msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: None\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-23 00:09+0000\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2024-09-23 00:09+0000\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit" msgid "Rank" msgstr "Peringkat" msgid "Name" msgstr "Kromnomo" msgid "Rating" msgstr "Clasificación" msgid "Back" msgstr "Повернутися" msgid "Update" msgstr "Do gibts wos neis" msgid "Notice" msgstr "Pemberitahuan" msgid "Mark as Buddy" msgstr "'साथी' के लिए चिह्नित करें" msgid "Unmark as Buddy" msgstr "Отстранување на пријателството" msgid "Host Game" msgstr "Herbrec'hiañ ur C'hoariadenn" msgid "Your active mods do not match the mods of this game." msgstr "Chan eil na tuilleadain ghnìomhach agad a-rèir tuilleadain a’ gheama seo." msgid "Do you want to switch to the mod selection page?" msgstr "A bheil thu airson leum a ghearradh gu duilleag taghadh nan tuilleadan?" msgid "Incompatible mods" msgstr "Tá na modhnuithe neamhréireacha" msgid "The game has already started. Do you want to join as observer?" msgstr "Tá an cluiche ag imirt cheana féin. Ar mhaith leat a theacht le chéile mar breathnóir?" #. Translation: Join the game currently selected in the list. msgid "Join Game" msgstr "Придружи се постојећој игри" msgid "Leaderboard" msgstr "Tabuľka najlepších hráčov" msgid "Player Profile Lookup" msgstr "Búsqueda del perfil del jugador" msgctxt "previous page" msgid "Back" msgstr "Повернутися" msgctxt "previous page" msgid "Main Menu" msgstr "A’ phrìomh chlàr-taice" #, python-format msgid "" "The command '%(cmd)s' is not supported. Try %(help)s to get more information about the " "supported commands." msgstr "" "Η εντολή '%(cmd)s' δέν υποστηρίζεταο. Δοκιμάστε %(help)s για να αποκτήσετε περισσότερες" " πληροφορίες σχετικά με τις υποστηριζόμενες εντολές." #, python-format msgid "The command '%(cmd)s' is restricted to moderators." msgstr "Der Befehl „%(cmd)s“ darf nur von Moderatoren eingesetzt werden." #, python-format msgid "The command '%(cmd)s' requires at least one argument." msgstr "Perintah '%(cmd)s' memerlukan sekurang-kurangnya satu argumen." msgid "Set your state to 'Away'." msgstr "Tetapkan keadaan anda menjadi 'Keluar Sekejap'." msgid "Set your state to 'Online'." msgstr "Поставете ја вашата состојба на „На линија“." msgid "Kick a specified user from the lobby. Usage: /kick nick reason" msgstr "" "Изритване на определен потребител от чакалнята. Начин на ползване: /kick псевдоним " "причина" msgid "Ban a specified user from the lobby. Usage: /ban nick reason" msgstr "" "Блокиране на достъпа на определен потребител до чакалнята. Начин на ползване: /ban " "псевдоним причина" msgid "Show this help." msgstr "Rodyti šį pagalbos pranešimą." msgid "Chat commands:" msgstr "Commandes de discussion :" #. Translation: Chat command help format #, python-format msgid "%(command)s - %(description)s" msgstr "%(command)s - %(description)s" msgid "Send a chat message about yourself. Example: /me goes swimming." msgstr "" "Cuir teachdaireachd mu do dhèidhinn. Mar eisimpleir: /me a’ dol a shnàmh. Thoir an aire" " gum feum am /me a bhith air toiseach na loidhne." #. Translation: Chat command msgid "/me" msgstr "/أنا" msgid "" "Send text as a chat message (even if it starts with slash). Example: /say /help is a " "great command." msgstr "" "Kasit un destenn evel ur gemennadenn flapva (ha pa grogfe gant ur veskell/slash). " "Skouer: /lavar/skoazell a zo un urzhiad eus ar c'hentañ." #. Translation: Chat command msgid "/say" msgstr "/سخن گفتن" msgid "Clear all chat scrollback." msgstr "Tyhjennä koko keskustelun näkyvissä oleva historia." #, python-format msgid "" "== %(prefix)s:\n" "%(message)s" msgstr "" "== %(prefix)s:\n" "%(message)s" #. Translation: Chat message issued using the ‘/me’ command. #, python-format msgid "* %(sender)s %(message)s" msgstr "* %(sender)s %(message)s" #, python-format msgid "<%(sender)s>" msgstr "<%(sender)s>님" #, python-format msgid "%(sender)s %(message)s" msgstr "%(sender)s ‏%(message)s" msgid "Private" msgstr "Príobháideach" #, python-format msgid "(%(private)s) %(message)s" msgstr "( %(private)s ) %(message)s" msgid "Send" msgstr "Изпращане" #, python-format msgid "%(nick)s has joined." msgstr "%(nick)s s'ha unit a la partida." #, python-format msgid "%(nick)s has left." msgstr "O/H %(nick)s αποχώρησε από το παιχνίδι." #, python-format msgid "%(oldnick)s is now known as %(newnick)s." msgstr "Ο χρήστης %(oldnick)s είναι τώρα γνωστός/ή ώς %(newnick)s." msgid "You have been muted." msgstr "Ți-a fost dezactivat microfonul." #, python-format msgid "%(nick)s has been muted." msgstr "Lui %(nick)s i-a fost oprit microfonul." msgid "You are now a moderator." msgstr "Vous êtes maintenant modérateur(trice)." #, python-format msgid "%(nick)s is now a moderator." msgstr "%(nick)s est maintenant modérateur(trice)." msgid "You have been unmuted." msgstr "Du derfst jetz wieder dein Senf dazua gem." #, python-format msgid "%(nick)s has been unmuted." msgstr "%(nick)s derf jetz wieder sein Senf dazua gem." msgid "You are not a moderator anymore." msgstr "Vous n'êtes plus modérateur(trice)." #, python-format msgid "%(nick)s is not a moderator anymore." msgstr "Chan eil %(nick)s ’na m(h)aor tuilleadh." #, python-format msgid "%(nick)s changed the lobby subject to:" msgstr "%(nick)s heeft het onderwerp van de lobby veranderd in:" #, python-format msgid "%(nick)s deleted the lobby subject." msgstr "%(nick)s heeft het onderwerp van de lobby verwijderd." #. Translation: Chat status message #, python-format msgid "== %(message)s" msgstr "== %(message)s" msgid "Connected." msgstr "Conecteu-se." msgid "Disconnected." msgstr "Verbinding verbroken." #. Translation: Caption for system notifications shown in the chat