# Translation template for 0 A.D. — Empires Ascendant. # Copyright (C) 2024 Wildfire Games # This file is distributed under the same license as the 0 A.D. — Empires Ascendant # project. # Translators: # GunChleoc, 2015-2018,2021 # GunChleoc, 2014-2015 # GunChleoc, 2014-2016 msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: 0 A.D.\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2024-08-30 02:02+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2014-06-19 17:53+0000\n" "Last-Translator: GunChleoc, 2015-2018,2021\n" "Language-Team: Gaelic, Scottish (http://app.transifex.com/wildfire-games/0ad/language/gd/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Language: gd\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=(n==1 || n==11) ? 0 : (n==2 || n==12) ? 1 : (n > 2 && n < 20) ? 2 : 3;\n" #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:3 #, javascript-format msgid "" "I am starting a massive military campaign against %(_player_)s, come and " "join me." msgstr "Tha airson ionnsaigh mhòr a thoirt an aghaidh %(_player_)s, an dig thu còmhla rium?" #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:4 #, javascript-format msgid "" "I have set up a huge army to crush %(_player_)s. Join me and you will have " "your share of the loot." msgstr "Tha mi air feachd mòr a thrusadh gus crìoch a chur air %(_player_)s. Aoin rium agus gheibh thu do chuid dhen spùinn." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:5 #, javascript-format msgid "" "I am launching an unprecedented attack against %(_player_)s. Bring your " "armies and we may soon win this war." msgstr "" #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:8 #, javascript-format msgid "I am launching an attack against %(_player_)s." msgstr "Tha mi a’ toirt ionnsaigh air %(_player_)s." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:9 #, javascript-format msgid "I have just sent an army against %(_player_)s." msgstr "Tha mi air feachd a chur a aghaidh %(_player_)s." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:10 #, javascript-format msgid "I am sending an army against %(_player_)s." msgstr "" #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:16 #, javascript-format msgid "Let me regroup my army and I will then join you against %(_player_)s." msgstr "Ath-bhuidhnicheam am feachd agam ’s thig mi ’nad chuideachd an aghaidh %(_player_)s an uairsin." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:17 #, javascript-format msgid "I am finishing preparations to attack %(_player_)s." msgstr "Tha mi ’gam ullachadh gus ionnsaigh a thoirt air %(_player_)s." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:20 #, javascript-format msgid "" "Sorry, I do not have enough soldiers currently; but my next attack will " "target %(_player_)s." msgstr "Tha mi duilich ach chan eil saighdearan gu leòr agam an-dràsta. ’S e %(_player_)s air a bheir mi an ath-ionnsaigh agam co-dhiù." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:21 #, javascript-format msgid "" "Sorry, I still need to strengthen my army. However, I will attack " "%(_player_)s next." msgstr "Tha mi duilich ach feumaidh mi am feachd agam a neartachadh fhathast. ’S e %(_player_)s air a bheir mi an ath-ionnsaigh agam co-dhiù." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:24 #, javascript-format msgid "" "I cannot help you against %(_player_)s for the time being, I am planning to " "attack %(_player_2)s first." msgstr "Tha mi duilich ach chan urrainn dhomh do chuideachadh an aghaidh %(_player_)s an-dràsta on a tha ionnsaigh an aghaidh %(_player_2)s fainear dhomh an toiseach." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:29 #, javascript-format msgid "Here is a gift for you, %(_player_)s. Make good use of it." msgstr "Seo tìodhlac dhut, %(_player_)s. Cleachd gu glic e." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:30 #, javascript-format msgid "I see you are in a bad situation, %(_player_)s. I hope this helps." msgstr "%(_player_)s, mhothaich mi gu bheil thu ann an droch-staing ’s tha mi ’n dòchas gun cuidich seo." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:31 #, javascript-format msgid "" "I can help you this time, %(_player_)s, but you should manage your resources" " more carefully in the future." msgstr "’S urrainn dhomh ’gad cuideachadh an turas seo, %(_player_)s, ach feuch gun stiùirich thu na stòrasan agad le cùram o seo a-mach." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:35 #, javascript-format msgid "I am in need of %(resource)s, can you help? I will make it up to you." msgstr "Tha %(resource)s a dhìth orm, an urrainn dhut cuideachadh? Bhithinn-sa fada ’nad chomain." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:36 #, javascript-format msgid "" "I would participate more efficiently in our common war effort if you could " "provide me some %(resource)s." msgstr "B’ urrainn dhomh barrachd taic a chur ris a ’chogaidh againn nan doireadh tu %(resource)s dhomh." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:37 #, javascript-format msgid "" "If you can spare me some %(resource)s, I will be able to strengthen my army." msgstr "Nan robh %(resource)s agad dhomh, b’ urrainn dhomh an t-arm agam a neartachadh." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:41 #, javascript-format msgid "" "I have set up a new route with %(_player_)s. Trading will be profitable for " "all of us." msgstr "Tha mi air slighe-mhalairt ùr a stèidheachadh le %(_player_)s. Bidh am malart ’na bhuannachd dhuinn uile." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:42 #, javascript-format msgid "" "A new trade route is set up with %(_player_)s. Take your share of the " "profits." msgstr "Chaidh slighe-mhalairt ùr a stèidheachadh le %(_player_)s. Gabh do chuid dhen phròthaid." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:47 #, javascript-format msgid "%(_player_)s and I are now allies." msgstr "Tha %(_player_)s ’s mi fhìn ’nar caidreabhaich a-nis." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:50 #, javascript-format msgid "%(_player_)s and I are now neutral." msgstr "Tha %(_player_)s ’s mi fhìn neo-phàirteach a-nis." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:53 #, javascript-format msgid "%(_player_)s and I are now enemies." msgstr "Tha %(_player_)s ’s mi fhìn ’nar nàimhdean a-nis." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:60 #, javascript-format msgid "I cannot accept your offer to become allies, %(_player_)s." msgstr "Cha ghabh mi riut mar chaidreabhach, %(_player_)s." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:61 #, javascript-format msgid "I must decline your offer of alliance, %(_player_)s." msgstr "" #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:62 #, javascript-format msgid "An alliance with you is not in my best interest, %(_player_)s." msgstr "" #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:65 #, javascript-format msgid "" "I will not be your ally, %(_player_)s. However, I will consider a neutrality" " pact." msgstr "Cha dèid mi ’nam chaidreabhach dhut, %(_player_)s, ach bhithinn rèidh nan robh aonta neo-phàirteachd againn." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:66 #, javascript-format msgid "" "I reject your request for alliance, %(_player_)s, but we could become " "neutral." msgstr "Tha mi a’ diùltadh d’ iarrtas airson caidreachas, %(_player_)s, ach b’ urrainn dhuinn a bhith neo-phàirteach." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:67 #, javascript-format msgid "%(_player_)s, only a neutrality agreement is conceivable to me." msgstr "%(_player_)s, cha ghabh mi ach ri aonta neo-phàirteachd." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:70 #, javascript-format msgid "" "Our previous alliance did not work out, %(_player_)s. I must decline your " "offer." msgstr "%(_player_)s, cha do dh’ obraich an caidreabhas a bh’ againn roimhe agus feumaidh mi do thairgse a dhiùltadh." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:71 #, javascript-format msgid "I won’t ally you again, %(_player_)s!" msgstr "Cha dèid mi ’nam chaidreabhach dhut a-rithist, %(_player_)s!" #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:72 #, javascript-format msgid "No more alliances between us, %(_player_)s!" msgstr "Cha bhi caidreachas eadarainn gu bràth tuilleadh, %(_player_)s!" #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:73 #, javascript-format msgid "Your request for peace means nothing to me anymore, %(_player_)s!" msgstr "Cha chreid mi gum bi sìth eadarainn tuilleadh, %(_player_)s!" #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:74 #, javascript-format msgid "" "My answer to your repeated peace proposal will remain war, %(_player_)s!" msgstr "Chan fhaigh d’ iarrtas sìthe ach aon fhreagairt uam ’s seo an cogadh, %(_player_)s!" #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:77 #, javascript-format msgid "" "I will accept your offer to become allies, %(_player_)s. We will both " "benefit from this partnership." msgstr "Gabhaidh mi riut mar chaidreabhach, %(_player_)s. Gheibh an dithis againn buannachd às a’ chom-pàirteachas seo." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:78 #, javascript-format msgid "An alliance between us is a good idea, %(_player_)s." msgstr "’S e deagh bheachd a th’ ann an caidreachas eadarainn, %(_player_)s." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:79 #, javascript-format msgid "" "Let both of our people prosper from a peaceful association, %(_player_)s." msgstr "Gun gabhadh an dithis againn ’s ar muinntir soirbheachas is buannachd às an t-sìth eadarainn, %(_player_)s." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:80 #, javascript-format msgid "We have found common ground, %(_player_)s. I accept the alliance." msgstr "Tha sinn air an aon ràmh, %(_player_)s. Gabhaidh mi ri caidreachas." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:81 #, javascript-format msgid "%(_player_)s, consider us allies from now on." msgstr "%(_player_)s, ’s e caidreabhaich a th’ anainn o seo a-mach." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:84 #, javascript-format msgid "" "I will ally with you, %(_player_)s, but only if you send me a tribute of " "%(_amount_)s %(_resource_)s." msgstr "Gabhaidh mi riut mar chaidreabhach, %(_player_)s, ach iarraidh mi cìs dhe %(_amount_)s %(_resource_)s ort." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:85 #, javascript-format msgid "" "%(_player_)s, you must send me a tribute of %(_amount_)s %(_resource_)s " "before I accept an alliance with you." msgstr "%(_player_)s, feumaidh tu cìs dhe %(_amount_)s %(_resource_)s a thoirt dhomh mus gabh mi ri caidreabhas eadarainn." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:86 #, javascript-format msgid "" "Unless you send me %(_amount_)s %(_resource_)s, an alliance won’t be formed," " %(_player_)s." msgstr "%(_player_)s, cha bhi caidreachas eadarainn mura tabhann thu cìs dhe %(_amount_)s %(_resource_)s dhomh." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:89 #, javascript-format msgid "" "%(_player_)s, my offer still stands. I will ally with you only if you send " "me a tribute of %(_amount_)s %(_resource_)s." msgstr "%(_player_)s, ghabhadh mi riut mar chaidreabhach fhathast ach cha tachair seo mura toir thu cìs dhe %(_amount_)s %(_resource_)s dhomh." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:90 #, javascript-format msgid "" "I’m still waiting for %(_amount_)s %(_resource_)s before accepting your " "alliance, %(_player_)s." msgstr "Tha mi a’ feitheamh air a’ chìs dhe %(_amount_)s %(_resource_)s fhathast mus gabh mi riut mar chaidreabhach, %(_player_)s." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:91 simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:112 #, javascript-format msgid "" "%(_player_)s, if you do not send me part of the %(_amount_)s %(_resource_)s " "tribute soon, I will break off our negotiations." msgstr "%(_player_)s, mura cuir thu pàir dhen chìs dhe %(_amount_)s %(_resource_)s a dh’aithghearr, sguiridh mi dhen cho-rèiteachadh." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:96 #, javascript-format msgid "I will not become neutral with you, %(_player_)s." msgstr "Cha bhi mi neo-phàirteach riut, %(_player_)s." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:97 #, javascript-format msgid "%(_player_)s, I must decline your request for a neutrality pact." msgstr "%(_player_)s, cha ghabh mi ri d’ iarrtas airson aonta neo-phàirteachd." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:100 #, javascript-format msgid "" "Our previous neutrality agreement ended in failure, %(_player_)s; I will not" " consider another one." msgstr "Dh’fhàillig leis an aonta neo-phàirteachd a bha eadarainn roimhe, %(_player_)s; cha ghabh mi ri fear a-rithist." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:103 #, javascript-format msgid "" "I welcome your request for peace between our civilizations, %(_player_)s. I " "will accept." msgstr "Tha mi a’ cur fàilte ri d’ iarrtas airson sìth eadarainn, %(_player_)s. Gabhaidh mi ris." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:104 #, javascript-format msgid "" "%(_player_)s, I will accept your neutrality request. May both our " "civilizations benefit." msgstr "%(_player_)s, gabhaidh mi ri aonta neo-phàirteachd riut. Gum faigheadh an dà shìobhaltas againn buannachd às." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:107 #, javascript-format msgid "" "If you send me a tribute of %(_amount_)s %(_resource_)s, I will accept your " "neutrality request, %(_player_)s." msgstr "Ma bheir thu cìs dhe %(_amount_)s %(_resource_)s dhomh, gabhaidh mi ris an neo-phàirteachd a dh’iarr thu, %(_player_)s." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:108 #, javascript-format msgid "" "%(_player_)s, if you send me %(_amount_)s %(_resource_)s, I will accept a " "neutrality pact." msgstr "%(_player_)s, ma bheir tu cìs dhe %(_amount_)s %(_resource_)s dhomh, gabhaidh mi ri aonta neo-phàirteachd." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:111 #, javascript-format msgid "" "%(_player_)s, I will not accept your neutrality request unless you tribute " "me %(_amount_)s %(_resource_)s soon." msgstr "%(_player_)s, cha ghabh mi ri aonta neo-phàirteachd riut ach ma bheir thu cìs dhe %(_amount_)s %(_resource_)s dhomh a dh’aithghearr." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:120 #, javascript-format msgid "" "%(_player_)s, it would help both of our civilizations if we formed an " "alliance. If you become allies with me, I will respond in kind." msgstr "%(_player_)s, bhiodh e ’na chuideachadh dhan dà shìobhaltas againn nan robh caidreachas eadarainn. Ma thèid thu ’nad chaidreabhach dhomh, thèid mi fhìn mar an ceudna dhut-sa." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:123 #, javascript-format msgid "%(_player_)s, my offer for an alliance has expired." msgstr "%(_player_)s, Dh’fhalbh an ùine air an tairgse caidreachais uam." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:124 #, javascript-format msgid "" "%(_player_)s, I have rescinded my previous offer for an alliance between us." msgstr "%(_player_)s, cha tairg mi caidreachas dhut tuilleadh." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:129 #, javascript-format msgid "" "%(_player_)s, I would like to request a neutrality pact between our " "civilizations. If you become neutral with me, I will respond in kind." msgstr "%(_player_)s, bu mhath leam aonta neo-phàirteachas a stèidheachadh eadarainn. Ma thèid thu neo-phàirteach dha ’m thaobh, thèid mi mar an ceudna dhut-sa." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:130 #, javascript-format msgid "" "%(_player_)s, it would be both to our benefit if we negotiated a neutrality " "pact. I will become neutral with you if you do the same." msgstr "%(_player_)s, bhiodh e ’na bhuannachd dhan dithis againn nan robh aonta neo-phàirteachas eadarainn. Thèid mi neo-phàirteach ma thèid thusa mar an ceudna." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:133 #, javascript-format msgid "%(_player_)s, I have decided to revoke my offer for a neutrality pact." msgstr "%(_player_)s, chuir mi romham nach tairg mi neo-phàirteachas dhut tuilleadh." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:134 #, javascript-format msgid "" "%(_player_)s, as you have failed to respond to my request for peace between " "us, I have abrogated my offer." msgstr "%(_player_)s, o nach do fhreagair thu ri mo thairgse airson sìth eadarainn, chan eil mi ’ga tairgsinn dhut tuilleadh." #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:141 msgid "" "My armies failed while defending my empire. Please honor our alliance and " "send help!" msgstr "" #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:142 msgid "" "My humble armies feel weak and tired. My civilization depends on our " "alliance, please send help!" msgstr "" #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:143 msgid "I need your help. Please do not let my armies fall!" msgstr "" #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:146 msgid "" "My empire regained its old strength, now it is time to seek revenge " "together!" msgstr "" #: simulation/ai/petra/chatHelper.js:147 msgid "" "My civilization raised from the ashes. Now my armies feel stronger and eager" " to fight for our alliance." msgstr "" #: simulation/ai/petra/data.json msgid "Petra Bot" msgstr "Bot Peadra" #: simulation/ai/petra/data.json msgid "" "Petra is the default 0 A.D. AI bot. Please report issues to Wildfire Games (see the link in the main menu).\n" "\n" "The AI's resource gathering rate and trade gain depend on the difficulty level (Sandbox −58%, Very Easy −44%, Easy −25%, Medium ±0%, Hard +25%, Very Hard +56%). The easiest levels also have a slower research, training, and building rate. In addition, the Sandbox level does not expand nor attack." msgstr "" #: simulation/components/BuildRestrictions.js:91 #, javascript-format msgid "%(name)s cannot be built due to unknown error" msgstr "Cha ghabh %(name)s a thogail ri linn mearachd neo-aithnichte" #: simulation/components/BuildRestrictions.js:115 #, javascript-format msgid "%(name)s cannot be built in unexplored area" msgstr "Cha ghabh %(name)s a thogail air tìr gun rùrachadh" #: simulation/components/BuildRestrictions.js:163 #, javascript-format msgid "%(name)s cannot be built on another building or resource" msgstr "Cha ghabh %(name)s a thogail air togalach eile no stòras" #: simulation/components/BuildRestrictions.js:167 #, javascript-format msgid "%(name)s cannot be built on invalid terrain" msgstr "Cha ghabh %(name)s a thogail air cruth-tìre mì-dhligheach" #. Translation: territoryType being displayed in a translated sentence in the #. form: "House #. cannot be built in %(territoryType)s territory.". #: simulation/components/BuildRestrictions.js:195 