# Translation template for 0 A.D. — Empires Ascendant. # Copyright (C) 2024 Wildfire Games # This file is distributed under the same license as the 0 A.D. — Empires Ascendant # project. # Translators: # GunChleoc, 2014-2019,2021 # GunChleoc, 2014-2015 # GunChleoc, 2015 # Michael Bauer, 2014 # Sgàire Uallas, 2018 # Stanislas Dolcini, 2021 msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: 0 A.D.\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-30 10:57+0000\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2014-06-19 17:51+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Stanislas Dolcini, 2021\n" "Language-Team: Gaelic, Scottish (http://app.transifex.com/wildfire-games/0ad/language/gd/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Language: gd\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=(n==1 || n==11) ? 0 : (n==2 || n==12) ? 1 : (n > 2 && n < 20) ? 2 : 3;\n" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:1 msgid "[font=\"sans-bold-18\"]0 A.D. in-game manual[font=\"sans-14\"]" msgstr "" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:2 msgid "" "Thank you for installing 0 A.D.! This page will give a brief overview of the" " features available in this incomplete, under-development, alpha version of " "the game." msgstr "" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:4 msgid "[font=\"sans-bold-16\"]Graphics settings[font=\"sans-14\"]" msgstr "[font=\"sans-bold-16\"]Roghainnean na grafaigeachd[font=\"sans-14\"]" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:5 msgid "" "You can switch between fullscreen and windowed mode by pressing Alt + Enter." " In windowed mode, you can resize the window. If the game runs too slowly, " "you can change some settings in the options window: try disabling the “High-" "quality water effects” and “Shadows” options." msgstr "" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:7 msgid "[font=\"sans-bold-16\"]Playing the game[font=\"sans-14\"]" msgstr "[font=\"sans-bold-16\"]Mar a chluicheas tu an geama[font=\"sans-14\"]" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:8 msgid "" "The controls and gameplay should be familiar to players of traditional real-" "time strategy (RTS) games. There are currently a lot of missing features and" " poorly-balanced stats – you will probably have to wait until a beta release" " for it to work well." msgstr "Bidh thu eòlach air na h-innealan-smachd is an dòigh cluiche ma tha thu air geamannan ro-innleachd fìor-ama (RTS) tradaiseanta a chluich roimhe. Tha iomadh gleus a dhìth fhathast aig an àm seo is chan eil meidh air mar bu chòir – tha sinn an dùil gum bi agad ri feitheamh airson sgaoileadh beta ach an obraich e gu math." #: gui/manual/intro.txt:10 msgid "Basic controls (by default):" msgstr "Stiùireadh bunasach (a ghnàth):" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:11 msgid "• Left-click to select units" msgstr "• Dèan briogadh clì gus aonad a thaghadh" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:12 msgid "• Left-click-and-drag to select groups of units" msgstr "• Dèan briogadh clì is slaod gus buidhnean de dh’aonadan a thaghadh" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:13 msgid "• Right-click to order units to the target" msgstr "• Dèan briogadh deas ach an tèid aonadan dhan cheann-uidhe" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:14 msgid "• Arrow keys or WASD keys to move the camera" msgstr "• Cleachd na h‑iuchraichean saighde no WASD gus an camara a ghluasad" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:15 msgid "• Ctrl + arrow keys, or shift + mouse wheel, to rotate the camera" msgstr "• Cleachd Ctrl + iuchraichean saighde no shift + cuibhle na luchaige gus an camara a chuairteachadh" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:16 msgid "" "• Mouse wheel, or “hotkey.camera.zoom.in” and “hotkey.camera.zoom.out” keys," " to zoom" msgstr "• Cleachd cuibhle na luchaige no na h‑iuchraichean “hotkey.camera.zoom.in” is “hotkey.camera.zoom.out” airson sùmadh" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:18 msgid "[font=\"sans-bold-16\"]Modes[font=\"sans-14\"]" msgstr "[font=\"sans-bold-16\"]Modhan[font=\"sans-14\"]" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:19 msgid "The main menu gives access to two game modes:" msgstr "Gheibh thu inntrigeadh do dhà mhodh leis a’ phrìomh chlàr-taice:" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:20 msgid "" "• [font=\"sans-bold-14\"]Single-player[font=\"sans-14\"] – Play a sandbox " "game or against one or more computer players (AI). The default AI (Petra) is" " under development and may not always be up to date on the new features, but" " you can play the game with or against it nonetheless." msgstr "• [font=\"sans-bold-14\"]Aon chluicheadair[font=\"sans-14\"] – Cluich geama sa bhogsa-ghainmhich