panel msgid "System:" msgstr "Järjestelmä:" #, python-format msgid "=== %(system)s %(message)s" msgstr "=== %(system)s %(message)s" #. Translation: Chat message format when there is a time prefix. #, python-format msgid "%(time)s %(message)s" msgstr "%(time)s %(message)s" #. Translation: Time prefix as shown in the multiplayer lobby (when you enable it in the #. options page). #, python-format msgid "\\[%(time)s]" msgstr "\\[%(time)s]" msgid "BANNED" msgstr "CHAIDH DO THOIRMEASG" msgid "KICKED" msgstr "FHUAIR THU A’ BHRÒG" msgid "You have been disconnected from the lobby. Do you want to reconnect?" msgstr "Deine Verbindung zur Lobby wurde getrennt. Möchtest du die Verbindung wiederherstellen?" msgid "Confirmation" msgstr "Confirmar decisión" msgid "No" msgstr "Chan eil" msgid "Yes" msgstr "Sumuhun" #. Translation: The number of players and observers in this game #, python-format msgid "%(current)s/%(max)s +%(observercount)s" msgstr "%(current)s / %(max)s + %(observercount)s " #. Translation: The number of players in this game #, python-format msgid "%(current)s/%(max)s" msgstr "%(current)s / %(max)s" msgctxt "victory condition" msgid "Endless Game" msgstr "Spui bis di da Boandlkramer hoid" #, python-format msgid "" "You have some incompatible mods:\n" "%(details)s" msgstr "" "Tha tuilleadan no dhà agad nach eil co-chòrdail:\n" "%(details)s" msgid "This mod does not affect MP compatibility" msgstr "Αυτή η τροποποίηση δέν επηρεάζει τη συμβατότητα παιχνιδιού πολλαπλών παικτών" #, python-format msgid "Host: %(playername)s" msgstr "Người tổ chức: %(playername)s" #, python-format msgid "Players: %(current)s/%(total)s" msgstr "Cluicheadairean: %(current)s/%(total)s" msgid "Victory Conditions:" msgstr "Condizioni per la vittoria:" #. Translation: Comma used to concatenate victory conditions msgid ", " msgstr "، و" msgid "Mods:" msgstr "Upravené verze:" msgid "Mods (incompatible):" msgstr "Modifikace (nekompatibilní):" #. Translation: %(time)s is the hour and minute here. #, python-format msgid "Game started at %(time)s" msgstr "Tá an cluiche tosaithe ag %(time)s" msgid "HH:mm" msgstr "മണിക്കൂർ: മിനിറ്റ്" msgid "Map Type:" msgstr "Cineál Léarscáile:" msgid "Map Size:" msgstr "Grandeco de la mapo:" msgid "Map Description:" msgstr "Omschrijving van de kaart:" msgid "Map Name" msgstr "Žemėlapio pavadinimas" msgctxt "map" msgid "Size" msgstr "Dimensione" msgctxt "map" msgid "Type" msgstr "النّوع" msgid "Players" msgstr "C'hoarierien" msgid "Show only open games" msgstr "Prikaži samo igre sa slobodnim pristupom." msgctxt "map size" msgid "Any" msgstr "Vilken som helst" msgctxt "map" msgid "Any" msgstr "Vilken som helst" msgctxt "player number" msgid "Any" msgstr "Vilken som helst" #, python-format msgctxt "gamelist filter" msgid "> %(rating)s" msgstr ">(%(rating)s)" #, python-format msgctxt "gamelist filter" msgid "< %(rating)s" msgstr "< %(rating)s" msgid "You have been kicked from the lobby!" msgstr "Anda telah ditendang keluar dari ruang legar!" msgid "You have been banned from the lobby!" msgstr "Jums buvo uždraustas prisijungimas prie žaidimo kambario!" #, python-format msgid "%(nick)s has been kicked from the lobby." msgstr "%(nick)s telah ditendang keluar dari ruang legar." #, python-format msgid "%(nick)s has been banned from the lobby." msgstr "A %(nick)s se le ha prohibido la entrada a la sala multijugador." #, python-format msgctxt "lobby kick" msgid "Reason: %(reason)s" msgstr "Priežastis: %(reason)s" msgid "Multiplayer Lobby" msgstr "Poczekalnia trybu wieloosobowego" #, python-format msgid "%(nick)s (%(rating)s)" msgstr "%(nick)s ‏(%(rating)s)" msgid "Online" msgstr "Συνδεδεμένος" msgid "Away" msgstr "Ikke til stede" msgid "Busy" msgstr "Απασχολημένος" msgid "Offline" msgstr "Челтәргә тоташмаган" msgctxt "lobby presence" msgid "Unknown" msgstr "Woas ma ned wos der duad" msgid "Search for Player" msgstr "Αναζήτηση για Παίκτη/τρια" msgid "Status" msgstr "მდგომარეობა" msgid "N/A" msgstr "Nie je k dispozícií" msgid "Moderator" msgstr "Người điều hành" msgid "Player" msgstr "Cluicheadair" msgid "Muted Player" msgstr "بازیکنی که وضعیتش خاموش شده است" msgctxt "Used for an undefined winning rate" msgid "-" msgstr "-" #, python-format msgid "%(percentage)s%%" msgstr "%(percentage)s %%" msgid "Current Rank:" msgstr "Classificacion actual:" msgid "Highest Rating:" msgstr "Miglior punteggio in classifica:" msgid "Total Games:" msgstr "Pelejä pelattu yhteensä:" msgid "Wins:" msgstr "Overwinningen:" msgid "Losses:" msgstr "مرّات الخسارة:" msgid "Win Rate:" msgstr "Razmerje zmag in porazov:" #, python-format msgid "Player \"%(nick)s\" not found." msgstr "Cha deach an cluicheadair “%(nick)s” a lorg." msgid "Enter playername:" msgstr "Cuir a-steach ainm cluicheadair:" msgid "View Profile" msgstr "Profil megtekintése" msgid "Please enter a player name." msgstr "Per favore inserisci il nome del giocatore." msgid "Password again:" msgstr "Vuelve a introducir la contraseña:" msgid "Please enter your username" msgstr "Cuir isteach d'ainm úsáideora le do thoil" msgid "Invalid username" msgstr "Ainm-cleachdaiche mì-dhligheach" msgctxt "register" msgid "Please enter your password" msgstr "Παρακαλώ, πληκτρολόγησε το συνθηματικό σου" msgctxt "login" msgid "Please enter your password" msgstr "Παρακαλώ, πληκτρολόγησε το συνθηματικό σου" msgid "Please choose a longer password" msgstr "Veuillez choisir un mot de passe plus long, s'il vous plait" msgid "Please enter your password again" msgstr "Veuillez entrer votre mot de passe à nouveau" msgid "Passwords do not match" msgstr "Host an schmarn zam gschriem bei de Passwörter" msgid "Are you sure you want to delete the password after connecting?" msgstr "" "A bheil thu cinnteach gu bheil thu airson am facal-faire a sguabadh às nuair a bhios