# Translation template for 0 A.D. — Empires Ascendant. # Copyright (C) 2024 Wildfire Games # This file is distributed under the same license as the 0 A.D. — Empires Ascendant # project. # Translators: # Adrian Chaves, 2018-2019 # Adrián Chaves Fernández, 2014-2016 # daniel diaz, 2020 # Ismael Lires, 2023 # mandruis, 2016 # Nicolás S., 2022 # nin hum, 2024 # Xurxo Guerra Perez, 2022 msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: 0 A.D.\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2024-07-26 07:08+0000\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2014-06-19 17:53+0000\n" "Last-Translator: nin hum, 2024\n" "Language-Team: Galician (http://app.transifex.com/wildfire-games/0ad/language/gl/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Language: gl\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:3 #, javascript-format msgid "" "I am starting a massive military campaign against %(_player_)s, come and " "join me." msgstr "Estou comezando unha campaña militar masiva contra %(_player_)s. Únete a min." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:4 #, javascript-format msgid "" "I have set up a huge army to crush %(_player_)s. Join me and you will have " "your share of the loot." msgstr "Preparei un exército enorme para esmagar a %(_player_)s. Únete a min e compartiremos o botín." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:5 #, javascript-format msgid "" "I am launching an unprecedented attack against %(_player_)s. Bring your " "armies and we may soon win this war." msgstr "Estou lanzando un ataque sen precedentes contra %(_player_)s. Trae os teus exércitos e pode que pronto gañemos esta guerra." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:8 #, javascript-format msgid "I am launching an attack against %(_player_)s." msgstr "Estou comezando unha ofensiva contra %(_player_)s." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:9 #, javascript-format msgid "I have just sent an army against %(_player_)s." msgstr "Acabo de enviar un exército contra %(_player_)s." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:10 #, javascript-format msgid "I am sending an army against %(_player_)s." msgstr "Estou enviando un exército contra %(_player_)s" #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:16 #, javascript-format msgid "Let me regroup my army and I will then join you against %(_player_)s." msgstr "Permíteme reagrupar o meu exército e despois unireime a ti contra %(_player_)s." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:17 #, javascript-format msgid "I am finishing preparations to attack %(_player_)s." msgstr "Estou rematando os preparativos para atacar a %(_player_)s." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:20 #, javascript-format msgid "" "Sorry, I do not have enough soldiers currently; but my next attack will " "target %(_player_)s." msgstr "Síntoo, non teño soldados dabondo nestes momentos; pero o meu seguinte ataque será contra %(_player_)s." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:21 #, javascript-format msgid "" "Sorry, I still need to strengthen my army. However, I will attack " "%(_player_)s next." msgstr "Síntoo, aínda teño que reforzar o meu exército. Porén, o seguinte a quen atacarei será %(_player_)s." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:24 #, javascript-format msgid "" "I cannot help you against %(_player_)s for the time being, I am planning to " "attack %(_player_2)s first." msgstr "Non podo axudarte contra %(_player_)s de momento, o meu plan e atacar primeiro a %(_player_2)s." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:29 #, javascript-format msgid "Here is a gift for you, %(_player_)s. Make good use of it." msgstr "Aí vai un agasallo, %(_player_)s. Sácalle partido." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:30 #, javascript-format msgid "I see you are in a bad situation, %(_player_)s. I hope this helps." msgstr "Vexo que non te van ben as cousas, %(_player_)s. Espero que isto axude." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:31 #, javascript-format msgid "" "I can help you this time, %(_player_)s, but you should manage your resources" " more carefully in the future." msgstr "Desta vez podo axudarte, %(_player_)s, pero para a próxima vez xestiona mellor os teus recursos." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:35 #, javascript-format msgid "I am in need of %(resource)s, can you help? I will make it up to you." msgstr "Necesito %(resource)s, podes axudarme? Recompensareicho en canto poida." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:36 #, javascript-format msgid "" "I would participate more efficiently in our common war effort if you could " "provide me some %(resource)s." msgstr "Podería contribuír de maneira máis eficiente á guerra contra o noso inimigo común se me forneceses algo de %(resource)s." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:37 #, javascript-format msgid "" "If you can spare me some %(resource)s, I will be able to strengthen my army." msgstr "Se me facilitas algo de %(resource)s poderei mellorar o meu exército." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:41 #, javascript-format msgid "" "I have set up a new route with %(_player_)s. Trading will be profitable for " "all of us." msgstr "Estabelecín unha nova ruta con %(_player_)s. O comercio reportaranos beneficios a todos." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:42 #, javascript-format msgid "" "A new trade route is set up with %(_player_)s. Take your share of the " "profits." msgstr "Estabeleceuse unha nova ruta de comercio con %(_player_)s. Recolle a túa parte dos beneficios." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:47 #, javascript-format msgid "%(_player_)s and I are now allies." msgstr "%(_player_)s e eu aliámonos." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:50 #, javascript-format msgid "%(_player_)s and I are now neutral." msgstr "%(_player_)s e eu somos neutrais." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:53 #, javascript-format msgid "%(_player_)s and I are now enemies." msgstr "%(_player_)s e eu somos inimigos." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:60 #, javascript-format msgid "I cannot accept your offer to become allies, %(_player_)s." msgstr "Non podo aceptar a túa oferta para aliarnos, %(_player_)s." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:61 #, javascript-format msgid "I must decline your offer of alliance, %(_player_)s." msgstr "Debo rexeitar a túa oferta de alianza, %(_player_)s" #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:62 #, javascript-format msgid "An alliance with you is not in my best interest, %(_player_)s." msgstr "Unha alianza contigo non é do meu mellor interese, %(_player_)s" #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:65 #, javascript-format msgid "" "I will not be your ally, %(_player_)s. However, I will consider a neutrality" " pact." msgstr "Non serei aliado teu, %(_player_)s. Porén, considerarei un pacto de non agresión." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:66 #, javascript-format msgid "" "I reject your request for alliance, %(_player_)s, but we could become " "neutral." msgstr "Rexeito a túa solicitude de alianza, %(_player_)s, pero poderíamos ser neutrais." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:67 #, javascript-format msgid "%(_player_)s, only a neutrality agreement is conceivable to me." msgstr "%(_player_)s, non concibo outra cousa que un acordo de neutralidade." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:70 #, javascript-format msgid "" "Our previous alliance did not work out, %(_player_)s. I must decline your " "offer." msgstr "A nosa última alianza non funcionou, %(_player_)s. Debo rexeitar a túa oferta." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:71 #, javascript-format msgid "I won’t ally you again, %(_player_)s!" msgstr "Non volverei aliarme contigo, %(_player_)s!" #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:72 #, javascript-format msgid "No more alliances between us, %(_player_)s!" msgstr "Acabáronse as alianzas entre nós, %(_player_)s!" #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:73 #, javascript-format msgid "Your request for peace means nothing to me anymore, %(_player_)s!" msgstr "A túa solicitude de paz xa non significa nada para min, %(_player_)s!" #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:74 #, javascript-format msgid "" "My answer to your repeated peace proposal will remain war, %(_player_)s!" msgstr "A miña resposta ás túas constantes propostas de paz será sempre a guerra, %(_player_)s!" #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:77 #, javascript-format msgid "" "I will accept your offer to become allies, %(_player_)s. We will both " "benefit from this partnership." msgstr "Aceptarei a túa oferta para aliarnos, %(_player_)s. Ambos nos beneficiaremos desta alianza." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:78 #, javascript-format msgid "An alliance between us is a good idea, %(_player_)s." msgstr "Unha alianza entre nós é unha boa idea, %(_player_)s." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:79 #, javascript-format msgid "" "Let both of our people prosper from a peaceful association, %(_player_)s." msgstr "Que os nosos dous pobos prosperen a raíz desta fermosa asociación, %(_player_)s." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:80 #, javascript-format msgid "We have found common ground, %(_player_)s. I accept the alliance." msgstr "Chegamos a un acordo, %(_player_)s. Acepto a alianza." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:81 #, javascript-format msgid "%(_player_)s, consider us allies from now on." msgstr "%(_player_)s, considéranos aliados a partir de agora." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:84 #, javascript-format msgid "" "I will ally with you, %(_player_)s, but only if you send me a tribute of " "%(_amount_)s %(_resource_)s." msgstr "Aliareime contigo, %(_player_)s, pero só se me envías un tributo de %(_amount_)s de %(_resource_)s." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:85 #, javascript-format msgid "" "%(_player_)s, you must send me a tribute of %(_amount_)s %(_resource_)s " "before I accept an alliance with you." msgstr "%(_player_)s, debes enviarme un tributo de %(_amount_)s de %(_resource_)s para que acepte aliarme contigo." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:86 #, javascript-format msgid "" "Unless you send me %(_amount_)s %(_resource_)s, an alliance won’t be formed," " %(_player_)s." msgstr "A non ser que me envíes %(_amount_)s %(_resource_)s, unha alianza non será posible, %(_player_)s." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:89 #, javascript-format msgid "" "%(_player_)s, my offer still stands. I will ally with you only if you send " "me a tribute of %(_amount_)s %(_resource_)s." msgstr "%(_player_)s, a miña oferta segue en pe. Aliareime contigo só se me envías un tributo de %(_amount_)s de %(_resource_)s." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:90 #, javascript-format msgid "" "I’m still waiting for %(_amount_)s %(_resource_)s before accepting your " "alliance, %(_player_)s." msgstr "Sigo esperando %(_amount_)s de %(_resource_)s para aceptar a alianza contigo, %(_player_)s." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:91 simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:112 #, javascript-format msgid "" "%(_player_)s, if you do not send me part of the %(_amount_)s %(_resource_)s " "tribute soon, I will break off our negotiations." msgstr "%(_player_)s, se non me envías axiña unha parte dese tributo de %(_amount_)s de %(_resource_)s, porei fin ás negociacións." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:96 #, javascript-format msgid "I will not become neutral with you, %(_player_)s." msgstr "Non pasarei a considerarte neutral, %(_player_)s." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:97 #, javascript-format msgid "%(_player_)s, I must decline your request for a neutrality pact." msgstr "%(_player_)s, debo rexeitar a túa solicitude dun pacto de neutralidade." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:100 #, javascript-format msgid "" "Our previous neutrality agreement ended in failure, %(_player_)s; I will not" " consider another one." msgstr "O noso acordo de neutralidade anterior acabou en desastre, %(_player_)s; non considerarei ningún máis." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:103 #, javascript-format msgid "" "I welcome your request for peace between our civilizations, %(_player_)s. I " "will accept." msgstr "Agradezo a túa solicitude de paz entre as nosas civilizacións, %(_player_)s. Acepto." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:104 #, javascript-format msgid "" "%(_player_)s, I will accept your neutrality request. May both our " "civilizations benefit." msgstr "%(_player_)s, acepto a túa solicitude de neutralidade. Seguro que as dúas civilizacións nos beneficiaremos." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:107 #, javascript-format msgid "" "If you send me a tribute of %(_amount_)s %(_resource_)s, I will accept your " "neutrality request, %(_player_)s." msgstr "Se me envías un tributo de %(_amount_)s de %(_resource_)s, aceptarei a túa solicitude de neutralidade, %(_player_)s." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:108 #, javascript-format msgid "" "%(_player_)s, if you send me %(_amount_)s %(_resource_)s, I will accept a " "neutrality pact." msgstr "%(_player_)s, se me envías %(_amount_)s de %(_resource_)s, aceptarei un pacto de non agresión." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:111 #, javascript-format msgid "" "%(_player_)s, I will not accept your neutrality request unless you tribute " "me %(_amount_)s %(_resource_)s soon." msgstr "%(_player_)s, non aceptarei a túa solicitude de neutralidade a menos que me envíes un tributo de %(_amount_)s de %(_resource_)s axiña." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:120 #, javascript-format msgid "" "%(_player_)s, it would help both of our civilizations if we formed an " "alliance. If you become allies with me, I will respond in kind." msgstr "%(_player_)s, sería beneficioso para as nosas dúas civilizacións que formásemos unha alianza. Se te alías comigo, compensareite como corresponde." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:123 #, javascript-format msgid "%(_player_)s, my offer for an alliance has expired." msgstr "%(_player_)s, a miña oferta dunha alianza caducou." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:124 #, javascript-format msgid "" "%(_player_)s, I have rescinded my previous offer for an alliance between us." msgstr "%(_player_)s, rescindín a miña oferta anterior de alianza entre nós." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:129 #, javascript-format msgid "" "%(_player_)s, I would like to request a neutrality pact between our " "civilizations. If you become neutral with me, I will respond in kind." msgstr "%(_player_)s, gustaríame solicitar un pacto de neutralidade entre as nosas civilizacións. Se aceptas ser neutral comigo, compensareicho." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:130 #, javascript-format msgid "" "%(_player_)s, it would be both to our benefit if we negotiated a neutrality " "pact. I will become neutral with you if you do the same." msgstr "%(_player_)s, beneficiaríanos aos dous negociar un pacto de neutralidade. Aceptarei un pacto de non agresión se fas ti o mesmo." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:133 #, javascript-format msgid "%(_player_)s, I have decided to revoke my offer for a neutrality pact." msgstr "%(_player_)s, decidín revogar a miña oferta dun pacto de neutralidade." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:134 #, javascript-format msgid "" "%(_player_)s, as you have failed to respond to my request for peace between " "us, I have abrogated my offer." msgstr "%(_player_)s, xa que non respondiches á miña solicitude de paz entre nós, retirei a miña oferta." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:141 msgid "" "My armies failed while defending my empire. Please honor our alliance and " "send help!" msgstr "Os meus exercitos non foron quen de defender o meu imperio. Por favor, fai honor a nosa alianza e envíame axuda!" #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:142 msgid "" "My humble armies feel weak and tired. My civilization depends on our " "alliance, please send help!" msgstr "Os meus humildes exércitos séntense débiles e cansos. A miña civilización depende da nosa alianza, envía axuda!" #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:143 msgid "I need your help. Please do not let my armies fall!" msgstr "Preciso a túa axuda. Por favor, non deixes caer os meus exércitos!" #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:146 msgid "" "My empire regained its old strength, now it is time to seek revenge " "together!" msgstr "O meu imperio acadou de novo o seu antigo poder, agora é momento de buscar vinganza xuntos!" #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:147 msgid "" "My civilization raised from the ashes. Now my armies feel stronger and eager" " to fight for our alliance." msgstr "A miña civilización levantou das cinzas. Agora os meus exércitos séntense máis fortes e ansiosos por loitar pola nosa alianza." #: simulation/ai/petra/data.json msgid "Petra Bot" msgstr "Petra" #: simulation/ai/petra/data.json msgid "" "Petra is the default 0 A.D. AI bot. Please report issues to Wildfire Games (see the link in the main menu).\n" "\n" "The AI's resource gathering rate and trade gain depend on the difficulty level (Sandbox −58%, Very Easy −44%, Easy −25%, Medium ±0%, Hard +25%, Very Hard +56%). The easiest levels also have a slower research, training, and building rate. In addition, the Sandbox level does not expand nor attack." msgstr "Petra é o robot de intelixencia artificial predeterminado de 0  d.C. Informe de calquera problema a Wildfire Games (consulte a ligazón no menú principal).\n\nA taxa de recolección de recursos e ganancias por comercio da intelixencia artificial dependen do nivel de dificultade: −58% en nula, −44% en moi fácil, −25% en fácil, ±0% en media, +25% en difícil, +56% en moi difícil. Os niveis máis doados tamén teñen unhas taxas de investigación, adestramento e construción máis lentas. Ademais, no nivel de dificultade nula non se expande nin ataca." #: simulation/components/BuildRestrictions.js:91 #, javascript-format msgid "%(name)s cannot be built due to unknown error" msgstr "Non é posíbel construír a estrutura «%(name)s» debido a un erro descoñecido." #: simulation/components/BuildRestrictions.js:115 #, javascript-format msgid "%(name)s cannot be built in unexplored area" msgstr "Non é