no an aghaidh cluicheadair coimpiutair (IF) no dhà. Tha an IF bhunaiteach (Petra) ’ga leasachadh fhathast is ’s dòcha nach eil i eòlach air na gleusan as ùire ach ’s urrainn dhut an geama fheuchainn na h-aghaidh no còmhla rithe co-dhiù." #: gui/manual/intro.txt:21 msgid "" "• [font=\"sans-bold-14\"]Multiplayer[font=\"sans-14\"] – Play against human " "opponents over the internet." msgstr "• [font=\"sans-bold-14\"]Ioma-chluicheadair[font=\"sans-14\"] – Cluich an aghaidh co-fharpaiseach daonna air an eadar-lìn." #: gui/manual/intro.txt:23 msgid "" "To set up a multiplayer game, one player must select the “Host game” option." " The game uses UDP port 20595, so the host must configure their " "NAT/firewall/etc. to allow this. Other players can then select “Join game” " "and enter the host's IP address." msgstr "Feumaidh cluicheadair an roghainn “Òstaich geama” a thaghadh gus geama ioma-chluicheadair a shuidheachadh. Cleachdaidh an geama am port UDP 20595, mar sin feumaidh an t‑òstair a NAT/firewall/etc a rèiteachadh gus seo a cheadachadh. ’S urrainn dha chluicheadairean eile “Gabh pàirt sa gheama” a thaghadh an uairsin is an t‑seòladh IP aig an òstair a chur a-steach." #: gui/manual/intro.txt:25 msgid "[font=\"sans-bold-16\"]Game setup[font=\"sans-14\"]" msgstr "[font=\"sans-bold-16\"]Rèiteachadh a’ gheama[font=\"sans-14\"]" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:26 msgid "In a multiplayer game, only the host can alter the game setup options." msgstr "Ann an geama ioma-chluicheadair, chan urrainn ach dhan òstair roghainnean rèiteachaidh a’ gheama atharrachadh." #: gui/manual/intro.txt:28 msgid "First, select what type of map you want to play:" msgstr "An toiseach, tagh dè an seòrsa de mhapa a tha thu airson cluiche:" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:29 msgid "" "• [font=\"sans-bold-14\"]Random map[font=\"sans-14\"] – A map created " "automatically from a script" msgstr "• [font=\"sans-bold-14\"]Mapa tuaireamach[font=\"sans-14\"] – Mapa a chaidh a chruthachadh gu fèin-obrachail le sgriobt" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:30 msgid "" "• [font=\"sans-bold-14\"]Scenario map[font=\"sans-14\"] – A map created by " "map designers and with fixed civilizations" msgstr "• [font=\"sans-bold-14\"]Mapa cnàmh-sgeòil[font=\"sans-14\"] – Mapa a chaidh a chruthachadh le dealbhaichean mapa agus aig a bheil sìobhaltasan stèidhichte" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:31 msgid "" "• [font=\"sans-bold-14\"]Skirmish map[font=\"sans-14\"] – A map created by " "map designers but where the civilizations can be chosen" msgstr "• [font=\"sans-bold-14\"]Mapa streupa[font=\"sans-14\"] – Mapa a chaidh a chruthachadh le dealbhaichean mapa agus far gabh na sìobhaltasan taghadh" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:33 msgid "" "Then the maps can be further filtered. The default maps are generally " "playable maps. Naval maps are maps where not all opponents can be reached " "over land and demo maps are maps used for testing purposes (generally not " "useful to play on). The “All Maps” filter shows all maps together in one " "list." msgstr "’S urrainn dhut barrachd criathraidh a dhèanamh air na mapaichean an uairsin. ’S e mapaichean a ghabhas cluiche a tha sna mapaichean bunaiteach san fharsaingeachd. ’S e mapaichean far nach ruig thu gach nàmhaid thar tìre a th’ anns na mapaichean mara agus tha na mapaichean taisbeanaidh ann a chum deuchainnean (cha bhi iad gu feum airson cluich mar as trice). Seallaich a’ chriathrag “A h-uile mapa” a h-uile mapa a tha ann air an aon liosta." #: gui/manual/intro.txt:35 msgid "" "Finally change the settings. For random maps this includes the number of " "players, the size of a map, etc. For scenarios you can only select who " "controls which player (decides where you start on the map etc.). The options" " are either a human player, an AI or no player at all (the opponent will " "just be idle)." msgstr "Mu dheireadh thall, atharraich na roghainnean. airson mapaichean tuaireamach, gabhaidh seo a-steach an àireamh de chluicheadairean, meud a’ mhapa is msaa. Le cnàmh-sgeulan, chan urrainn dhut taghadh ach cò bhios a stiùireadh gach cluicheadair (suidhichidh seo càite an tòisich thu air a’ mhapa is msaa.). ’S e cluicheadair daonna, IF no gun chluicheadair (cha dèan an cluicheadair sin dad an uairsin) a tha sna roghainnean." #: gui/manual/intro.txt:37 msgid "When you are ready to start, click the “Start game” button." msgstr "Nuair a bhios tu deiseil airson tòiseachadh, briog air a’ phutan “Tòisich air geama.”" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:39 msgid "[font=\"sans-bold-16\"]Hotkeys[font=\"sans-14\"]" msgstr "[font=\"sans-bold-16\"]Grad-iuchraichean[font=\"sans-14\"]" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:40 msgid "" "You may change hotkeys in [font=\"sans-bold-14\"]Options > " "Hotkeys[font=\"sans-14\"] to suit your liking." msgstr "’S urrainn dhut grad-iuchraichean atharrachadh ann an [font=\"sans-bold-14\"]Roghainnean > Grad-iuchraichean[font=\"sans-14\"] a-rèir do thoil." #: gui/manual/intro.txt:42 msgid "[font=\"sans-bold-14\"]Program-wide[font=\"sans-14\"]" msgstr "[font=\"sans-bold-14\"]Feadh a’ phrògraim[font=\"sans-14\"]" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:43 msgid "" " hotkey.exit – Immediately close the game, without asking for confirmation" msgstr " hotkey.exit – Fàg an geama sa bhad is gun dearbhadh" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:44 msgid " hotkey.togglefullscreen – Toggle between fullscreen and windowed" msgstr " hotkey.togglefullscreen – Toglaich eadar làn-sgrìn is modh uinneige" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:45 msgid " hotkey.console.toggle – Toggle console" msgstr " hotkey.console.toggle – Toglaich a’ chonsoil" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:46 msgid " hotkey.fps.toggle – Toggle frame counter (FPS)" msgstr " hotkey.fps.toggle – Toglaich cunntair nam frèaman (FPS)" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:47 msgid "" " hotkey.profile.toggle – Toggle real-time profiler (cycles through the " "displays of information)" msgstr " hotkey.profile.toggle – Toglaich am pròifilear fìor-ama (cuairtichidh seo tro na seallaidhean fiosrachaidh)" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:48 msgid "" " hotkey.profile.save – Save current profiler data to “logs/profile.txt”" msgstr " hotkey.profile.save – Sàbhail dàta a’ phròifileir làithrich gu “logs/profile.txt”" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:49 msgid "" " hotkey.screenshot – Take screenshot (in .png format, location is displayed" " in the top left of the GUI after the file has been saved, and can also be " "seen in the console/logs if you miss it there)" msgstr " hotkey.screenshot – Tog glacadh-sgrìn (san fhòrmat .png, thèid an t‑ionad a shealltainn air oisean clì gu h-àrd nuair a bhios am faidhle air a shàbhaladh is chì thu an t-ionad air a’ chonsoil/sna logaichean ma chaill thu e an-sin)" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:50 msgid "" " hotkey.bigscreenshot – Take huge screenshot (6400×4800 pixels, in .bmp " "format, location is displayed in the top left of the GUI after the file has " "been saved, and can also be seen in the console/logs if you miss it there)" msgstr " hotkey.bigscreenshot – Tog glacadh-sgrìn anabarrach mòr (6400×4800 piogsail, san fhòrmat .bmp, thèid an t-ionad a shealltainn air oisean clì gu h-àrd nuair a bhios am faidhle air a shàbhaladh is chì thu an t-ionad air a’ chonsoil/sna logaichean ma chaill thu e an-sin)" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:51 msgid " hotkey.tab.next – Switch to the next tab" msgstr " hotkey.tab.next – Geàrr leum dhan ath-thaba" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:52 msgid " hotkey.tab.prev – Switch to the previous tab" msgstr " hotkey.tab.prev – Geàrr leum dhan taba roimhe" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:53 msgid " hotkey.item.next – Switch to the next item of a list" msgstr "" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:54 msgid " hotkey.item.prev – Switch to the previous item of a list" msgstr "" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:56 msgid "[font=\"sans-bold-14\"]In Game[font=\"sans-14\"]" msgstr "[font=\"sans-bold-14\"]Am broinn a’ gheama[font=\"sans-14\"]" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:57 msgid "" " Double Left Click \\[on unit] – Select all of your units of the same kind " "on the screen (even if they're different ranks)" msgstr " Briogadh clì dùbailte \\[air aonad] – Tagh a h-uile aonad dhen aon seòrsa agad a chì thu (fiù ’s ma tha rang eadar-dhealaichte aca)" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:58 msgid "" " Triple Left Click \\[on unit] – Select all of your units of the same kind " "and the same rank on the screen" msgstr " Briogadh clì trìoblaichte \\[air aonad] – Tagh a h-uile aonad dhen aon seòrsa is rang agad a chì thu" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:59 msgid "" " Alt + Double Left Click \\[on unit] – Select all your units of the same " "kind on the entire map (even if they have different ranks)" msgstr " Alt + Briogadh clì dùbailte \\[air aonad] – Tagh a h-uile aonad dhen aon seòrsa agad air a’ mhapa gu lèir (fiù ’s ma tha rang eadar-dhealaichte aca)" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:60 msgid "" " Alt + Triple Left Click \\[on unit] – Select all your units of the same " "kind and rank on the entire map" msgstr " Alt + Briogadh clì trìoblaichte \\[air aonad] – Tagh a h-uile aonad dhen aon seòrsa is rang agad air a’ mhapa gu