# Translation template for 0 A.D. — Empires Ascendant. # Copyright (C) 2024 Wildfire Games # This file is distributed under the same license as the 0 A.D. — Empires Ascendant # project. # Translators: # Adrià Palouzié, 2018 # Albert F., 2017-2019 # Catalanoic, 2016 # Esteve Blanch Sanmartí, 2020 # Francesc Saló, 2015 # José Verdú Díaz, 2017 # juan Aragó, 2018 # Marc Masip Compte, 2017 # Marc Miró, 2017 # Haommin, 2014-2016,2020-2021 msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: 0 A.D.\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2024-08-16 07:09+0000\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2014-06-19 17:52+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Haommin, 2014-2016,2020-2021\n" "Language-Team: Catalan (http://app.transifex.com/wildfire-games/0ad/language/ca/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Language: ca\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" #: maps/random/aegean_sea.json msgid "Aegean Sea" msgstr "Mar Egeu" #: maps/random/aegean_sea.json msgid "Players start on two sides of a sea with scattered islands." msgstr "Els jugadors comencen als dos costats d'un mar amb illes disperses." #: maps/random/african_plains.json msgid "African Plains" msgstr "Planures africanes" #: maps/random/african_plains.json msgid "" "The central region of the vast continent of Africa, birthplace of humanity. " "Players start in a lush area teeming with vegetation and wildlife." msgstr "La regió central del vast continent d'Àfrica, bressol de la humanitat. Els jugadors comencen en una zona frondosa, amb una rica fauna i flora." #: maps/random/alpine_lakes.json msgid "Alpine Lakes" msgstr "Llacs alpins" #: maps/random/alpine_lakes.json msgid "" "High Alpine mountains surrounding deep valleys strung with mountain streams " "and finger-like lakes." msgstr "Muntanyes altes alpines que envolten valls profundes travessades per rieres de muntanya i llacs en forma de dits." #: maps/random/alpine_valley.json msgid "Alpine Valley" msgstr "Vall alpina" #: maps/random/alpine_valley.json msgid "High Alpine mountains bordering deep valleys." msgstr "Muntanyes altes alpines que voregen valls profundes." #: maps/random/ambush.json msgid "Ambush" msgstr "Emboscada" #: maps/random/ambush.json msgid "" "High bluffs overlook the terrain below. Bountiful resources await on the " "cliffs, but beware of enemies planning an ambush." msgstr "Grans penya-segats dominen el terreny inferior. Un munt de recursos esperen a les roques, però cal anar amb compte amb possibles emboscades." #: maps/random/anatolian_plateau.json msgid "Anatolian Plateau" msgstr "Altiplà d'Anatòlia" #: maps/random/anatolian_plateau.json msgid "" "An indefensible open land with little wood and stone, representing the " "central basin of Asia Minor." msgstr "Una terra oberta indefensable amb poca fusta i pedra, que representa la conca central de l'Àsia Menor." #: maps/random/archipelago.json msgid "Archipelago" msgstr "Arxipèlag" #: maps/random/archipelago.json msgid "" "A maze of islands of different sizes and shapes. Players start with more " "wood than normal." msgstr "Un laberint d'illes de diferents mides i formes. Els jugadors comencen amb més fusta del normal." #: maps/random/arctic_summer.json msgid "Arctic Summer" msgstr "Estiu àrtic" #: maps/random/arctic_summer.json msgid "" "Summer has arrived to the cold regions of the north and with it have many " "animals, profiting from its milder climate. Wolves, ever present, have shed " "their winter clothes; deer, hares and muskox populate the plains. The last " "traces of winter are rapidly disappearing, only to reappear very soon." msgstr "L'estiu ha arribat a les regions fredes del nord, i amb ell molts animals que aprofiten el clima més suau. Els llops, sempre presents, han deixat els abrics d'hivern, i els cérvols, llebres i bous mesquers s'estenen per les planes. L'hivern se'n va, però tornarà ben aviat." #: maps/random/ardennes_forest.json msgid "Ardennes Forest" msgstr "Bosc de les Ardenes" #: maps/random/ardennes_forest.json msgid "" "Each player starts deep in the forest.