msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: None\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2024-10-06 01:36+0000\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2024-10-06 01:36+0000\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit" msgid "[font=\"sans-bold-18\"]0 A.D. in-game manual[font=\"sans-14\"]" msgstr "[font=\"sans-bold-18\"]0 A.D. manuale di gioco in linea[font=\"sans-14\"]." msgid "" "Thank you for installing 0 A.D.! This page will give a brief overview of the features " "available in this incomplete, under-development, alpha version of the game." msgstr "" "Köszönjük, hogy feltelepítetted a 0 A.D.-t! Ezen az oldalon egy rövid áttekintést " "szeretnénk neked adni arról, milyen funkciók találhatóak ebben a még be nem fejezett, " "fejlesztés alatt álló, alfa verziójú játékban." msgid "[font=\"sans-bold-16\"]Graphics settings[font=\"sans-14\"]" msgstr "[font=\"sans-bold-16\"]Roghainnean na grafaigeachd[font=\"sans-14\"]" msgid "" "You can switch between fullscreen and windowed mode by pressing Alt + Enter. In " "windowed mode, you can resize the window. If the game runs too slowly, you can change " "some settings in the options window: try disabling the “High-quality water effects” and" " “Shadows” options." msgstr "" "Puödes alternar entre los modos “vista completa” & “feniestra” premiendo Alternativa + " "Introduzir. In modu feniestra, puödes camudar lɐs dimensiones de la feniestra. Si l " "juögu fuer rastriegu, puödes camudare los ajustes in menú “Opciones”: pruöba-llu cun " "lɐs opciones “Effectos aquáticos d’alta qualidá” & “Solombrɐs” dishabilitadɐs." msgid "[font=\"sans-bold-16\"]Playing the game[font=\"sans-14\"]" msgstr "[font=\"sans-bold-16\"]Mar a chluicheas tu an geama[font=\"sans-14\"]" msgid "" "The controls and gameplay should be familiar to players of traditional real-time " "strategy (RTS) games. There are currently a lot of missing features and poorly-balanced" " stats – you will probably have to wait until a beta release for it to work well." msgstr "" "Quem já tem experiência com outros jogos de estratégia em tempo real pode não precisar " "de maiores explicações sobre os comandos e a jogabilidade do 0 A.D.. No entanto, vários" " recursos do jogo ainda não foram implementados e diversos atributos que precisam ser " "reajustados para equilibrar as civilizações. As coisas podem só ficar nos conformes em " "uma futura versão beta." msgid "Basic controls (by default):" msgstr "Основні елементи управління (за замовчуванням):" msgid "• Left-click to select units" msgstr "• Clica com o botão esquerdo do rato para selecionar as unidades" msgid "• Left-click-and-drag to select groups of units" msgstr "" "• Arraste o mouse com o botão esquerdo apertado para selecionar diversas unidades em " "uma mesma área" msgid "• Right-click to order units to the target" msgstr "" "• Clique com o botão direito do mouse para indicar um destino ou alvo às unidades " "selecionadas" msgid "• Arrow keys or WASD keys to move the camera" msgstr "• Kamerayı hareket ettirmek için yön oklarını ya da WASD tuşlarını kullanın" msgid "• Ctrl + arrow keys, or shift + mouse wheel, to rotate the camera" msgstr "" "• Para girar a câmera, aperte Ctrl e alguma tecla de seta. Girar a roda do mouse com a " "tecla Shift apertada surte o mesmo efeito" msgid "• Mouse wheel, or “” and “” keys, to zoom" msgstr "" "• Scorri la rotella del mouse, o premi i tasti “” e " "“”, per variare la distanza della visuale." msgid "[font=\"sans-bold-16\"]Modes[font=\"sans-14\"]" msgstr "[font=\"sans-bold-16\"]Τρόποι παιχνιδιού[font=\"sans-14\"]" msgid "The main menu gives access to two game modes:" msgstr "Gheibh thu inntrigeadh do dhà mhodh leis a’ phrìomh chlàr-taice:" msgid "" "• [font=\"sans-bold-14\"]Single-player[font=\"sans-14\"] – Play a sandbox game or " "against one or more computer players (AI). The default AI (Petra) is under development " "and may not always be up to date on the new features, but you can play the game with or" " against it nonetheless." msgstr "" "• [font=\"sans-bold-14\"]Um jogador:[font=\"sans-14\"] Para jogar sozinho, contra