# Translation template for 0 A.D. — Empires Ascendant. # Copyright (C) 2024 Wildfire Games # This file is distributed under the same license as the 0 A.D. — Empires Ascendant # project. # Translators: # GunChleoc, 2022 msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: 0 A.D. — Empires Ascendant\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2024-07-26 07:08+0000\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2017-06-04 12:59+0000\n" "Last-Translator: GunChleoc, 2022\n" "Language-Team: Gaelic, Scottish (https://app.transifex.com/wildfire-games/teams/17418/gd/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Language: gd\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=(n==1 || n==11) ? 0 : (n==2 || n==12) ? 1 : (n > 2 && n < 20) ? 2 : 3;\n" #: maps/tutorials/introductory_tutorial.js:3 msgid "Welcome to the 0 A.D. tutorial." msgstr "" #: maps/tutorials/introductory_tutorial.js:6 msgid "" "Left-click on a Female Citizen and then right-click on a berry bush to make " "that Female Citizen gather food. Female Citizens gather vegetables faster " "than other units." msgstr "" "Dèan briogadh clì air saoranach boireann an toiseach agus an uairsin " "briogadh deas air preas-dhearc am fagas ach an cruinnich an saoranach biadh." " Cruinnichidh saoranaich boireann glasraich nas luaithe na càch." #: maps/tutorials/introductory_tutorial.js:15 msgid "" "Select the Citizen Soldier, right-click on a tree near the Civic Center to " "begin gathering wood. Citizen Soldiers gather wood faster than Female " "Citizens." msgstr "" "Tagh saighdear-dùthcha ’s dèan briogadh deas air craobh faisg air an ionad " "shìobhalta ach an tòisich thu air fiodh a chruinneachadh. Cruinnichidh " "saighdearan-dùthcha fiodh nas luaithe na saoranaich boireann." #: maps/tutorials/introductory_tutorial.js:26 #, javascript-format msgid "" "Select the Civic Center building and hold %(hotkey)s while clicking on the " "Hoplite icon once to begin training a batch of Hoplites." msgstr "" "Tagh togalach an ionaid shìobhalta agus dèan aon bhriogadh le %(hotkey)s air" " ìomhaigheag an hoiplid ach an tòisich thu air grunn hoiplidean oideachadh." #: maps/tutorials/introductory_tutorial.js:37 #: maps/tutorials/introductory_tutorial.js:79 #: maps/tutorials/introductory_tutorial.js:161 #: maps/tutorials/introductory_tutorial.js:245 msgid "" "Do not forget to press the batch training hotkey while clicking to produce " "multiple units." msgstr "" "Cuimhnich gun dèan thu briogadh le grad-iuchair nan grunnan còmhla gus " "iomadh ionad oideachadh." #: maps/tutorials/introductory_tutorial.js:38 #: maps/tutorials/introductory_tutorial.js:162 msgid "Click on the Hoplite icon." msgstr "Dèan briogadh air ìomhaigheag an hoiplid." #: maps/tutorials/introductory_tutorial.js:46 msgid "" "Select the two idle Female Citizens and build a House nearby by selecting " "the House icon. Place the House by left-clicking on a piece of land." msgstr "" "Tagh an dà shaoranach boireann ’nan tàmh agus tog taigh am fagas ’s tu a’ " "taghadh ìomhaigheag an taighe. Dèan briogadh clì air an tìr far a bheil thu " "airson an taigh a thogail." #: maps/tutorials/introductory_tutorial.js:54 msgid "" "When they are ready, select the newly trained Hoplites and assign them to " "build a Storehouse beside some nearby trees. They will begin to gather wood " "when it's constructed." msgstr "" "Nuair a bhios iad deiseil, tagh na hoiplidean air an ùr-oideachadh agus cuir" " iad a thogail taigh-stòrais ri taobh chraobhan. Tòisichidh iad air fiodh a " "chruinneachadh nuair a bhios an taigh air a thogail." #: maps/tutorials/introductory_tutorial.js:64 #, javascript-format msgid "" "Train a batch of Skirmishers by holding %(hotkey)s and clicking on the " "Skirmisher icon in the Civic Center." msgstr "" "Oidich grunn de streupairean ’s tu a’ dèanamh briogadh clì air ìomhaigheag " "an streupaire san ionad shìobhalta fad ’s a bhios tu a’ cumail sìos " "%(hotkey)s." #: maps/tutorials/introductory_tutorial.js:80 msgid "Click on the Skirmisher icon." msgstr "Briog air ìomhaigheag an streupaire." #: maps/tutorials/introductory_tutorial.js:88 msgid "" "Build a Farmstead in an open space beside the Civic Center using any idle " "builders." msgstr "" "Tog tuathanas air àite fosgailte ri taobh an ionaid shìobhalta le luchd-" "togail sam bith a tha ’nan tàmh." #: maps/tutorials/introductory_tutorial.js:100 msgid "Let's wait for the Farmstead to be built." msgstr "Fuirichidh sinn gus am bi an tuathanas deiseil." #: maps/tutorials/introductory_tutorial.js:112 msgid "" "Once the Farmstead is constructed, its builders will automatically begin " "gathering food if there is any nearby. Select the builders and instead make " "them construct a Field beside the Farmstead." msgstr "" "Nuair a bhios an tuathanas air a thogail, tòisichidh an luchd-togail air " "biadh a chruinneachadh gu fèin-obrachail ma tha gin am fagas. Tagh an luchd-" "togail is cuir orra achadh a thogail ri taobh an tuathanais an àite seo." #: maps/tutorials/introductory_tutorial.js:136 msgid "" "The Field's builders will now automatically begin gathering food from the " "Field. Using the newly created group of skirmishers, get them to build " "another House nearby." msgstr "" "Tòisichidh luchd-togail an achaidh air biadh a chruinneachadh on achadh gu " "fèin-obrachail. Cleachd am buidheann de streupairean a tha thu air ùr-" "chruthachadh gus taigh eile a thogail am fagas." #: maps/tutorials/introductory_tutorial.js:144 msgid "" "Train a batch of Hoplites at the Civic Center. Select the Civic Center and " "with it selected right-click on a tree nearby. Units from the Civic Center " "will now automatically gather wood." msgstr "" "Oidich grunn hoiplidean san ionad shìobhalta. Tagh an t-ionad sìobhalta ’s " "fhad ’s a tha e air a thaghadh, dèan briogadh deas air craobh am fagas. " "Tòisichidh aonadan on ionad shìobhalta air fiodh a chruinneachadh gu fèin-" "obrachail a-nis." #: maps/tutorials/introductory_tutorial.js:176 msgid "" "Select the Civic Center, then hover the cursor over the tree and right-click" " when you see your cursor change into a wood icon." msgstr "" "Tagh an t-ionad sìobhalta, cuir