msgctxt "Territory type" msgid "own" msgstr "agad fhèin" #. Translation: territoryType being displayed in a translated sentence in the #. form: "House #. cannot be built in %(territoryType)s territory.". #: simulation/components/BuildRestrictions.js:198 msgctxt "Territory type" msgid "unconnected own" msgstr "agad fhèin nach eil ceangailte" #. Translation: territoryType being displayed in a translated sentence in the #. form: "House #. cannot be built in %(territoryType)s territory.". #: simulation/components/BuildRestrictions.js:204 msgctxt "Territory type" msgid "allied" msgstr "caidreabhach" #. Translation: territoryType being displayed in a translated sentence in the #. form: "House #. cannot be built in %(territoryType)s territory.". #: simulation/components/BuildRestrictions.js:207 msgctxt "Territory type" msgid "unconnected allied" msgstr "caidreabhach nach eil ceangailte" #. Translation: territoryType being displayed in a translated sentence in the #. form: "House #. cannot be built in %(territoryType)s territory.". #: simulation/components/BuildRestrictions.js:213 msgctxt "Territory type" msgid "neutral" msgstr "neo-phàirteach" #. Translation: territoryType being displayed in a translated sentence in the #. form: "House #. cannot be built in %(territoryType)s territory.". #: simulation/components/BuildRestrictions.js:220 msgctxt "Territory type" msgid "enemy" msgstr "an nàmhad" #: simulation/components/BuildRestrictions.js:225 #, javascript-format msgid "" "%(name)s cannot be built in %(territoryType)s territory. Valid territories: " "%(validTerritories)s" msgstr "Cha ghabh %(name)s a thogail air ranntair %(territoryType)s. Ranntairean dligheach: %(validTerritories)s" #: simulation/components/BuildRestrictions.js:239 #, javascript-format msgid "%(name)s must be built on a valid shoreline" msgstr "Feumaidh tu %(name)s a thogail air oirthir dligheach" #: simulation/components/BuildRestrictions.js:266 #, javascript-format msgid "" "%(name)s too close to a %(category)s, must be at least %(distance)s meter " "away" msgid_plural "" "%(name)s too close to a %(category)s, must be at least %(distance)s meters " "away" msgstr[0] "Tha %(name)s ro fhaisg air %(category)s, feumaidh e bhith %(distance)s mheatair air falbh air a’ char as lugha" msgstr[1] "Tha %(name)s ro fhaisg air %(category)s, feumaidh e bhith %(distance)s mheatair air falbh air a’ char as lugha" msgstr[2] "Tha %(name)s ro fhaisg air %(category)s, feumaidh e bhith %(distance)s meatairean air falbh air a’ char as lugha" msgstr[3] "Tha %(name)s ro fhaisg air %(category)s, feumaidh e bhith %(distance)s meatair air falbh air a’ char as lugha" #: simulation/components/BuildRestrictions.js:287 #, javascript-format msgid "" "%(name)s too far from a %(category)s, must be within %(distance)s meter" msgid_plural "" "%(name)s too far from a %(category)s, must be within %(distance)s meters" msgstr[0] "Tha %(name)s ro fhad air falbh o %(category)s, feumaidh e bhith am broinn %(distance)s mheatair a’ char as motha" msgstr[1] "Tha %(name)s ro fhad air falbh o %(category)s, feumaidh e bhith am broinn %(distance)s mheatair a’ char as motha" msgstr[2] "Tha %(name)s ro fhad air falbh o %(category)s, feumaidh e bhith am broinn %(distance)s meatairean a’ char as motha" msgstr[3] "Tha %(name)s ro fhad air falbh o %(category)s, feumaidh e bhith am broinn %(distance)s meatair a’ char as motha" #. Translation: Territory types being displayed as part of a list like "Valid #. territories: #. own, ally". #: simulation/components/BuildRestrictions.js:327 msgctxt "Territory type list" msgid "own" msgstr "agad fhèin" #. Translation: Territory types being displayed as part of a list like "Valid #. territories: #. own, ally". #: simulation/components/BuildRestrictions.js:329 msgctxt "Territory type list" msgid "ally" msgstr "aig caidreabhach" #. Translation: Territory types being displayed as part of a list like "Valid #. territories: #. own, ally". #: simulation/components/BuildRestrictions.js:331 msgctxt "Territory type list" msgid "neutral" msgstr "neo-phàirteach" #. Translation: Territory types being displayed as part of a list like "Valid #. territories: #. own, ally". #: simulation/components/BuildRestrictions.js:333 msgctxt "Territory type list" msgid "enemy" msgstr "aig an nàmhaid" #: simulation/components/CeasefireManager.js:99 #, javascript-format msgid "You can attack in %(time)s" msgstr "’S urrainn dhut ionnsaigh a thoirt an ceann %(time)s" #: simulation/components/CeasefireManager.js:112 msgid "You can attack now!" msgstr "’S urrainn dhut ionnsaigh a thoirt a-nis!" #: simulation/components/EndGameManager.js:169 #, javascript-format msgid "%(lastPlayer)s has