posíbel construír a estrutura «%(name)s» nunha zona inexplorada." #: simulation/components/BuildRestrictions.js:163 #, javascript-format msgid "%(name)s cannot be built on another building or resource" msgstr "Non é posíbel construír a estrutura «%(name)s» sobre outra estrutura ou sobre un recurso." #: simulation/components/BuildRestrictions.js:167 #, javascript-format msgid "%(name)s cannot be built on invalid terrain" msgstr "Non é posíbel construír a estrutura «%(name)s» en terreo non apto." #. Translation: territoryType being displayed in a translated sentence in the #. form: "House #. cannot be built in %(territoryType)s territory.". #: simulation/components/BuildRestrictions.js:195 msgctxt "Territory type" msgid "own" msgstr "propio" #. Translation: territoryType being displayed in a translated sentence in the #. form: "House #. cannot be built in %(territoryType)s territory.". #: simulation/components/BuildRestrictions.js:198 msgctxt "Territory type" msgid "unconnected own" msgstr "host desconectado" #. Translation: territoryType being displayed in a translated sentence in the #. form: "House #. cannot be built in %(territoryType)s territory.". #: simulation/components/BuildRestrictions.js:204 msgctxt "Territory type" msgid "allied" msgstr "aliado" #. Translation: territoryType being displayed in a translated sentence in the #. form: "House #. cannot be built in %(territoryType)s territory.". #: simulation/components/BuildRestrictions.js:207 msgctxt "Territory type" msgid "unconnected allied" msgstr "aliado desconectado" #. Translation: territoryType being displayed in a translated sentence in the #. form: "House #. cannot be built in %(territoryType)s territory.". #: simulation/components/BuildRestrictions.js:213 msgctxt "Territory type" msgid "neutral" msgstr "neutral" #. Translation: territoryType being displayed in a translated sentence in the #. form: "House #. cannot be built in %(territoryType)s territory.". #: simulation/components/BuildRestrictions.js:220 msgctxt "Territory type" msgid "enemy" msgstr "inimigo" #: simulation/components/BuildRestrictions.js:225 #, javascript-format msgid "" "%(name)s cannot be built in %(territoryType)s territory. Valid territories: " "%(validTerritories)s" msgstr "Non é posíbel construír a estrutura «%(name)s» en territorio de tipo «%(territoryType)s». Só pode construírse en territorios dos seguintes tipos: %(validTerritories)s." #: simulation/components/BuildRestrictions.js:239 #, javascript-format msgid "%(name)s must be built on a valid shoreline" msgstr "A estrutura «%(name)s» só se pode construír na costa." #: simulation/components/BuildRestrictions.js:266 #, javascript-format msgid "" "%(name)s too close to a %(category)s, must be at least %(distance)s meter " "away" msgid_plural "" "%(name)s too close to a %(category)s, must be at least %(distance)s meters " "away" msgstr[0] "%(name)s demasiado próximo unha unidade de %(category)s, debe estar polo menos a %(distance)s metro de distancia." msgstr[1] "%(name)s demasiado próximo unha unidade de %(category)s, debe estar polo menos a %(distance)s metros de distancia." #: simulation/components/BuildRestrictions.js:287 #, javascript-format msgid "" "%(name)s too far from a %(category)s, must be within %(distance)s meter" msgid_plural "" "%(name)s too far from a %(category)s, must be within %(distance)s meters" msgstr[0] "%(name)s demasiado afastado dunha unidade de %(category)s, debe estar a %(distance)s metro de distancia ou menos." msgstr[1] "%(name)s demasiado afastado dunha unidade de %(category)s, debe estar a %(distance)s metros de distancia ou menos." #. Translation: Territory types being displayed as part of a list like "Valid #. territories: #. own, ally". #: simulation/components/BuildRestrictions.js:327 msgctxt "Territory type list" msgid "own" msgstr "propio" #. Translation: Territory types being displayed as part of a list like "Valid #. territories: #. own, ally". #: simulation/components/BuildRestrictions.js:329 msgctxt "Territory type list" msgid "ally" msgstr "aliado" #. Translation: Territory types being displayed as part of a list like "Valid #. territories: #. own, ally". #: simulation/components/BuildRestrictions.js:331 msgctxt "Territory type list" msgid "neutral" msgstr "neutral" #. Translation: Territory types being displayed as part of a list like "Valid #. territories: #. own, ally". #: simulation/components/BuildRestrictions.js:333 msgctxt "Territory type list" msgid "enemy" msgstr "inimigo" #: simulation/components/CeasefireManager.js:99 #, javascript-format msgid "You can attack in %(time)s" msgstr "Podes atacar en %(time)s" #: simulation/components/CeasefireManager.js:112 msgid "You can attack now!" msgstr "Xa