# Translation template for 0 A.D. — Empires Ascendant. # Copyright (C) 2024 Wildfire Games # This file is distributed under the same license as the 0 A.D. — Empires Ascendant # project. # Translators: # Beñat Irazabal, 2021 # Thadah D. Denyse, 2016 # Mielanjel Iraeta, 2017-2021 # Osoitz, 2015,2019-2020 # Stanislas Dolcini, 2021 msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: 0 A.D.\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-30 10:57+0000\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2014-06-19 17:51+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Mielanjel Iraeta, 2017-2021\n" "Language-Team: Basque (http://app.transifex.com/wildfire-games/0ad/language/eu/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Language: eu\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:1 msgid "[font=\"sans-bold-18\"]0 A.D. in-game manual[font=\"sans-14\"]" msgstr "" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:2 msgid "" "Thank you for installing 0 A.D.! This page will give a brief overview of the" " features available in this incomplete, under-development, alpha version of " "the game." msgstr "" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:4 msgid "[font=\"sans-bold-16\"]Graphics settings[font=\"sans-14\"]" msgstr "[font=\"sans-bold-16\"]Grafikoen ezarpenak[font=\"sans-14\"]" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:5 msgid "" "You can switch between fullscreen and windowed mode by pressing Alt + Enter." " In windowed mode, you can resize the window. If the game runs too slowly, " "you can change some settings in the options window: try disabling the “High-" "quality water effects” and “Shadows” options." msgstr "" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:7 msgid "[font=\"sans-bold-16\"]Playing the game[font=\"sans-14\"]" msgstr "[font=\"sans-bold-16\"]Partida jolasten[font=\"sans-14\"]" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:8 msgid "" "The controls and gameplay should be familiar to players of traditional real-" "time strategy (RTS) games. There are currently a lot of missing features and" " poorly-balanced stats – you will probably have to wait until a beta release" " for it to work well." msgstr "Kontrolak eta jolasaren dinamika arruntak izan behar dute ohiko RTS jokalarientzat. Oraintxe bertan ezaugarri piloa falta da, eta jokoa ez dago oso orekaturik. Jokoaren garapenaren zain jarri beharko duzu zuk nahi zenukeen bezala funtzionatzeko." #: gui/manual/intro.txt:10 msgid "Basic controls (by default):" msgstr "Oinarrizko kontrolak (lehensemeenez):" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:11 msgid "• Left-click to select units" msgstr "• Klik ezkerrekoarekin unitateak aukeratzeko" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:12 msgid "• Left-click-and-drag to select groups of units" msgstr "• Klik ezkerrekoarekin eta arrastatu unitate multzoak aukeratzeko" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:13 msgid "• Right-click to order units to the target" msgstr "• Klik eskumakoarekin unitateak helburu batera bideratzeko" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:14 msgid "• Arrow keys or WASD keys to move the camera" msgstr "• Kurtsore-teklak edo WASD teklak kamera mugitzeko" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:15 msgid "• Ctrl + arrow keys, or shift + mouse wheel, to rotate the camera" msgstr "• Ktrl + kurtsore-teklak, edo maius. + saguaren gurpila, kamera biratzeko" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:16 msgid "" "• Mouse wheel, or “hotkey.camera.zoom.in” and “hotkey.camera.zoom.out” keys," " to zoom" msgstr "• Saguaren gurpila, edo “hotkey.camera.zoom.in” eta “hotkey.camera.zoom.out” teklak, zooma kontrolatzeko" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:18 msgid "[font=\"sans-bold-16\"]Modes[font=\"sans-14\"]" msgstr "[font=\"sans-bold-16\"]Moduak[font=\"sans-14\"]" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:19 msgid "The main menu gives access to two game modes:" msgstr "Menu nagusiak bi joko mota jokatzeko aukera ematen du:" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:20 msgid "" "• [font=\"sans-bold-14\"]Single-player[font=\"sans-14\"] – Play a sandbox " "game or against one or more computer players (AI). The default AI (Petra) is" " under development and may not always be up to date on the new features, but" " you can play the game with or against it nonetheless." msgstr "• [font=\"sans-bold-14\"]Jokalari bakarra[font=\"sans-14\"] — Jolastu proba partida bat edo AAko aurkari bat edo gehiagoren