won (last player alive)." msgid_plural "%(players)s and %(lastPlayer)s have won (last players alive)." msgstr[0] "Bhuannaich %(lastPlayer)s (an cluicheadair mu dheireadh ’s e fhathast beò)." msgstr[1] "Bhuannaich %(players)s ’s %(lastPlayer)s (na cluicheadairean mu dheireadh ’s iad fhathast beò)." msgstr[2] "Bhuannaich %(players)s ’s %(lastPlayer)s (na cluicheadairean mu dheireadh ’s iad fhathast beò)." msgstr[3] "Bhuannaich %(players)s ’s %(lastPlayer)s (na cluicheadairean mu dheireadh ’s iad fhathast beò)." #: simulation/components/EndGameManager.js:177 msgid "Last remaining player wins." msgstr "Buannaichidh an cluicheadair a sheasas thar càich." #: simulation/components/EntityLimits.js:195 #, javascript-format msgid "%(category)s build limit of %(limit)s reached" msgstr "Chan fhaod thu %(category)s a thogail on a tha %(limit)s dhiubh agad mar-thà" #: simulation/components/EntityLimits.js:197 #, javascript-format msgid "%(category)s training limit of %(limit)s reached" msgstr "Chan fhaod thu %(category)s oideachadh on a tha %(limit)s dhiubh agad mar-thà" #: simulation/components/EntityLimits.js:201 #, javascript-format msgid "%(category)s limit of %(limit)s reached" msgstr "Chan fhaod thu %(category)s a chur ris on a tha %(limit)s dhiubh agad mar-thà" #: simulation/components/Player.js:308 #, javascript-format msgid "Insufficient resources - %(resourceAmount1)s %(resourceType1)s" msgstr "Tha stòras a dhìth – %(resourceAmount1)s %(resourceType1)s" #: simulation/components/Player.js:310 #, javascript-format msgid "" "Insufficient resources - %(resourceAmount1)s %(resourceType1)s, " "%(resourceAmount2)s %(resourceType2)s" msgstr "Tha stòras a dhìth – %(resourceAmount1)s %(resourceType1)s, %(resourceAmount2)s %(resourceType2)s" #: simulation/components/Player.js:312 #, javascript-format msgid "" "Insufficient resources - %(resourceAmount1)s %(resourceType1)s, " "%(resourceAmount2)s %(resourceType2)s, %(resourceAmount3)s %(resourceType3)s" msgstr "Tha stòras a dhìth – %(resourceAmount1)s %(resourceType1)s, %(resourceAmount2)s %(resourceType2)s, %(resourceAmount3)s %(resourceType3)s" #: simulation/components/Player.js:314 #, javascript-format msgid "" "Insufficient resources - %(resourceAmount1)s %(resourceType1)s, " "%(resourceAmount2)s %(resourceType2)s, %(resourceAmount3)s " "%(resourceType3)s, %(resourceAmount4)s %(resourceType4)s" msgstr "Tha stòras a dhìth – %(resourceAmount1)s %(resourceType1)s, %(resourceAmount2)s %(resourceType2)s, %(resourceAmount3)s %(resourceType3)s, %(resourceAmount4)s %(resourceType4)s" #: simulation/components/ProductionQueue.js:312 msgid "Entity is being upgraded. Cannot start production." msgstr "Tha an nì ’ga àrdachadh. Cha ghabh tòiseachadh air dèanadas." #: simulation/components/ProductionQueue.js:327 msgid "The production queue is full." msgstr "Tha an ciutha làn." #: simulation/components/ProductionQueue.js:450 msgid "Could not auto-queue unit, de-activating." msgstr "Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn an t-aonad a chur air a’ chiutha gu fèin-obrachail, ’ga chur à gnìomh." #: simulation/components/Trainer.js:321 msgid "Can't find free space to spawn trained units." msgstr "Cha do lorg sinn rum saor gus na h-aonadan air an oideachadh a shìoladh." #: simulation/components/Upgrade.js:242 msgid "Entity is producing. Cannot start upgrading." msgstr "Tha an nì ri dèanadas. Cha ghabh tòiseachadh air an àrdachadh." #: simulation/data/settings/game_speeds.json msgid "Turtle (0.1×)" msgstr "Seilcheig (0.1×)" #: simulation/data/settings/game_speeds.json msgid "Slow (0.25×)" msgstr "Mall (0.25×)" #: simulation/data/settings/game_speeds.json msgid "Leisurely (0.5×)" msgstr "Socrach (0.5×)" #: simulation/data/settings/game_speeds.json msgid "Relaxed (0.75×)" msgstr "Saorsnail (0.75×)" #: simulation/data/settings/game_speeds.json msgid "Normal (1×)" msgstr "Àbhaisteach (1×)" #: simulation/data/settings/game_speeds.json msgid "Fast (1.25×)" msgstr "Luath (1.25×)" #: simulation/data/settings/game_speeds.json msgid "Very Fast (1.5×)" msgstr "Iolair (1.5×)" #: simulation/data/settings/game_speeds.json msgid "Insane (2×)" msgstr "Gun chiall (2×)" #: simulation/data/settings/game_speeds.json msgid "Fast Forward (5×)" msgstr "Toinn air adhart (5×)" #: simulation/data/settings/game_speeds.json msgid "Fast Forward (10×)" msgstr "Toinn air adhart (10×)" #: simulation/data/settings/game_speeds.json msgid "Fast Forward (20×)" msgstr "Toinn air adhart (20×)" #: simulation/data/settings/map_sizes.json msgid "Tiny" msgstr "Beag bìodach" #: simulation/data/settings/map_sizes.json msgid "This map size has barely any room for even the most basic resources." msgstr "Tha am mapa seo cho beag ’s gu