lèir" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:61 msgid " hotkey.quicksave – Quicksave" msgstr " hotkey.quicksave – Grad-shàbhail" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:62 msgid " hotkey.quickload – Quickload" msgstr " hotkey.quickload – Grad-luchdaich" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:63 msgid " hotkey.session.gui.menu.toggle – Toggle menu" msgstr " hotkey.session.gui.menu.toggle – Toglaich an clàr-taice" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:64 msgid " hotkey.timeelapsedcounter.toggle – Toggle time elapsed counter" msgstr " hotkey.timeelapsedcounter.toggle – Toglaich cunntair na h-ùine a dh’fhalbh" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:65 msgid " hotkey.cancel – Close all dialogs (chat, menu)" msgstr " hotkey.cancel – Dùin a h‑uile còmhradh (cabadaich, clàr-taice)" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:66 msgid " hotkey.confirm – Open chat or send message" msgstr " hotkey.confirm – Fosgail a’ chabadaich no cuir teachdaireachd" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:67 msgid " hotkey.teamchat – Send team chat" msgstr " hotkey.teamchat – Cuir cabadaich gun sgioba" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:68 msgid "" " hotkey.privatechat – Chat with the previously selected private chat " "partner" msgstr " hotkey.privatechat – Dèan cabadaich phrìobhaideach leis an neach mu dheireadh a thagh thu" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:69 msgid " hotkey.pause – Pause or resume the game" msgstr " hotkey.pause – Cuir an geama ’na stad no lean air" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:70 msgid "" " hotkey.session.kill – Delete currently selected unit(s)/structure(s), ask " "for confirmation" msgstr " hotkey.session.kill – Sguab às na h‑aonadan no togalaichean a thagh thu ’s thèid dearbhadh iarraidh ort" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:71 msgid "" " • With hotkey.session.noconfirmation – Immediately delete currently " "selected unit(s)/structure(s), without asking for confirmation" msgstr " • Le hotkey.session.noconfirmation – Sguab às na h‑aonadan no togalaichean a thagh thu sa bhad is gun dearbhadh iarraidh" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:72 msgid "" " hotkey.selection.add – Modifier – add to selection (works with clicking " "and hotkeys, e.g. the idle hotkeys)" msgstr " hotkey.selection.add – Atharraichear – cuir ris an taghadh (obraichidh seo an dà chuid le briogadh is ghrad-iuchraichean, can na grad-iuchraichean “’na thàmh”)" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:73 msgid "" " hotkey.selection.remove – Modifier – remove from selection (works with " "clicking and hotkeys, e.g. the idle hotkeys)" msgstr " hotkey.selection.remove – Atharraichear – thoir air falbh on taghadh (obraichidh seo an dà chuid le briogadh is ghrad-iuchraichean, can na grad-iuchraichean “’na thàmh”)" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:74 msgid "" " hotkey.selection.offscreen – Modifier – add all units, including offscreen" " units, to selection" msgstr "" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:75 msgid "" " hotkey.selection.cancel – Unselect all units, cancel building placement" msgstr "" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:76 msgid " hotkey.selection.idlebuilder – Select idle builder" msgstr " hotkey.selection.idlebuilder – Tagh neach-togail ’na thàmh" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:77 msgid " hotkey.selection.idlewarrior – Select idle fighter" msgstr " hotkey.selection.idlewarrior – Tagh saighdear ’na thàmh" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:78 msgid "" " hotkey.selection.idleworker – Select idle worker (including citizen-" "soldiers)" msgstr " hotkey.selection.idleworker – Tagh obraiche ’na thàmh (a’ gabhail a-steach saighdearan-dùthcha)" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:79 msgid " hotkey.selection.idleunit – Select idle unit" msgstr " hotkey.selection.idleunit – Tagh aonad ’na thàmh" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:80 msgid " hotkey.session.stop – Stop (halt) the currently selected units" msgstr " hotkey.session.stop – Cuir stad air na h‑aonadan a thagh thu" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:81 msgid " hotkey.session.backtowork – The unit will go back to work" msgstr " hotkey.session.backtowork – Tillidh an t-aonad dhan obair" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:82 msgid "" " hotkey.session.unload – Unload the garrisoned units of the selected " "structure(s)" msgstr " hotkey.session.unload – Falbhaidh na h-aonadan a tha ’nan gearastan sna togalaichean a thagh thu" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:83 msgid "" " hotkey.selection.group.save.1 – Create control group 1 (by default, " "respectively 