kontra. Lehenetsitako AA (Petra) garapenean dago eta baliteke egunean ez egotea, baina bere aurka edo berarekin jolastu dezakezu berdin." #: gui/manual/intro.txt:21 msgid "" "• [font=\"sans-bold-14\"]Multiplayer[font=\"sans-14\"] – Play against human " "opponents over the internet." msgstr "• [font=\"sans-bold-14\"]Hainbat jokalari[font=\"sans-14\"] — Benetako beste jokalarien aurka jolastu internetez." #: gui/manual/intro.txt:23 msgid "" "To set up a multiplayer game, one player must select the “Host game” option." " The game uses UDP port 20595, so the host must configure their " "NAT/firewall/etc. to allow this. Other players can then select “Join game” " "and enter the host's IP address." msgstr "Hainbat jokalarientzako partida bat ezartzeko, jokalarietako batek \"Ostatatu partida bat\" aukerari eman behar lioke. Jokoak UDP 20595 ataka erabiltzen du, beraz, anfitrioiak NAT/firewall/etab. konfiguratu beharko luke sarrera emateko. Beste jokalariek \"Batu partidara\" aukeratu dezakete eta zerbitzariaren IPa sartu." #: gui/manual/intro.txt:25 msgid "[font=\"sans-bold-16\"]Game setup[font=\"sans-14\"]" msgstr "[font=\"sans-bold-16\"]Partidaren ezarpena[font=\"sans-14\"]" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:26 msgid "In a multiplayer game, only the host can alter the game setup options." msgstr "Hainbat jokalarientzako partida batean, anfitrioiak bakarrik aldatu ditzake partidaren ezarpenak." #: gui/manual/intro.txt:28 msgid "First, select what type of map you want to play:" msgstr "Lehenik, aukeratu zein mapa mota jokatu nahi duzun:" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:29 msgid "" "• [font=\"sans-bold-14\"]Random map[font=\"sans-14\"] – A map created " "automatically from a script" msgstr "• [font=\"sans-bold-14\"]Ausazko mapa[font=\"sans-14\"] — Script batek automatikoki sortutako mapa artifiziala" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:30 msgid "" "• [font=\"sans-bold-14\"]Scenario map[font=\"sans-14\"] – A map created by " "map designers and with fixed civilizations" msgstr "• [font=\"sans-bold-14\"]Jokaleku mapa[font=\"sans-14\"] — Pertsona batek sortutako mapa eta zibilizazioak ezarrita datorrena" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:31 msgid "" "• [font=\"sans-bold-14\"]Skirmish map[font=\"sans-14\"] – A map created by " "map designers but where the civilizations can be chosen" msgstr "• [font=\"sans-bold-14\"]Liskar mapa[font=\"sans-14\"] — Pertsona batek sortutako mapa non jokalaria taldea hautatzeko libre den." #: gui/manual/intro.txt:33 msgid "" "Then the maps can be further filtered. The default maps are generally " "playable maps. Naval maps are maps where not all opponents can be reached " "over land and demo maps are maps used for testing purposes (generally not " "useful to play on). The “All Maps” filter shows all maps together in one " "list." msgstr "Mapak are gehiago iragazi daitezke. Jatorrizko mapak izan ohi dira jostagarrienak. Ur mapatan etsai askorengana ezin da lurrez jo, eta demo mapak probetarako dira (orokorrean ez oso jostagarriak). «Mapa guztiak» iragazkiak mapa guztiak erakusten ditu zerrenda bakarrean." #: gui/manual/intro.txt:35 msgid "" "Finally change the settings. For random maps this includes the number of " "players, the size of a map, etc. For scenarios you can only select who " "controls which player (decides where you start on the map etc.). The options" " are either a human player, an AI or no player at all (the opponent will " "just be idle)." msgstr "Bukatzeko aldatu ezarpenak. Ausazko mapentzako jokalarien kopurua maparen tamaina, eta abar sartzen da. Jokalekuetan jokalari bakoitza nork kontrolatzen duen baino ezin duzu aukeratu (mapa non hasten zaren ezartzen du, etab). Aukerak dira: giza jokalaria, AA, edo jokalaririk ez (aurkaria egonean geratuko da)." #: gui/manual/intro.txt:37 msgid "When you are ready to start, click the “Start game” button." msgstr "Hasteko prest zaudenean, egin klik \"Hasi partida\" botoian." #: gui/manual/intro.txt:39 msgid "[font=\"sans-bold-16\"]Hotkeys[font=\"sans-14\"]" msgstr "[font=\"sans-bold-16\"]Laster-teklak:[font=\"sans-14\"]" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:40 msgid "" "You may change hotkeys in [font=\"sans-bold-14\"]Options > " "Hotkeys[font=\"sans-14\"] to suit your liking." msgstr "Laster-teklak alda ditzakezu [font=\"sans-bold-14\"] Aukerak > Laster-teklak [font=\"sans-14\"] atalean zure gustura egokitzeko." #: gui/manual/intro.txt:42 msgid "[font=\"sans-bold-14\"]Program-wide[font=\"sans-14\"]" msgstr "[font=\"sans-bold-14\"]Programa