an luchag os cionn na craoibhe an uairsin " "agus dèan briogadh deas nuair a bhios an cùrsair air a dhol ’na ìomhaigheag " "fiodha." #: maps/tutorials/introductory_tutorial.js:185 msgid "" "Build a Barracks nearby. Whenever your population limit is reached, build an" " extra House using any available builder units. This will be the fifth " "Village Phase structure that you have built, allowing you to advance to the " "Town Phase." msgstr "" "Tog taigh-feachd am fagas. Tog taigh a bharrachd le aonad togail sam bith a " "bhios ri làimh dhut gach turas a ruigeas tu na tha ceadaichte dhut de " "shluagh. Seo an còigeamh togalach a thogas tu ri linn nan clachan agus " "leigidh seo leat àrdachadh gu linn nam bailtean nuair a bhios e deiseil." #: maps/tutorials/introductory_tutorial.js:193 msgid "" "Select the Civic Center again and advance to Town Phase by clicking on the " "II icon (you have to wait for the barracks to be built first). This will " "allow Town Phase buildings to be constructed." msgstr "" "Tagh an t-ionad sìobhalta a-rithist agus àrdaich gu linn nam bailtean ’s tu " "a’ briogadh air an ìomhaigh “II” (feumaidh tu feitheamh an toiseach gus am " "bi an taigh-feachd air a thogail). Leigidh seo leat togalaichean aig linn " "nam bailtean a thogail." #: maps/tutorials/introductory_tutorial.js:205 msgid "" "While waiting for the phasing up, you may reassign your idle workers to " "gathering the resources you are short of." msgstr "" "Fhad ’s a tha thu a’ feitheamh air an linn ùr, ’s urrainn dhut òrduighean " "eile a thoirt dhan luchd-obrach ’na thàmh agad ach an cruinnich iad na " "stòrasan a tha gann." #: maps/tutorials/introductory_tutorial.js:220 msgid "" "Order the idle Skirmishers to build an outpost to the north east at the edge" " of your territory." msgstr "" "Cuir air na streupairean ’nan tàmh gearastan a thogail gu ear-thuath ri oir " "do ranntair." #: maps/tutorials/introductory_tutorial.js:228 msgid "" "Start training a batch of Female Citizens in the Civic Center and set its " "rally point to the Field (right click on it)." msgstr "" "Tòisich air grunn shaoranach boireann oideachadh san ionad shìobhalta agus " "cuir a cheann-cruinneachaidh air an achadh (dèan briogadh deas air)." #: maps/tutorials/introductory_tutorial.js:246 #: maps/tutorials/starting_economy_walkthrough.js:348 msgid "Click on the Female Citizen icon." msgstr "Briog air ìomhaigheag an t-saoranaich bhoirinn." #: maps/tutorials/introductory_tutorial.js:266 msgid "" "Prepare for an attack by an enemy player. Train more soldiers using the " "Barracks, and get idle soldiers to build a Tower near your Outpost." msgstr "" "Ullaich airson ionnsaigh le cluicheadair nàmhad. Oidich barrachd " "shaighdearan san taigh-fheachd agus faigh greim air saighdearan ’nan tàmh " "gus tùr a thogail faisg air a’ ghearastan agad." #: maps/tutorials/introductory_tutorial.js:274 msgid "" "Build a Forge and research the Infantry Training technology (sword icon) to " "improve infantry hack attack." msgstr "" "Tog ceàrdach agus rannsaich teicneolas oideachaidh na coisridh (ìomhaigheag " "a’ chlaidheimh) gus piseach a thoirt air ionnsaigh spealgaidh do choisridh." #: maps/tutorials/introductory_tutorial.js:282 msgid "The enemy is coming. Train more soldiers to fight off the enemies." msgstr "" "Tha an nàmhaid a’ tighinn. Oidich barrachd shaighdearan gus seasamh ’nan " "aghaidh." #: maps/tutorials/introductory_tutorial.js:290 msgid "Try to repel the attack." msgstr "Feuch an seas thu an aghaidh na h-ionnsaighe." #: maps/tutorials/introductory_tutorial.js:300 msgid "" "The enemy attack has been thwarted. Now build a market and a temple while " "you assign new units to gather required resources." msgstr "" "Chaidh ionnsaigh an nàmhad a bhacadh. Tog margaid ’s teampall a-nis fhad ’s " "a chuireas tu aonadan ùra gun cruinnich iad an stòras air a bheil feum." #: maps/tutorials/introductory_tutorial.js:321 msgid "" "Once you meet the City Phase requirements, select your Civic Center and " "advance to City Phase." msgstr "" "Nuar a bhios tu air riatanasan linn nam mòr-bhailtean a choileanadh, tagh an" " t-ionad sìobhalta agad agus àrdaich gu linn nam mòr-bhailtean." #: maps/tutorials/introductory_tutorial.js:333 msgid "" "While waiting for the phase change, you may train more soldiers at the " "Barracks." msgstr "" "Fhad ’s a tha thu a’ feitheamh air an linn ùr, ’s urrainn dhut barrachd " "shaighdearan oideachadh aig an taigh-fheachd." #: maps/tutorials/introductory_tutorial.js:345 msgid "" "Now that you are in City Phase, build the Arsenal nearby and then use it to " "construct 2 Battering Rams." msgstr "" "Nise on a tha thu ann an linn nam mòr-bhailtean, tog arm-lann am fagas agus " "cleachd e gus 2 reithe-sèiste a thogail an uairsin." #: maps/tutorials/introductory_tutorial.js:367 msgid "" "Stop all your soldiers gathering resources and instead task small groups to " "find the enemy Civic Center on the map. Once the enemy's base has been " "spotted, send your Siege Engines and all remaining soldiers to destroy it.\n" msgstr "" "Thoir air na h-uile saighdear agad nach cruinnich iad stòras tuilleadh agus " "cuir air buidhnean beaga dhiubh gun lorg iad ionad sìobhalta an nàmhad air " "a’ mhapa. Nuair a bhios tu air bunait an nàmhad a lorg, cuir na h-innealan-" "sèiste agad agus na shaighdearan uile agad a-null gus a mhilleadh.\n" #: maps/tutorials/introductory_tutorial.js:368 msgid "Female Citizens should continue to gather resources." msgstr "" "Bu chòir do na saoranaich bhoireann cumail orra ri stòras a chruinneachadh." #: maps/tutorials/introductory_tutorial.js:379 msgid "The enemy has been defeated. These tutorial tasks are now completed." msgstr "" "Chaidh ruaig a chur air an nàmhaid. Tha gach saothair an oideachaidh seo " "coileanta." #: maps/tutorials/introductory_tutorial.xml:39 msgid "This is a basic tutorial to get you started playing 0 A.D." msgstr "" #: maps/tutorials/introductory_tutorial.xml:39 msgid "Introductory Tutorial" msgstr "Bun-oideachadh" #: maps/tutorials/introductory_tutorial.xml:39 msgid "Player 2" msgstr "Cluicheadair 2" #: maps/tutorials/introductory_tutorial.xml:39 #: maps/tutorials/starting_economy_walkthrough.xml:39 msgid "Player 1" msgstr "Cluicheadair 1" #: maps/tutorials/starting_economy_walkthrough.js:4 msgid "" "This tutorial will teach the basics of developing your economy. Typically, " "you will start with a Civic Center and a couple units in Village Phase and " "ultimately, your goal will be to develop and expand your empire, often by " "evolving to Town Phase and City Phase afterward.