podes atacar!" #: simulation/components/EndGameManager.js:169 #, javascript-format msgid "%(lastPlayer)s has won (last player alive)." msgid_plural "%(players)s and %(lastPlayer)s have won (last players alive)." msgstr[0] "%(lastPlayer)s gañou (último xogador con vida)." msgstr[1] "%(players)s e %(lastPlayer)s gañaron (últimos xogadores con vida)." #: simulation/components/EndGameManager.js:177 msgid "Last remaining player wins." msgstr "O último xogador con vida gaña." #: simulation/components/EntityLimits.js:195 #, javascript-format msgid "%(category)s build limit of %(limit)s reached" msgstr "Acadouse o límite de construción de «%(category)s» (%(limit)s)." #: simulation/components/EntityLimits.js:197 #, javascript-format msgid "%(category)s training limit of %(limit)s reached" msgstr "Acadouse o límite de adestramento de «%(category)s» (%(limit)s)." #: simulation/components/EntityLimits.js:201 #, javascript-format msgid "%(category)s limit of %(limit)s reached" msgstr "Acadouse o límite de «%(category)s» (%(limit)s)." #: simulation/components/Player.js:308 #, javascript-format msgid "Insufficient resources - %(resourceAmount1)s %(resourceType1)s" msgstr "Recursos insuficientes. Necesítanse %(resourceAmount1)s unidades de %(resourceType1)s." #: simulation/components/Player.js:310 #, javascript-format msgid "" "Insufficient resources - %(resourceAmount1)s %(resourceType1)s, " "%(resourceAmount2)s %(resourceType2)s" msgstr "Recursos insuficientes. Necesítanse %(resourceAmount1)s unidades de %(resourceType1)s e %(resourceAmount2)s unidades de %(resourceType2)s." #: simulation/components/Player.js:312 #, javascript-format msgid "" "Insufficient resources - %(resourceAmount1)s %(resourceType1)s, " "%(resourceAmount2)s %(resourceType2)s, %(resourceAmount3)s %(resourceType3)s" msgstr "Recursos insuficientes. Necesítanse %(resourceAmount1)s unidades de %(resourceType1)s, %(resourceAmount2)s unidades de %(resourceType2)s e %(resourceAmount3)s unidades de %(resourceType3)s." #: simulation/components/Player.js:314 #, javascript-format msgid "" "Insufficient resources - %(resourceAmount1)s %(resourceType1)s, " "%(resourceAmount2)s %(resourceType2)s, %(resourceAmount3)s " "%(resourceType3)s, %(resourceAmount4)s %(resourceType4)s" msgstr "Recursos insuficientes. Necesítanse %(resourceAmount1)s unidades de %(resourceType1)s, %(resourceAmount2)s unidades de %(resourceType2)s, %(resourceAmount3)s unidades de %(resourceType3)s e %(resourceAmount4)s unidades de %(resourceType4)s." #: simulation/components/ProductionQueue.js:312 msgid "Entity is being upgraded. Cannot start production." msgstr "A entidade está sendo mellorada. Non se pode iniciar a produción neste momento." #: simulation/components/ProductionQueue.js:327 msgid "The production queue is full." msgstr "A cola de produción está completa." #: simulation/components/ProductionQueue.js:450 msgid "Could not auto-queue unit, de-activating." msgstr "Non foi posíbel auto encolar a unidade, desactivando." #: simulation/components/Trainer.js:321 msgid "Can't find free space to spawn trained units." msgstr "Non é posíbel atopar espazo libre no que facer aparecer as unidades adestradas." #: simulation/components/Upgrade.js:242 msgid "Entity is producing. Cannot start upgrading." msgstr "A entidade está producindo algo. Non se pode mellorar neste momento." #: simulation/data/settings/game_speeds.json msgid "Turtle (0.1×)" msgstr "Tartaruga (×0,1)" #: simulation/data/settings/game_speeds.json msgid "Slow (0.25×)" msgstr "Lento (×0,25)" #: simulation/data/settings/game_speeds.json msgid "Leisurely (0.5×)" msgstr "A modo (×0,5)" #: simulation/data/settings/game_speeds.json msgid "Relaxed (0.75×)" msgstr "Tranquilamente (×0,75)" #: simulation/data/settings/game_speeds.json msgid "Normal (1×)" msgstr "Normal (×1)" #: simulation/data/settings/game_speeds.json msgid "Fast (1.25×)" msgstr "Rápido (×1,25)" #: simulation/data/settings/game_speeds.json msgid "Very Fast (1.5×)" msgstr "Moi rápido (×1,5)" #: simulation/data/settings/game_speeds.json msgid "Insane (2×)" msgstr "De tolos (×2)" #: simulation/data/settings/game_speeds.json msgid "Fast Forward (5×)" msgstr "Avanzar rapidamente (×5)" #: simulation/data/settings/game_speeds.json msgid "Fast Forward (10×)" msgstr "Avanzar rapidamente (×10)" #: simulation/data/settings/game_speeds.json msgid "Fast Forward (20×)" msgstr "Avanzar rapidamente (×20)" #: simulation/data/settings/map_sizes.json msgid "Tiny" msgstr "Moi pequeno" #: simulation/data/settings/map_sizes.json msgid "This map size has barely any room for even the most basic resources." msgstr "Este tamaño de mapa apenas ten espazo para os recursos máis básicos." #: simulation/data/settings/map_sizes.json