u " "air ceangal a dhèanamh?" msgid "Login:" msgstr "Přihlašovací jméno:" msgid "Password:" msgstr "Ḷḷave d’accessu:" msgid "Remember Password" msgstr "Derc'hel soñj eus ar ger-kuzh" msgid "" "Unknown error. This usually occurs because the same IP address is not allowed to " "register more than one account within one hour." msgstr "" "Unbekannter Fehler. Dieser Fehler tritt gewöhnlich auf, wenn dieselbe IP-Adresse " "benutzt wurde, um mehr als einen Account innerhalb einer Stunde zu erstellen." msgid "Cancel" msgstr "Hoit i mog noch ned" msgid "[font=\"sans-bold-18\"]0 A.D. Empires Ascendant Multiplayer Lobby Privacy Policy[/font]" msgstr "" "[font=\"sans-bold-18\"] Zásady ochrany osobních údajů hry pro více hráčů jedné zájmové " "skupiny ve hře 0 A.D. Empires Ascendant[/font]" msgid "[font=\"sans-bold-14\"]Document Date:[/font] 2023-07-27" msgstr "[font=\"sans-bold-14\"]Последна редакция:[/font] 27 юли 2023г." msgid "" "[font=\"sans-bold-16\"]Personal data processed by Wildfire Games and purposes of " "processing:[/font]" msgstr "" "[font=\"sans-bold-16\"]An dàta pearsanta a thèid a phròiseasadh le Wildfire Games agus " "adhbharan a’ phròiseasaidh:[/font]" msgid "[font=\"sans-bold-14\"]1. Player name[/font]" msgstr "[font=\"sans-bold-14\"]1. Ονομα Παίκτη/τριας[/font]" msgid "The player is identified by a name that the player chooses at the time of registration." msgstr "" "Thèid an cluicheadair aithneachadh a-rèir ainm a thaghas an cluicheadair nuair a nì e " "clàradh leinn." msgid "" "Having a unique player name is a requirement to gain a rating, to allow players, " "moderators and developers to identify players they met before, communicate about the " "game, coordinate matches and enables moderators to enforce the Terms of Use." msgstr "" "Η ύπαρξη ενός μοναδικού ονόματος παίκτη/τριας είναι προαπαιτούμενο για να κερδίζεις " "βαθμολογία ,να επιτρέπετε σε παίκτες,σε συντονιστές και προγραμματιστές να αναγνωρίζουν" " παίκτες που έχουν συναντήσει πρίν. \n" "Να επικοινωνούν για το παιχνίδι, να συντονίζουν τους αγώνες και να δίνουν τη δυνατότητα" " στους επόπτες να επιβάλλουν τους Όρους Χρήσης." msgid "" "The player name serves as a pseudonym. The identity (natural person) of players is not " "known to Wildfire Games, except where personally identifiable information (such as the " "real name) was disclosed on the Lobby Chat, other services of Wildfire Games or " "elsewhere in the public, or when the IP address is used to bring criminal proceedings." msgstr "" "O nome do jogador serve de pseudónimo. A identidade (pessoa física) dos jogadores não é" " conhecida pela Wildfire Games, a não ser quando a informação pessoalmente " "identificável (como o nome real) tenha sido referida na Conversação da Sala de Espera, " "outros serviços da Wildfire Games ou outros locais em público, ou quando o endereço IP " "for utilizado para procedimentos criminais." msgid "[font=\"sans-bold-14\"]2. Password[/font]" msgstr "[font=\"sans-bold-14\"]2. Κωδικός Πρόσβασης[/font]" msgid "" "A player is authenticated using a password that the player chooses at the time of " "registration." msgstr "" "Ο παίκτης επικυρώνεται χρησιμοποιώντας έναν κωδικό πρόσβασης τον οποίο ο παίκτης " "επιλέγει κατά τη στιγμή της εγγραφής." msgid "" "Wildfire Games only receives an encrypted version of the password, so that the password" " chosen by the user is not revealed to Wildfire Games or others in case of a breach." msgstr "" "Chan fhaigh Wildefire Games ach tionndadh crioptaichte dhen fhacal-fhaire, mar sin cha " "dèid am facal-faire a thaghas an cluicheadair a nochdadh do Wildfire Games no duine sam" " bith eile ma thèid briseadh a-steach oirnn." msgid "[font=\"sans-bold-14\"]3. IP address[/font]" msgstr "[font=\"sans-bold-14\"]3. Enderezo de IP[/font]" msgid "" "When a player hosts a match in the Multiplayer Lobby, the IP address of that player is " "sent to every player who is online, so that other players can join that game." msgstr "" "Όταν ένας παίκτης φιλοξενεί έναν αγώνα στο Λόμπι για Πολλούς Παίκτες, η διεύθυνση IP " "αυτού του παίκτη αποστέλλεται σε κάθε παίκτη που είναι συνδεδεμένος, έτσι ώστε οι άλλοι" " παίκτες να μπορούν να συμμετάσχουν σε αυτό το παιχνίδι." msgid "" "Wildfire Games stores players IP addresses and may infer publicly available geolocation" " and internet service provider data (for example \"geolite2\") from the IP address in " "order to:" msgstr "" "Wildfire Games almacena las direcciones IP de los jugadores y puede inferir la " "localización geográfica disponible públicamente y los datos del proveedor de servicios " "(por ejemplo «geolite2») de las direcciones IP con el propósito de:" msgid "" " 1. Enforce the Terms of Use where persons create multiple accounts without Wildfire " "Games permission, in particular after having been banned from the service for violating" " the Terms of Use." msgstr "" "1. Die Nutzungsbedingungen durchzusetzen, wenn Personen mehrere Konten ohne die " "Zustimmung von Wildfire Games anlegen, im Speziellen, nachdem sie vom Dienst " "ausgeschlossen wurden aufgrund eines Verstoßes gegen die Nutzungsbedingungen." msgid " IP addresses will not be saved for longer than three years for this purpose." msgstr "" " Οι διευθύνσεις IP δεν θα αποθηκεύονται για περισσότερο από τρία χρόνια για αυτό το " "σκοπό." msgid "" " 2. Make it possible to bring criminal proceedings in case of a cyberattack (EU Court " "of Justice Press Release No 112/16)." msgstr "" " 2. Comas a thoirt dhuinn ach an cuir sinn a-steach cùis mu eucoir ma bhios sinn fo " "sìobar-ionnsaigh (brath-naidheachd àireamh 112/16 aig Cùirt-cheartais an Aonaidh " "Eòrpaich)." msgid "" "Wildfire Games will not use the IP address logs for any other purpose, in particular " "not for marketing, not