2,3, ...) from the selected unit(s)/structure(s)" msgstr " hotkey.selection.group.save.1 – Cruthaich buidheann-smachd 1 (Seo 2,3, … air leth a ghnàth) dhe na h-aonadan/togalaichean a thagh thu" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:84 msgid "" " hotkey.selection.group.select.1 – Select the unit(s)/structure(s) in " "control group 1" msgstr " hotkey.selection.group.select.1 – Tagh na h‑aonadan/togalaichean sa bhuidheann-smachd 1" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:85 msgid "" " hotkey.selection.group.add.1 – Add control group 1 (to 0) to the selected " "unit(s)/structure(s)" msgstr " hotkey.selection.group.add.1 – Cuir buidheann-smachd 1 (gu ruige 0) ris na togalaichean/na h‑aonadan a thagh thu" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:86 msgid "" " hotkey.camera.jump.set.1 – Mark the current camera position, for jumping " "back to later (by default, there are 4 possible positions)" msgstr " hotkey.camera.jump.set.1 – Comharraich ionad làithreach a’ chamara ach an urrainn dhut leum a ghearradh air ais dha an uairsin (gabhaidh 4 ionadan iomruineadh a ghnàth)" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:87 msgid "" " hotkey.camera.jump.1 – Move the camera to a marked position. Jump back to " "the last location if the camera is already over the marked position" msgstr " hotkey.camera.jump.1 – Gluais an camara gu ionad comharraichte. Geàrr leum air ais dhan ionad roimhe ma tha an camara air an ionad chomharraichte mu thràth" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:88 msgid "" " hotkey.session.queueunit.1, hotkey.session.queueunit.2, " "hotkey.session.queueunit.3, hotkey.session.queueunit.4, " "hotkey.session.queueunit.5, hotkey.session.queueunit.6, " "hotkey.session.queueunit.7 – With training structure selected. Add the 1st, " "2nd, … unit shown to the training queue for all the selected structures" msgstr " hotkey.session.queueunit.1, hotkey.session.queueunit.2, hotkey.session.queueunit.3, hotkey.session.queueunit.4, hotkey.session.queueunit.5, hotkey.session.queueunit.6, hotkey.session.queueunit.7 – Le togalach oideachaidh no dhà air a thaghadh. Cuir a’ chiad, an dàrna, … aonad a chì thu air a’ chiudha oideachaidh sa h‑uile togalach a thagh thu" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:89 msgid "" " hotkey.session.highlightguarded with unit(s) selected – Highlight the " "unit(s)/structure(s) guarded by the selection" msgstr " hotkey.session.highlightguarded le aonadan air an taghadh – Soillsichidh seo na h-aonadan agus na togalaich a tha ’gan dìon leis na thagh thu" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:90 msgid "" " hotkey.session.highlightguarding with unit(s)/structure(s) selected – " "Highlight the unit(s) guarding the selection" msgstr " hotkey.session.highlightguarding le aonad(s)/structure(s) no togalaichean air an taghadh – Soillsichidh seo na h-aonadan a tha a’ dìon na thagh thu" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:91 msgid "" " highlightguarding.showstatusbars – See all status bars (which would also " "show the building progress)" msgstr " highlightguarding.showstatusbars – Seall a h-uile bàr-inbhe (seallaidh seo adhartas an togail cuideachd)" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:92 msgid " hotkey.summary – Toggle summary window" msgstr " hotkey.summary – Toglaich uinneag a’ gheàrr-chunntais" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:93 msgid " hotkey.lobby – Show the multiplayer lobby in a dialog window" msgstr " hotkey.lobby – Seall an lobaidh ioma-chluicheadair ann an uinneag còmhraidh" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:94 msgid " hotkey.session.gui.diplomacy.toggle – Toggle in-game diplomacy panel" msgstr " hotkey.session.gui.diplomacy.toggle – Toglaich panail na dioplòmasachd am broinn a’ gheama" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:95 msgid "" " hotkey.session.gui.barter.toggle – Toggle in-game barter and trade panel" msgstr " hotkey.session.gui.barter.toggle – Toglaich panail iomlaididh is malairt am broinn a’ gheama" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:96 msgid "" " hotkey.session.gui.objectives.toggle – Toggle in-game objectives panel" msgstr " hotkey.session.gui.objectives.toggle – Toglaich panail nan amasan am broinn a’ gheama" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:97 msgid " hotkey.session.gui.tutorial.toggle – Toggle in-game tutorial panel" msgstr " hotkey.session.gui.tutorial.toggle – Toglaich panail an oideachaidh am broinn a’ gheama" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:98 msgid " hotkey.structree – Toggle structure tree panel" msgstr " hotkey.structree – Toglaich panail craobh nan togalaichean" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:99 msgid " hotkey.civinfo – Toggle civilization