pelo " "menos um oponente controlado pelo computador. Petra, o algoritmo padrão de inteligência" " artificial, ainda está em desenvolvimento e pode ainda não ter sido programado para " "utilizar todos os recursos do jogo. No entanto, ele já está disponível para controlar " "civilizações em sua equipe ou no lado adversário." msgid "" "• [font=\"sans-bold-14\"]Multiplayer[font=\"sans-14\"] – Play against human opponents " "over the internet." msgstr "" "• [font=\"sans-bold-14\"]Ioma-chluicheadair[font=\"sans-14\"] – Cluich an aghaidh co-" "fharpaiseach daonna air an eadar-lìn." msgid "" "To set up a multiplayer game, one player must select the “Host game” option. The game " "uses UDP port 20595, so the host must configure their NAT/firewall/etc. to allow this. " "Other players can then select “Join game” and enter the host's IP address." msgstr "" "Για να στήσετε ένα παιχνίδι με πολλούς παίκτες στο διαδίκτυο, ένας παίκτης πρέπει να " "διαλέξει την επιλογή \"Στέγαση παιχνιδιού\". Το παιχνίδι χρησημοποιεί την θύρα UDP " "20595, οπότε ο οικοδεσπότης του παιχνιδιού πρέπει να ρυθμίσει ρούτερ/τοίχο " "προστασίας/κλπ ώστε να επιτραπεί η σύνδεση. Οι υπόλοιποι παίκτες μπορούν τότε να " "επιλέξουν \"Συμμετοχή στο παιχνίδι\" και να εισάγουν την διεύθυνση IP του οικοδεσπότη." msgid "[font=\"sans-bold-16\"]Game setup[font=\"sans-14\"]" msgstr "[font=\"sans-bold-16\"]Configuració de la partida[font=\"sans-14\"]" msgid "In a multiplayer game, only the host can alter the game setup options." msgstr "" "Στα παιχνίδια με πολλούς παίκτες, μόνο ο οικοδεσπότης του παιχνιδιού μπορεί να αλλάξει " "της επιλογές του παιχνιδιού." msgid "First, select what type of map you want to play:" msgstr "Pour commencer, sélectionnez le type de carte sur lequel vous souhaitez jouer :" msgid "" "• [font=\"sans-bold-14\"]Random map[font=\"sans-14\"] – A map created automatically " "from a script" msgstr "" "• [font=\"sans-bold-14\"]Geographía casual[font=\"sans-14\"] – Geographía generada " "automaticamente a partir d’una serie d’instrucciones" msgid "" "• [font=\"sans-bold-14\"]Scenario map[font=\"sans-14\"] – A map created by map " "designers and with fixed civilizations" msgstr "" "• [font=\"sans-bold-14\"]Mapa cnàmh-sgeòil[font=\"sans-14\"] – Mapa a chaidh a " "chruthachadh le dealbhaichean mapa agus aig a bheil sìobhaltasan stèidhichte" msgid "" "• [font=\"sans-bold-14\"]Skirmish map[font=\"sans-14\"] – A map created by map " "designers but where the civilizations can be chosen" msgstr "" "• [font=\"sans-bold-14\"] Carte d'escarmouche [font=\"sans-14\"] – Une carte créée par " "des concepteurs de cartes mais où les civilisations peuvent être choisies" msgid "" "Then the maps can be further filtered. The default maps are generally playable maps. " "Naval maps are maps where not all opponents can be reached over land and demo maps are " "maps used for testing purposes (generally not useful to play on). The “All Maps” filter" " shows all maps together in one list." msgstr "" "’S urrainn dhut barrachd criathraidh a dhèanamh air na mapaichean an uairsin. ’S e " "mapaichean a ghabhas cluiche a tha sna mapaichean bunaiteach san fharsaingeachd. ’S e " "mapaichean far nach ruig thu gach nàmhaid thar tìre a th’ anns na mapaichean mara agus " "tha na mapaichean taisbeanaidh ann a chum deuchainnean (cha bhi iad gu feum airson " "cluich mar as trice). Seallaich a’ chriathrag “A h-uile mapa” a h-uile mapa a tha ann " "air an aon liosta." msgid "" "Finally change the settings. For random maps this includes the number of players, the " "size of a map, etc. For scenarios you can only select who controls which player " "(decides where you start on the map etc.). The options are either a human player, an AI" " or no player at all (the opponent will just be idle)." msgstr "" "Chegamos então às configurações do jogo em si. Nos mapas aleatórios, pode-se ajustar o " "número de jogadores, o tamanho do mapa e outros atributos. Em cenários, só é possível " "definir quem controla cada civilização – e, por conseguinte, em qual ponto do mapa cada" " jogador começará. As civilizações podem ser controladas por um jogador