# Translation template for 0 A.D. — Empires Ascendant. # Copyright (C) 2023 Wildfire Games # This file is distributed under the same license as the 0 A.D. — Empires Ascendant # project. # Translators: # Adrián Chaves Fernández, 2019 # daniel diaz, 2020 # nin hum, 2024 msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: 0 A.D. — Empires Ascendant\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2023-08-18 07:08+0000\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2018-10-14 18:34+0000\n" "Last-Translator: nin hum, 2024\n" "Language-Team: Galician (https://app.transifex.com/wildfire-games/teams/17418/gl/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Language: gl\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" #: gui/userreport/Terms_and_Conditions.txt:1 msgid "" "[font=\"sans-bold-18\"]0 A.D. Empires Ascendant UserReporter Terms and " "Conditions[/font]" msgstr "" "[font=\"sans-bold-18\"]Condicións do Informador de Usuario de 0  d.C. — A " "ascensión dos imperios[/font]" #: gui/userreport/Terms_and_Conditions.txt:3 msgid "[font=\"sans-bold-14\"]Document Date:[/font] 2023-08-17" msgstr "[font=\"sans-bold-14\"]Data do Documento:[/font] 2023-08-17" #: gui/userreport/Terms_and_Conditions.txt:5 msgid "" "The 0 A.D. UserReporter is a tool that allows you, the 0 A.D. player, to " "automatically upload hardware- and software-system details in order to help " "Wildfire Games and community developers to improve the performance and " "compatibility of 0 A.D." msgstr "" "O 0 A.D. Informador de Usuario é unha ferramenta que lle permite, enviar " "automaticamente como xogador do 0 A.D. , detalles do sistema de hardware e " "software para axudar a Wildfire Games e aos desenvolvedores comunitarios a " "mellorar o rendemento e a compatibilidade de 0 A.D." #: gui/userreport/Terms_and_Conditions.txt:7 msgid "[font=\"sans-bold-14\"]Purpose of the UserReport:[/font]" msgstr "[font=\"sans-bold-14\"]Finalidade dos informes de usuario:[/font]" #: gui/userreport/Terms_and_Conditions.txt:8 msgid "" "The UserReports indicate which system features (for example CPU instruction " "sets and OpenGL capabilities) are widely supported by the computer systems " "of 0 A.D. players." msgstr "" "Os informes de usuario indicar que funcionalidades do sistema (p. ex. grupos" " de instrucións da CPU ou funcionalidades de OpenGL) son compatíbeis con " "gran parte dos computadores que usan os xogadores de 0  A.D." #: gui/userreport/Terms_and_Conditions.txt:9 msgid "" "This allows developers to decide which 0 A.D. program code is safe to use " "and which optimizations are most feasible to implement next." msgstr "" "Isto permite aos desenvolvedores decidir que código do programa 0  A.D. usar" " e en que optimizacións é máis efectivo traballar." #: gui/userreport/Terms_and_Conditions.txt:10 msgid "" "If the UserReporter is enabled, the UserReport containing that information " "is uploaded to Wildfire Games once per program launch (GDPR 13.1.c, GDPR " "15.1.a)." msgstr "" "Se o Informador de Usuario está activado, o informe de usuario que contén " "esa información se envía a Wildfire Games cada vez que se inicia o programa " "(GDPR 13.1.c, GDPR 15.1.a)." #: gui/userreport/Terms_and_Conditions.txt:12 msgid "[font=\"sans-bold-14\"]UserReport data:[/font]" msgstr "[font=\"sans-bold-14\"]Datos do informe de usuario:[/font]" #: gui/userreport/Terms_and_Conditions.txt:13 msgid "" " 1. Hardware Details, for example the screen size, CPU clock rate, memory " "capacity and the sound card manufacturer." msgstr "" " 1. Detalles de hardware, p. ex. tamaño de pantalla, taxa de reloxo de CPU, " "capacidade de memoria e fabricante de tarxeta de son." #: gui/userreport/Terms_and_Conditions.txt:14 msgid "" " 2. System Software Details, for example the operating system version, " "graphics