\n" msgstr "" "Ionnsaichidh an t-oideachadh seo dhut na tha bunasach mu leasachadh na " "h-eaconamaidh agad. Mar as trice, tòisichidh tu le ionad sìobhalta agus " "beagan aonadan ri “linn nan clachan” agus ’s e an t-amas deireannach agad a " "th’ ann gun leasaich is leudaich thu an impireachd agad. Ruigidh tu linntean" " nam “bailtean” ’s nam “mòr-bhailtean” an uairsin gu tric.\n" #: maps/tutorials/starting_economy_walkthrough.js:6 #, javascript-format msgid "" "\n" "Before starting, you can toggle between fullscreen and windowed mode using %(hotkey)s." msgstr "" "\n" "Mus tòisich thu, ’s urrainn dhut leum a ghearradh eadar na modhan làn-sgrìn is uinneagach le %(hotkey)s." #: maps/tutorials/starting_economy_walkthrough.js:9 msgid "" "You can change the level of zoom using the mouse wheel and the camera view " "using any of your keyboard's arrow keys.\n" msgstr "" "’S urrainn dhut ìre an t-sùm atharrachadh cuideachd le cuibhle na luchaige " "agus sealladh a’ chamara leis na h-iuchraichean saighde air a’ mheur-" "chlàr.\n" #: maps/tutorials/starting_economy_walkthrough.js:10 msgid "Adjust the game window to your preferences.\n" msgstr "Nise, cuir gleus air uinneag a’ gheama mar a thogras tu.\n" #: maps/tutorials/starting_economy_walkthrough.js:12 #, javascript-format msgid "" "\n" "You may also toggle between showing and hiding this tutorial panel at any moment using %(hotkey)s.\n" msgstr "" "\n" "’S urrainn dhut panail an oideachaidh seo a shealltainn no fhalach uair sam bith le %(hotkey)s.\n" #: maps/tutorials/starting_economy_walkthrough.js:19 msgid "" "To start off, select your building, the Civic Center, by clicking on it. A " "selection ring in the color of your civilization will be displayed after " "clicking." msgstr "" "Airson tòiseachadh, briog air an togalach agad, seo an t-ionad sìobhalta, " "gus a thaghadh. Nochdaidh fàinne taghaidh le dath do shìobhaltais air às " "dèidh dhut briogadh air." #: maps/tutorials/starting_economy_walkthrough.js:24 msgid "" "Now that the Civic Center is selected, you will notice that a production " "panel will appear on the lower right of your screen detailing the actions " "that the buildings supports. For the production panel, available actions are" " not masked in any color, while an icon masked in either grey or red " "indicates that the action has not been unlocked or you do not have " "sufficient resources to perform that action, respectively. Additionally, you" " can hover the cursor over any icon to show a tooltip with more details.\n" msgstr "" "Nise on a tha thu air an ionad shìobhalta a thaghadh, chì thu gun deach " "panail saothrachaidh fhosgladh taobh deas aig bonn na sgrìn a sheallas dhut " "dè na gnìomhan ris a chuireas an togalach taic. Air an dàrna làimh, bidh " "coltas àbhaisteach air na gnìomhan as urrainn dhut gabhail aig an àm. Air an" " làimh eile, seallaidh ìomhaigheag liath dhut nach deach a’ ghlas a thoirt " "far a’ ghnìomh fhathast agus ìomhaigheag dhearg nach eil stòras gu leòr agad" " gus an gnìomh a ghabhail aig an àm. A bharrachd air sin, ’s urrainn dhut an" " luchag a chumail os cionn ìomhaigheag sam bith gus gliocas-sgrìn a " "shealltainn le barrachd fiosrachaidh.\n" #: maps/tutorials/starting_economy_walkthrough.js:25 msgid "" "The top row of buttons contains portraits of units that may be trained at " "the building while the bottom one or two rows will have researchable " "technologies. Hover the cursor over the II icon. The tooltip will tell us " "that advancing to Town Phase requires both more constructed structures as " "well as more food and wood resources." msgstr "" "Chì thu dealbhan nan aonadan as urrainn dhut oideachadh san togalach air an " "ràgh aig a’ bharr agus teicneolasan a ghabhas rannsachadh san ràgh no dhà " "eile aig a’ bhonn. Cum an luchag agad os cionn na h-ìomhaigheige “II”. " "Innsidh an gliocas-sgrìn dhut gum feum thu barrachd togalaichean a thogail " "agus stòras dhe bhiadh is fiodh a chruinneachadh mus dèan thu àrdachadh gu " "“linn nam bailtean”." #: maps/tutorials/starting_economy_walkthrough.js:30 msgid "" "You have two main types of starting units: Female Citizens and Citizen " "Soldiers. Female Citizens are purely economic units; they have low health " "and little to no attack. Citizen Soldiers are workers by default, but in " "times of need, can utilize a weapon to fight. You have two categories of " "Citizen Soldiers: Infantry and Cavalry. Female Citizens and Infantry Citizen" " Soldiers can gather any land resources while Cavalry Citizen Soldiers can " "only gather meat from animals.\n" msgstr "" "Bidh dà sheòrsa de dh’aonadan agad aig an toiseach: saoranaich bhoireann " "agus saighdearan-dùthcha. Chan e ach aonadan eaconamach a tha sna saoranaich" " bhoireann; chan eil cus puingean-slàinte aca agus ’s gann gu bheil comas " "ionnsaighe aca. ’S e luchd-obrach a tha sna saighdearan-dùthcha cuideachd " "ach cleachdaidh iad airm airson sabaid ri amannan èiginneach. Am measg nan " "saighdearan-dùthcha, tha dà sheòrsa ann: coisridh is eachraidh. Cruinnichidh" " saoranaich bhoireann agus coisridh-dùthcha stòras sam bith on tìr fhad ’s " "nach cruinnich an eachraidh-dùthcha ach feòil o bheathaichean.\n" #: maps/tutorials/starting_economy_walkthrough.js:35 msgid "" "As a general rule of thumb, left-clicking represents selection while right-" "clicking with an entity selected represents an order (gather, build, fight, " "etc.).\n" msgstr "" "San fharsaingeachd, taghaidh tu nithean le briogadh clì agus cuiridh tu " "òrdugh gu aonad le briogadh deas air (cruinnich, tog, thoir ionnsaigh is " "msaa.).\n" #: maps/tutorials/starting_economy_walkthrough.js:40 msgid "" "At this point, food and wood are the most important resources for developing" " your economy, so let's start with gathering food. Female Citizens gather " "vegetables faster than other units.