humano, por um " "algoritmo de inteligência artificial ou por coisa nenhuma. Neste último caso, a " "civilização ficará sem fazer nada o jogo inteiro." msgid "When you are ready to start, click the “Start game” button." msgstr "Nuair a bhios tu deiseil airson tòiseachadh, briog air a’ phutan “Tòisich air geama.”" msgid "[font=\"sans-bold-16\"]Hotkeys[font=\"sans-14\"]" msgstr "[font=\"sans-bold-16\"]Συντομεύσεις πληκτρολογίου[font=\"sans-14\"]" msgid "" "You may change hotkeys in [font=\"sans-bold-14\"]Options > Hotkeys[font=\"sans-14\"] to" " suit your liking." msgstr "" "Μπορείτε να αλλάξετε τα πλήκτρα συντόμευσης στις [font=\"sans-bold-14\"]Επιλογές >  " "Πλήκτρα Συντόμευσης [font=\"sans-14\"]  ανάλογα με τις προτιμήσεις σας." msgid "[font=\"sans-bold-14\"]Program-wide[font=\"sans-14\"]" msgstr "[font=\"sans-bold-14\"]Válidas em toda parte do programa[font=\"sans-14\"]" msgid " hotkey.exit – Immediately close the game, without asking for confirmation" msgstr " hotkey.exit – Das Spiel unverzüglich beenden, ohne nach einer Bestätigung zu fragen" msgid " hotkey.togglefullscreen – Toggle between fullscreen and windowed" msgstr "" "hotkey.togglefullscreen – Εναλλαγή μεταξύ προβολής πλήρους οθόνης και λειτουργίας " "παραθύρου" msgid " hotkey.console.toggle – Toggle console" msgstr " hotkey.console.toggle – mostra ou oculta a consola de comandos" msgid " hotkey.fps.toggle – Toggle frame counter (FPS)" msgstr " hotkey.fps.toggle – Mostra/Amaga la freqüència de generació de fotogrames (FPS)" msgid "" " hotkey.profile.toggle – Toggle real-time profiler (cycles through the displays of " "information)" msgstr "" " hotkey.profile.toggle — Превключване на следенето на производителността в реално " "време (превключва между няколко вида информация)" msgid " – Save current profiler data to “logs/profile.txt”" msgstr "" " — Запазване на данните от текущото следене на производителността " "във файла „logs/profile.txt“" msgid "" " hotkey.screenshot – Take screenshot (in .png format, location is displayed in the top" " left of the GUI after the file has been saved, and can also be seen in the " "console/logs if you miss it there)" msgstr "" " hotkey.screenshot – Prendre une capture d'écran (au format .png, l'emplacement est " "affiché en haut à gauche de l'interface graphique après que le fichier a été " "enregistré, et peut également être vu dans la console/journal si vous ne le trouvez " "pas) " msgid "" " hotkey.bigscreenshot – Take huge screenshot (6400×4800 pixels, in .bmp format, " "location is displayed in the top left of the GUI after the file has been saved, and can" " also be seen in the console/logs if you miss it there)" msgstr "" " hotkey.bigscreenshot – Prendre une capture d'écran grand format (6400 × 4800 pixels, " "au format .bmp, l'emplacement est affiché en haut à gauche de l'interface graphique " "après que le fichier a été enregistré, et peut également être vu dans la " "console/journal si vous ne le trouvez pas)" msgid " – Switch to the next tab" msgstr " — Превключване към следващия раздел" msgid " – Switch to the previous tab" msgstr " – Перемкнутися до попередньої вкладки" msgid " – Switch to the next item of a list" msgstr " – Ga naar het volgende onderdeel van een lijst" msgid " hotkey.item.prev – Switch to the previous item of a list" msgstr " – Ga naar het vorige onderdeel van een lijst" msgid "[font=\"sans-bold-14\"]In Game[font=\"sans-14\"]" msgstr "[font=\"sans-bold-14\"]Comandos para jogos em andamento[font=\"sans-14\"]" msgid "" " Double Left Click \\[on unit] – Select all of your units of the same kind on the " "screen (even if they're different ranks)" msgstr "" " Clicar duas vezes com o botão esquerdo do rato \\[na unidade] – seleciona todas as " "unidades do mesmo tipo que estejam presentes no ecrã (mesmo que sejam de patentes " "diferentes)" msgid "" " Triple Left Click \\[on unit] – Select all of your units of the same kind and the " "same rank on the screen" msgstr "" " Triple clic esquerre \\[sobre una unitat] – Selecciona totes les unitats pròpies del " "mateix tipus i del mateix rang que hi ha a la pantalla" msgid "" " Alt + Double Left Click \\[on unit] – Select all your units of the same kind on the " "entire map (even if they have different ranks)" msgstr "" " Alt + clicar duas vezes com o botão esquerdo do rato \\[na unidade] – seleciona todas" " as unidades do mesmo tipo em todo o mapa (mesmo que tenham patentes diferentes)" msgid "" " Alt + Triple Left Click \\[on unit] – Select all your units of the same kind and rank" " on the entire map" msgstr "" " Alt + Triple clic esquerre \\[sobre una unitat] – Selecciona totes les unitats " "pròpies del mateix tipus i del mateix rang que hi ha a tot el mapa" msgid " hotkey.quicksave – Quicksave" msgstr "lastertekla.gordetzeazkarra – Gordetze azkarra" msgid " hotkey.quickload – Quickload" msgstr " hotkey.quickload – carrega o jogo guardado rapidamente" msgid " – Toggle menu" msgstr " – Menü megjelenítése / elrejtése" msgid " hotkey.timeelapsedcounter.toggle – Toggle time elapsed counter" msgstr "" "lastertekla.igarotakodenborakontagailua.txandakatu – Erakutsi igarotako denboraren " "kontagailua" msgid " hotkey.cancel – Close all dialogs (chat, menu)" msgstr " hotkey.cancel – Fermer toutes les boîtes de dialogue (chat, menu) " msgid " hotkey.confirm – Open chat or send message" msgstr " hotkey.confirm – Ouvrir la fenêtre de conversation ou envoyer un message" msgid " hotkey.teamchat – Send team chat" msgstr " hotkey.teamchat – Küldés a csapatnak szóló csevegésbe" msgid " hotkey.privatechat – Chat with the previously selected private chat partner" msgstr "" " hotkey.privatechat – Συνομιλία με τον/την προηγούμενο/η επιλεγμένο/η συνομιλητή στην " "ιδιωτική συνομιλία." msgid " hotkey.pause – Pause or resume the game" msgstr " hotkey.pause – Mettre la partie en pause ou reprendre la partie" msgid "" " hotkey.session.kill – Delete currently selected unit(s)/structure(s), ask for " "confirmation" msgstr "" " hotkey.session.kill – Supprimer les unité(s) / structure(s) actuellement " "sélectionnées, demander confirmation" msgid "" " • With hotkey.session.noconfirmation – Immediately delete currently selected " "unit(s)/structure(s), without asking for confirmation" msgstr "" " • Avec hotkey.session.noconfirmation – Supprimer immédiatement les unité(s) / " "structure(s) actuellement sélectionnées, sans demander de confirmation" msgid "" " hotkey.selection.add – Modifier – add to selection (works with clicking and hotkeys, " "e.g. the idle hotkeys)" msgstr "" " hotkey.selection.add – Atharraichear – cuir ris an taghadh (obraichidh seo an dà " "chuid le briogadh is ghrad-iuchraichean, can na grad-iuchraichean “’na thàmh”)" msgid "" " hotkey.selection.remove – Modifier – remove from selection (works with clicking and " "hotkeys, e.g. the idle hotkeys)" msgstr "" " hotkey.selection.remove – Atharraichear – thoir air falbh on taghadh (obraichidh seo " "an dà chuid le briogadh is ghrad-iuchraichean, can na grad-iuchraichean “’na thàmh”)" msgid "" " hotkey.selection.offscreen – Modifier – add all units, including offscreen units, to " "selection" msgstr "" " hotkey.selection.offscreen – Modificador – añade todas las unidades a la selección, " "incluyendo las que están fuera de la pantalla" msgid " hotkey.selection.cancel – Unselect all units, cancel building placement" msgstr "" " hotkey.selection.cancel – desseleciona todas as unidades; cancela as fundações de um " "edifício no terreno ao criá-lo" msgid " hotkey.selection.idlebuilder – Select idle builder" msgstr "lastertekla.hautatu.egoneandagoeneraikitzailea – Hautatu egonean dagoen eraiklitzailea" msgid " hotkey.selection.idlewarrior – Select idle fighter" msgstr "lastertekla.hautapena.egoneadagoenborrokalaria – Hautatu egonean dagoen borrokalaria" msgid " hotkey.selection.idleworker – Select idle worker (including citizen-soldiers)" msgstr "" "lastertekla.hautapena.egoneadagoenlangilea – Hautatu egonean dagoen langilea (hiritar-" "soldaduak barne)" msgid " hotkey.selection.idleunit – Select idle unit" msgstr "lastertekla.hautatu.egoneandagoenunitatea – Hautatu egonean dagoen unitatea" msgid " hotkey.session.stop – Stop (halt) the currently selected units" msgstr " sneltoets.session.stop – Stop (halt) de activiteit van de geselecteerde eenheden" msgid " hotkey.session.backtowork – The unit will go back to work" msgstr " hotkey.session.backtowork – Diese Einheit wird die Arbeit wieder aufnehmen" msgid " hotkey.session.unload – Unload the garrisoned units of the selected structure(s)" msgstr "" " hotkey.session.unload – Décharger les unités en garnison de la ou des structure(s) " "sélectionnée(s)" msgid "" " – Create control group 1 (by default, respectively 2,3," " ...) from the selected unit(s)/structure(s)" msgstr "" " – Crear grupo de control 1 (predeterminado, 2, 3, ... " "respectivamente) a partir de las unidades/estructuras seleccionadas" msgid " – Select the unit(s)/structure(s) in control group 1" msgstr "" " – Sélectionner les unité(s)/structure(s) dans le " "groupe de contrôle 1" msgid "" " – Add control group 1 (to 0) to the selected " "unit(s)/structure(s)" msgstr "" " – Voeg de geselecteerde eenheid (eenheden) / " "gebouw(en) toe aan controlegroep 1 (t/m 0)" msgid "" " – Mark the current camera position, for jumping back to " "later (by default, there are 4 possible positions)" msgstr "" " – Comharraich ionad làithreach a’ chamara ach an urrainn " "dhut leum a ghearradh air ais dha an uairsin (gabhaidh 4 ionadan iomruineadh a ghnàth)" msgid "" " – Move the camera to a marked position. Jump back to the last " "location if the camera is already over the marked position" msgstr "" " – Verplaats de camera naar de opgeslagen positie. Spring " "terug naar de laatste positie indien de camera al op de opgeslagen positie is" msgid "" " hotkey.session.queueunit.1, hotkey.session.queueunit.2, hotkey.session.queueunit.3, " "hotkey.session.queueunit.4, hotkey.session.queueunit.5, hotkey.session.queueunit.6, " "hotkey.session.queueunit.7 – With training structure selected. Add the 1st, 2nd, … unit" " shown to the training queue for all the selected structures" msgstr "" " hotkey.session.queueunit.1, hotkey.session.queueunit.2, hotkey.session.queueunit.3, " "hotkey.session.queueunit.4, hotkey.session.queueunit.5, hotkey.session.queueunit.6, " "tecla de acceso rápido. session.queueuunit.7 – Coa estrutura de adestramento " "seleccionada. Engade a 1a, 2a, ... unidade mostrada á cola de adestramento para todas " "as estruturas seleccionadas" msgid "" " hotkey.session.highlightguarded with unit(s) selected – Highlight the " "unit(s)/structure(s) guarded by the selection" msgstr "" " sneltoets.session.highlightguarded met geselecteerde eenheid (eenheden – Toon welke " "eenheid (eenheden) / gebouw(en) bewaakt worden door de geselecteerde eenheden" msgid "" " hotkey.session.highlightguarding with unit(s)/structure(s) selected – Highlight the " "unit(s) guarding the selection" msgstr "" " hotkey.session.highlightguarding avec des unité(s)/structure(s) selectionnées – " "Mettre en surbrillance la ou les unité(s) / structure(s) gardée(s) par la sélection" msgid "" " highlightguarding.showstatusbars – See all status bars (which would also show the " "building progress)" msgstr "" " highlightguarding.showstatusbars – Voir toutes les barres d'état ( également celles " "qui montreraient les progrès de la construction)" msgid " hotkey.summary – Toggle summary window" msgstr " hotkey.summary — показать или скрыть окно со сводной таблицей игры" msgid " hotkey.lobby – Show the multiplayer lobby in a dialog window" msgstr " hotkey.lobby – Seall an lobaidh ioma-chluicheadair ann an uinneag còmhraidh" msgid " hotkey.session.gui.diplomacy.toggle – Toggle in-game diplomacy panel" msgstr "" " hotkey.session.gui.diplomacy.toggle – Εμφάνιση/Απόκρυψη του παραθύρου διπλωματίας " "εντός του παιχνιδιού." msgid " hotkey.session.gui.barter.toggle – Toggle in-game barter and trade panel" msgstr "" " hotkey.session.gui.barter.toggle – mostra ou oculta o painel de comércio e trocas " "durante um jogo" msgid " hotkey.session.gui.objectives.toggle – Toggle in-game objectives panel" msgstr "" " hotkey.session.gui.objectives.toggle – Εναλλαγή παραθύρου του ενδο-παιχγνιδικού " "παραθύρου στόχων" msgid " hotkey.session.gui.tutorial.toggle – Toggle in-game tutorial panel" msgstr "" "hotkey.session.gui.tutorial.toggle – Εμφάνιση/Απόκρυψη του παραθύρου εκμάθησης εντός " "του παιχνιδιού." msgid " hotkey.structree – Toggle structure tree panel" msgstr " hotkey.structree – Basculer vers le panneau d'arborescence de bâtiment" msgid " hotkey.civinfo – Toggle civilization info panel" msgstr " hotkey.civinfo – Afficher/Masquer vers le panneau d'information de civilisation " msgid "[font=\"sans-bold-14\"]Modify mouse action[font=\"sans-14\"]" msgstr "[font=\"sans-bold-14\"]Nastavit činnost při stisknutí tlačítka myši[font=\"sans-14\"]" msgid " hotkey.session.garrison + Right Click on structure – Garrison" msgstr "" " hotkey.session.garrison + Клацнути правою кнопкою миші на споруді – Розміститися в " "гарнізоні" msgid " + Right Click on structure – Repair" msgstr " + clique com o botão direito do rato na estrutura – reparar" msgid " hotkey.session.patrol + Right Click – Patrol" msgstr " hotkey.session.patrol + clique com botão direito do rato – patrulhar" msgid " hotkey.session.queue + Right Click – Queue the move/build/gather/etc. order" msgstr "" " hotkey.session.queue + Десен бутон на мишката — добавяне на заповедта за " "движение/строеж/събиране/т.н. в опашката за извършване след приключване на текущото " "действие" msgid "" " hotkey.session.pushorderfront + Right Click – Modifier to push any order in front of " "the order queue" msgstr "" " hotkey.session.pushorderfront + botão direito do rato – modificador para empurrar " "qualquer ordem para a frente na fila de ordens" msgid "" " hotkey.session.orderone + Right Click – Order one unit from the current selection to " "move/build/gather/etc. and unselect it. Used to quickly dispatch units with specific " "tasks" msgstr "" " hotkey.session.orderone + Десен бутон на мишката — заповядване на една единица от " "текущо избраните да се придвижи/строи/събира/т.н. Единицата бива премахната от избора. " "Това може да се използва за бързо разпределяне на различни задачи на избраните единици" msgid "" " hotkey.session.batchtrain + Left Click when training units – Add units in batches " "(the batch size is 5 by default and can be changed in the options)" msgstr "" " hotkey.session.batchtrain + Клацнути лівою кнопкою миші під час тренування " "підрозділів – Додати підрозділи у групах (розмір групи за замовчуванням становить 5 і " "може бути змінений у налаштунках)" msgid "" " hotkey.selection.add + Left Click or Left Drag over unit on map – Add unit to " "selection" msgstr "" " hotkey.selection.add + clicar com o botão esquerdo do rato ou arrastar com o botão " "esquerdo do rato sobre unidades no mapa – adiciona unidades à seleção" msgid "" " hotkey.selection.remove + Left Click or Left Drag over unit on map – Remove unit from" " selection" msgstr "" " hotkey.selection.remove + clicar com o botão esquerdo do rato ou arrastar com o botão" " esquerdo do rato sobre unidades no mapa – remove a unidade da seleção" msgid "" " hotkey.selection.militaryonly + Left Drag over units on map – Only select military " "units" msgstr "" " hotkey.selection.militaryonly + faire glisser avec bouton gauche sur des unités de la" " carte – Sélectionnez uniquement les unités militaires" msgid "" " hotkey.selection.nonmilitaryonly + Left Drag over units on map – Only select non-" "military units" msgstr "" " hotkey.selection.nonmilitaryonly + faire glisser avec bouton gauche sur des unités " "sur la carte – Sélectionner uniquement les unités non militaires" msgid " hotkey.selection.idleonly + Left Drag over units on map – Only select idle units" msgstr "" " hotkey.selection.idleonly + faire glisser avec bouton gauche sur des unités sur la " "carte – Sélectionner uniquement les unités oisives" msgid " hotkey.selection.woundedonly + Left Drag over units on map – Only select wounded units" msgstr "" " hotkey.selection.woundedonly + faire glisser avec bouton gauche sur des unités sur la" " carte – Ne sélectionner que les unités blessées." msgid "" " hotkey.selection.singleselection – Modifier to select units individually, opposed to " "per formation." msgstr "" "hotkey.selection.singleselection - Modifier pour sélectionner les unités " "individuellement, contrairement par formation. " msgid "" " Right Click with a structure(s) selected – Set a rally point for units " "created/ungarrisoned from that structure" msgstr "" " Briogadh deas le togalach/togalaichean air an taghadh – suidhich ceann-cruinneachaidh" " airson aonadan a thèid a chruthachadh san togalach ud no a dh’fhalbhas an gearastan" msgid "" " hotkey.session.garrison + Right Click with unit(s) selected – Garrison (If the cursor" " is over an own or allied structure)" msgstr "" " hotkey.session.garrison + klepnutí pravým tlačítkem myši, když je vybrána " "jednotka(jednotky) – Umístit posádku (pokud je ukazovátko nad vlastní nebo spojeneckou " "stavbou)" msgid "" " hotkey.session.attack + Right Click with unit(s) selected – Attack (instead of " "another action)" msgstr "" "hotkey.session.attack + clic droit avec une ou des unité(s) sélectionnée(s) – Attaquer " "(au lieu de faire une autre action)" msgid "" " hotkey.session.attackmove + Right Click with unit(s) selected – Attack move (by " "default all enemy units and structures along the way are targeted)" msgstr "" " hotkey.session.attackmove + clique com botão direito do rato com unidades já " "selecionadas – mover e atacar se encontrar unidades ou estruturas inimigas (por " "predefinição, todas as unidades inimigas e estruturas ao longo do caminho são atacadas)" msgid "" " hotkey.session.attackmoveUnit + Right Click with unit(s) selected – Attack move, only" " units along the way are targeted" msgstr "" " hotkey.session.attackmoveUnit + clique com botão direito do rato com unidades já " "selecionadas – mover e atacar se encontrar unidades inimigas (apenas as unidades " "inimigas ao longo do caminho são atacadas)" msgid "" " hotkey.session.capture + Right Click with unit(s) selected – Capture (instead of " "another action)" msgstr "" " sneltoets.session.verover + rechtsklik met geselecteerde eenheid (eenheden) – " "Veroveren (in plaats van een ander commando)" msgid "" " hotkey.session.snaptoedges + Mouse Move near structures – Align the new structure " "with an existing nearby structure" msgstr "" " hotkey.session.snaptoedges + hiren liikuttaminen rakenteiden lähelle – Aseta uusi " "rakenne linjaan olemassa olevan läheisen rakenteen kanssa." msgid " hotkey.session.flare + Right Click – Send a flare to your allies" msgstr "" " hotkey.session.flare + clique com o botão direito do rato – envia um sinal para os " "teus aliados" msgid "[font=\"sans-bold-14\"]Overlays[font=\"sans-14\"]" msgstr "[font=\"sans-bold-14\"]Painéis de sobreposição[font=\"sans-14\"]" msgid " hotkey.session.gui.toggle – Toggle the GUI" msgstr "hotkey.session.gui.toggle – Εμφάνιση/Απόκρυψη παραθύρου περιβάλλοντος διεπαφής." msgid " hotkey.session.devcommands.toggle – Toggle developer overlay (with developer options)" msgstr "" " hotkey.session.devcommands.toggle – Fejlesztői réteg aktiválása / kikapcsolása (a " "fejlesztői beállításokkal együtt)" msgid "" " hotkey.wireframe – Toggle wireframe mode (press once to get wireframes overlaid over " "the textured models, twice to get just the wireframes colored by the textures, thrice " "to get back to normal textured mode)" msgstr "" " hotkey.wireframe – Drótvázak megjelenítése / elrejtése (ha azt szeretnéd, hogy a " "drótvázak a textúrákra illesztve jelenjenek meg, úgy egyszer nyomd meg, ha azt, hogy " "magukban jelenjenek meg, a textúrák által színezve, úgy kétszer, amennyiben pedig " "vissza akarsz térni a normál nézethez, úgy háromszor)" msgid " hotkey.silhouettes – Toggle unit silhouettes (might give a small performance boost)" msgstr "" " hotkey.silhouettes — переключить режим отображения силуэтов юнитов (выключение может " "дать небольшой прирост производительности)" msgid " hotkey.session.diplomacycolors – Toggle diplomacy colors" msgstr " hotkey.session.diplomacycolors – Activer/Désactiver les couleurs diplomatiques" msgid "" " hotkey.session.toggleattackrange – Toggle attack range visualizations of selected " "units and structures" msgstr "" " hotkey.session.toggleattackrange – Ota valittujen yksiköiden ja rakenteiden " "hyökkäyskantaman visualisoinnit