driver version, OpenGL capabilities." msgstr "" " 2. Detalles do software do sistema, p. ex. a versión do sistema operativo, " "a versión dos controladores gráficos e as funcionalidades de OpenGL." #: gui/userreport/Terms_and_Conditions.txt:15 msgid "" " 3. Application Details, for example the 0 A.D. version and build number." msgstr "" " 3. Detalles do aplicativo, p. ex. a versión de 0  A.D. e a número de " "construción." #: gui/userreport/Terms_and_Conditions.txt:16 msgid "" " 4. The UserID. This is a pseudonym generated by the UserReporter the first " "time it is used (GDPR 4.5, GDPR 25.1, GDPR 32.1.a)." msgstr "" " 4. O identificador de usuario. Trátase dun pseudónimo que o Informador de " "Usuario xera a primeira vez que se usa (GDPR 4.5, GDPR 25.1, GDPR 32.1.a)." #: gui/userreport/Terms_and_Conditions.txt:17 msgid "" " The UserID enables developers to count how many 0 A.D. players use a " "specific set of hardware or system software without allowing them to " "attribute the data to any person." msgstr "" " O identificador de usuario permite aos desenvolvedores contar o número " "de xogadores de 0 A.D. que usan un grupo específico de hardware o software " "de sistema sen permitirlles atribuír os datos a ninguén." #: gui/userreport/Terms_and_Conditions.txt:18 msgid "" " 5. The date of the upload of the UserReport. This allows focus on recent " "UserReports and disregard old reports." msgstr "" " 5. A data do envío do informe de usuario. Isto permite centrarse en " "informes de usuario recentes e ignorar informes vellos." #: gui/userreport/Terms_and_Conditions.txt:20 msgid "" "The UserReport does not include any specially protected categories of " "personal data (GDPR 9, GDPR 10)." msgstr "" "O informe de usuario non inclúe categoría especialmente protexida de datos " "persoais (GDPR 9, GDPR 10)." #: gui/userreport/Terms_and_Conditions.txt:21 msgid "" "The transmission is secured with SSL. Data is protected against " "unintentional loss in encrypted backups for additional time (GDPR 30.1.g, " "GDPR 32)." msgstr "" "A transmisión protéxese con SSL. Os datos están protexidos contra a perda " "accidental en copias de seguranza cifradas durante tempo adicional (GDPR " "30.1.g, GDPR 32)." #: gui/userreport/Terms_and_Conditions.txt:23 msgid "[font=\"sans-bold-14\"]Wildfire Games reserves the right to:[/font]" msgstr "[font=\"sans-bold-14\"]Wildfire Games resérvase o dereito a:[/font]" #: gui/userreport/Terms_and_Conditions.txt:24 msgid "" " 1. Publish UserReport data, excluding the UserID pseudonym, so that " "community developers may help contribute to 0 A.D. development using this " "data (GDPR 4.5)." msgstr "" " 1. Publicar datos de informes de usuario, excluíndo o pseudónimo " "identificador de usuario, para que os desenvolvedores da comunidade poidan " "colaborar co desenvolvemento de 0 A.D. usando eses datos (GDPR 4.5)." #: gui/userreport/Terms_and_Conditions.txt:25 msgid "" " At the time of the document, Wildfire Games published the most recent " "UserReport analysis at http://feedback.wildfiregames.com/ (GDPR 13.1.e, GDPR" " 15.1.c)." msgstr "" " Na data do documento, Wildfire Games publicou a análise máis recente dos" " informes de usuario en http://feedback.wildfiregames.com/ (GDPR 13.1.e, " "GDPR 15.1.c)." #: gui/userreport/Terms_and_Conditions.txt:26 msgid "" " 2. Erase any UserReports for any reason, except where a user has objected " "to the erasure of his or her data for one of the reasons specified by the " "GDPR (GDPR 18, GDPR 21)." msgstr "" " 2. Borrar calquera informe de usuario por calquera motivo, excepto cando un" " usuario obxectase ante o borrado dos seus datos por un dos motivos " "indicados na GDPR (GDPR 18, GDPR 21)." #: gui/userreport/Terms_and_Conditions.txt:27 msgid "" " 3. Store the users IP address to protect against