info panel" msgstr " hotkey.civinfo – Toglaich panail fiosrachadh an t-sìobhaltais" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:101 msgid "[font=\"sans-bold-14\"]Modify mouse action[font=\"sans-14\"]" msgstr "[font=\"sans-bold-14\"]Atharraich gnìomh na luchaige[font=\"sans-14\"]" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:102 msgid " hotkey.session.garrison + Right Click on structure – Garrison" msgstr " hotkey.session.garrison + briogadh deas air togalach – Rach ’nad ghearastan" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:103 msgid " hotkey.session.repair + Right Click on structure – Repair" msgstr " hotkey.session.repair + briogadh deas air togalach – Càraich" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:104 msgid " hotkey.session.patrol + Right Click – Patrol" msgstr " hotkey.session.patrol + briogadh deas – Cuairteachan" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:105 msgid "" " hotkey.session.queue + Right Click – Queue the move/build/gather/etc. " "order" msgstr " hotkey.session.queue + briogadh deas – Cuir an t‑òrdugh gluais/tog/cruinnich/msaa. air a’ chiudha" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:106 msgid "" " hotkey.session.pushorderfront + Right Click – Modifier to push any order " "in front of the order queue" msgstr "" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:107 msgid "" " hotkey.session.orderone + Right Click – Order one unit from the current " "selection to move/build/gather/etc. and unselect it. Used to quickly " "dispatch units with specific tasks" msgstr " hotkey.session.orderone + briogadh deas – cuir òrdugh air aon aonad a-mhàin dhen taghadh làithreach airson gluasad/togail/cruinneachadh is msaa. agus neo-thagh e. Cleachd seo gus òrduighean airson saothraichean sònraichte a chur air aonadan gu luath" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:108 msgid "" " hotkey.session.batchtrain + Left Click when training units – Add units in " "batches (the batch size is 5 by default and can be changed in the options)" msgstr " hotkey.session.batchtrain + briogadh deas le oideachadh aonadan – cuir aonadan ris ’nan grunnan (’S e grunnan de chòignear a bhios annta a ghnàth ach gabhaidh seo atharrachadh sna roghainnean)" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:109 msgid "" " hotkey.selection.add + Left Click or Left Drag over unit on map – Add unit" " to selection" msgstr " hotkey.selection.add + briogadh clì no slaodadh thar an aonaid air a’ mhapa – cuir an t‑aonad ris an taghadh" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:110 msgid "" " hotkey.selection.remove + Left Click or Left Drag over unit on map – " "Remove unit from selection" msgstr " hotkey.selection.remove + briogadh clì no slaodadh clì thar an aonaid air a’ mhap – thoir an t‑aonad far an taghadh" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:111 msgid "" " hotkey.selection.militaryonly + Left Drag over units on map – Only select " "military units" msgstr " hotkey.selection.militaryonly + slaodadh clì thar aonadan air a’ mhapa – Na tagh ach aonadan an airm" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:112 msgid "" " hotkey.selection.nonmilitaryonly + Left Drag over units on map – Only " "select non-military units" msgstr " hotkey.selection.nonmilitaryonly + slaodadh clì thar aonadan air a’ mhapa – Na tagh aonadan an airm" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:113 msgid "" " hotkey.selection.idleonly + Left Drag over units on map – Only select idle" " units" msgstr " hotkey.selection.idleonly + slaodadh clì thar aonadan air a’ mhapa – Na tagh ach aonadan nan tàmh" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:114 msgid "" " hotkey.selection.woundedonly + Left Drag over units on map – Only select " "wounded units" msgstr " hotkey.selection.woundedonly + slaodadh clì thar aonadan air a’ mhapa – Na tagh ach aonadan leònta" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:115 msgid "" " hotkey.selection.singleselection – Modifier to select units individually, " "opposed to per formation." msgstr " hotkey.selection.singleselection – Atharraichear airson aonadan a thaghadh fa leth seach ’nan cumadh." #: gui/manual/intro.txt:116 msgid "" " Right Click with a structure(s) selected – Set a rally point for units " "created/ungarrisoned from that structure" msgstr " Briogadh deas le togalach/togalaichean air an taghadh – suidhich ceann-cruinneachaidh airson aonadan a thèid a chruthachadh san togalach ud no a dh’fhalbhas an gearastan" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:117 msgid "" " hotkey.session.garrison + Right Click with unit(s) selected – Garrison (If" " the cursor is over an own or allied structure)" msgstr " hotkey.session.garrison + briogadh deas le aonad(an) air an taghadh – Rach ’nad ghearastan (Ma tha