\n" msgstr "" "Aig an ìre seo, ’s e am biadh is am fiodh a tha sna stòrasan as cudromaiche " "airson leasachadh na h-eaconamaidh agad agus tòisicheamaid le cruinneachadh " "bìdh. Cruinnichidh saoranaich boireann glasraich nas luaithe na aonad sam " "bith eile.\n" #: maps/tutorials/starting_economy_walkthrough.js:41 msgid "There are primarily three ways to select units:\n" msgstr "Tha trì prìomh-dhòighean ann gus aonadan a thaghadh:\n" #: maps/tutorials/starting_economy_walkthrough.js:42 msgid "" "1) Hold the left mouse button and drag a selection rectangle that encloses " "the units you want to select.\n" msgstr "" "1) Cum sìos putan clì na luchaige agus slaod ceart-cheàrnach taghaidh " "timcheall air na h-aonadan a bu toigh leat taghadh.\n" #: maps/tutorials/starting_economy_walkthrough.js:43 msgid "" "2) Click on one of them and then add additional units to your selection by " "holding Shift and clicking each additional unit (or also via the above " "selection rectangle).\n" msgstr "" "2) Briog air aonad agus cum sìos Shift le briogadh air barrachd aonadan gus " "an cur ris an taghadh an uairsin (obraichidh seo leis a’ cheart-cheàrnach " "taghaidh gu h-àrd cuideachd).\n" #: maps/tutorials/starting_economy_walkthrough.js:45 #, javascript-format msgid "" "3) Double-click on a unit. This will select every unit of the same type as " "the specified unit in your visible window. %(hotkey)s+double-click will " "select all units of the same type on the entire map.\n" msgstr "" "3) Dèan briogadh dùbailte air aonad. Taghaidh seo gach aonad dhen aon seòrsa" " ’s a tha an t-aonad a shònraich thu am broinn na h-uinneige a chì thu. Le " "%(hotkey)s + briogadh dùbailte, thèid gach aonad dhen aon seòrsa air a’ " "mhapa gu lèir a thaghadh.\n" #: maps/tutorials/starting_economy_walkthrough.js:48 msgid "" "You can click on an empty space on the map to reset the selection. Try each " "of these methods before tasking all of your Female Citizens to gather the " "berries to the southeast of your Civic Center by right-clicking on the " "berries when you have all the Female Citizens selected." msgstr "" "’S urrainn dhut briogadh air ionad bàn air a’ mhapa gus an taghadh ath-" "shuidheachadh. Feuch gach tè dhe na dòighean sin mus iarr thu air na " "saoranaich bhoireann agad uile na dearcan a chruinneachadh a tha gu ear-" "dheas air an ionad sìobhalta. Gus seo a dhèanamh, tagh na saoranaich " "bhoireann agad uile an toiseach agus dèan briogadh deas air na dearcan an " "uairsin." #: maps/tutorials/starting_economy_walkthrough.js:59 msgid "" "Now, let's gather some wood with your Infantry Citizen Soldiers. Select your" " Infantry Citizen Soldiers and order them to gather wood by right-clicking " "on the nearest tree." msgstr "" "Nise, cruinnicheamaid fiodh leis a’ choisridh-dhùthcha agad. Tagh aonadan na" " coisridh-dùthcha agad agus iarr orra fiodh a chruinneachadh le briogadh " "deas air a’ chraobh as fhaisge." #: maps/tutorials/starting_economy_walkthrough.js:70 msgid "" "Cavalry Citizen Soldiers are good for hunting. Select your Cavalry and order" " him to hunt the chickens around your Civic Center in similar fashion." msgstr "" "Tha eachraidh-dùthcha math air sealg. Tagh an eachraidh agad agus iarr air " "gun sealg e na circ a tha timcheall an ionaid shìobhalta agad air an aon " "dòigh." #: maps/tutorials/starting_economy_walkthrough.js:81 msgid "" "All your units are now gathering resources. We should train more units!\n" msgstr "" "Tha na h-aonadan uile agad a’ cruinneachadh stòrasan a-nis. Bu chòir dhuinn " "barrachd aonadan oideachadh!\n" #: maps/tutorials/starting_economy_walkthrough.js:82 msgid "" "First, let's set a rally point. Setting a rally point on a building that can" " train units will automatically designate a task to the new unit upon " "completion of training. We want to send the newly trained units to gather " "wood on the group of trees to the south of the Civic Center. To do so, " "select the Civic Center by clicking on it and then right-click on one of the" " trees.\n" msgstr "" "An toiseach, suidhichidh sinn ceann-cruinneachaidh. Ma shuidhicheas tu " "ceann-cruinneachaidh air togalach a nì oideachadh air aonadan, thèid " "saothair iomruineadh dha na h-aonadan ùra nuair a bhios iad deiseil. Bu " "mhiann leinn na h-aonadan ùra a chur gun bhadan chraobhan gu deas air an " "ionad shìobhalta ach an cruinnich iad fiodha. Gus seo a dhèanamh, briog air " "an ionad sìobhalta gus a thaghadh agus dèan briogadh deas air tè dhe na " "craobhan an uairsin.\n" #: maps/tutorials/starting_economy_walkthrough.js:83 msgid "" "Rally points are indicated by a small flag at the end of the blue line." msgstr "" "Thèid cinn-chruinneachaidh a chomharrachadh dhut le bratach bheag air " "deireadh loidhne ghuirme." #: maps/tutorials/starting_economy_walkthrough.js:91 msgid "" "Select the Civic Center, then hover the cursor over a tree and right-click " "when you see the cursor change into a wood icon." msgstr "" "Tagh an t-ionad sìobhalta, cuir an luchag os cionn craoibhe an uairsin agus " "dèan briogadh deas nuair a bhios an cùrsair air a dhol ’na ìomhaigheag " "fiodha." #: maps/tutorials/starting_economy_walkthrough.js:100 msgid "" "Now that the rally point is set, we can produce additional units and they " "will do their assigned task automatically.\n" msgstr "" "Nise on a tha sinn air a’ cheann-chruinneachaidh a shuidheachadh, ’s urrainn" " dhuinn barrachd aonadan a dhèanamh agus tòisichidh iad air an obair aca gu " "fèin-obrachail.