cyberattacks, for no " "longer than 4 months (EU Court of Justice Press Release No 112/16)." msgstr "" " 3. Almacenar o enderezo IP dos usuarios como medida de protección contra " "ataques cibernéticos, por un período de non máis de 4 meses (EU Court of " "Justice Press Release No 112/16)." #: gui/userreport/Terms_and_Conditions.txt:28 msgid "" " 4. Change this document. The document date indicates the version of the " "Terms and Conditions." msgstr "" " 4. Cambiar este documento. A data do documento indica a versión das " "condicións." #: gui/userreport/Terms_and_Conditions.txt:29 msgid "" " The UserReport is disabled with each version update and only enabled if " "the user agreed to the new document (GDPR 13.3)." msgstr "" " O Informador de Usuario desactívase con cada actualización de versión e " "só se activa se o usuario acepta o novo documento (GDPR 13.3)." #: gui/userreport/Terms_and_Conditions.txt:31 msgid "[font=\"sans-bold-14\"]You agree to:[/font]" msgstr "[font=\"sans-bold-14\"]Acepta:[/font]" #: gui/userreport/Terms_and_Conditions.txt:32 msgid "" " 1. Use the service at your own risk. Wildfire Games does not take " "responsibility for damages resulting from this service." msgstr "" " 1. Usar o servizo baixo a súa propia responsabilidade. Wildfire Games non " "se fará responsábel de danos relacionados co servizo." #: gui/userreport/Terms_and_Conditions.txt:33 msgid "" " 2. Not use the service with third-party software or mods that change the " "UserReport data or prevent the user from being informed of updated Terms and" " Conditions." msgstr "" " 2. Non usar o servizo con software de terceiros ou modificacións que " "alteren os datos do informe de usuario ou impidan informar ao usuario de " "actualizacións das condicións." #: gui/userreport/Terms_and_Conditions.txt:35 msgid "[font=\"sans-bold-14\"]User rights (GDPR 13):[/font]" msgstr "[font=\"sans-bold-14\"]Dereitos do usuario (GDPR 13):[/font]" #: gui/userreport/Terms_and_Conditions.txt:36 msgid "" " 1. Contact Wildfire Games, by sending an email to webmaster at " "wildfiregames dot com (GDPR 13.1.a, GDPR 13.1.b)." msgstr "" " 1. Contactar con Wildfire Games, enviando unha mensaxe de correo " "electrónico a webmaster en wildfiregames punto com (GDPR 13.1.a, GDPR " "13.1.b)." #: gui/userreport/Terms_and_Conditions.txt:37 msgid " To exercise any user right, please refer to this contact." msgstr "" " Para exercer o seu dereito como usuario, contacte con esta persoa." #: gui/userreport/Terms_and_Conditions.txt:38 msgid "" " 2. Right of access to UserReport data concerning him or her (GDPR 15)." msgstr " 2. Acceder aos datos do informe do usuario (GDPR 15)." #: gui/userreport/Terms_and_Conditions.txt:39 msgid "" " The UserID pseudonym can be found in the user.cfg file of the " "configuration folder of 0 A.D." msgstr "" " O pseudónimo do identificador de usuario pode consultarse no ficheiro " "user.cfg do cartafol de configuración de 0 A.D." #: gui/userreport/Terms_and_Conditions.txt:40 msgid " The current configuration folder is %(configPath)s." msgstr " O cartafol de configuración actual é %(configPath)s." #: gui/userreport/Terms_and_Conditions.txt:41 msgid "" " The user obtains a machine-readable and human-readable copy of the " "UserReport data in the logs folder of 0 A.D. (GDPR 20)." msgstr "" " O usuario obtén unha copia dos datos do informe de usuario, lexíbel por " "máquinas e humanos, no cartafol de rexistros de 0 A.D. (GDPR 20)." #: gui/userreport/Terms_and_Conditions.txt:42 msgid " The data can be reviewed before the UserReporter is enabled." msgstr "" " Os datos poden revisarse antes de activar o Informador de Usuario." #: gui/userreport/Terms_and_Conditions.txt:43 msgid " The current logfolder is %(logPath)s." msgstr " O cartafol de rexistros actual é %(logPath)s." #: gui/userreport/Terms_and_Conditions.txt:44 msgid "" " If you wish to access further UserReport data, contact Wildfire Games " "and provide your UserID pseudonym (GDPR 11). Only with that we may identify " "your data and process requests (GDPR 13.2.e)." msgstr "" " Se quere acceder a información adicional do informe de usuario, contacte" " con Wildfire Games e forneza o seu pseudónimo de identificador de usuario " "(GDPR 11). Este dato é imprescindible para identificar os seus datos e " "procesar solicitudes (GDPR 13.2.e)." #: gui/userreport/Terms_and_Conditions.txt:45 msgid "" " Data may be obtained in a portable, machine-readable format (GDPR 20)." msgstr "" " Os datos poden obterse nun formato adaptábel e lexíbel por máquinas " "(GDPR 20)." #: gui/userreport/Terms_and_Conditions.txt:46 msgid " 3. Right to rectification of inaccurate UserReport data (GDPR 16)." msgstr "" " 3. Dereito de rectificación de datos inexactos dun informe de usuario (GDPR" " 16)." #: gui/userreport/Terms_and_Conditions.txt:47 msgid "" " 4. Right to erasure of your UserReports if they are not relevant to the " "development of 0 A.D., if the data was processed unlawfully or if the user " "objects to the processing and has overriding legitimate grounds (GDPR 17)." msgstr "" " 4. dereito de borrado dos informes do usuario se non son relevantes para o " "desenvolvemento de 0 A.D., se os datos de procesaron incorrectamente ou se o" " usuario obxecta ante o procesamento e conta con xustificacións lexítimas " "para impedilo (GDPR 17)." #: gui/userreport/Terms_and_Conditions.txt:48 msgid "" " 5. Right to restriction of processing of UserReports if the accuracy of the" " data is contested by the user, if the data was processed unlawfully or if " "the user requires the data for a legal claim (GDPR 18)." msgstr "" " 5. Dereito a restrinxir o procesamento de informes de usuario se o usuario " "disputa a precisión dos datos, se os datos de procesaron de maneira " "incorrecta ou se o usuario solicita os datos para unha reclamación legal " "(GDPR 18)." #: gui/userreport/Terms_and_Conditions.txt:49 msgid "" " 6. Right to object to the processing of UserReports concerning him or her " "on grounds relating to their particular situation (GDPR 21)." msgstr "" " 6. Dereito a obxectar ante o procesamento de informes do usuario con " "xustificacións baseadas na súa situación particular (GDPR 21)." #: gui/userreport/Terms_and_Conditions.txt:50 msgid "" " 7. Right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority (GDPR 13.2.d, " "GDPR 77)." msgstr "" " 7. Dereito a rexistrar unha queixa ante unha autoridade supervisora (GDPR " "13.2.d, GDPR 77)." #: gui/userreport/Terms_and_Conditions.txt:51 msgid "" "Requests that are manifestly unfounded or excessive are not responded to or " "may be charged (GDPR 12.4, GDPR 12.5)." msgstr "" "As solicitudes que manifestamente carezan de base ou sexan excesivas poden " "non obter resposta, ou requirir un pago (GDPR 12.4, GDPR 12.5)." #: gui/userreport/Terms_and_Conditions.txt:53 msgid "[font=\"sans-bold-14\"]Legal grounds of processing (GDPR 13.1.c):[/font]" msgstr "[font=\"sans-bold-14\"]Base legal do procesamento (GDPR 13.1.c):[/font]" #: gui/userreport/Terms_and_Conditions.txt:54 msgid "" " 1. The processing is necessary for the performance of the service defined " "in this document (GDPR 6.1.b)." msgstr "" " 1. O procesamento é necesario para a realización do servizo definido neste " "documento (GDPR 6.1.b)." #: gui/userreport/Terms_and_Conditions.txt:55 msgid "" " 2. Wildfire Games has legitimate interests in the development of 0 A.D. and" " protection against cyberattacks (GDPR 6.1.f)." msgstr "" " 2. Wildfire Games ten intereses lexítimos no desenvolvemento de 0 A.D. e " "protección contra ataques cibernéticos (GDPR 6.1.f)." #: gui/userreport/Terms_and_Conditions.txt:56 