otherwise disclose IP addresses to the public or third parties " "and erase IP addresses if they are not relevant for the stated purposes anymore." msgstr "" "Cha chleachd Wildfire Games logaichean nan seòladhaidhean IP air adhbhar sam bith eile," " gu sònraichte cha chleachd sinn iad airson margaidheachd is chan fhoillsich sinn " "seòlaidhean IP gu poblach no gu treas-phàrtaidhean agus sguabaidh sinn às dha na " "seòlaidhean IP mur eil iad iomchaidh airson nan adhbharan a mhìnich sinn tuilleadh." msgid "[font=\"sans-bold-14\"]4. Online presence[/font]" msgstr "[font=\"sans-bold-14\"]4. Làthaireachd air loidhne[/font]" msgid "" "Which players are currently connected to the Multiplayer Lobby and which match they " "joined is shown to all online players." msgstr "" "Seallaidh sinn dhan a h-uile cluicheadair a bhios air loidhne cò na cluicheadairean a " "bhios ceangailte ris an lobaidh ioma-chluicheadair aig an àm agus dè na maidsichean a " "bhios iad a’ gabhail pàirt annta." msgid "[font=\"sans-bold-14\"]5. Chat messages[/font]" msgstr "[font=\"sans-bold-14\"]5. Teachdaireachdan na cabadaich[/font]" msgid "" "The Multiplayer Lobby features a public chat room that enables players to discuss the " "game and organize multiplayer matches." msgstr "" "Tha seòmar cabadaich poblach aig an lobaidh ioma-chluicheadair a leigeas leis na " "cluicheadairean bruidhinn mun gheama agus maidsichean ioma-chluicheadair a chur air " "dòigh." msgid "" "Wildfire Games stores a log of the public chat messages and online presence to meet the" " following purposes:" msgstr "" "Η Wildfire Games αποθηκεύει σε ένα αρχείο καταγραφής τα δημόσια μηνύματα συνομιλίας και" " την παρουσία στο Λόμπι για να ικανοποιήσει τους ακόλουθους σκοπούς:" msgid " 1. Moderators may screen chat messages to enforce the Terms of Use." msgstr "" " 1. Faodaidh maoir sgrùdadh a dhèanamh air teachdaireachdan na cabadaich feuch an " "èignich iad Teirmichean a’ chleachdaidh." msgid "" " 2. Wildfire Games may address or resolve bug reports, balancing issues or feature " "proposals indicated by players in the chat room." msgstr "" " 2. Η Wildfire Games μπορεί να απευθύνει ή να επιλύσει αναφορές σε σφάλματα, σε " "ζητήματα εξισορρόπησης ή σε προτάσεις για χαρακτηριστικά που υποδεικνύονται από τους " "παίκτες στην αίθουσα συνομιλίας." msgid "" " 3. Wildfire Games may assess trends amongst discussed topics, the growth of the active" " community and use these indicators as feedback to assess, improve and direct " "development of the game and the service." msgstr "" " 3. Faodaidh Wildfire Games measadh a dhèanamh air treandaichean am measg nan " "cuspairean a chaidh a dheasbaireachd, air fàs na coimhearsnachd gnìomhaich agus na " "treandaichean sin a chleachdadh mar bheachdan airson an t-seirbheis is an geama a " "mheas, piseach a thoirt air ’s a leasachadh gu dìreach." msgid "[font=\"sans-bold-14\"]6. Match statistics[/font]" msgstr "[font=\"sans-bold-14\"]6.Stadastaireachd nam maidsichean[/font]" msgid "" "Players can gain a rating on the Multiplayer Lobby that reflects their skill at the " "game." msgstr "" "Οι παίκτες μπορούν να κερδίσουν μια βαθμολογία στο Λόμπι Πολλών Παιχτών που " "αντικατοπτρίζει την ικανότητά τους στο παιχνίδι." msgid "" "The rating of all players is published by Wildfire Games and allows players to focus on" " competitive or balanced matchmaking if they wish to." msgstr "" "Thèid rangachaidhean nan cluicheadairean uile fhoillseachadh le Wildfire Games agus " "bheir seo comas dha na cluicheadairean ach an doir iad an aire air maidsichean co-" "fharpaiseach no cothromach ma thogras iad." msgid "" "During a rated match, players send data relating to the game (such as the number of " "units trained, resources gathered and the winner of the match) to Wildfire Games, so " "that Wildfire Games can adapt the players ratings based on these statistics." msgstr "" "Rè maidse rangaichte, cuiridh na cluicheadairean dàta a thaobh a’ gheama (can an " "àireamh de dh’ionadan a chaidh oideachadh, na stòrasan a chaidh a chruinneachadh is cò " "bhuannaich am maids) gu Wildfire Games ach an urrainn dha Wildfire Games gleus a chur " "air rangachaidhean nan cluicheadairean a tha stèidhichte air an stadastaireachd sin." msgid "Wildfire Games stores match statistics to:" msgstr "Wildfire Gamesek partiden estatistikak honetarako erabiltzen ditu:" msgid "" " 1. Verify the accuracy of the rating score and identify and enforce Terms of Use " "violations relating to that." msgstr "" " 1. Επιβεβαιώσει την ακρίβεια της βαθμολογικής κατάταξης και για να προσδιορίσει και " "να επιβάλλει τους Όρους Χρήσης στις παραβιάσεις που σχετίζονται με αυτό." msgid "" " 2. Compute and publish community statistics to improve the game and the service, for " "example to improve the balancing of the game or to make certain aspects of the game " "more appealing." msgstr "" " 2. Υπολογίσει και δημοσιεύσει στατιστικά της κοινότητας για να βελτιώσει το παιχνίδι " "και την υπηρεσία, για παράδειγμα για να βελτιώσει την εξισορρόπηση του παιχνιδιού ή για" " να κάνει συγκεκριμένες πτυχές του παιχνιδιού πιο ελκυστικές." msgid "[font=\"sans-bold-14\"]Security of processing:[/font]" msgstr "" " \n" "[font=\"sans-bold-14\"]Заштита на обработката на податоци:[/font]" msgid "The transmission of personal data is secured using TLS encryption (GDPR 32)." msgstr "" "Η μετάδοση προσωπικών δεδομένων εξασφαλίζεται με κρυπτογράφηση TLS (Στρώμα Ασφαλών " "Υποδοχών) (Γενικός Κανονισμός για την Προστασία Δεδομένων 32)." msgid "" "Personal data is protected against unintentional loss in encrypted backups for " "additional time (GDPR 30.1.g, GDPR 32)." msgstr "" "Τα προσωπικά δεδομένα προστατεύονται από την ακούσια απώλεια κρυπτογραφημένων " "αντιγράφων ασφαλείας για