\n" #: maps/tutorials/starting_economy_walkthrough.js:101 msgid "" "Citizen Soldiers gather wood faster than Female Citizens. Select the Civic " "Center and, while holding Shift, click on the second unit icon, the Hoplites" " (holding Shift trains a batch of five units). You can also train units " "individually by simply clicking, but training 5 units together takes less " "time than training 5 units individually." msgstr "" "Tha saighdearan-dùthcha nas fheàrr air fiodh a chruinneachadh na saoranaich " "bhoireann. Tagh an t-ionad sìobhalta agus dèan briogadh le Shift air an " "dàrna ìomhaigheag aonaid; ’s e sin na hoiplidean (oideachaidh briogadh le " "Shift grunn dhe chòig aonadan). ’S urrainn dhut aonadan fa leth oideachadh " "cuideachd le briogadh simplidh ach bidh oideachadh ghrunn de chòignear nas " "luaithe na oideachadh chòignear fa leth." #: maps/tutorials/starting_economy_walkthrough.js:111 msgid "Do not forget to hold Shift while clicking to train several units." msgstr "" "Cuimhnich gun cum thu sìos Shift fhad ’s a bhios tu a’ briogadh gus iomadh " "aonad oideachadh." #: maps/tutorials/starting_economy_walkthrough.js:112 msgid "Hold Shift and click on the Hoplite icon." msgstr "Cum sìos Shift is dèan briogadh air ìomhaigheag an hoiplid." #: maps/tutorials/starting_economy_walkthrough.js:121 #: maps/tutorials/starting_economy_walkthrough.js:180 msgid "Let's wait for the units to be trained.\n" msgstr "Fuirichidh sinn gus am bi na h-aonadan air an oideachadh.\n" #: maps/tutorials/starting_economy_walkthrough.js:122 msgid "" "While waiting, direct your attention to the panel at the top of your screen." " On the upper left, you will see your current resource supply (food, wood, " "stone, and metal). As each worker brings resources back to the Civic Center " "(or another dropsite), you will see the amount of the corresponding resource" " increase.\n" msgstr "" "Fhad ’s a bhios sinn a’ fuireach, nach doir thu sùil air a’ phanail air barr" " na sgrìn? Air an taobh chlì, chì thu na th’ agad dhe na stòrasan (biadh, " "fiodh, clach is meatailt). Fhad ’s a bheir an luchd-obrach stòras dhan ionad" " shìobhalta (no ionad-stòrais sam bith eile), chì thu gum meudaich na th’ " "agad dheth.\n" #: maps/tutorials/starting_economy_walkthrough.js:123 msgid "" "This is a very important concept to keep in mind: gathered resources have to" " be brought back to a dropsite to be accounted, and you should always try to" " minimize the distance between resource and nearest dropsite to improve your" " gathering efficiency." msgstr "" "Tha e cudromach gun doir thu an aire air sin: feumaidh tu na stòrasan a " "chruinnicheas tu a thoirt gu ionad-stòrais mus fhaigh thu air a’ chunntas " "agad iad agus b’ feairrde thu feuchainn nach bi an t-astar eadar an stòras " "agus an ionad-stòrais ro fhada ach an cruinnich thu na stòrasan nas luaithe." #: maps/tutorials/starting_economy_walkthrough.js:132 msgid "" "The newly trained units automatically go to the trees and start gathering " "wood.\n" msgstr "" "Tha na h-aonadan air an ùr-oideachadh a’ dol dha na craobhan gu fèin-" "obrachail agus a’ tòiseachadh air fiodh a chruinneachadh.\n" #: maps/tutorials/starting_economy_walkthrough.js:133 msgid "" "But as they have to bring it back to the Civic Center to deposit it, their " "gathering efficiency suffers from the distance. To fix that, we can build a " "Storehouse, a dropsite for wood, stone, and metal, close to the trees. To do" " so, select your five newly trained Citizen Soldiers and look for the " "construction panel on the bottom right, click on the Storehouse icon, move " "the mouse as close as possible to the trees you want to gather and click on " "a valid place to build the dropsite.\n" msgstr "" "Ach on a dh’fheumas iad a thoirt dhan ionad shìobhalta, chan eil iad cho " "èifeachdach ’s a bu chòir air sàilleibh an astair. Gus sin a chàradh, ’s " "urrainn dhuinn taigh-stòrais – sin ionad-stòrais dha dh’fhiodh, clach is " "meatailt – a thogail faisg air na craobhan. Gus seo a dhèanamh, tagh an " "còignear shaighdearan-dùthcha a dh’oidich thu agus thoir sùil air a’ phanail" " togalach taobh deas aig bonn na sgrìn. Briog air ìomhaigheag an taighe-" "stòrais, gluais an luchag cho faisg air na craobhan ’s a ghabhas agus briog " "air ionad dligheach gus an t-ionad-stòrais a thogail.\n" #: maps/tutorials/starting_economy_walkthrough.js:134 msgid "" "Invalid (obstructed) positions will show the building preview overlay in " "red." msgstr "" "Thèid ionadan nach eil dligheach a chomharradh dhut le dath dearg orra san " "ro-shealladh." #: maps/tutorials/starting_economy_walkthrough.js:144 msgid "" "The selected Citizens will automatically start constructing the building " "once you place the foundation." msgstr "" "Tòisichidh na saoranaich a thagh thu air an togalach a thogail nuair a bhios" " tu air a’ bhonn a chur ann." #: maps/tutorials/starting_economy_walkthrough.js:155 msgid "" "When construction finishes, the builders default to gathering wood " "automatically.\n" msgstr "" "Nuair a bhios an togail deiseil, cruinnichidh an luchd-togail fiodh gu fèin-" "obrachail.\n" #: maps/tutorials/starting_economy_walkthrough.js:156 msgid "" "Let's train some Female Citizens to gather more food. Select the Civic " "Center, hold Shift and click on the Female Citizen icon to train five Female" " Citizens." msgstr "" "Nach oidich sinn saoranaich bhoireann gus barrachd bìdh a chruinneachadh? " "Tagh an t-ionad sìobhalta agus dèan briogadh le Shift air ìomhaigheag an " "t-saoranaich bhoirinn gus còignear dhiubh oideachadh." #: maps/tutorials/starting_economy_walkthrough.js:170 msgid "Do not forget to hold Shift and click to train several units." msgstr "" "Cuimhnich gun dèan thu briogadh le Shift gus grunn ionadan oideachadh." #: maps/tutorials/starting_economy_walkthrough.js:171 msgid "Hold shift and click on the Female Citizen icon." msgstr "" "Cum sìos Shift is dèan briogadh air ìomhaigheag an t-saoranaich bhoirinn." #: maps/tutorials/starting_economy_walkthrough.js:181 msgid "" "In the meantime, we seem to have enough workers gathering wood. We should " "remove the current rally point of the Civic Center away from gathering wood." " For that purpose, right-click on the Civic Center when it is selected (and " "the flag icon indicating the rally point is crossed out)." msgstr "" "San eadar-àm, tha coltas gu bheil luchd-obrach gu leòr againn gus fiodh a " "chruinneachadh. Bu chòir dhuinn ceann-cruinneachaidh an ionaid shìobhalta a " "ghluasad air falbh on fhiodh. Air an adhbhar sin, dèan briogadh deas air an " "ionad shìobhalta às dèidh a thaghadh. Chì thu crois sguabaidh às thar " "ìomhaigheag a’ bhrataich a sheallas dhut far a bheil an ceann-" "cruinneachaidh." #: maps/tutorials/starting_economy_walkthrough.js:195 msgid "The units should be ready soon.