msgid "" " 3. Wildfire Games does not process any further data for the UserReporter " "and does not ask for consent to further data processing (GDPR 6.1.a, GDPR 7," " GDPR 8, GDPR 13.2.c)." msgstr "" " 3. Wildfire Games non procesa ningún outro dato para o Informador de " "Usuario e non pide consentimento para procesamentos de datos adicionais " "(GDPR 6.1.a, GDPR 7, GDPR 8, GDPR 13.2.c)." #: gui/userreport/Terms_and_Conditions.txt:58 msgid "" "[font=\"sans-bold-14\"]Wildfire Games obligations (GDPR 5, GDPR 13):[/font]" msgstr "" "[font=\"sans-bold-14\"]Obrigas de Wildfire Games (GDPR 5, GDPR 13):[/font]" #: gui/userreport/Terms_and_Conditions.txt:59 msgid "" " 1. Wildfire Games demonstrates compliance with GDPR (GDPR 5.2 " "\"accountability\")." msgstr "" " 1. Wildfire Games demostra o seu cumprimento da GDPR (GDPR 5.2 " "\"accountability\")." #: gui/userreport/Terms_and_Conditions.txt:60 msgid "" " 2. Wildfire Games documents their processing activities appropriately, in " "particular the categories of processed personal data and security measures " "to protect it (GDPR 30)." msgstr "" " 2. Wildfire Games documenta as súas actividades de procesamento de forma " "axeitada, en particular as categorías de datos persoais procesados e medidas" " de seguranza para protexelos (GDPR 30)." #: gui/userreport/Terms_and_Conditions.txt:61 msgid "" " 3. Wildfire Games processes personal data lawfully, fairly and " "transparently (GDPR 5.1.a, GDPR 12.1)." msgstr "" " 3. Wildfire Games procesa datos persoais correctamente, de maneira xusta e " "transparente (GDPR 5.1.a, GDPR 12.1)." #: gui/userreport/Terms_and_Conditions.txt:62 msgid "" " 4. Wildfire Games informs users of the purposes, legal grounds, legitimate " "interests and retention periods of personal data processing at the time it " "is processed, recipients of personal data and where applicable, transfer of " "personal data to third countries and automated decision-making (GDPR " "13.1.c-f, GDPR 13.2.a, GDPR 13.2.e, GDPR 13.2.f, GDPR 15.1, GDPR 15.4)." msgstr "" " 4. Wildfire Games informa aos usuarios das finalidades, as bases legais, os" " intereses lexítimos e os períodos de retención de procesamento de datos " "persoais no momento en que se procesan, os receptores dos datos persoais " "cando corresponda, a transferencia de datos persoais a terceiros países e as" " tomas de decisións automatizadas (GDPR 13.1.c-f, GDPR 13.2.a, GDPR 13.2.e, " "GDPR 13.2.f, GDPR 15.1, GDPR 15.4)." #: gui/userreport/Terms_and_Conditions.txt:63 msgid "" " 5. Wildfire Games does not processes personal data for purposes other than " "the specified ones (GDPR 5.1.b, \"purpose limitation\", GDPR 13.3)." msgstr "" " 5. Wildfire Games non procesa datos persoais con finalidades alén das " "indicadas (GDPR 5.1.b, \"purpose limitation\", GDPR 13.3)." #: gui/userreport/Terms_and_Conditions.txt:64 msgid "" " 6. Wildfire Games does not process personal data that is not needed for the" " specified purposes (GDPR 5.1.c, \"data minimisation\")." msgstr "" "6. Wildfire Games non procesa datos persoais que non sexan precisos para os " "propósitos específicos (GDPR 5.1.c \"minimizacion de datos\")." #: gui/userreport/Terms_and_Conditions.txt:65 msgid "" " 7. Wildfire Games uses a storage form that does not allow identification of" " natural persons for longer than necessary (GDPR 5.1.e \"storage " "limitation\")." msgstr "" " 7. Wildfire Games usa unha forma de almacenamento que non permite a " "identificación de persoas naturais durante máis tempo do necesario (GDPR " "5.1.e \"storage limitation\")." #: gui/userreport/Terms_and_Conditions.txt:66 msgid "" " 8. Wildfire Games secures personal data processing to prevent unauthorised " "or unlawful processing and accidental loss (GDPR 5.1.f. \"integrity and " "confidentiality\")." msgstr "" " 