επιπλέον χρόνο (Γενικός Κανονισμός για την Προστασία Δεδομένων" " 30.1.g, ΓΚΠΔ 32)." msgid "All personal data that Wildfire Games processes is obtained from the user (GDPR 14)." msgstr "" "Όλα τα προσωπικά δεδομένα που εξεργάζεται η Wildfire Games αποκτώνται από το χρήστη " "(Γενικός Κανονισμός για την Προστασία Δεδομένων 14)." msgid "" "Wildfire Games reserves the right to delete any service data (including personal data) " "at any time, except where a user has objected to the erasure of his or her personal " "data for performance of a legal claim." msgstr "" "Wildfire Games behoudt zich het recht voor om servicegegevens (inclusief persoonlijke " "gegevens) te allen tijde te verwijderen, behalve wanneer een gebruiker bezwaar heeft " "gemaakt tegen het wissen van zijn of haar persoonlijke gegevens voor de uitvoering van " "een rechtsvordering." msgid "[font=\"sans-bold-16\"]Legal basis for the processing:[/font]" msgstr "[font=\"sans-bold-16\"]Bunús dlithiúil le haghaidh na próiseála:[/font]" msgid "" "1. The processing is necessary for the performance of the service defined in the terms " "(GDPR 6.1.b)." msgstr "" " 1. Η επεξεργασία είναι απαραίτητη για την εκτέλεση της υπηρεσίας όπως ορίζεται στους " "όρους (Γενικός Κανονισμός για την Προστασία Δεδομένων 6.1.b)." msgid "" "2. Wildfire Games has legitimate interests in providing the Multiplayer Lobby, in the " "development and improvement of 0 A.D. and the Multiplayer Lobby, in enforcing the Terms" " of Use and in the protection against cyberattacks (GDPR 6.1.f)." msgstr "" "2. Wildfire Games има основателен интерес за предоставянето на чакалнята за мрежови " "игри, за разработката и подобряването на играта 0 A.D и чакалнята за мрежови игри, за " "прилагането на Условията за ползване и за защитаването срещу кибератаки (съгласно чл. " "6.1.f на ОРЗД)." msgid "" "3. Wildfire Games does not process any further data for the Multiplayer Lobby and does " "not ask for consent to process data (GDPR 6.1.a, GDPR 7, GDPR 8, GDPR 13.2.c)." msgstr "" " 3. Η Wildfire Games δεν επεξεργάζεται περαιτέρω δεδομένα για το Λόμπι Πολλών Παιχτών " "και δεν ζητά τη συγκατάθεση για την επεξεργασία δεδομένων (Γενικός Κανονισμός για την " "Προστασία Δεδομένων 6.1.a, ΓΚΠΔ 7, ΓΚΠΔ 8, ΓΚΠΔ 13.2.c)." msgid "[font=\"sans-bold-16\"]User rights:[/font]" msgstr "[font=\"sans-bold-16\"]Erabiltzailearen eskubideak:[/font]" msgid "" "1. Contact Wildfire Games, by sending an email to webmaster at wildfiregames dot com " "(GDPR 13.1.a, GDPR 13.1.b)." msgstr "" "1. Επικοινώνησε με τη Wildfire Games, στέλνοντας ένα μήνυμα ηλεκτρονικού ταχυδρομείου " "στο webmaster παπάκι wildfiregames τελεία com (Γενικός Κανονισμός για την Προστασία " "Δεδομένων 13.1.a, ΓΚΠΔ 13.1.b)." msgid " To exercise any user right, please refer to this contact." msgstr "" " Cleachd am fiosrachadh conaltraidh seo a thaobh còir sam bith a’ chleachdaiche a cur" " an cèill." msgid "2. Right of access to personal data concerning him or her (GDPR 15)." msgstr "" "2. Δικαίωμα πρόσβασης στα προσωπικά δεδομένα που αφορούν αυτόν ή αυτή (Γενικός " "Κανονισμός για την Προστασία Δεδομένων 15)." msgid "3. Right to obtain personal data in a machine-readable format (GDPR 20)." msgstr "" "3. Δικαίωμα απόκτησης των προσωπικών δεδομένων σε μορφή αναγνώσιμη από μηχανή (Γενικός " "Κανονισμός για την Προστασία Δεδομένων 20)." msgid "4. Right to rectification of inaccurate personal data (GDPR 16)." msgstr "" "4. Δικαίωμα διόρθωσης ανακριβών προσωπικών δεδομένων (Γενικός Κανονισμός για την " "Προστασία Δεδομένων 16)." msgid "" "5. Right to erasure of personal data where it is not relevant to the stated purposes, " "if the data was processed unlawfully or if the user objects to the processing and has " "overriding legitimate grounds (GDPR 17)." msgstr "" "5. Diritto di cancellazione dei dati personali se questi non sono necessari rispetto ai" " motivi dichiarati, se i dati sono stati elaborati illegittimamente o se l'utente si " "oppone all'elaborazione e non sussiste alcun motivo legittimo prevalente per procedere " "al trattamento (GDPR 17)." msgid "" "6. Right to restriction of personal data processing where the accuracy of the data is " "contested by the user, if the data was processed unlawfully or if the user requires the" " data for a legal claim (GDPR 18)." msgstr "" "6. Δικαίωμα περιορισμού της επεξεργασίας των προσωπικών δεδομένων, όταν η ακρίβεια των " "δεδομένων αμφισβητείται από τον χρήστη, εάν τα δεδομένα υποβλήθηκαν σε παράνομη " "επεξεργασία ή εάν ο χρήστης απαιτεί τα δεδομένα για μια νομική αξίωση (Γενικός " "Κανονισμός για την Προστασία Δεδομένων 18)." msgid "" "7. Right to object to the processing of personal data concerning him or her on grounds " "relating to their particular situation (GDPR 21)." msgstr "" "7. Δικαίωμα διατύπωσης αντιρρήσεων για την επεξεργασία προσωπικών δεδομένων που αφορούν" " αυτόν ή αυτή για λόγους που σχετίζονται με την ιδιαίτερη κατάστασή τους (Γενικός " "Κανονισμός για την Προστασία Δεδομένων 21)." msgid "8. Right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority (GDPR 13.2.d, GDPR 77)." msgstr "" "8. Δικαίωμα υποβολής καταγγελίας σε εποπτική αρχή (Γενικός Κανονισμός για την Προστασία" " Δεδομένων 13.2.d, ΓΚΠΔ 77)." msgid "" "Requests that are manifestly unfounded or excessive are not responded to or may be " "charged (GDPR 12.4, GDPR 12.5)." msgstr "" "Anfragen, die offenkundig unbegründet oder überzogen sind, werden nicht beantwortet " "oder werden möglicherweise unter Anklage gestellt (Art. 12 Abs. 4 DSGVO, Art. 12 Abs. 5" " DSGVO)." msgid "[font=\"sans-bold-16\"]Wildfire Games obligations:[/font]" msgstr "[font=\"sans-bold-14\"]Wildfire Gamesin velvoitteet (GDPR 5, GDPR 13):[/font]" msgid " 1. Wildfire Games demonstrates compliance with GDPR (GDPR 