osoan[font=\"sans-14\"]" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:43 msgid "" " hotkey.exit – Immediately close the game, without asking for confirmation" msgstr "lastertekla.itxi – Jokoa unean itxi inolako baieztapenik eskatu gabe." #: gui/manual/intro.txt:44 msgid " hotkey.togglefullscreen – Toggle between fullscreen and windowed" msgstr "lastertekla.txandakatupantailaosoa – Txandakatu pantaila osoa eta leihoa artean" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:45 msgid " hotkey.console.toggle – Toggle console" msgstr "lastertekla.kontsola.erakutsi – Erakutsi kontsola" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:46 msgid " hotkey.fps.toggle – Toggle frame counter (FPS)" msgstr "lastertekla.fps.erakutsi – Erakutsi irudi zenbaketa (FPS)" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:47 msgid "" " hotkey.profile.toggle – Toggle real-time profiler (cycles through the " "displays of information)" msgstr "lastertekla.profile.erakutsi – Erakutsi denbora errealeko lan analizatzailea (informazio pantailen bidezko zikloak)" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:48 msgid "" " hotkey.profile.save – Save current profiler data to “logs/profile.txt”" msgstr "lastertekla.profila.gorde – Gorde uneko profiler datuak “logs/profile.txt” fitxategian" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:49 msgid "" " hotkey.screenshot – Take screenshot (in .png format, location is displayed" " in the top left of the GUI after the file has been saved, and can also be " "seen in the console/logs if you miss it there)" msgstr "lastertekla.pantailaargazkia – Pantaila argazkia (.png formatuan, gorde ondoren kokapena interfazearen goi ezker erpinean erakusten da, kontsola/gertakariak atalean ere ikus daiteke)" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:50 msgid "" " hotkey.bigscreenshot – Take huge screenshot (6400×4800 pixels, in .bmp " "format, location is displayed in the top left of the GUI after the file has " "been saved, and can also be seen in the console/logs if you miss it there)" msgstr "lastertekla.pantailaargazkihandia –Pantaila argazki oso handia egiten du (6400x4800, .bmp formatuan, gorde ondoren kokapena pantailaren goi eskuin iskinean erakusten da, kontsola eta gertakarietan ere ikus daiteke)" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:51 msgid " hotkey.tab.next – Switch to the next tab" msgstr "lastertekla.hurrengo.fitxa – Hurrengo fitxara mugitu" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:52 msgid " hotkey.tab.prev – Switch to the previous tab" msgstr "lastertekla.aurreko.fitxa – Aurreko fitxara mugitu" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:53 msgid " hotkey.item.next – Switch to the next item of a list" msgstr "" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:54 msgid " hotkey.item.prev – Switch to the previous item of a list" msgstr "" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:56 msgid "[font=\"sans-bold-14\"]In Game[font=\"sans-14\"]" msgstr "[font=\"sans-bold-14\"]Partidan[font=\"sans-14\"]" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:57 msgid "" " Double Left Click \\[on unit] – Select all of your units of the same kind " "on the screen (even if they're different ranks)" msgstr "Ezker klik bikoitza \\[Unitatean] – Mapan zure mota berdineko unitateak hautatzeko (maila ezberdinekoak badira ere bai)" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:58 msgid "" " Triple Left Click \\[on unit] – Select all of your units of the same kind " "and the same rank on the screen" msgstr "Ezker klik hirukoitza \\[Unitatean] – Mapan mota eta maila berdineko unitate guztiak aukeratzeko" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:59 msgid "" " Alt + Double Left Click \\[on unit] – Select all your units of the same " "kind on the entire map (even if they have different ranks)" msgstr "Alt + bitan sakatu\\[unitatean] – Aukeratu mota berdineko zure unitate guztiak mapan ( maila desberdinekoak izanda ere)" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:60 msgid "" " Alt + Triple Left Click \\[on unit] – Select all your units of the same " "kind and rank on the entire map" msgstr "Alt + Ezker klik hirukoitza \\[unitatean] – Zure maila eta mota berdineko unitate guztiak aukeratzen ditu mapan" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:61 msgid " hotkey.quicksave – Quicksave" msgstr "lastertekla.gordetzeazkarra – Gordetze azkarra" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:62 msgid " hotkey.quickload – Quickload" msgstr "lastertekla.zamatzeazkarra – Zamatze azkarra" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:63 msgid " hotkey.session.gui.menu.toggle – Toggle menu" msgstr "lastertekla.sesioa.gui.menua.txandakatu – Erakutsi menua" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:64 msgid " hotkey.timeelapsedcounter.toggle – Toggle time elapsed counter" msgstr "lastertekla.igarotakodenborakontagailua.txandakatu – Erakutsi igarotako denboraren kontagailua" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:65 msgid " hotkey.cancel – Close all dialogs (chat, menu)" msgstr "lastertekla.ezeztatu – Leiho guztiak itxi (Txata, menua)" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:66 msgid " hotkey.confirm – Open chat or send message" msgstr "lastertekla.baieztatu – Txata ireki edo mezua bidali" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:67 msgid " hotkey.teamchat – Send team chat" msgstr "lastertekla.taldekotxata – Bidali taldeko txata" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:68 msgid "" " hotkey.privatechat – Chat with the previously selected private chat " "partner" msgstr "lastertekla.txatpribatua –Hitzegin aurrez modu pribatuan hautatutako kideaz " #: gui/manual/intro.txt:69 msgid " hotkey.pause – Pause or resume the game" msgstr "lastertekla.pausatu – Jokoa pausatu edo abiarazi" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:70 msgid "" " hotkey.session.kill – Delete currently selected unit(s)/structure(s), ask " "for confirmation" msgstr "lastertekla.sesioa.hil – Ezabatu unean hautatutako unitate(ak)/egitura(k), baieztapena eskatuz." #: gui/manual/intro.txt:71 msgid "" " • With hotkey.session.noconfirmation – Immediately delete currently " "selected unit(s)/structure(s), without asking for confirmation" msgstr " • lastertekla.sesioa.baieztapenikez – Ezabatu berehala unean hautatutako unitatea(k) / egitura(k), baieztapenik eskatu gabe " #: gui/manual/intro.txt:72 msgid "" " hotkey.selection.add – Modifier – add to selection (works with clicking " "and hotkeys, e.g. the idle hotkeys)" msgstr " hotkey.selection.add – Editatu - gehitu hautapenera (klikatzean eta laster-teklekin funtzionatzen du, adibidez, inaktibo dauden laster teklak)" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:73 msgid "" " hotkey.selection.remove – Modifier – remove from selection (works with " "clicking and hotkeys, e.g. the idle hotkeys)" msgstr " hotkey.selection.remove – Editatu - kendu hautapenetik (klikatzean eta laster-teklekin funtzionatzen du, adibidez, inaktibo dauden laster teklak)" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:74 msgid "" " hotkey.selection.offscreen – Modifier – add all units, including offscreen" " units, to selection" msgstr "" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:75 msgid "" " hotkey.selection.cancel – Unselect all units, cancel building placement" msgstr "" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:76 msgid " hotkey.selection.idlebuilder – Select idle builder" msgstr "lastertekla.hautatu.egoneandagoeneraikitzailea – Hautatu egonean dagoen eraiklitzailea" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:77 msgid " hotkey.selection.idlewarrior – Select idle fighter" msgstr "lastertekla.hautapena.egoneadagoenborrokalaria – Hautatu egonean dagoen borrokalaria" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:78 msgid "" " hotkey.selection.idleworker – Select idle worker (including citizen-" "soldiers)" msgstr "lastertekla.hautapena.egoneadagoenlangilea – Hautatu egonean dagoen langilea (hiritar-soldaduak barne)" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:79 msgid " hotkey.selection.idleunit – Select idle unit" msgstr "lastertekla.hautatu.egoneandagoenunitatea – Hautatu egonean dagoen unitatea" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:80 msgid " hotkey.session.stop – Stop (halt) the currently selected units" msgstr " hotkey.session.stop – Geldiarazi hautatutako unitateak." #: gui/manual/intro.txt:81 msgid " hotkey.session.backtowork – The unit will go back to work" msgstr " hotkey.session.backtowork – Unitatea lanera itzuliko da" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:82 msgid "" " hotkey.session.unload – Unload the garrisoned units of the selected " "structure(s)" msgstr " hotkey.session.unload – Atera guardan sartutako unitateak aukeratutako egituretatik" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:83 msgid "" " hotkey.selection.group.save.1 – Create control group 1 (by default, " "respectively 2,3, ...) from the selected unit(s)/structure(s)" msgstr " hotkey.selection.group.save.1 – Sortu 1 kontrol taldea (lehenetsita, hurrenez hurren, 2,3, ...) hautatutako unitate / egituretatik abiatuta." #: gui/manual/intro.txt:84 msgid "" " hotkey.selection.group.select.1 – Select the unit(s)/structure(s) in " "control group 1" msgstr " hotkey.selection.group.select.1 – Hautatu 1 kontrol-taldeko unitateak/egiturak" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:85 msgid "" " hotkey.selection.group.add.1 – Add control group 1 (to 0) to the selected " "unit(s)/structure(s)" msgstr " hotkey.selection.group.add.1 – 1 (0 arte) kontrol taldeari aukeratutako unitate edo egiturak gehitzen dizkio" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:86 msgid "" " hotkey.camera.jump.set.1 – Mark the current camera position, for jumping " "back to later (by default, there are 4 possible positions)" msgstr " hotkey.camera.jump.set.1 – Markatu kameraren uneko kokalekua gero bertara itzultzeko (lehenetsitako 4 posizio posible daude)" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:87 msgid "" " hotkey.camera.jump.1 – Move the camera to a marked position. Jump back to " "the last location if the camera is already over the marked position" msgstr " hotkey.camera.jump.1 – Eraman kamera finkatutako posizio batera. joan aurreko kokalekura kamera posizio horretan badago." #: gui/manual/intro.txt:88 msgid "" " hotkey.session.queueunit.1, hotkey.session.queueunit.2, " "hotkey.session.queueunit.3, hotkey.session.queueunit.4, " "hotkey.session.queueunit.5, hotkey.session.queueunit.6, " "hotkey.session.queueunit.7 – With training structure selected. Add the 1st, " "2nd, … unit shown to the training queue for all the selected structures" msgstr " hotkey.session.queueunit.1, hotkey.session.queueunit.2, hotkey.session.queueunit.3, hotkey.session.queueunit.4, hotkey.session.queueunit.5, hotkey.session.queueunit.6, hotkey.session.queueunit.7 – Trebatze egitura hautatuta. Gehitu erakusten den 1., 2., ... unitatea hautatutako egitura guztietako trebatze ilaran" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:89 msgid "" " hotkey.session.highlightguarded with unit(s) selected – Highlight the " "unit(s)/structure(s) guarded by the selection" msgstr " hotkey.session.highlightguarded aukeratutako unitateekin – Aukeraketak babestutako egitura eta unitateak nabarmentzen ditu." #: gui/manual/intro.txt:90 msgid "" " hotkey.session.highlightguarding with unit(s)/structure(s) selected – " "Highlight the unit(s) guarding the selection" msgstr " hotkey.session.highlightguarding aukeratutako egitura edo unitateekin – Aukeraketa babesten duten unitateak nabarmentzen ditu ." #: gui/manual/intro.txt:91 msgid "" " highlightguarding.showstatusbars – See all status bars (which would also " "show the building progress)" msgstr " highlightguarding.showstatusbars – Ikusi egoera-barra guztiak (baita eraikitze aurrerapenak ere)" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:92 msgid " hotkey.summary – Toggle summary window" msgstr "lastertekla.laburpena – Txandakatu laburpenaren leihoa" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:93 msgid " hotkey.lobby – Show the multiplayer lobby in a dialog window" msgstr " hotkey.lobby – Erakutsi hainbat jokalarien gela elkarrizketa leihoan." #: gui/manual/intro.txt:94 msgid " hotkey.session.gui.diplomacy.toggle – Toggle in-game diplomacy panel" msgstr " hotkey.session.gui.diplomacy.toggle – Txandakatu partida barruko diplomazia panela" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:95 msgid "" " hotkey.session.gui.barter.toggle – Toggle in-game barter and trade panel" msgstr " hotkey.session.gui.barter.toggle – Aktibatu jokoaren truke eta merkataritza panela" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:96 msgid "" " hotkey.session.gui.objectives.toggle – Toggle in-game objectives panel" msgstr " hotkey.session.gui.objectives.toggle – Aktibatu jokoaren helburuen panela" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:97 msgid " hotkey.session.gui.tutorial.toggle – Toggle in-game tutorial panel" msgstr " hotkey.session.gui.tutorial.toggle – Aktibatu jokoaren tutorial panela" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:98 msgid " hotkey.structree – Toggle structure tree panel" msgstr " hotkey.structree – Txandakatu egitura-zuhaitzaren panela" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:99 msgid " hotkey.civinfo – Toggle civilization info panel" msgstr "lastertekla.zibinfo – Txandakatu zibilizazioaren informazio panela." #: gui/manual/intro.txt:101 msgid "[font=\"sans-bold-14\"]Modify mouse action[font=\"sans-14\"]" msgstr "[font=\"sans-bold-14\"]Saguaren akzioa aldatzen du[font=\"sans-14\"]" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:102 msgid " hotkey.session.garrison + Right Click on structure – Garrison" msgstr " hotkey.session.garrison + Eskuin klika egituran – Sartu guardan" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:103 msgid " hotkey.session.repair + Right Click on structure – Repair" msgstr "  hotkey.session.repair + Eskuin klika egituran – Konpondu" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:104 msgid " hotkey.session.patrol + Right Click – Patrol" msgstr "  hotkey.session.patrol + Eskuin klika – Patruilatu" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:105 msgid "" " hotkey.session.queue + Right Click – Queue the move/build/gather/etc. " "order" msgstr " hotkey.session.queue + eskuin klika – Jarri ilaran mugitu/eraiki/ustiatu/... agindua" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:106 msgid "" " hotkey.session.pushorderfront + Right Click – Modifier to push any order " "in front of the order queue" msgstr "" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:107 msgid "" " hotkey.session.orderone + Right Click – Order one unit from the current " "selection to move/build/gather/etc. and unselect it. Used to quickly " "dispatch units with specific tasks" msgstr " hotkey.session.orderone + eskuin klika – Agindu oraingo aukeraketako unitate bati mugitzea/eraikitzea/ustiatzea/... eta kendu aukeratik. Eginbide zehatzak dituzten unitateak azkar egozteko erabiltzen da." #: gui/manual/intro.txt:108 msgid "" " hotkey.session.batchtrain + Left Click when training units – Add units in " "batches (the batch size is 5 by default and can be changed in the options)" msgstr " hotkey.session.batchtrain + ezker klika unitateak trebatzean – Unitateak taldeka gehitzen ditu (taldea berez 5ekoa da eta aukeretan alda daiteke)." #: gui/manual/intro.txt:109 msgid "" " hotkey.selection.add + Left Click or Left Drag over unit on map – Add unit" " to selection" msgstr " hotkey.selection.add + ezker klika edo ezkerrarekin arrastatu mapako unitateetan – Gehitu unitatea aukeraketara" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:110 msgid "" " hotkey.selection.remove + Left Click or Left Drag over unit on map – " "Remove unit from selection" msgstr "  hotkey.selection.remove + ezker klika edo ezkerrarekin arrastatu mapako unitateetan – Kendu unitatea hautapenetik" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:111 msgid "" " hotkey.selection.militaryonly + Left Drag over units on map – Only select " "military units" msgstr " hotkey.selection.militaryonly + ezkerrarekin arrastatu mapako unitateen gainean – Aukeratu unitate militarrak soilik" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:112 msgid "" " hotkey.selection.nonmilitaryonly + Left Drag over units on map – Only " "select non-military units" msgstr " hotkey.selection.nonmilitaryonly + ezkerrarekin arrastatu mapako unitateen gainean – Hautatu unitate ez militarrak soilik" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:113 msgid "" " hotkey.selection.idleonly + Left Drag over units on map – Only select idle" " units" msgstr "  hotkey.selection.idleonly + ezkerrarekin arrastatu mapako unitateen gainean – Aukeratu aktibo ez dauden unitateak soilik" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:114 msgid "" " hotkey.selection.woundedonly + Left Drag over units on map – Only select " "wounded units" msgstr "  hotkey.selection.woundedonly + ezkerrarekin arrastatu mapako unitateen gainean – Hautatu zauritutako unitateak soilik" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:115 msgid "" " hotkey.selection.singleselection – Modifier to select units individually, " "opposed to per formation." msgstr "" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:116 msgid "" " Right Click with a structure(s) selected – Set a rally point for units " "created/ungarrisoned from that structure" msgstr "Eskuin klika egituraren bat aukeratuta dagoela – Ezarri elkartze puntua sortutako edo eraikinaren guardatik ateratako unitateentzat." #: gui/manual/intro.txt:117 msgid "" " hotkey.session.garrison + Right Click with unit(s) selected – Garrison (If" " the cursor is over an own or allied structure)" msgstr " hotkey.session.garrison + eskuin klika aukeratutako unitateekin – Babesean (kurtsorea egitura propio edo aliatu baten gainean badago)" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:118 msgid "" " hotkey.session.attack + Right Click with unit(s) selected – Attack " "(instead of another