8. Wildfire Games protexe o procesamento de datos persoais para evitar o " "procesamento non autorizado ou incorrecto e maila perda accidental (GDPR " "5.1.f. \"integrity and confidentiality\")." #: gui/userreport/Terms_and_Conditions.txt:67 msgid "" " 9. Wildfire Games informs users of their right to access, to rectify, to " "erase personal data and the right to restrict, to withdraw consent to, to " "object to personal data processing and to complain at a supervisory " "authority (GDPR 13.2.b, GDPR 13.2.c, GDPR 13.2.d)." msgstr "" " 9. Wildfire Games informa aos usuarios do seu dereito a acceder, a " "rectificar e a borrar datos persoais, así como o dereito a restrinxir ou " "retirar o consentimento, ou a obxectar ante o procesamento de datos persoais" " ou a queixarse ante unha autoridade supervisora (GDPR 13.2.b, GDPR 13.2.c, " "GDPR 13.2.d)." #: gui/userreport/Terms_and_Conditions.txt:68 msgid "" "10. Wildfire Games facilitates the exercise of user rights where possible " "(GDPR 12.2), without undue delay (GDPR 12.3)." msgstr "" "10. Wildfire Games facilita o exercicio dos dereitos dos usuarios dentro do " "posíbel (GDPR 12.2), sen demoras innecesarias (GDPR 12.3)." #: gui/userreport/Terms_and_Conditions.txt:69 msgid "" "12. Wildfire Games informs the users that to exercise their rights, users " "might need to provide additional information to identify the natural person " "or the data (GDPR 12.6, GDPR 13.2.e)." msgstr "" "12. Wildfire Games informa aos usuarios de que, para exercitar os seus " "dereitos, os usuarios poderían ter que fornecer datos adicionais para " "identificar a persoa natural ou os datos (GDPR 12.6, GDPR 13.2.e)." #: gui/userreport/Terms_and_Conditions.txt:71 msgid "The minimum age to use the service is 13." msgstr "A idade mínima para usar o servizo son 13 anos." #: gui/userreport/Terms_and_Conditions.txt:72 msgid "" "Wildfire Games will not knowingly collect personal data from children under " "this age (Children's Online Privacy Protection Act)." msgstr "" "Wildfire Games non recollerá a sabendas datos persoais de nenos menores " "desta idade (Children's Online Privacy Protection Act)." #: gui/userreport/Terms_and_Conditions.txt:73 msgid "" "If you believe Wildfire Games might have any personal data from or about a " "child under 13, please contact Wildfire Games." msgstr "" "Se cre que Wildfire Games podería ter datos persoais que orixinan ou " "corresponden a un neno menor de 13 anos, rogamos póñase en contacto con " "Wildfire Games." #: gui/userreport/Terms_and_Conditions.txt:75 msgid "" "Wildfire Games obtains all UserReport data exclusively from the user (GDPR " "14)." msgstr "" "Wildfire Games obtén todos os datos de informe de usuario exclusivamente do " "usuario (GDPR 14)." #: gui/userreport/Terms_and_Conditions.txt:76 msgid "" "Wildfire Games does not perform any automated decision making affecting " "natural persons (GDPR 22)." msgstr "" "Wildfire Games non realiza ningún proceso de decisión automatizado que " "afecte a persoas naturais (GDPR 22)." #: gui/userreport/Terms_and_Conditions.txt:78 msgid "" "If parts of the terms are held to be illegal or otherwise unenforceable, the" " remainder of the terms shall still apply ('severability')." msgstr "" "Se unha parte das condicións son consideradas ilegais ou non aplicables por " "outros motivos, o resto das condicións continuarán sendo aplicábeis " "('severability')." #: gui/userreport/Terms_and_Conditions.txt:80 msgid "" "For further information on Wildfire Games Privacy Policies, visit " "https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/UserDataProtection" msgstr "" "Para máis información sobre as políticas de protección da intimidade de " "Wildfire Games, consulte " "https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/UserDataProtection (en inglés)"