\n" msgstr "Bu chòir dha na h-aonadan agad a bhith deiseil a dh’aithghearr.\n" #: maps/tutorials/starting_economy_walkthrough.js:196 msgid "" "In the meantime, direct your attention to your population count on the top " "panel. It is the fifth item from the left, after the resources. It would be " "prudent to keep an eye on it. It indicates your current population " "(including those being trained) and the current population limit, which is " "determined by your built structures." msgstr "" "San eadar-àm, thoir an aire air a’ chunntas-sluaigh sa phanail aig a’ bharr." " ’S e an còigeamh nì on taobh chlì ’s às dèidh nan stòrasan a th’ ann. Biodh" " e glic sùil a chumail air. Innsidh e dhut dè na th’ agad a shluagh (a’ " "gabhail a-steach an fheadhainn a tha ’gan oideachadh) agus an tomhas-sluaigh" " as motha a-rèir nan togalaichean a thog thu." #: maps/tutorials/starting_economy_walkthrough.js:209 msgid "" "As you have nearly reached the population limit, you must increase it by " "building some new structures if you want to train more units. The most cost " "effective structure to increase your population limit is the House.\n" msgstr "" "Chan fhada gus an ruig thu an tomhas-sluaigh, mar sin feumaidh tu a " "mheudachadh le togalaichean ùra mus urrainn dhut barrachd aonadan " "oideachadh. ’S e an taigh a tha san togalach as èifeachdaiche gus an tomhas-" "sluaigh agad a mheudachadh.\n" #: maps/tutorials/starting_economy_walkthrough.js:210 msgid "" "Now that the units are ready, let's see how to build several Houses in a " "row." msgstr "" "Nise, on a tha na h-aonadan ùra deiseil, togamaid iomadh taigh taobh ri " "thaobh." #: maps/tutorials/starting_economy_walkthrough.js:215 msgid "" "Select two of your newly-trained Female Citizens and ask them to build these" " Houses in the empty space to the east of the Civic Center. To do so, after " "selecting the Female Citizens, click on the House icon in the bottom right " "panel and, while holding Shift, click first on the position in the map where" " you want to build the first House, and then click on the position where you" " want to build the second House (when you give a command while holding " "Shift, you put the command in a queue; units automatically switch to the " "next command in their queue when they finish their current command). Press " "Escape to get rid of the House cursor so you don't spam Houses all over the " "map.\n" msgstr "" "Tagh dithis dhe na saoranaich bhoireann ùra agus iarr orra gun tog iad na " "taighean sin san raon fhalamh gu ear air an ionad shìobhalta. Gus seo a " "dhèanamh, tagh na saoranaich bhoireann, briog air ìomhaigheag an taighe sa " "phanail taobh deas aig a’ bhonn agus dèan briogadh le Shift air an ionad air" " a mhapa far a bheil thu airson an dàrna taigh a thogail agus briogadh le " "Shift eile air ionad an taighe eile (is ciall dha Shift gun cuir thu na " "h-òrduighean ri ciutha; leanaidh na h-aonadan iad air adhart leis an ath-" "òrdugh sa chiutha nuair a bhios iad air an òrdugh làithreach a choileanadh)." " Brùth air Escape ach am faigh thu cuidhteas dhe chùrsair an taighe ach nach" " lìon thu am mapa gu lèir le taighean.\n" #: maps/tutorials/starting_economy_walkthrough.js:216 msgid "" "Reminder: to select only two Female Citizens, click on the first one and " "then hold Shift and click on the second one." msgstr "" "Cuimhnich: Gus dithis shaoranach boireann a-mhàin a thaghadh, briog air an " "dàrna tè agus an uairsin briog le Shift air an tèile gus a cur ris an " "taghadh." #: maps/tutorials/starting_economy_walkthrough.js:249 msgid "" "You may notice that berries are a finite supply of food. We will need a more" " lasting food source. Fields produce an unlimited food resource, but are " "slower to gather than forageable fruits.\n" msgstr "" "’S dòcha gun do mhothaich thu nach mair dearcan gu buan. Tha sinn feumach " "air tùs bìdh nas seasmhaiche. Seo na bheir achaidhean dhut: biadh gun chrìch" " ach a bheir nas fhaide a bhuan na cruinneachadh mheasan.\n" #: maps/tutorials/starting_economy_walkthrough.js:250 msgid "" "But to minimize the distance between a farm and its corresponding food " "dropsite, we will first build a Farmstead." msgstr "" "Togamaid tuathanas an toiseach ach nach bi astar ro mhòr eadar na " "h-achaidhean agus an ionad-stòrais." #: maps/tutorials/starting_economy_walkthrough.js:261 msgid "" "Select the three remaining (idle) Female Citizens and order them to build a " "Farmstead in the center of the large open area to the west of the Civic " "Center.\n" msgstr "" "Tagh an triùir shaoranach boireann a tha air fhàgail dhut (’nan tàmh) agus " "iarr orra gun tog iad tuathanas ann am meadhan an raoin mhòir fhosgailte gu " "siar air an ionad shìobhalta.\n" #: maps/tutorials/starting_economy_walkthrough.js:262 msgid "" "We will need a decent chunk of space around the Farmstead to build Fields. " "In addition, we can see goats on the west side to further improve our food " "gathering efficiency should we ever decide to hunt them.\n" msgstr "" "Bidh feum againn air cnap mhath a thìr timcheall air an tuathanas ach an tog" " sinn achaidhean ann. A bharrachd air sin, chì sinn gobhair air an taobh " "shiar a b’ urrainn dhuinn cleachdadh ’nan tùs bìdh èifeachdach nan " "cuireamaid romhainn an sealg.\n" #: maps/tutorials/starting_economy_walkthrough.js:263 msgid "" "If you try to select the three idle Female Citizens by clicking and dragging" " a selection rectangle over them, you might accidentally select additional " "units. To avoid that, hold the I key while selecting so that only idle units" " are selected. If you accidentally select a cavalry unit, hold Ctrl and " "click on the cavalry unit icon of the selection panel at the bottom of the " "screen to remove the cavalry unit from the current selection." msgstr "" "Ma dh’fheuchas tu ris an triùir shaoranach boireann ’na thàmh a thaghadh le " "briogadh is slaodadh ceart-cheàrnaich, is mòr an seans gun gabh thu luchd-" "obrach nach eil thu ag iarraidh a-steach dhan taghadh agad. Cum sìos an " "iuchair “i” (“idle”) fhad ’s a nì thu an taghadh gus sin a sheachnadh – cha " "dèid ach ionadan a tha ’nan tàmh a thaghadh mar sin. Ma thaghas sin an " "t-aonad eachraidh a tha ’na thàmh le mearachd, cum sìos an iuchair Ctrl agus" " briog air an ìomhaigheag aige sa phanail taghaidh aig a’ bhonn gus an " "t-aonad eachdraidh a thoirt air falbh." #: maps/tutorials/starting_economy_walkthrough.js:278 msgid "" "When the Farmstead construction is finished, its builders will automatically" " look for food, and in this case, they will go after the nearby goats.