käyttöön tai poista ne käytöstä. " msgid "" " hotkey.session.toggleaurasrange – Toggle aura range visualizations of selected units " "and structures" msgstr "" " hotkey.session.toggleaurasrange – Ota valittujen yksiköiden ja rakenteiden auran " "kantaman visualisoinnit käyttöön tai poista ne käytöstä." msgid " hotkey.session.togglehealrange – Toggle heal range visualizations of selected units" msgstr "" " hotkey.session.togglehealrange – Ota valittujen yksiköiden parannuskantaman " "visualisoinnit käyttöön tai poista ne käytöstä." msgid "[font=\"sans-bold-14\"]Camera manipulation[font=\"sans-14\"]" msgstr "[font=\"sans-bold-14\"]Manipulación de la cámara[font=\"sans-14\"]" msgid " – Pan screen up" msgstr " – Desplaza la pantalla hacia arriba" msgid " – Pan screen down" msgstr " – Desplaza la pantalla hacia abajo" msgid " – Pan screen left" msgstr " – Desplaza la pantalla a la izquierda" msgid " – Pan screen right" msgstr " – Dislocare la vista a man direiꞇha" msgid " – Rotate camera to look upward" msgstr " – Περιστροφή κάμερας για να κοιτάξετε προς τα επάνω" msgid " – Rotate camera to look downward" msgstr " – Περιστροφή κάμερας για να κοιτάξετε προς τα κάτω" msgid " – Rotate camera clockwise around terrain" msgstr "" " – Kamera elforgatása a terep körül az óramutató járásával " "megegyező irányban" msgid " – Rotate camera counter-clockwise around terrain" msgstr "" " – roda a câmara no sentido inverso dos ponteiros do relógio " "à volta do terreno" msgid " – Rotate camera clockwise around terrain" msgstr "" " – Kamera elforgatása a terep körül az óramutató " "járásával megegyező irányban" msgid " – Rotate camera counter-clockwise around terrain" msgstr "" " – roda a câmara no sentido inverso dos ponteiros do " "relógio à volta do terreno" msgid "" " – Follow the selected unit (move the camera to stop following " "the unit)" msgstr "" " – Ακολουθήστε την επιλεγμένη μονάδα (μετακινείστε κάμερας για να " "σταματήσετε να ακολουθάτε την μονάδα)" msgid " – Reset camera zoom and orientation" msgstr "" " – Retorna a proximidade e a perspectiva da câmera aos valores " "iniciais" msgid "" ", – Zoom in (keep pressed for " "continuous zoom)" msgstr "" ", – Approximare la vista (calten-llo" " premido par’ approximar de contino)" msgid "" ", – Zoom out (keep pressed for " "continuous zoom)" msgstr "" ", – Allongare la vista (calten-llo" " premido par’ allongar de contino)" msgid " – Keep pressed and move the mouse to pan" msgstr "" " – Διατηρείστε πατημένο και μετακινείστε το ποντίκι για μετακίνηση " "κάμερας." msgid "[font=\"sans-bold-14\"]During Structure Placement[font=\"sans-14\"]" msgstr "[font=\"sans-bold-14\"]Pendant le placement de la structure [font=\"sans-14\"]" msgid " hotkey.session.rotate.ccw – Rotate structure 15 degrees counter-clockwise" msgstr "" " hotkey.session.rotate.ccw – Építmény elforgatása 15°-kal az óramutató járásával " "ellentétes irányban" msgid " – Rotate structure 15 degrees clockwise" msgstr "" " – Építmény elforgatása 15°-kal az óramutató járásával " "megegyező irányban" msgid " Left Drag – Rotate structure using mouse (foundation will be placed on mouse release)" msgstr "" "Glisser vers la gauche – Faire pivoter la structure à l'aide de la souris (la fondation" " sera placée lors de la libération de la souris)\n" " " msgid "[font=\"sans-bold-14\"]When loading a saved game[font=\"sans-14\"]" msgstr "[font=\"sans-bold-14\"]Nuair a luchdaicheas tu geama air a shàbhaladh[font=\"sans-14\"]" msgid " hotkey.cancel – Cancel" msgstr " hotkey.cancel – Sguir dheth" msgid "" " hotkey.session.savedgames.delete – Delete the selected saved game, ask for " "confirmation" msgstr "" " hotkey.session.savedgames.delete – Sguab às an geama air a shàbhaladh a thagh thu ’s " "thèid dearbhadh iarraidh ort" msgid " • With hotkey.session.savedgames.noconfirmation – Don't ask for confirmation" msgstr "" " • With hotkey.session.savedgames.noconfirmation – Ausgewählte Einheit(en)/Gebäude " "sofort und ohne weitere Bestätigung löschen" msgid "Manual" msgstr "Leabhar-mìneachaidh" msgid "Close" msgstr "Затваряне" msgid "View Online" msgstr "Visualizar na internet"