5.2 'accountability')." msgstr "" "1. Wildfire Games демонстрирует соответствие с Общим регламентом по защите данных " "(Общий регламент по защите данных (ЕС) 5.2 «подотчетность»)." msgid "" " 2. Wildfire Games documents their processing activities appropriately, in particular " "the categories of processed personal data and security measures to protect it (GDPR " "30)." msgstr "" " 2. Η Wildfire Games καταγράφει κατάλληλα τις δραστηριότητές επεξεργασίας, ιδίως στις " "κατηγορίες των επεξεργασμένων προσωπικών δεδομένων και στα μέτρα ασφαλείας για την " "προστασία τους (Γενικός Κανονισμός για την Προστασία Δεδομένων 30)." msgid "" " 3. Wildfire Games processes personal data lawfully, fairly and transparently (GDPR " "5.1.a, GDPR 12.1)." msgstr "" "3. Η Wildfire Games επεξεργάζεται νόμιμα, δίκαια και με διαφάνεια τα προσωπικά δεδομένα" " (Γενικός Κανονισμός για την Προστασία Δεδομένων 5.1.a, ΓΚΠΔ 12.1)." msgid "" " 4. Wildfire Games informs users of the purposes, legal grounds, legitimate interests " "and retention periods of personal data processing at the time it is processed, " "recipients of personal data and where applicable, transfer of personal data to third " "countries and automated decision-making (GDPR 13.1.c-f, GDPR 13.2.a, GDPR 13.2.e-f, " "GDPR 15.1, GDPR 15.4)." msgstr "" "4. Wildfire Games informe les utilisateurs des finalités, des bases juridiques, des " "intérêts légitimes et des durées de conservation du traitement des données à caractère " "personnel au moment du traitement, des destinataires des données à caractère personnel " "et, quand applicable, du transfert de données à caractère personnel vers des pays tiers" " et de la prise de décision individuelle automatisée ( RGPD, RGPD 13.2.a, RGPD " "13.2.e, RGPD 13.2.f, RGPD 15.1, RGPD 15.4)." msgid "" " 5. Wildfire Games does not processes personal data for purposes other than the " "specified ones (GDPR 5.1.b, 'purpose limitation', GDPR 13.3)." msgstr "" " 5. Η Wildfire Games δεν επεξεργάζεται προσωπικά δεδομένα για σκοπούς διαφορετικούς " "από τους καθορισμένους (Γενικός Κανονισμός για την Προστασία Δεδομένων 5.1.b, " "\"περιορισμός του σκοπού\", ΓΚΠΔ 13.3)." msgid "" " 6. Wildfire Games does not process personal data that is not needed for the specified " "purposes (GDPR 5.1.c, 'data minimization')." msgstr "" " 6. Η Wildfire Games δεν επεξεργάζεται προσωπικά δεδομένα που δεν χρειάζονται για τους" " καθορισμένους σκοπούς (Γενικός Κανονισμός για την Προστασία Δεδομένων 5.1.c, " "'ελαχιστοποίηση δεδομένων')." msgid "" " 7. Wildfire Games uses a storage form that does not allow identification of natural " "persons for longer than necessary (GDPR 5.1.e 'storage limitation')." msgstr "" " 7. Η Wildfire Games χρησιμοποιεί ένα τρόπο αποθήκευσης που δεν επιτρέπει την " "ταυτοποίηση φυσικών προσώπων για μεγαλύτερο χρονικό διάστημα από ό, τι είναι απαραίτητο" " (Γενικός Κανονισμός για την Προστασία Δεδομένων 5.1.e 'περιορισμός αποθήκευσης')." msgid "" " 8. Wildfire Games secures personal data processing to prevent unauthorised or unlawful" " processing and accidental loss (GDPR 5.1.f. 'integrity and confidentiality')." msgstr "" " 8. Η Wildfire Games διασφαλίζει την επεξεργασία των προσωπικών δεδομένων για την " "αποτροπή μη εξουσιοδοτημένης ή παράνομης επεξεργασίας και τυχαίας απώλειας (Γενικός " "Κανονισμός για την Προστασία Δεδομένων 5.1.f. 'ακεραιότητα και εμπιστευτικότητα')." msgid "" " 9. Wildfire Games informs users of their right to access, to rectify, to erase " "personal data and the right to restrict, to withdraw consent to, to object to personal " "data processing and to complain at a supervisory authority (GDPR 13.2.b, GDPR 13.2.c, " "GDPR 13.2.d)." msgstr "" "9. Η Wildfire Games ενημερώνει τους χρήστες για τα δικαίωμά τους, να έχουν πρόσβαση, να" " διορθώσουν, να διαγράψουν προσωπικά δεδομένα και να τα περιορίσουν, να αποσύρουν τη " "συγκατάθεσή τους, να αντιταχθούν στην επεξεργασία προσωπικών δεδομένων και να " "υποβάλλουν καταγγελίες σε μια εποπτική αρχή (Γενικός Κανονισμός για την Προστασία " "Δεδομένων 13.2.b, ΓΚΠΔ 13.2.c, ΓΚΠΔ 13.2.d)." msgid "" "10. Wildfire Games facilitates the exercise of user rights where possible (GDPR 12.2), " "without undue delay (GDPR 12.3)." msgstr "" "10. Wildfire Games способствует осуществлению прав пользователей там, где это возможно " "(Общий регламент по защите данных (ЕС) 12.2), без неоправданных задержек (Общий " "регламент по защите данных (ЕС) 12.3)." msgid "" "11. Wildfire Games informs the users that to exercise their rights, users might need to" " provide additional information to identify the natural person or the data (GDPR 12.6, " "GDPR 13.2.e)." msgstr "" "11. Η Wildfire Games ενημερώνει τους χρήστες ότι για να ασκήσουν τα δικαιώματά τους, οι" " χρήστες ενδέχεται να χρειαστεί να παράσχουν πρόσθετες πληροφορίες για τον προσδιορισμό" " του φυσικού προσώπου ή των δεδομένων (Γενικός Κανονισμός για την Προστασία Δεδομένων " "12.6, ΓΚΠΔ 13.2.e)." msgid "" "12. Wildfire Games will not knowingly collect personal data from children under the age" " of 13 (Children's Online Privacy Protection Act). If you believe Wildfire Games " "received any personal data from or about a child under 13, please contact Wildfire " "Games." msgstr "" "12. A Wildfire Games não recolhe intencionalmente dados pessoais de crianças com menos " "de 13 anos de idade (Lei de Proteção da Privacidade Online das Crianças - Children's " "Online Privacy Protection Act). Se acredita que a Wildfire Games recebeu dados pessoais" " de ou sobre uma criança menor de 13 anos, por favor contacte a Wildfire Games." msgid "" "13. Where Wildfire Games processes sensitive personal data based on legitimate " "interests, Wildfire Games considers performing, recording and periodically