\n" msgstr "" "Nuair a bhios an tuathanas air a thogail, tòisichidh an luchd-obrach a thog " "e air biadh a shireadh gu fèin-obrachail agus an turas seo, thèid iad an " "toir air na gobhair am fagas.\n" #: maps/tutorials/starting_economy_walkthrough.js:279 msgid "" "But your House builders will only look for something else to build and, if " "nothing found, become idle. Let's wait for them to build the Houses." msgstr "" "Gidheadh, bidh an luchd-obrach a thog na taighean a’ sireadh rud eile ri " "thogail agus mura lorg iad dad, thèid iad ’nan tàmh. Fuiricheamaid gus am bi" " iad deiseil le togail nan taighean." #: maps/tutorials/starting_economy_walkthrough.js:295 msgid "" "When both Houses are built, select your two Female Citizens and order them " "to build a Field as close as possible to the Farmstead, which is a dropsite " "for all types of food." msgstr "" "Nuair a bhios an dà thaigh air a thogail, tagh an dithis shaoranach boireann" " agad agus iarr orra gun tog iad achadh ri taobh an tuathanais far an dèid " "gach seòrsa dhe bhiadh a stòradh." #: maps/tutorials/starting_economy_walkthrough.js:305 msgid "" "When the Field is ready, the builders will automatically start gathering " "it.\n" msgstr "" "Nuair a bhios an t-achadh deiseil, tòisichidh an luchd-obrach a thog e air a" " bhuain sa bhad.\n" #: maps/tutorials/starting_economy_walkthrough.js:306 msgid "" "The cavalry unit should have slaughtered all chickens by now. Select it and " "explore the area to the south of the Civic Center: there is a lake with some" " camels around. Move your cavalry by right-clicking on the point you want to" " go, and when you see a herd of camels, right-click on one of them to start " "hunting for food." msgstr "" "Tha sinn an dùil gum bi an t-eachraidh air na circ uile a mharbhadh a-nis. " "Tagh e agus rùraich an sgìre gu deas air an ionad shìobhalta: tha loch ann " "le càmhalan faisg air. Gluais an t-eachraidh agad le briogadh deas air a’ " "cheann-uidhe agus nuair a chì thu càmhalan, dèan briogadh deas air fear " "dhiubh shiar gus an sealg a chum bìdh." #: maps/tutorials/starting_economy_walkthrough.js:317 msgid "" "Up to five Workers can gather from a Field. To add additional Workers, " "select the Civic Center and set a rally point on a Field by right-clicking " "on it. If the Field is not yet finished, new Workers sent by a rally point " "will help building it, and when built, they will gather food." msgstr "" "Faodaidh suas ri còignear obair air achadh. Gus barrachd luchd-obrach a chur" " ris, tagh an t-ionad sìobhalta agus dèan briogadh deas air an achadh gus an" " ceann-cruinneachaidh a shuidheachadh air. Mur eil an achadh deiseil " "fhathast, cuidichidh an luchd-obrach ùr leis an togail agus ma tha, " "tòisichidh iad air a bhuain." #: maps/tutorials/starting_economy_walkthrough.js:325 msgid "Select the Civic Center and right-click on the Field." msgstr "Tagh an t-ionad sìobhalta agus dèan briogadh deas air an achadh." #: maps/tutorials/starting_economy_walkthrough.js:333 msgid "" "Now click three times on the Female Citizen icon in the bottom right panel " "to train three additional farmers." msgstr "" "Nise, briog trì tursan air ìomhaigheag an t-saoranaich bhoirinn sa phanail " "taobh deas aig a’ bhonn gus triùir thuathanach a bharrachd oideachadh." #: maps/tutorials/starting_economy_walkthrough.js:347 msgid "Click without holding Shift to train a single unit." msgstr "Dèan briogadh às aonais Shift gus aon aonad a-mhàin oideachadh." #: maps/tutorials/starting_economy_walkthrough.js:358 msgid "" "You can increase the gather rates of your workers by researching new " "technologies available in some buildings.\n" msgstr "" "Bheir thu piseach air dè cho luath ’s a chruinnicheas an luchd-obrach agad " "stòrasan le teicneolasan a tha ri am faighinn ann an cuid a thogalaichean.\n" #: maps/tutorials/starting_economy_walkthrough.js:359 msgid "" "The farming rate, for example, can be improved with a researchable " "technology in the Farmstead. Select the Farmstead and look at its production" " panel on the bottom right. You will see several researchable technologies. " "Hover the cursor over them to see their costs and effects and click on the " "one you want to research." msgstr "" "Mar eisimpleir, ’s urrainn dhut piseach a thoirt air dè cho luath ’s a thèid" " achaidhean a bhuan le teicneolas a rannsaicheas tu san tuathanas. Tagh an " "tuathanas agus thoir sùil air panail an t-saothrachaidh aige taobh deas aig " "a’ bhonn. Chì thu grunn theicneolas a ghabhas rannsachadh. Cum an luchag os " "an cionn ach am faic thu dè chosgas is dè nì iad agus briog air am fear a bu" " toigh leat rannsachadh." #: maps/tutorials/starting_economy_walkthrough.js:374 msgid "" "We should start preparing to phase up into Town Phase, which will unlock " "many more units and buildings. Select the Civic Center and hover the cursor " "over the Town Phase icon to see what is still needed.\n" msgstr "" "Bu chòir dhuinn ar n-ullachadh a-nis ach an ruig sinn “linn nam bailtean” a " "bheir a’ ghlas far barrachd aonadan is thogalaichean dhuinn. Tagh an t-ionad" " sìobhalta agus cum an luchag os cionn na h-ìomhaigheige “Linn nam bailtean”" " ach am faic thu dè tha a dhìth ort fhathast.\n" #: maps/tutorials/starting_economy_walkthrough.js:375 msgid "" "We now have enough resources, but one structure is missing. Although this is" " an economic tutorial, it is nonetheless useful to be prepared for defense " "in case of attack, so let's build Barracks.\n" msgstr "" "Tha stòras gu leòr againn a-nis ach tha aon togalach a dhìth oirnn fhathast." " Ged as e oideachadh mun eaconamaidh a tha seo, cha bhitheamaid nas bu " "mhiosa dheth nan robh sinn ullaichte air eagal gun doireadh nàmhaid " "ionnsaigh oirnn. Mar sin, togamaid taigh-feachd a-nis.