msgid "Small" msgstr "Pequeno" #: simulation/data/settings/map_sizes.json msgid "" "Small maps are suitable for 1v1 matches, as players can reach the enemy " "quickly while still having some room to expand." msgstr "Os mapas pequenos son axeitados para partidas entre dous xogadores, xa que os xogadores poden acadar ao inimigo rapidamente, pero tamén teñen algo de espazo para expandirse." #: simulation/data/settings/map_sizes.json msgid "Normal" msgstr "Normal" #: simulation/data/settings/map_sizes.json msgid "" "This map size provides plenty of space for two players, but even eight " "players fit." msgstr "Este mapa fornece espazo abondo para dous xogadores, mais caben até oito xogadores." #: simulation/data/settings/map_sizes.json msgid "" "This is the ideal mapsize for 4 to 8 players, because there is plenty of " "space to expand while the neighbors are quickly reachable." msgstr "Este é o tamaño de mapa ideal para entre 4 e 8 xogadores, porque hai espazo abondo para expandirse mais tamén pódense atopar rapidamente os inimigos." #: simulation/data/settings/map_sizes.json msgid "Large" msgstr "Grande" #: simulation/data/settings/map_sizes.json msgid "" "The large mapsize is recommended when great portions of the map are covered " "with water or inaccessible mountains." msgstr "O tamaño de mapa grande recoméndase cando grandes partes do mapa están cubertas por auga ou montañas inaccesíbeis." #: simulation/data/settings/map_sizes.json msgid "Very Large" msgstr "Moi grande" #: simulation/data/settings/map_sizes.json msgid "Giant" msgstr "Xigante" #: simulation/data/settings/map_sizes.json msgid "" "Very large maps are not recommended as it takes very long to reach the enemy" " and the game performance can be reduced." msgstr "Os mapas moi grandes non se recomendan porque leva moito tempo acadar ao inimigo e o rendemento do xogo pode verse reducido." #: simulation/data/settings/player_defaults.json msgid "Gaia" msgstr "Gaia" #: simulation/data/settings/player_defaults.json msgid "Player 1" msgstr "Xogador 1" #: simulation/data/settings/player_defaults.json msgid "Player 2" msgstr "Xogador 2" #: simulation/data/settings/player_defaults.json msgid "Player 3" msgstr "Xogador 3" #: simulation/data/settings/player_defaults.json msgid "Player 4" msgstr "Xogador 4" #: simulation/data/settings/player_defaults.json msgid "Player 5" msgstr "Xogador 5" #: simulation/data/settings/player_defaults.json msgid "Player 6" msgstr "Xogador 6" #: simulation/data/settings/player_defaults.json msgid "Player 7" msgstr "Xogador 7" #: simulation/data/settings/player_defaults.json msgid "Player 8" msgstr "Xogador 8" #: simulation/data/settings/starting_resources.json msgctxt "startingResources" msgid "Very Low" msgstr "Moi escasos" #: simulation/data/settings/starting_resources.json msgctxt "startingResources" msgid "Low" msgstr "Escasos" #: simulation/data/settings/starting_resources.json msgctxt "startingResources" msgid "Medium" msgstr "Normais" #: simulation/data/settings/starting_resources.json msgctxt "startingResources" msgid "High" msgstr "Abundantes" #: simulation/data/settings/starting_resources.json msgctxt "startingResources" msgid "Very High" msgstr "Moi abundantes" #: simulation/data/settings/starting_resources.json msgctxt "startingResources" msgid "Deathmatch" msgstr "Partida a morte" #: simulation/data/settings/trigger_difficulties.json msgid "Very Easy" msgstr "Moi baixa" #: simulation/data/settings/trigger_difficulties.json msgid "Choose this difficulty if you are discovering 0 A.D." msgstr "Escolle esta dificultade se estás a descubrir 0  A.D." #: simulation/data/settings/trigger_difficulties.json msgid "Easy" msgstr "Baixa" #: simulation/data/settings/trigger_difficulties.json msgid "Choose this difficulty if you do not like being knocked down." msgstr "Escolle esta dificultade se non lle gusta perder." #: simulation/data/settings/trigger_difficulties.json msgid "" "Choose this difficulty if you have already a good experience with 0 A.D." msgstr "Escolle esta dificultade se xa tes certa experiencia co 0  A.D." #: simulation/data/settings/trigger_difficulties.json msgid "Hard" msgstr "Alta" #: simulation/data/settings/trigger_difficulties.json msgid "Choose this difficulty if you want to be really challenged." msgstr "Escolle esta dificultade se queres un verdadeiro reto." #: simulation/data/settings/trigger_difficulties.json msgid "Very Hard" msgstr "Moi alta" #: simulation/data/settings/trigger_difficulties.json msgid "Choose this difficulty if you do not mind being swept out." msgstr "Escolle esta dificultade se non lle importa sufrir unha derrota aplastante." #: simulation/data/settings/map_sizes.json #: simulation/data/settings/trigger_difficulties.json