reviewing " "Legitimate Interests Assessments and Data Protection Impact Assessments (GDPR 35) to " "become confident that the individual's interests do not override Wildfire Games " "legitimate interests, and that Wildfire Games is not using personal data in intrusive " "ways unless there is a very good reason to." msgstr "" "13. Wildfire Gamesek interes legitimoetan oinarritutako datu pertsonal konfidentzialak " "prozesatzen dituenean, Wildfire Gamesek uste du, Wildfire Games delakoak, bere ustez, " "bidezko interesen ebaluazioak egitea (GDPR 35) , erregistratzea eta aldian-aldian " "berrikusteak ez duela esan nahi Wildfire Gamesen bidezko interesen ebaluazioak egin, " "erregistratu eta berrikusi behar dituenik, eta Wildfire Gamesek datuen babesaren " "gaineko ebaluazioak egin, erregistratu eta aldian-aldian berrikusteak ez du esan nahi " "Wildfire Games enpresaren interes legitimoak bere horretan direnik." msgid "" "For further information on Wildfire Games Privacy Policies, visit " "" msgstr "" "Para máis información sobre as políticas de protección da intimidade de Wildfire Games," " consulte (en inglés)" msgid "" "[font=\"sans-bold-18\"]0 A.D. Empires Ascendant Multiplayer Lobby Terms of " "Service[/font]" msgstr "" "[font=\"sans-bold-18\"]Podmínky užití služby hry pro více hráčů jedné zájmové skupiny " "ve hře 0 A.D. Empires Ascendant[/font]" msgid "" "The 0 A.D. Empires Ascendant Multiplayer Lobby is an online service provided by " "Wildfire Games that allows players to set up online multiplayer matches, discuss the " "game in a public chat room and gain a rating that reflects their skill." msgstr "" "Die 0 A.D. Empires Ascendant Mehrspieler-Lobby ist ein Onlinedienst, der von Wildfire " "Games zur Verfügung gestellt wird und es Spielern erlaubt Mehrspielerpartien über das " "Internet abzuhalten, in einem öffentlichen Chatraum über das Spiel zu diskutieren und " "eine Bewertung, die ihrem Können entspricht, zu erhalten." msgid "" "Due to the subject matter of historic warfare, description and depiction of violence " "and the language on the Multiplayer Lobby, 0 A.D. and the Multiplayer Lobby are not " "directed to young children (COPPA §312.2)." msgstr "" "Поради тематиката, свързана с исторически войни, и описанието и показването на насилие," " а и заради използвания език в чакалнята за мрежови игри, играта 0 A.D. и чакалнята за " "мрежови игри не са предназначени за деца (Закон за защита на личните данни на деца в " "Интернет, §312.2)." msgid "The minimum age to use the Multiplayer Lobby is 13." msgstr "Минималната възраст за използване на чакалнята за мрежови игри е 13 години." msgid "[font=\"sans-bold-14\"]By using the 0 A.D. Multiplayer Lobby, you agree to:[/font]" msgstr "" "[font=\"sans-bold-14\"]0 A.D. Күп уенчылы Бүлмәне куллануыгыз аша Сез түбәндәге шартлар" " белән килешәсез[/font]" msgid " 1. Follow all usage policies." msgstr " 1. Gun lean thu na h-uile poileasaidh a’ chleachdaidh." msgid "" " 2. Not use the service with third-party software or mods that prevents the user from " "being informed of updated Terms and Conditions, unless authorized by a Wildfire Games " "team member." msgstr "" " 2. Não usar o serviço com software ou modificações de terceiros que impeçam o " "utilizador de ser informado sobre os Termos e Condições atualizados, a não ser que " "esteja autorizado por um membro da equipa da Wildfire Games.\n" "Não utilizar o serviço com software de terceiros ou modificações que impeçam o " "utilizador de ser informado dos Termos e Condições atualizados, salvo autorização de um" " membro da equipa da Wildfire Games." msgid "" " 3. Use the service at your own risk. Wildfire Games does not take responsibility for " "the content posted by users or damages resulting from this service." msgstr "" " 3. Gun cleachd thu an t-seirbheis air do chunnart fhèin. Chan eil uallach air Wildfire" " Games airson na susbainte a thèid a phostadh le cleachdaichean no airson dochann a " "chaidh adhbharachadh leis an t-seirbheis seo." msgid "[font=\"sans-bold-14\"]Wildfire Games reserves the right to:[/font]" msgstr "[font=\"sans-bold-14\"]Cúlchiste ag Wildfire Games leis na rialacha seo:[/font]" msgid "" " 1. Moderate the service, i.e. to enforce the Terms of Use by restricting, suspending " "or terminating user accounts." msgstr "" " 1. Gun dèan sinn maorsainneachd air an t-seirbheis, ’s e seo gun èignich sinn " "Teirmichean a’ chleachdaidh le cuingeachadh, cur à rèim no cur gu crìoch chunntasan " "cleachdaiche." msgid " 2. Appoint others to moderate the service." msgstr " 2. Gun cuir sinn càch ann an dreuchd ach an dèan iad maorsainneachd air an t-seirbheis." msgid " 3. Discontinue or interrupt any part of the service at any time." msgstr "" " 3. Gun sguir sinn de phàirt sam bith dhen t-seirbheis no gun cuir sinn ’na stad i uair" " sam bith." msgid "" " 4. Change the service or the terms. The document date of the terms indicate its " "version, and the user is informed of the new terms before being able to use the service" " again." msgstr "" " 4. Gun atharraich sinn an t-seirbheis no na teirmichean. Comharraichidh ceann-là nan " "teirmichean an tionndadh dhiubh agus innsidh sinn dhan chleachdaiche mu na teirmichean " "ùra mus urrainn dhaibh an t-seirbheis a chleachdadh a-rithist." msgid "" " 5. Process personal data in accordance with the Lobby Privacy Policy, the General Data" " Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) " "where applicable." msgstr "" " 5. Processar os dados pessoais de acordo com a Política de Privacidade da Sala de " "Espera, o Regulamento Geral de Proteção de Dados (RGPD) e Lei de Proteção da " "Privacidade Online das Crianças (Children's Online Privacy Protection Act - COPPA), " "quando aplicável." msgid "" "If parts