %(territoryType)s territory.". #: simulation/components/BuildRestrictions.js:198 msgctxt "Territory type" msgid "unconnected own" msgstr "nepripojenom vlastnom" #. Translation: territoryType being displayed in a translated sentence in the #. form: "House #. cannot be built in %(territoryType)s territory.". #: simulation/components/BuildRestrictions.js:204 msgctxt "Territory type" msgid "allied" msgstr "spojeneckom" #. Translation: territoryType being displayed in a translated sentence in the #. form: "House #. cannot be built in %(territoryType)s territory.". #: simulation/components/BuildRestrictions.js:207 msgctxt "Territory type" msgid "unconnected allied" msgstr "nepripojenom spojeneckom" #. Translation: territoryType being displayed in a translated sentence in the #. form: "House #. cannot be built in %(territoryType)s territory.". #: simulation/components/BuildRestrictions.js:213 msgctxt "Territory type" msgid "neutral" msgstr "neutrálnom" #. Translation: territoryType being displayed in a translated sentence in the #. form: "House #. cannot be built in %(territoryType)s territory.". #: simulation/components/BuildRestrictions.js:220 msgctxt "Territory type" msgid "enemy" msgstr "nepriateľskom" #: simulation/components/BuildRestrictions.js:225 #, javascript-format msgid "" "%(name)s cannot be built in %(territoryType)s territory. Valid territories: " "%(validTerritories)s" msgstr "Budovu %(name)s nemožno postaviť na %(territoryType)s území. Platné územia: %(validTerritories)s" #: simulation/components/BuildRestrictions.js:239 #, javascript-format msgid "%(name)s must be built on a valid shoreline" msgstr "Budovu %(name)s je nutné postaviť na platnom brehu" #: simulation/components/BuildRestrictions.js:266 #, javascript-format msgid "" "%(name)s too close to a %(category)s, must be at least %(distance)s meter " "away" msgid_plural "" "%(name)s too close to a %(category)s, must be at least %(distance)s meters " "away" msgstr[0] "%(name)s je príliš blízko k %(category)s, musí byť aspoň %(distance)s meter ďaleko" msgstr[1] "%(name)s je príliš blízko k %(category)s, musí byť aspoň %(distance)s metre ďaleko" msgstr[2] "%(name)s je príliš blízko k %(category)s, musí byť aspoň %(distance)s metrov ďaleko" msgstr[3] "%(name)s je príliš blízko k %(category)s, musí byť aspoň %(distance)s metrov ďaleko" #: simulation/components/BuildRestrictions.js:287 #, javascript-format msgid "" "%(name)s too far from a %(category)s, must be within %(distance)s meter" msgid_plural "" "%(name)s too far from a %(category)s, must be within %(distance)s meters" msgstr[0] "%(name)s je príliš ďaleko od %(category)s, musí byť vo vzdialenosti najviac %(distance)s meter" msgstr[1] "%(name)s je príliš ďaleko od %(category)s, musí byť vo vzdialenosti najviac %(distance)s metre" msgstr[2] "%(name)s je príliš ďaleko od %(category)s, musí byť vo vzdialenosti najviac %(distance)s metrov" msgstr[3] "%(name)s je príliš ďaleko od %(category)s, musí byť vo vzdialenosti najviac %(distance)s metrov" #. Translation: Territory types being displayed as part of a list like "Valid #. territories: #. own, ally". #: simulation/components/BuildRestrictions.js:327 msgctxt "Territory type list" msgid "own" msgstr "vlastné" #. Translation: Territory types being displayed as part of a list like "Valid #. territories: #. own, ally". #: simulation/components/BuildRestrictions.js:329 msgctxt "Territory type list" msgid "ally" msgstr "spojenecké" #. Translation: Territory types being displayed as part of a list like "Valid #. territories: #. own, ally". #: simulation/components/BuildRestrictions.js:331 msgctxt "Territory type list" msgid "neutral" msgstr "neutrálne" #. Translation: Territory types being displayed as part of a list like "Valid #. territories: #. own, ally". #: simulation/components/BuildRestrictions.js:333 msgctxt "Territory type list" msgid "enemy" msgstr "nepriateľské" #: simulation/components/CeasefireManager.js:99 #, javascript-format msgid "You can attack in %(time)s" msgstr "Môžeš zaútočiť o %(time)s" #: simulation/components/CeasefireManager.js:112 msgid "You can attack now!" msgstr "Teraz môžeš zaútočiť!" #: simulation/components/EndGameManager.js:169 #, javascript-format msgid "%(lastPlayer)s has won (last player alive)." msgid_plural "%(players)s and %(lastPlayer)s have won (last players alive)." msgstr[0] "%(lastPlayer)s vyhral (posledný preživší hráč)." msgstr[1] "%(players)s a %(lastPlayer)s vyhrali (poslední preživší hráči)." msgstr[2] "%(players)s a %(lastPlayer)s vyhrali (poslední preživší hráči)." msgstr[3] "%(players)s a %(lastPlayer)s vyhrali (poslední preživší hráči)." #: simulation/components/EndGameManager.js:177 msgid "Last remaining player wins." msgstr "Posledný zostávajúci hráč vyhráva." #: simulation/components/EntityLimits.js:195 #, javascript-format msgid "%(category)s build limit of %(limit)s reached" msgstr "%(category)s stavebný limit %(limit)s bol dosiahnutý" #: simulation/components/EntityLimits.js:197 #, javascript-format msgid "%(category)s training limit of %(limit)s reached" msgstr "%(category)s limit tréningu %(limit)s bol dosiahnutý" #: simulation/components/EntityLimits.js:201 #, javascript-format msgid "%(category)s limit of %(limit)s reached" msgstr "%(category)s limit %(limit)s bol dosiahnutý" #: simulation/components/Player.js:308 #, javascript-format msgid "Insufficient resources - %(resourceAmount1)s %(resourceType1)s" msgstr "Chýbajúce suroviny - %(resourceAmount1)s %(resourceType1)s" #: simulation/components/Player.js:310 #, javascript-format msgid "" "Insufficient resources - %(resourceAmount1)s %(resourceType1)s, " "%(resourceAmount2)s %(resourceType2)s" msgstr "Chýbajúce suroviny - %(resourceAmount1)s %(resourceType1)s, %(resourceAmount2)s %(resourceType2)s" #: simulation/components/Player.js:312 #, javascript-format msgid "" "Insufficient resources - %(resourceAmount1)s %(resourceType1)s, " "%(resourceAmount2)s %(resourceType2)s, %(resourceAmount3)s %(resourceType3)s" msgstr "Chýbajúce suroviny - %(resourceAmount1)s %(resourceType1)s, %(resourceAmount2)s %(resourceType2)s, %(resourceAmount3)s %(resourceType3)s" #: simulation/components/Player.js:314 #, javascript-format msgid "" "Insufficient resources - %(resourceAmount1)s %(resourceType1)s, " "%(resourceAmount2)s %(resourceType2)s, %(resourceAmount3)s " "%(resourceType3)s, %(resourceAmount4)s %(resourceType4)s" msgstr "Chýbajúce suroviny - %(resourceAmount1)s %(resourceType1)s, %(resourceAmount2)s %(resourceType2)s, %(resourceAmount3)s %(resourceType3)s, %(resourceAmount4)s %(resourceType4)s" #: simulation/components/ProductionQueue.js:312 msgid "Entity is being upgraded. Cannot start production." msgstr "Práve prebieha vylepšenie. Nemožno začať produkciu." #: simulation/components/ProductionQueue.js:327 msgid "The production queue is full." msgstr "Produkčný front je plný." #: simulation/components/ProductionQueue.js:450 msgid "Could not auto-queue unit, de-activating." msgstr "Jednotku nebolo možné zaradiť do fronty, deaktivované." #: simulation/components/Trainer.js:321 msgid "Can't find free