msgid "Medium" msgstr "Medios" #: simulation/data/settings/victory_conditions/capture_the_relic.json msgid "Capture the Relic" msgstr "Capturar a reliquia" #: simulation/data/settings/victory_conditions/capture_the_relic.json msgid "" "Capture all relics spread across the map and keep them for a certain time to" " win the game." msgstr "Captura todas as reliquias esparexidas polo mapa e consérvaas durante un certo tempo para gañar a partida." #: simulation/data/settings/victory_conditions/conquest.json msgid "Conquest" msgstr "Conquista" #: simulation/data/settings/victory_conditions/conquest.json msgid "" "Defeat opponents by killing all their units and destroying all their " "structures." msgstr "Derrota aos opoñentes matando a todas as súas unidades e destruíndo todas as estruturas." #: simulation/data/settings/victory_conditions/conquest_civic_centers.json msgid "Conquest Civic Centers" msgstr "Conquista de centros cívicos" #: simulation/data/settings/victory_conditions/conquest_civic_centers.json msgid "Defeat opponents by destroying all their fully built civic centers." msgstr "Derrota os teus opoñentes destruíndo todos os seus centros cívicos totalmente construídos." #: simulation/data/settings/victory_conditions/conquest_structures.json msgid "Conquest Structures" msgstr "Conquista das estruturas" #: simulation/data/settings/victory_conditions/conquest_structures.json msgid "Defeat opponents by destroying all their structures." msgstr "Derrota aos opoñentes destruíndo todas as súas estruturas." #: simulation/data/settings/victory_conditions/conquest_units.json msgid "Conquest Units" msgstr "Conquista das unidades" #: simulation/data/settings/victory_conditions/conquest_units.json msgid "Defeat opponents by killing all their units." msgstr "Derrota aos opoñentes matando a todas as súas unidades." #: simulation/data/settings/victory_conditions/regicide.json msgid "Regicide" msgstr "Rexicidio" #: simulation/data/settings/victory_conditions/regicide.json msgid "Defeat opponents by killing their hero." msgstr "Derrota aos opoñentes matando aos seus heroes." #: simulation/data/settings/victory_conditions/wonder.json msgid "Wonder" msgstr "Marabilla" #: simulation/data/settings/victory_conditions/wonder.json msgid "" "Be the first to build or capture a Wonder and keep it for a certain time to " "win the game. The timer will be reset when the Wonder is destroyed or " "captured. If the allied victory mode is enabled, the timer will also be " "reset when the alliances of the owner change." msgstr "Se a primeira persoa en construír ou capturar unha marabilla e mantela durante un certo tempo para gañar a partida. O temporizador restabelecerase cando a marabilla se destrúa ou a capturen. Se o modo de vitoria de aliados está activado, o temporizador tamén se restabelecerá cando as alianzas do seu dono cambien." #: simulation/helpers/Cheat.js:57 #, javascript-format msgid "%(player)s has been defeated (cheat)." msgstr "%(player)s perdeu (fixo trampas)." #: simulation/helpers/Cheat.js:71 msgid "You need to select a building that trains units." msgstr "Debe seleccionar un edificio que adestra unidades." #: simulation/helpers/Commands.js:135 msgid "(Cheat - control all units)" msgstr "(Truco - controlar todas as unidades)" #: simulation/helpers/Commands.js:150 msgid "(Cheat - reveal map)" msgstr "(Trampa - revelar o mapa)" #: simulation/helpers/Commands.js:462 #, javascript-format msgid "%(player)s has resigned." msgstr "%(player)s rendeuse." #: simulation/helpers/Commands.js:640 msgid "(Cheat - promoted units)" msgstr "(Truco - unidades promovido)" #: simulation/helpers/Commands.js:761 msgid "" "Cannot upgrade as distance requirements are not verified or terrain is " "obstructed." msgstr "Non se pode anovar porque os requisitos de distancia non se verificaron ou o terreo está obstruído." #: simulation/helpers/Commands.js:803 #, javascript-format msgid "Attack against %(_player_)s requested." msgstr "Ataque contra %(_player_)s solicitado." #: simulation/helpers/Commands.js:842 msgid "There are no bribable units" msgstr "Non hai unidades ás que se poida subornar" #: simulation/helpers/Commands.js:919 msgid "Unable to unload unit(s)." msgstr "Incapaz de desguarnecer as unidad(es)" #: simulation/helpers/Commands.js:933 msgid "Some unit(s) can't go back to work" msgstr "Algunhas unidad(es) non volver ao traballo" #: simulation/helpers/Commands.js:952 #, javascript-format msgid "%(unit)s can't be controlled." msgstr "%(unit)s non poden ser controladas." #: simulation/helpers/Commands.js:1203 msgid "The building's technology requirements are not met." msgstr "Non conta cos requisitos tecnolóxicos necesarios para a estrutura."