\n" "\n" "The Ardennes is a region of extensive forests, rolling hills and ridges formed within the Givetian Ardennes mountain range, primarily in modern day Belgium and Luxembourg. The region took its name from the ancient Silva, a vast forest in Roman times called Arduenna Silva." msgstr "" #: maps/random/atlas_mountains.json msgid "Atlas Mountains" msgstr "Serralada de l'Atles" #: maps/random/atlas_mountains.json msgid "" "A rugged land with small room for buildings with scarce wood. Represents the" " mountain range in the Northwest Africa." msgstr "Una terra escarpada amb poc espai per als edificis i fusta escassa. Representa la serralada del nord-oest d'Àfrica." #: maps/random/bahrain.json msgid "Bahrain" msgstr "Bahrain" #: maps/random/bahrain.json msgid "" "Bahrain, centre of the Dilmun civilization which fell in 800 BC, was in turn" " controlled by Sumerians, Assyrians, Babylonians, Persians and other later " "peoples. An island strategically placed in the Sinus Persicus (Persian Gulf)" " and also centre of pearl trading due to its magnificent pearl fisheries, " "Bahrain is never left unoccupied for long. But now, with the previous " "occupants gone, the land prepares for war. Will you be the next Ruler of " "Bahrain?" msgstr "" #: maps/random/belgian_uplands.json msgid "Belgian Uplands" msgstr "Altiplans belgues" #: maps/random/belgian_uplands.json msgid "" "An experimental map with its heightmap generated by erosion to look more " "natural. Not all seeds will be fair though! Tiny maps with 8 players may " "take a while to generate." msgstr "Un mapa experimental amb el mapa d'alçada generat per erosió per donar-li un aspecte més natural. Però no tots els inicis seran justos! Els mapes minúsculs amb 8 jugadors poden trigar una mica a generar-se." #: maps/random/botswanan_haven.json msgid "Botswanan Haven" msgstr "Paradís de Botswana" #: maps/random/botswanan_haven.json msgid "" "Botswanan Africa during the wet season, a land which was arid and " "inhospitable just weeks before has come to life totally transformed. Herds " "of zebras graze amid the tall, lush grasses in which lions lie waiting, " "while in the shallow pools lurk fearsome crocodiles." msgstr "Botswana durant l'estació humida. Una terra àrida i inhòspita fa només unes setmanes ara ha tornat a la vida, completament transformada. Ramats de zebres pasturen entre les herbes altes i tupides on esperen els lleons, mentre a les aigües poc profundes aguaiten els cocodrils." #: maps/random/caledonian_meadows.json msgid "Caledonian Meadows" msgstr "Prats caledonis" #: maps/random/caledonian_meadows.json msgid "" "Fertile lands surrounded by harsh terrain.\n" "Remains of recent snowfalls still haunt the forests, and torrential rivers from the snowmelt have barely died away.\n" "Aiming at a realistic terrain, this map might not always be balanced." msgstr "Terres fèrtils envoltades per terrenys abruptes.\nAls boscos encara hi ha restes de les nevades recents, i els rius torrencials de neu fosa acaben de callar.\nCreat amb l'objectiu d'obtenir un terreny realista, potser aquest mapa no està del tot equilibrat." #: maps/random/cantabrian_highlands.json msgid "Cantabrian Highlands" msgstr "Serra càntabra" #: maps/random/cantabrian_highlands.json msgid "" "Each player starts on a hill surrounded by steep cliffs. Inspired by " "Cantabria, a mountainous region in the north of the Iberian peninsula." msgstr "" #: maps/random/canyon.json msgid "Canyon" msgstr "Canyó" #: maps/random/canyon.json msgid "Players start around the map in deep canyons." msgstr "Els jugadors comencen a les vores del mapa en gorges profundes." #: maps/random/continent.json maps/random/unknown.json msgid "Continent" msgstr "Continent" #: maps/random/continent.json maps/random/unknown.json msgid "All players starts on a continent surrounded by water." msgstr "Tots els jugadors comencen en un continent envoltat d'aigua." #: maps/random/corinthian_isthmus.json msgid "Corinthian Isthmus" msgstr "Istme de Corint" #: maps/random/corinthian_isthmus.json msgid "" "Two land masses connected by a narrow spit of land, called an 'Isthmus', " "inspired by the eponymous area in Greece. Most of the stone on the map is in" " the isthmus itself, making it vital to fight for its control." msgstr "" #: maps/random/corsica.json msgid "Corsica vs Sardinia" msgstr "Còrsega contra Sardenya" #: maps/random/corsica.json msgid "" "The players start on two opposing islands, both with a very jagged relief " "that will make landing difficult." msgstr "Els jugadors comencen en dues illes encarades, les dues amb un relleu molt irregular que fa difícil desembarcar-hi." #: maps/random/cycladic_archipelago.json msgid "Cycladic Archipelago" msgstr "Arxipèlag ciclàdic" #: maps/random/cycladic_archipelago.json msgid "" "Each player starts on an island surrounded by water.