space to spawn trained units." msgstr "Nie je možné nájsť voľné miesto na uloženie vytrénovaných jednotiek" #: simulation/components/Upgrade.js:242 msgid "Entity is producing. Cannot start upgrading." msgstr "Práve prebieha produkcia. Nemožno začať vylepšovať." #: simulation/data/settings/game_speeds.json msgid "Turtle (0.1×)" msgstr "Korytnačka (0,1x)" #: simulation/data/settings/game_speeds.json msgid "Slow (0.25×)" msgstr "Pomalá rýchlosť (0,25x)" #: simulation/data/settings/game_speeds.json msgid "Leisurely (0.5×)" msgstr "Pohodlná rýchlosť (0,5x)" #: simulation/data/settings/game_speeds.json msgid "Relaxed (0.75×)" msgstr "Oddychová rýchlosť (0,75x)" #: simulation/data/settings/game_speeds.json msgid "Normal (1×)" msgstr "Normálna rýchlosť (1x)" #: simulation/data/settings/game_speeds.json msgid "Fast (1.25×)" msgstr "Vysoká rýchlosť (1,25x)" #: simulation/data/settings/game_speeds.json msgid "Very Fast (1.5×)" msgstr "Veľmi vysoká rýchlosť (1,5x)" #: simulation/data/settings/game_speeds.json msgid "Insane (2×)" msgstr "Šialená rýchlosť (2x)" #: simulation/data/settings/game_speeds.json msgid "Fast Forward (5×)" msgstr "Rýchlo vpred (5x)" #: simulation/data/settings/game_speeds.json msgid "Fast Forward (10×)" msgstr "Rýchlo vpred (10x)" #: simulation/data/settings/game_speeds.json msgid "Fast Forward (20×)" msgstr "Rýchlo vpred (20x)" #: simulation/data/settings/map_sizes.json msgid "Tiny" msgstr "Najmenší" #: simulation/data/settings/map_sizes.json msgid "This map size has barely any room for even the most basic resources." msgstr "Táto veľkosť mapy ťažko poskytne miesto dokonca už len pre základné suroviny." #: simulation/data/settings/map_sizes.json msgid "Small" msgstr "Malý" #: simulation/data/settings/map_sizes.json msgid "" "Small maps are suitable for 1v1 matches, as players can reach the enemy " "quickly while still having some room to expand." msgstr "Menšie mapy sú vhodné pre 1vs1 hry, keďže hráči môžu rýchlo dosiahnuť nepriateľské územie, stále majúc dosť miesta na expanziu ríše." #: simulation/data/settings/map_sizes.json msgid "Normal" msgstr "Normálny" #: simulation/data/settings/map_sizes.json msgid "" "This map size provides plenty of space for two players, but even eight " "players fit." msgstr "Táto veľkosť mapy poskytuje dostatok miesta pre dvoch hráčov, ale aj ôsmi sa sem zmestia." #: simulation/data/settings/map_sizes.json msgid "" "This is the ideal mapsize for 4 to 8 players, because there is plenty of " "space to expand while the neighbors are quickly reachable." msgstr "Toto je ideálna veľkosť mapy pre 4 až 8 hráčov, pretože je tam dostatok miesta na rozširovanie územia, kým susedia sú ľahko dostupní." #: simulation/data/settings/map_sizes.json msgid "Large" msgstr "Veľký" #: simulation/data/settings/map_sizes.json msgid "" "The large mapsize is recommended when great portions of the map are covered " "with water or inaccessible mountains." msgstr "Veľké mapy sú vhodné, keď veľká časť mapy je pokrytá vodou alebo neprístupnými horami." #: simulation/data/settings/map_sizes.json msgid "Very Large" msgstr "Obrovský" #: simulation/data/settings/map_sizes.json msgid "Giant" msgstr "Gigantický" #: simulation/data/settings/map_sizes.json msgid "" "Very large maps are not recommended as it takes very long to reach the enemy" " and the game performance can be reduced." msgstr "Veľmi veľké mapy nie sú odporúčané, pretože trvá veľmi dlho dostať sa k nepriateľovi a taktiež môže byť znížený herný výkon." #: simulation/data/settings/player_defaults.json msgid "Gaia" msgstr "Gaia" #: simulation/data/settings/player_defaults.json msgid "Player 1" msgstr "Hráč 1" #: simulation/data/settings/player_defaults.json msgid "Player 2" msgstr "Hráč 2" #: simulation/data/settings/player_defaults.json msgid "Player 3" msgstr "Hráč 3" #: simulation/data/settings/player_defaults.json msgid "Player 4" msgstr "Hráč 4" #: simulation/data/settings/player_defaults.json msgid "Player 5" msgstr "Hráč 5" #: simulation/data/settings/player_defaults.json msgid "Player 6" msgstr "Hráč 6" #: simulation/data/settings/player_defaults.json msgid "Player 7" msgstr "Hráč 7" #: simulation/data/settings/player_defaults.json msgid "Player 8" msgstr "Hráč 8" #: simulation/data/settings/starting_resources.json msgctxt "startingResources" msgid "Very Low" msgstr "Veľmi málo" #: simulation/data/settings/starting_resources.json msgctxt "startingResources" msgid "Low" msgstr "Málo" #: simulation/data/settings/starting_resources.json msgctxt "startingResources" msgid "Medium" msgstr "Priemerne" #: simulation/data/settings/starting_resources.json msgctxt "startingResources" msgid "High" msgstr "Veľa" #: simulation/data/settings/starting_resources.json msgctxt "startingResources" msgid "Very High" msgstr "Veľmi veľa" #: simulation/data/settings/starting_resources.json msgctxt "startingResources" msgid "Deathmatch" msgstr "Zápas na život a smrť" #: simulation/data/settings/trigger_difficulties.json msgid "Very Easy" msgstr "Veľmi ľahká" #: simulation/data/settings/trigger_difficulties.json msgid "Choose this difficulty if you are discovering 0 A.D." msgstr "" #: simulation/data/settings/trigger_difficulties.json msgid "Easy" msgstr "Ľahká" #: simulation/data/settings/trigger_difficulties.json msgid "Choose this difficulty if you do not like being knocked down." msgstr "Vyber túto možnosť, ak nemáš rád prehry." #: simulation/data/settings/trigger_difficulties.json msgid "" "Choose this difficulty if you have already a good experience with 0 A.D." msgstr "" #: simulation/data/settings/trigger_difficulties.json msgid "Hard" msgstr "Ťažká" #: simulation/data/settings/trigger_difficulties.json msgid "Choose this difficulty if you want to be really challenged." msgstr "Vyber túto možnosť, ak chceš skutočnú výzvu." #: simulation/data/settings/trigger_difficulties.json msgid "Very Hard" msgstr "Veľmi ťažká" #: simulation/data/settings/trigger_difficulties.json msgid "Choose this difficulty if you do not mind being swept out." msgstr "Vyber túto možnosť, ak ti neprekáža, že môžeš byť rozmetaný." #: simulation/data/settings/map_sizes.json #: simulation/data/settings/trigger_difficulties.json msgid "Medium" msgstr "Stredný" #: simulation/data/settings/victory_conditions/capture_the_relic.json msgid "Capture the Relic" msgstr "Zmocni sa reliktu" #: simulation/data/settings/victory_conditions/capture_the_relic.json msgid "" "Capture all relics spread across the map and keep them for a certain time to" " win the game." msgstr "Zmocni sa všetkých relikvií rozmiestnených po mape a udrž ich po určitý čas, aby si vyhral hru." #: simulation/data/settings/victory_conditions/conquest.json msgid "Conquest" msgstr "Dobytie" #: simulation/data/settings/victory_conditions/conquest.json msgid "" "Defeat opponents by killing all their units and destroying all their " "structures." msgstr "Poraz oponentov zabitím všetkých ich jednotiek a zničením všetkých ich budov. " #: simulation/data/settings/victory_conditions/conquest_civic_centers.json msgid "Conquest Civic Centers" msgstr "Dobytie občianskych centier" #: simulation/data/settings/victory_conditions/conquest_civic_centers.json msgid "Defeat opponents by destroying all their fully built civic centers." msgstr "" #: simulation/data/settings/victory_conditions/conquest_structures.json msgid "Conquest Structures" msgstr "Dobytie budov" #: simulation/data/settings/victory_conditions/conquest_structures.json msgid "Defeat opponents by destroying all their structures." msgstr "Poraz oponentov zničením všetkých ich budov. " #: simulation/data/settings/victory_conditions/conquest_units.json msgid "Conquest Units" msgstr "Zničenie jednotiek" #: simulation/data/settings/victory_conditions/conquest_units.json msgid "Defeat opponents by killing all their units." msgstr "Poraz oponentov zabitím všetkých ich jednotiek. " #: simulation/data/settings/victory_conditions/regicide.json msgid "Regicide" msgstr "Kráľovražda" #: simulation/data/settings/victory_conditions/regicide.json msgid "Defeat opponents by killing their hero." msgstr "Zvíťazí ten, kto zabije nepriateľských hrdinov." #: simulation/data/settings/victory_conditions/wonder.json msgid "Wonder" msgstr "Div sveta" #: simulation/data/settings/victory_conditions/wonder.json msgid "" "Be the first to build or capture a Wonder and keep it for a certain time to " "win the game. The timer will be reset when the Wonder is destroyed or " "captured. If the allied victory mode is enabled, the timer will also be " "reset when the alliances of the owner change." msgstr "Ak chceš vyhrať, buď prvý, kto postaví alebo sa zmocní Divu sveta a obráň ho po istý čas. Časovač sa zresetuje, keď sa Div sveta zničí, alebo sa ho zmocní nepriateľská civilizácia, alebo ak je zapnutý mód spojeneckého víťazstva a zmenia sa aliancie vlastníka." #: simulation/helpers/Cheat.js:57 #, javascript-format msgid "%(player)s has been defeated (cheat)." msgstr "%(player)s prehral (cheat)." #: simulation/helpers/Cheat.js:71 msgid "You need to select a building that trains units." msgstr "Musíš označiť budovu, ktorá bude trénovať jednotky." #: simulation/helpers/Commands.js:135 msgid "(Cheat - control all units)" msgstr "(Cheat - kontrola všetkých jednotiek)" #: simulation/helpers/Commands.js:150 msgid "(Cheat - reveal map)" msgstr "(Cheat - odhalenie mapy)" #: simulation/helpers/Commands.js:462 #, javascript-format msgid "%(player)s has resigned." msgstr "%(player)s sa vzdal." #: simulation/helpers/Commands.js:640 msgid "(Cheat - promoted units)" msgstr "(Cheat - kontrola povýšených jednotiek)" #: simulation/helpers/Commands.js:761 msgid "" "Cannot upgrade as distance requirements are not verified or terrain is " "obstructed." msgstr "Nemôžem pokračovať vo vylepšení, nakoľko požiadavky vzdialenosti nie sú overené alebo terén je zablokovaný." #: simulation/helpers/Commands.js:803 #, javascript-format msgid "Attack against %(_player_)s requested." msgstr "Žiada sa útok na %(_player_)s." #: simulation/helpers/Commands.js:842 msgid "There are no bribable units" msgstr "Nie sú tam žiadne podplatiteľné jednotky." #: simulation/helpers/Commands.js:919 msgid "Unable to unload unit(s)." msgstr "Nie je schopné vyložiť jednotku/y." #: simulation/helpers/Commands.js:933 msgid "Some unit(s) can't go back to work" msgstr "Niektoré jednotky sa nemôžu vrátiť do práce." #: simulation/helpers/Commands.js:952 #, javascript-format msgid "%(unit)s can't be controlled." msgstr "%(unit)s nemožno ovládať." #: simulation/helpers/Commands.js:1203 msgid "The building's technology requirements are not met." msgstr "Technologické požiadavky pre budovu nie sú splnené."