an cùrsair os cionn togalach caidreabhach no agad fhèin)" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:118 msgid "" " hotkey.session.attack + Right Click with unit(s) selected – Attack " "(instead of another action)" msgstr "" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:119 msgid "" " hotkey.session.attackmove + Right Click with unit(s) selected – Attack " "move (by default all enemy units and structures along the way are targeted)" msgstr " hotkey.session.attackmove + briogadh deas le aonad(an) air an taghadh – Gluasad ionnsaighe (thèid amas air gach aonad ’s togalach an nàmhad air an rathad a ghnàth)" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:120 msgid "" " hotkey.session.attackmoveUnit + Right Click with unit(s) selected – Attack" " move, only units along the way are targeted" msgstr " hotkey.session.attackmoveUnit + briogadh deas le aonad(an) air an taghadh – Gluasad ionnsaighe is dha dèid amas ach air aonadan air an rathad" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:121 msgid "" " hotkey.session.capture + Right Click with unit(s) selected – Capture " "(instead of another action)" msgstr "" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:122 msgid "" " hotkey.session.snaptoedges + Mouse Move near structures – Align the new " "structure with an existing nearby structure" msgstr " hotkey.session.snaptoedges + gluasad luchaige faisg air togalaichean – Co-thaobhaich an togalach ùr le togalach eile faisg air" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:123 msgid " hotkey.session.flare + Right Click – Send a flare to your allies" msgstr " hotkey.session.flare + Briogadh deas – Cuir lasan dha na caidreabhaich agad" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:125 msgid "[font=\"sans-bold-14\"]Overlays[font=\"sans-14\"]" msgstr "[font=\"sans-bold-14\"]Tar-chòmhdachaidhean[font=\"sans-14\"]" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:126 msgid " hotkey.session.gui.toggle – Toggle the GUI" msgstr " hotkey.session.gui.toggle – Toglaich an eadar-aghaidh" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:127 msgid "" " hotkey.session.devcommands.toggle – Toggle developer overlay (with " "developer options)" msgstr " hotkey.session.devcommands.toggle – Toglaich tar-chòmhdachadh nan leasaichear (le roghainnean nan leasaichear)" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:128 msgid "" " hotkey.wireframe – Toggle wireframe mode (press once to get wireframes " "overlaid over the textured models, twice to get just the wireframes colored " "by the textures, thrice to get back to normal textured mode)" msgstr " hotkey.wireframe – Toglaich modh frèam-uèir (brùth air aon turas gus frèaman-uèir a thar-chòmhdachadh air bàrr nam modalan le innich, dà thuras gus frèaman-uèir le dathan nan inneach a-mhàin fhaighinn is trì tursan gus tilleadh dhan mhodh àbhaisteach le innich)" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:129 msgid "" " hotkey.silhouettes – Toggle unit silhouettes (might give a small " "performance boost)" msgstr " hotkey.silhouettes – Toglaich sgàil-riochdan nan aonadan (dh’fhaoidte gum faigh thu beagan dèanadais a bharrachd às)" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:130 msgid " hotkey.session.diplomacycolors – Toggle diplomacy colors" msgstr " hotkey.session.diplomacycolors – Toglaich dathan na dioplòmasachd" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:131 msgid "" " hotkey.session.toggleattackrange – Toggle attack range visualizations of " "selected units and structures" msgstr " hotkey.session.toggleattackrange – Toglaich samhlaidhean astair nan ionnsaighean airson nan aonadan is togalaichean a chaidh a thaghadh" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:132 msgid "" " hotkey.session.toggleaurasrange – Toggle aura range visualizations of " "selected units and structures" msgstr " hotkey.session.toggleaurasrange – Toglaich samhlaidhean astair nan aura airson nan aonadan is togalaichean a chaidh a thaghadh" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:133 msgid "" " hotkey.session.togglehealrange – Toggle heal range visualizations of " "selected units" msgstr " hotkey.session.togglehealrange – Toglaich samhlaidhean astair an t-slànachaidh airson nan aonadan a chaidh a thaghadh" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:135 msgid "[font=\"sans-bold-14\"]Camera manipulation[font=\"sans-14\"]" msgstr "[font=\"sans-bold-14\"]Gluasad a’ chamara[font=\"sans-14\"]" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:136 msgid " hotkey.camera.up – Pan screen up" msgstr " hotkey.camera.up – Panaich an sgrìn suas" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:137 msgid " hotkey.camera.down – Pan screen down" msgstr " hotkey.camera.down – Panaich an sgrìn sìos" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:138 