\n" "\n" "The Cyclades is an island group in the Aegean Sea, south-east of the mainland of Greece. They are one of the island groups which constitute the Aegean archipelago. The name refers to the islands around the sacred island of Delos. The Cyclades comprise about 220 islands. The islands are peaks of a submerged mountainous terrain, with the exception of two volcanic islands, Milos and Santorini. The climate is generally dry and mild, but with the exception of Naxos the soil is not very fertile." msgstr "Cada jugador comença en una illa.\n\nLes Cíclades són un grup d'illes del mar Egeu, al sud-est de la Grècia continental. Són un dels grups d'illes que formen l'arxipèlag de l'Egeu. El nom fa referència a les illes del voltant de l'illa sagrada de Delos. Les Cíclades comprenen unes 220 illes, que són els cims d'un massís muntanyós submergit, amb l'excepció de dues illes volcàniques, Melos i Santorí. El clima és generalment sec i suau, però a part de l'illa de Naxos, el sòl no és gaire fèrtil." #: maps/random/danubius.json msgid "Danubius" msgstr "Danubi" #: maps/random/danubius.json msgid "" "Players start along the banks of the river Danube in the period following " "the expansion into Pannonia by the Celtic Boii tribe. Seeking to consolidate" " their hold on this land, celtic reinforcements have been sent to root out " "the remaining foreign cultures. Players not only have to vie for power " "amongst themselves, but also beat back these ruthless invaders. Ultimately, " "the Boii were defeated by the rising power of the Dacians, hence leading to " "the reemergence of the Geto-Dacian Confederation under King Burebista." msgstr "Els jugadors comencen a la riba del riu Danubi després de l'ocupació de Pannònia per part de la tribu celta dels bois. Amb l'objectiu de consolidar el seu poder a la zona, els celtes han enviat reforços per desterrar les cultures estrangeres restants. Els jugadors no només han de competir entre ells pel poder, sinó també vèncer aquests despietats invasors. Finalment els bois van ser derrotats pel poder creixent dels dacis, que va permetre el resorgiment de la confederació getodàcia sota el regnat del rei Burebista." #: maps/random/danubius.json msgid "Day" msgstr "Dia" #: maps/random/danubius.json msgid "Bright daylight illuminates the scene." msgstr "La llum intensa del dia il·lumina l'escena." #: maps/random/danubius.json msgid "Night" msgstr "Nit" #: maps/random/danubius.json msgid "Attackers are covered by the darkness of the night." msgstr "Els atacants estan coberts per la foscor de la nit." #: maps/random/deep_forest.json msgid "Deep Forest" msgstr "Bosc espès" #: maps/random/deep_forest.json msgid "A deep dark forest in Germania." msgstr "Un bosc fosc i espès de Germània." #: maps/random/dodecanese.json msgid "Dodecanese" msgstr "Dodecanès" #: maps/random/dodecanese.json msgid "" "Controlling access to the Aegean Sea from the east, the Dodecanese have been" " subject to numerous yet short-lived invasions. Ultimately consolidating " "power with Rhodes at their lead, these islands developed into great " "maritime, commercial and cultural centers. Will you achieve the same?" msgstr "" #: maps/random/elephantine.json msgid "Elephantine" msgstr "Elefantina" #: maps/random/elephantine.json msgid "" "Forming the traditional frontier between ancient Kush and Egypt, the " "fortified Island of Elephantine was situated on the Nile River at the first " "cataract. As the border between Upper Egypt and Lower Nubia, Elephantine " "became an important way-station for the trade in ivory and other goods. It " "was considered to be the home of the god Khnum, guardian of the source of " "the Nile, and boasted an impressive temple complex." msgstr "Formant la frontera tradicional entre l'antic Cuix i Egipte, l'illa fortificada d'Elefantina estava situada al riu Nil, a la primera cascada. Com a frontera entre l'Alt Egipte i la Baixa Núbia, Elefantina es va convertir en una parada important a les rutes comercials d'ivori i altres béns. Es considerava la llar del déu Khnum, guardià de la font del Nil, i tenia un impressionant complex de temples." #: maps/random/empire.json msgid "Empire" msgstr "Imperi" #: maps/random/empire.json msgid "" "A neighboring province has pledged alegiance to your rule. It's up to you to command them to victory.