\n" #: maps/tutorials/starting_economy_walkthrough.js:376 msgid "" "Select four of your soldiers and ask them to build a Barracks: as before, " "start selecting the soldiers, click on the Barracks icon in the production " "panel and then lay down a foundation not far from your Civic Center where " "you want to build." msgstr "" "Tagh ceathrar dhe na saighdearan agad agus iarr orra gun tog iad taigh-" "feachd: mar a rinn sinn roimhe, tòisich le taghadh nan saighdearan, briog " "air ìomhaigheag an taigh-fheachd sa phanail saothrachaidh agus cuir sìos " "bonn faisg air an ionad shìobhalta agad far a bheil thu airson a thogail " "ann." #: maps/tutorials/starting_economy_walkthrough.js:387 msgid "" "Let's wait for the Barracks to be built. As this construction is lengthy, " "you can add two soldiers to build it faster. To do so, select your Civic " "Center and set up a rally point on the Barracks foundation by right-clicking" " on it (you should see a hammer icon). Then produce two more builders by " "clicking on the Hoplite icon twice." msgstr "" "Feumaidh sinn feitheamh gus am bi an taigh-feachd deiseil. On a bheir seo " "greis mhath, ’s urrainn dhut dithis shaighdear a chur ris gus a thogail nas " "luaithe. Gus seo a dhèanamh, tagh an t-ionad sìobhalta agad agus suidhich an" " ceann-cruinneachaidh air bonn an taigh-fheachd le briogadh deas air (bu " "chòir dhut ìomhaigheag ùird fhaicinn). Oidich dithis luchd-togail eile an " "uairsin is tu a’ briogadh dà thuras air ìomhaigheag an hoiplid." #: maps/tutorials/starting_economy_walkthrough.js:397 msgid "" "You should now be able to research Town Phase. Select the Civic Center and " "click on the technology icon.\n" msgstr "" "Bu chòir dhut a bhith ullamh a-nis gus “linn nam bailtean” a rannsachadh. " "Tagh an t-ionad sìobhalta agus briog air ìomhaigheag an teicneolais.\n" #: maps/tutorials/starting_economy_walkthrough.js:398 msgid "" "If you still miss some resources (icon with red overlay), wait for them to " "be gathered by your workers." msgstr "" "Ma tha stòras no dhà a dhìth ort fhathast (bith dath dearg air an " "ìomhaigheag), fuirich gus am bi an luchd-obrach agad air a chruinneachadh." #: maps/tutorials/starting_economy_walkthrough.js:412 msgid "" "In later phases, you need usually stone and metal to build bigger structures" " and train better soldiers. Hence, while waiting for the research to be " "done, you will send half of your idle Citizen Soldiers (who have finished " "building the Barracks) to gather stone and the other half to gather metal.\n" msgstr "" "Ri linntean nas adhartaiche, bidh feum agad air clach is meatailt gus " "togalaichean mòra a thogail agus saighdearan nas fheàrr oideachadh. Air an " "adhbhar sin, fhad ’s a bhios sinn a’ feitheamh air an rannsachadh, cuir an " "dàrna leth dhe na saighdearan-dùthcha a tha ’nan tàmh (an fheadhainn a tha " "air an taigh-feachd a thogail) gus clach a chruinneachadh agus an leth eile " "gus meatailt a chruinneachadh.\n" #: maps/tutorials/starting_economy_walkthrough.js:413 msgid "" "To do so, we could select three Citizen Soldiers and right-click on the " "stone quarry on the west of the Civic Center (the cursor changes when " "hovering the stone quarry while your soldiers are selected). However, these " "soldiers were gathering wood, so they may still carry some wood which would " "be lost when starting to gather another resource." msgstr "" "Gus seo a dhèanamh, b’ urrainn dhuinn triùir shaighdearan-dùthcha a thaghadh" " agus briogadh deas a dhèanamh air a’ chuaraidh cloiche gu siar air an ionad" " shìobhalta (atharraichidh an cùrsair nuair a chumas tu an luchag os cionn " "a’ chuaraidh fhad ’s a bhios na saighdearan agad air an taghadh). Gidheadh, " "chruinnich na saighdearan sin fiodh roimhe agus mar sin dh’fhaoidte gu bheil" " iad a’ giùlan fiodh fhathast a chailleadh tu nan robh thu a’ tòiseachadh " "air stòras eile a chruinneachadh sa bhad." #: maps/tutorials/starting_economy_walkthrough.js:418 msgid "" "Thus, we should order them to deposit their wood in the Civic Center along " "the way. To do so, we will hold Shift while clicking to queue orders: select" " your soldiers, hold Shift and right-click on the Civic Center to deposit " "their wood and then hold Shift and right-click on the stone quarry to gather" " it.\n" msgstr "" "A thoradh air sin, bu chòir dhuinn iarraidh orra gun cuir iad am fiodh aca " "dhan ionad shìobhalta air an t-slighe a-null. Gus seo a dhèanamh, nì sinn " "briogadh le Shift a chuireas na h-òrduighean againn ri ciutha: tagh na " "saighdearan agad, cum sìos Shift is dèan briogadh deas air an ionad " "shìobhalta gus am fiodh aca fhàgail ann agus an uairsin cum sìos Shift is " "dèan briogadh deas air a’ chuaraidh cloiche gus a thochladh.\n" #: maps/tutorials/starting_economy_walkthrough.js:419 msgid "" "Perform a similar order queue with the remaining soldiers and the metal mine" " in the west." msgstr "" "Cruthaich ciutha òrduighean coltach ris dha na saighdearan a tha air fhàgail" " dhut cuideachd ach cuir dhan mhèinn meatailt air an taobh siar iad." #: maps/tutorials/starting_economy_walkthrough.js:453 msgid "" "This is the end of the walkthrough. This should give you a good idea of the " "basics of setting up your economy." msgstr "" "Seo deireadh na treòire. Bu chòir dha dh’fhios a bhith agad a-nis mar a " "stèidhicheas tu eaconamaidh bunasach." #: maps/tutorials/starting_economy_walkthrough.xml:39 msgid "" "This map will give a rough guide for starting the game effectively. Early in" " the game the most important thing is to gather resources as fast as " "possible so you are able to build enough troops later." msgstr "" "Bheir am mapa seo treòir dhut air mar a b’ urrainn dhut gèama a thòiseachadh" " gu h-èifeachdach. ’S e an rud as cudromaiche air toiseach a’ gheama gun " "cruinnich thu stòrasan cho luath ’s a ghabhas ach an urrainn dhut " "saighdearan gu leòr oideachadh an uairsin." #: maps/tutorials/starting_economy_walkthrough.xml:39 msgid "Starting Economy Walkthrough" msgstr "Treòir air an eaconamaidh tòiseachaidh"