msgid " hotkey.camera.left – Pan screen left" msgstr " hotkey.camera.left – Panaich an sgrìn dhan taobh chlì" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:139 msgid " hotkey.camera.right – Pan screen right" msgstr " hotkey.camera.right – Panaich an sgrìn dhan taobh deas" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:140 msgid " hotkey.camera.rotate.up – Rotate camera to look upward" msgstr " hotkey.camera.rotate.up – Cuairtich an camara a shealltainn suas" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:141 msgid " hotkey.camera.rotate.down – Rotate camera to look downward" msgstr " hotkey.camera.rotate.down – Cuairtich an camara a shealltainn sìos" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:142 msgid " hotkey.camera.rotate.cw – Rotate camera clockwise around terrain" msgstr " hotkey.camera.rotate.cw – Cuairtich an camara gu deiseil" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:143 msgid "" " hotkey.camera.rotate.ccw – Rotate camera counter-clockwise around terrain" msgstr " hotkey.camera.rotate.ccw – Cuairtich an camara gu tuathail" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:144 msgid "" " hotkey.camera.rotate.wheel.cw – Rotate camera clockwise around terrain" msgstr " hotkey.camera.rotate.wheel.cw – Cuairtich an camara gu deiseil" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:145 msgid "" " hotkey.camera.rotate.wheel.ccw – Rotate camera counter-clockwise around " "terrain" msgstr " hotkey.camera.rotate.wheel.ccw – Cuairtich an camara gu tuathail" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:146 msgid "" " hotkey.camera.follow – Follow the selected unit (move the camera to stop " "following the unit)" msgstr " hotkey.camera.follow – Lean air an aonad air a thaghadh (gluais an camara ach nach lean e air an aonad tuilleadh)" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:147 msgid " hotkey.camera.reset – Reset camera zoom and orientation" msgstr " hotkey.camera.reset – Ath-shuidhich sùm is comhair a’ chamara" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:148 msgid "" " hotkey.camera.zoom.in, hotkey.camera.zoom.wheel.in – Zoom in (keep pressed" " for continuous zoom)" msgstr " hotkey.camera.zoom.in, hotkey.camera.zoom.wheel.in – Sùm a-steach (cum sìos e airson sùmadh gu leantainneach)" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:149 msgid "" " hotkey.camera.zoom.out, hotkey.camera.zoom.wheel.out – Zoom out (keep " "pressed for continuous zoom)" msgstr " hotkey.camera.zoom.out, hotkey.camera.zoom.wheel.out – Sùm a-mach (cum sìos e airson sùmadh gu leantainneach)" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:150 msgid " hotkey.camera.pan – Keep pressed and move the mouse to pan" msgstr " hotkey.camera.pan – Cùm sìos e is gluais an luchag airson panachadh" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:152 msgid "[font=\"sans-bold-14\"]During Structure Placement[font=\"sans-14\"]" msgstr "[font=\"sans-bold-14\"]Nuair a chuireas tu togalach ris[font=\"sans-14\"]" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:153 msgid "" " hotkey.session.rotate.ccw – Rotate structure 15 degrees counter-clockwise" msgstr " hotkey.session.rotate.ccw – Cuairtich togalach gu tuathail le 15 ceuman" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:154 msgid " hotkey.session.rotate.cw – Rotate structure 15 degrees clockwise" msgstr " hotkey.session.rotate.cw – Cuairtich togalach gu deiseil le 15 ceuman" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:155 msgid "" " Left Drag – Rotate structure using mouse (foundation will be placed on " "mouse release)" msgstr " Slaod le putan clì na luchaige – Cuairtich an togalach leis an luchag (thèid a’ bhonn a shuidheachadh nuair a leigeas tu às an luchag)" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:157 msgid "[font=\"sans-bold-14\"]When loading a saved game[font=\"sans-14\"]" msgstr "[font=\"sans-bold-14\"]Nuair a luchdaicheas tu geama air a shàbhaladh[font=\"sans-14\"]" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:158 msgid " hotkey.cancel – Cancel" msgstr " hotkey.cancel – Sguir dheth" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:159 msgid "" " hotkey.session.savedgames.delete – Delete the selected saved game, ask for" " confirmation" msgstr " hotkey.session.savedgames.delete – Sguab às an geama air a shàbhaladh a thagh thu ’s thèid dearbhadh iarraidh ort" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:160 msgid "" " • With hotkey.session.savedgames.noconfirmation – Don't ask for " "confirmation" msgstr " • Le hotkey.session.savedgames.noconfirmation – Na iarr dearbhadh" #: gui/manual/manual.xml:13 msgid "Manual" msgstr "Leabhar-mìneachaidh" #: gui/manual/manual.xml:21 msgid "Close" msgstr "Dùin" #: gui/manual/manual.xml:26 msgid "View Online" msgstr "Seall air loidhne"