of the terms are held to be illegal or otherwise unenforceable, the remainder " "of the terms shall still apply ('severability')." msgstr "" "Ma thathar den bheachd gu bheil cuid de na teirmichean mì-laghail no nach gabh an " "èigneachadh air adhbhar eile, bidh an còrr de na teirmichean an sàs fhathast " "(“severability”)." msgid "[font=\"sans-bold-18\"]0 A.D. Empires Ascendant Multiplayer Lobby Terms of Use[/font]" msgstr "" "[font=\"sans-bold-18\"]Podmínky užití hry pro více hráčů sdružených v zájmové skupině " "ve hře 0 A.D. Empires Ascendant[/font]" msgid "" " 1. a. Only create one account per person on the service unless authorized by Wildfire " "Games." msgstr "" " 1. а. Можете да създадете само един акаунт в услугата, освен ако нямате изрично " "разрешение за регистриране на повече от Wildfire Games." msgid "" " b. Not share your account with anyone and not publish or divulge to anyone the " "account password." msgstr "" " b. Dein Konto mit niemandem zu teilen und das Kontopasswort nicht zu " "veröffentlichen oder es an andere weiter zu geben." msgid "" " 2. Not impersonate other users of the service and only use your registered username in" " multiplayer matches." msgstr "" " 2. Na rach an riochd cleachdaiche eile dhen t-seirbheis agus na cleachd ach an t-ainm-" "cleachdaiche clàraichte agad ann am maidsichean ioma-chluicheadair." msgid " 3. Not post profanity, pejorative terms or pornographic content." msgstr "" " 3. Не може да използвате нецензурен език, нито да публикувате съдържание с " "порнографски характер." msgid "" " 4. Not harass, harm, intimidate, discriminate, threaten, defame, cause damage to " "others or purposefully demean the worth of others using this service." msgstr "" "4. Не переслідувати, не заподіювати шкоди, не залякувати, не дискримінувати, не " "погрожувати, не займатись наклепом, не заподіювати шкоду іншим чи цілеспрямовано " "принижувати цінність інших людей, використовуючи цю послугу." msgid "" " 5. Not violate the privacy of others by disclosing personally identifiable information" " (for example real name, location, ID) or private details (for example social media or " "messenger account names) of others without their consent." msgstr "" " 5. Não violar a privacidade de terceiros, divulgando informações pessoalmente " "identificáveis (por exemplo, nome verdadeiro, localização, bilhete de identidade) ou " "detalhes privados (por exemplo, nomes de contas de redes sociais ou em serviços de " "mensagens instantâneas) de terceiros sem o seu consentimento." msgid " 6. Not incite violence or promote illegal acts." msgstr "6. Nicht zu Gewalt anzustiften oder illegale Handlungen zu begünstigen." msgid "" " 7. Not attempt to artificially adjust any user of the service's rating or any of the " "statistics which impact it. (Examples of this are, but are not limited to: cheating in " "ranked games, reverse engineering the service, and taking advantage of other users of " "the service.)" msgstr "" "7. Nu încercați să ajustați în mod artificial evaluările utilizatorilor din clasamentul" " determinat de acest serviciu sau oricare dintre statisticile care îl influențează. " "(Exemple pentru acest lucru sunt următoarele, dar nu se limitează doar la: trișarea în " "jocuri clasificate, ingineria inversă a serviciului și profitarea de alți utilizatori " "ai serviciului.)" msgid "" " 8. Not undermine the intended gameplay or purposefully gain unfair advantages in " "multiplayer matches (for example cheating, using exploits or bugs)." msgstr "" " 8. Не може да се опитвате да заобикаляте механиките на играта или умишлено да се " "възползвате от нечестни преимущества в игри с други хора (напр. да мамите или да се " "възползвате от програмни грешки в играта, които ви дават преимущество)." msgid " 9. Not spam the service and not post large amounts of repetitive or unwanted messages." msgstr "" " 9. Na dèan spamadh air an t-seirbheis agus na postaich tòrr mòr de theacsaichean " "a-rithist ’s a-rithist no feadhainn nach eilear ag iarraidh." msgid "" "10. Not use the service to promote specific goods, services, or products unless " "authorized by Wildfire Games." msgstr "" "10. Ne pas utiliser le service pour promouvoir des biens, services ou produits " "spécifiques, à moins que cela ne soit autorisé par Wildfire Games." msgid "" "If a moderator deems your behavior to be inconsistent with these terms, your account " "may be restricted, suspended or terminated." msgstr "" "Nuair a bhios maor dhen bheachd nach eil do ghiùlan a’ gèilleadh ris na teirmichean " "seo, dh’fhaoidte gun dèid an cunntas agad a chuingeachadh no a chur à rèim no crìoch a " "chur air." msgid "Terms of Service" msgstr "Pakalpojumu sniegšanas noteikumi" msgid "Please read and accept the Terms of Service." msgstr "Veuillez lire et accepter les termes de service, s'il vous plait." msgid "Terms of Use" msgstr "Conditions Générales d'Utilisation" msgid "Please read and accept the Terms of Use." msgstr "Veuillez lire et accepter les termes d'utilisation, s'il vous plait." msgid "Privacy Policy" msgstr "Zásady ochrany osobních údajů" msgid "Please read and accept the Privacy Policy." msgstr "Veuillez lire et accepter la politique de vie privée, s'il vous plait." msgid "Create a new account" msgstr "Δημιουργήστε ένα νέο λογαριασμό" msgid "Login to an existing account" msgstr "Logáil isteach le cuntas atá ann cheana féin" msgid "Connect" msgstr "Присоединиться" msgid "Connecting…" msgstr "Connexion en cours..." msgid "Connect to the game lobby" msgstr "Połącz z poczekalnią gry wieloosobowej" msgid "Register" msgstr "Novum nomen creare" msgid "Registering…" msgstr "กำลังดำเนินการสมัครสมาชิก...." msgid "Registered" msgstr "Novum nomen creatum" msgid "Registration" msgstr "Registreerimine"