bheil an rum glè ghann fiù airson nan stòrasan as bunasaiche." #: simulation/data/settings/map_sizes.json msgid "Small" msgstr "Beag" #: simulation/data/settings/map_sizes.json msgid "" "Small maps are suitable for 1v1 matches, as players can reach the enemy " "quickly while still having some room to expand." msgstr "Tha mapaichean beaga iomchaidh dha dhithis on a ruigeas na cluicheadairean an nàmhaid gu luath fhad ’s a bhios beagan ruim aca fhathast airson leudachadh an ranntair." #: simulation/data/settings/map_sizes.json msgid "Normal" msgstr "Àbhaisteach" #: simulation/data/settings/map_sizes.json msgid "" "This map size provides plenty of space for two players, but even eight " "players fit." msgstr "Bheir am mapa seo pailteas rùim dha dhithis ach bidh iad freagarrach dha dh’ochdnar cuideachd." #: simulation/data/settings/map_sizes.json msgid "" "This is the ideal mapsize for 4 to 8 players, because there is plenty of " "space to expand while the neighbors are quickly reachable." msgstr "Seo am meud as fheàrr airson 4 gu 8 chluicheadair on a tha pailteas ruim ann gus an ranntair leudachadh fhad ’s ghabhas na nàbaidhean ruigsinn gu luath." #: simulation/data/settings/map_sizes.json msgid "Large" msgstr "Mòr" #: simulation/data/settings/map_sizes.json msgid "" "The large mapsize is recommended when great portions of the map are covered " "with water or inaccessible mountains." msgstr "Mholamaid mapaichean mòra nuair a bhios mòran dhiubh còmhdaichte le uisge no beanntan do-ruigsinn." #: simulation/data/settings/map_sizes.json msgid "Very Large" msgstr "Glè mhòr" #: simulation/data/settings/map_sizes.json msgid "Giant" msgstr "Ana-mhòr" #: simulation/data/settings/map_sizes.json msgid "" "Very large maps are not recommended as it takes very long to reach the enemy" " and the game performance can be reduced." msgstr "Cha mholamaid mapaichean glè mhòra on a bheir e glè fhada gus na nàimhdean a ruigsinn agus dh’fhaoidte gun cuir iad dèanadas a’ gheama am miosad." #: simulation/data/settings/player_defaults.json msgid "Gaia" msgstr "Gaìa" #: simulation/data/settings/player_defaults.json msgid "Player 1" msgstr "Cluicheadair 1" #: simulation/data/settings/player_defaults.json msgid "Player 2" msgstr "Cluicheadair 2" #: simulation/data/settings/player_defaults.json msgid "Player 3" msgstr "Cluicheadair 3" #: simulation/data/settings/player_defaults.json msgid "Player 4" msgstr "Cluicheadair 4" #: simulation/data/settings/player_defaults.json msgid "Player 5" msgstr "Cluicheadair 5" #: simulation/data/settings/player_defaults.json msgid "Player 6" msgstr "Cluicheadair 6" #: simulation/data/settings/player_defaults.json msgid "Player 7" msgstr "Cluicheadair 7" #: simulation/data/settings/player_defaults.json msgid "Player 8" msgstr "Cluicheadair 8" #: simulation/data/settings/starting_resources.json msgctxt "startingResources" msgid "Very Low" msgstr "Glè ìosal" #: simulation/data/settings/starting_resources.json msgctxt "startingResources" msgid "Low" msgstr "Ìosal" #: simulation/data/settings/starting_resources.json msgctxt "startingResources" msgid "Medium" msgstr "Meadhanach" #: simulation/data/settings/starting_resources.json msgctxt "startingResources" msgid "High" msgstr "Àrd" #: simulation/data/settings/starting_resources.json msgctxt "startingResources" msgid "Very High" msgstr "Glè àrd" #: simulation/data/settings/starting_resources.json msgctxt "startingResources" msgid "Deathmatch" msgstr "Gus an dig am bàs" #: simulation/data/settings/trigger_difficulties.json msgid "Very Easy" msgstr "Glè fhurasta" #: simulation/data/settings/trigger_difficulties.json msgid "Choose this difficulty if you are discovering 0 A.D." msgstr "" #: simulation/data/settings/trigger_difficulties.json msgid "Easy" msgstr "Furasta" #: simulation/data/settings/trigger_difficulties.json msgid "Choose this difficulty if you do not like being knocked down." msgstr "Tagh an duilgheas seo mura toigh leat mòran strì." #: simulation/data/settings/trigger_difficulties.json msgid "" "Choose this difficulty if you have already a good experience with 0 A.D." msgstr "" #: simulation/data/settings/trigger_difficulties.json msgid "Hard" msgstr "Doirbh" #: simulation/data/settings/trigger_difficulties.json msgid "Choose this difficulty if you want to be really challenged." msgstr "Tagh an duilgheas seo ma tha thu a’ sireadh dùbhlan." #: simulation/data/settings/trigger_difficulties.json msgid "Very Hard" msgstr "Dùbhlanach" #: simulation/data/settings/trigger_difficulties.json msgid "Choose this difficulty if you do not mind being swept out." msgstr "Tagh an duilgheas seo ma tha thu coma gun dèid cur às dhut." #: simulation/data/settings/map_sizes.json #: simulation/data/settings/trigger_difficulties.json msgid "Medium" msgstr "Meadhanach" #: simulation/data/settings/victory_conditions/capture_the_relic.json msgid "Capture the Relic" msgstr "Glac na taisean" #: simulation/data/settings/victory_conditions/capture_the_relic.json msgid "" "Capture all relics spread across the map and keep them for a certain time to" " win the game." msgstr "Glac gach fear dhe na taisean a tha sgapte air a’ mhapa agus cum iad fad ùine shònraichte gus an geama a bhuannachd." #: simulation/data/settings/victory_conditions/conquest.json msgid "Conquest" msgstr "Ceannsachadh" #: simulation/data/settings/victory_conditions/conquest.json msgid "" "Defeat opponents by killing all their units and destroying all their " "structures." msgstr "Marbh aonadan is mill togalaichean uile nan nàmhad gus ruaig a chur orra." #: simulation/data/settings/victory_conditions/conquest_civic_centers.json msgid "Conquest Civic Centers" msgstr "" #: simulation/data/settings/victory_conditions/conquest_civic_centers.json msgid "Defeat opponents by destroying all their fully built civic centers." msgstr "" #: simulation/data/settings/victory_conditions/conquest_structures.json msgid "Conquest Structures" msgstr "Ceannsaich togalaichean" #: simulation/data/settings/victory_conditions/conquest_structures.json msgid "Defeat opponents by destroying all their structures." msgstr "Mill togalaichean uile nan nàmhad gus ruaig a chur orra." #: simulation/data/settings/victory_conditions/conquest_units.json msgid "Conquest Units" msgstr "Ceannsaich aonadan" #: simulation/data/settings/victory_conditions/conquest_units.json msgid "Defeat opponents by killing all their units." msgstr "Marbh aonadan uile nan nàmhad gus ruaig a chur orra." #: simulation/data/settings/victory_conditions/regicide.json msgid "Regicide" msgstr "Rìgh-mhort" #: simulation/data/settings/victory_conditions/regicide.json msgid "Defeat opponents by killing their hero." msgstr "Marbh curaidhean nan nàmhad gus ruaig a chur orra." #: simulation/data/settings/victory_conditions/wonder.json msgid "Wonder" msgstr "Mìorbhail" #: simulation/data/settings/victory_conditions/wonder.json msgid "" "Be the first to build or capture a Wonder and keep it for a certain time to " "win the game. The timer will be reset when the Wonder is destroyed or " "captured. If the allied victory mode is enabled, the timer will also be " "reset when the alliances of the owner change." msgstr "Tog no glac mìorbhail air thoiseach càich agus cum e fad ùine shònraichte gus an geama a bhuannachd. Thèid an tìmear ath-shuidheachadh nuair a thèid am mìorbhail a mhilleadh no a ghlacadh. Ma chaidh buaidh caidreachais a thaghadh, thèid an tìmear ath-shuidheachadh cuideachd nuair a dh’atharraicheas caidreachas an t-seilbheadair." #: simulation/helpers/Cheat.js:57 #, javascript-format msgid "%(player)s has been defeated (cheat)." msgstr "Chaidh ruaig a chur air %(player)s (cealgaireachd)." #: simulation/helpers/Cheat.js:71 msgid "You need to select a building that trains units." msgstr "Feumaidh tu togalach a thaghadh a dh’oidicheas aonadan." #: simulation/helpers/Commands.js:135 msgid "(Cheat - control all units)" msgstr "(Cealgaireachd – stiùirich a h‑uile aonad)" #: simulation/helpers/Commands.js:150 msgid "(Cheat - reveal map)" msgstr "(Gealgaireachd – nochd am mapa)" #: simulation/helpers/Commands.js:462 #, javascript-format msgid "%(player)s has resigned." msgstr "Ghèill %(player)s." #: simulation/helpers/Commands.js:640 msgid "(Cheat - promoted units)" msgstr "(Cealgaireachd – aonad air an àrdachadh)" #: simulation/helpers/Commands.js:761 msgid "" "Cannot upgrade as distance requirements are not verified or terrain is " "obstructed." msgstr "Cha ghabh àrdachadh o nach deach riatanasan an astair a dhearbadh no air sgàth ’s gu bheil bacadh air an tìr." #: simulation/helpers/Commands.js:803 #, javascript-format msgid "Attack against %(_player_)s requested." msgstr "Chaidh ionnsaigh an aghaidh %(_player_)s iarraidh." #: simulation/helpers/Commands.js:842 msgid "There are no bribable units" msgstr "Chan eil aonad a ghabhas ceannach ann" #: simulation/helpers/Commands.js:919 msgid "Unable to unload unit(s)." msgstr "Tha aonad no dhà nach do dh’fhalbh." #: simulation/helpers/Commands.js:933 msgid "Some unit(s) can't go back to work" msgstr "Chan urrainn dhan a h-uile aonad tilleadh dhan obair" #: simulation/helpers/Commands.js:952 #, javascript-format msgid "%(unit)s can't be controlled." msgstr "Chan eil smachd air %(unit)s." #: simulation/helpers/Commands.js:1203 msgid "The building's technology requirements are not met." msgstr "Cha deach na riatanasan teicneòlais airson an togalaich a choileanadh."