action)" msgstr "" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:119 msgid "" " hotkey.session.attackmove + Right Click with unit(s) selected – Attack " "move (by default all enemy units and structures along the way are targeted)" msgstr " hotkey.session.attackmove + eskuin klika aukeratutako unitateekin – Eraso mugimendua (modu lehenetsian, bidean dauden etsai unitate eta egitura guztietara daude zuzenduta)" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:120 msgid "" " hotkey.session.attackmoveUnit + Right Click with unit(s) selected – Attack" " move, only units along the way are targeted" msgstr " hotkey.session.attackmoveUnit + eskuin klika aukeratutako unitateekin – Mugituz eraso, bidean aurkitutako unitateak bakarrik erasotzen dira" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:121 msgid "" " hotkey.session.capture + Right Click with unit(s) selected – Capture " "(instead of another action)" msgstr "" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:122 msgid "" " hotkey.session.snaptoedges + Mouse Move near structures – Align the new " "structure with an existing nearby structure" msgstr " hotkey.session.snaptoedges + Sagua egituretatik gertu mugitu – lerrokatu egitura berria dagoeneko bertan dagoen beste batekin" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:123 msgid " hotkey.session.flare + Right Click – Send a flare to your allies" msgstr "hotkey.session.flare + Eskuin klika - Bidali distira zure aliatuetara" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:125 msgid "[font=\"sans-bold-14\"]Overlays[font=\"sans-14\"]" msgstr "[font=\"sans-bold-14\"]Geruzak[font=\"sans-14\"]" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:126 msgid " hotkey.session.gui.toggle – Toggle the GUI" msgstr " hotkey.session.gui.toggle – Txandakatu GUI" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:127 msgid "" " hotkey.session.devcommands.toggle – Toggle developer overlay (with " "developer options)" msgstr " hotkey.session.devcommands.toggle – Erakutsi garatzailearen geruza (aukera teknikoekin)" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:128 msgid "" " hotkey.wireframe – Toggle wireframe mode (press once to get wireframes " "overlaid over the textured models, twice to get just the wireframes colored " "by the textures, thrice to get back to normal textured mode)" msgstr " hotkey.wireframe – wireframe modua txandakatu (zapaldu behin wireframe gainjarriak lortzeko eredu testurentzat, bi aldiz testurak koloretutako wireframeak lortzeko, hiru aldiz testura arruntetara itzultzeko)" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:129 msgid "" " hotkey.silhouettes – Toggle unit silhouettes (might give a small " "performance boost)" msgstr " hotkey.silhouettes – Gaitu edo desgaitzen ditu unitateen siluetak (desgaitzeak errendimendua hobetu dezake)" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:130 msgid " hotkey.session.diplomacycolors – Toggle diplomacy colors" msgstr " hotkey.session.diplomacycolors – Txandakatu diplomazia kolooreak" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:131 msgid "" " hotkey.session.toggleattackrange – Toggle attack range visualizations of " "selected units and structures" msgstr " hotkey.session.toggleattackrange – Aukeratutako unitate eta egituren eraso-irismen bistaratzeak txandakatzen ditu" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:132 msgid "" " hotkey.session.toggleaurasrange – Toggle aura range visualizations of " "selected units and structures" msgstr " hotkey.session.toggleaurasrange – Aukeratutako unitate eta egituren aura-irismen bistaratzeak txandakatzen ditu" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:133 msgid "" " hotkey.session.togglehealrange – Toggle heal range visualizations of " "selected units" msgstr " hotkey.session.togglehealrange – Aukeratutako unitateen osasun-irismen bistaratzeak txandakatzen ditu" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:135 msgid "[font=\"sans-bold-14\"]Camera manipulation[font=\"sans-14\"]" msgstr "[font=\"sans-bold-14\"]Kameraren erabilera[font=\"sans-14\"]" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:136 msgid " hotkey.camera.up – Pan screen up" msgstr " hotkey.camera.up – Eraman kamera gora" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:137 msgid " hotkey.camera.down – Pan screen down" msgstr " hotkey.camera.down – Eraman kamera beheraka" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:138 msgid " hotkey.camera.left – Pan screen left" msgstr " hotkey.camera.left – Eraman kamera ezkerrera" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:139 msgid " hotkey.camera.right – Pan screen right" msgstr " hotkey.camera.right – Eraman kamera eskuinera" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:140 msgid " hotkey.camera.rotate.up – Rotate camera to look upward" msgstr " hotkey.camera.rotate.up – Kamera biratu goraka ikusteko" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:141 msgid " hotkey.camera.rotate.down – Rotate camera to look downward" msgstr " hotkey.camera.rotate.down – Kamera biratu beheraka ikusteko" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:142 msgid " hotkey.camera.rotate.cw – Rotate camera clockwise around terrain" msgstr " hotkey.camera.rotate.cw – Biratu kamera erlojuaren zentzuan" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:143 msgid "" " hotkey.camera.rotate.ccw – Rotate camera counter-clockwise around terrain" msgstr " hotkey.camera.rotate.ccw – Biratu kamera erlojuaren kontrako zentzuan lurraren inguruan" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:144 msgid "" " hotkey.camera.rotate.wheel.cw – Rotate camera clockwise around terrain" msgstr " hotkey.camera.rotate.wheel.cw – Biratu kamera erlojuaren zentzuan" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:145 msgid "" " hotkey.camera.rotate.wheel.ccw – Rotate camera counter-clockwise around " "terrain" msgstr " hotkey.camera.rotate.wheel.ccw – Biratu kamera erlojuaren kontrako zentzuan lurraren inguruan" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:146 msgid "" " hotkey.camera.follow – Follow the selected unit (move the camera to stop " "following the unit)" msgstr " hotkey.camera.follow – Jarraitu aukeratutako unitatea (mugitu kamera unitatea jarraitzeari uzteko)" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:147 msgid " hotkey.camera.reset – Reset camera zoom and orientation" msgstr " hotkey.camera.reset – Kamera bere hasierako balioetara eta norabidera eraman" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:148 msgid "" " hotkey.camera.zoom.in, hotkey.camera.zoom.wheel.in – Zoom in (keep pressed" " for continuous zoom)" msgstr " hotkey.camera.zoom.in, hotkey.camera.zoom.wheel.in – Kamera lurrera gerturatu (Jarraitu sakatzen polikiago egiteko)" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:149 msgid "" " hotkey.camera.zoom.out, hotkey.camera.zoom.wheel.out – Zoom out (keep " "pressed for continuous zoom)" msgstr " hotkey.camera.zoom.out, hotkey.camera.zoom.wheel.out – Kamera lurretik urrundu (Jarraitu sakatzen polikiago egiteko)" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:150 msgid " hotkey.camera.pan – Keep pressed and move the mouse to pan" msgstr " hotkey.camera.pan – Mantendu sakatuta eta mugitu sagua kamera mugitzeko" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:152 msgid "[font=\"sans-bold-14\"]During Structure Placement[font=\"sans-14\"]" msgstr "[font=\"sans-bold-14\"]Egitura kokatu bitartean[font=\"sans-14\"]" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:153 msgid "" " hotkey.session.rotate.ccw – Rotate structure 15 degrees counter-clockwise" msgstr " hotkey.session.rotate.ccw – Biratu egitura 15 gradu erlojuaren kontrako norabidean " #: gui/manual/intro.txt:154 msgid " hotkey.session.rotate.cw – Rotate structure 15 degrees clockwise" msgstr " hotkey.session.rotate.cw – Biratu egitura 15 gradu erlojuaren norabidean " #: gui/manual/intro.txt:155 msgid "" " Left Drag – Rotate structure using mouse (foundation will be placed on " "mouse release)" msgstr "Ezker botoiaz arrastatu – Biratu egitura sagua erabiliz (oinarriak botoia askatzean kokatuko dira)" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:157 msgid "[font=\"sans-bold-14\"]When loading a saved game[font=\"sans-14\"]" msgstr "[font=\"sans-bold-14\"]Gordetako jokoa bat kargatzean[font=\"sans-14\"]" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:158 msgid " hotkey.cancel – Cancel" msgstr " hotkey.cancel – Utzi" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:159 msgid "" " hotkey.session.savedgames.delete – Delete the selected saved game, ask for" " confirmation" msgstr " hotkey.session.savedgames.delete – Gordetako partida ezabatzen da baieztapena eskatuz" #: gui/manual/intro.txt:160 msgid "" " • With hotkey.session.savedgames.noconfirmation – Don't ask for " "confirmation" msgstr " • hotkey.session.savedgames.noconfirmation -kin – Ez eskatu baieztapenik" #: gui/manual/manual.xml:13 msgid "Manual" msgstr "Gidaliburua" #: gui/manual/manual.xml:21 msgid "Close" msgstr "Itxi" #: gui/manual/manual.xml:26 msgid "View Online" msgstr "Ikusi sarean"