\n" "[color=\"yellow\"]Caution! If nomad mode is disabled, each player will start with two civic centers.[/color]" msgstr "" #: maps/random/english_channel.json msgid "English Channel" msgstr "Canal de la Mànega" #: maps/random/english_channel.json msgid "" "Players start in either northern France or southern Britain while the " "English channel separates them." msgstr "Els jugadors comencen al nord de França o al sud de la Gran Bretanya, separats pel canal de la Mànega." #: maps/random/extinct_volcano.json msgid "Extinct Volcano" msgstr "Volcà extingit" #: maps/random/extinct_volcano.json msgid "" "[color=\"red\"]IMPORTANT NOTE: AI PLAYERS DO NOT WORK WITH THIS MAP[/color]\n" "\n" "A once fertile valley, desolated by the eruption of the long-dormant volcano in the heart of the region. Following years of empty, scorched deadness, signs of life started reappearing and spreading. Now the land is half-way to the full lushness of its former era. Alas, it is not to be: following a long stretch of drought, interminable rains have set in in the higher regions to the north. Water levels are rising at drastic levels, slowly forcing players to seek the high ground of the lesser, extinct volcanoes or the now again dormant great cone." msgstr "[color=\"red\"]NOTA IMPORTANT: LA IA NO FUNCIONA EN AQUEST MAPA[/color]\n\nUna vall abans fèrtil, desolada per l'erupció del volcà llargament inactiu al cor de la regió. Després de molts anys, aquest ermot calcinat està tornant a mostrar signes de vida. Ara, la terra està a mig camí de la seva exuberància passada. Per desgràcia, no hi arribarà: després d'un llarg període de sequera, pluges interminables arrasen les terres altes del nord. Els nivells d'aigua augmenten de manera dràstica, obligant lentament els jugadors a buscar el sòl elevat dels volcans extints menors o el gran con, ara inactiu de nou." #: maps/random/extinct_volcano_triggers.js:59 msgid "It keeps on raining, we will have to evacuate soon!" msgstr "Continua plovent, haurem d'evacuar aviat!" #: maps/random/extinct_volcano_triggers.js:60 msgid "The rivers are standing high, we need to find a safe place!" msgstr "Els rius estan pujant, hem de trobar un lloc segur!" #: maps/random/extinct_volcano_triggers.js:61 msgid "We have to find dry ground, our lands will drown soon!" msgstr "Hem de trobar terra ferma, les nostres terres s'inundaran aviat!" #: maps/random/extinct_volcano_triggers.js:62 msgid "The lakes start swallowing the land, we have to find shelter!" msgstr "Els llacs comencen a engolir la terra, hem de trobar refugi!" #: maps/random/fields_of_meroe.json msgid "Fields of Meroë" msgstr "Camps de Meroe" #: maps/random/fields_of_meroe.json msgid "" "The “Island of Meroë”, a vast peninsula flanked by the Nile and Atbarah " "rivers, formed the heartland of ancient Kush. Where the harsh deserts start " "making way for the semi-arid savannahs and small acacia forests dot the " "landscape. The area is rich in resources and the ever-present Nile brings " "life, but grave threats loom on the opposite riverbank." msgstr "" #: maps/random/flood.json msgid "Flood" msgstr "Inundació" #: maps/random/flood.json msgid "" "[color=\"red\"]IMPORTANT NOTE: AI PLAYERS DON'T WORK WITH RISING WATER[/color]\n" "\n" "A great flood moves across the valley. At some point you have to evacuate your units and use ships to reach the mainland and the other players." msgstr "" #: maps/random/flood.json msgid "Rising" msgstr "" #: maps/random/flood.json msgid "The water rises. The homeislands will become uninhabitable." msgstr "" #: maps/random/flood.json msgid "Shallow" msgstr "" #: maps/random/flood.json msgid "" "The water doesn't rise. Ships and troops can battle in chest deep waters." msgstr "" #: maps/random/flood.json msgid "Deep" msgstr "" #: maps/random/flood.json msgid "" "The water doesn't rise. You have to use ships to travel to the mainland." msgstr "" #: maps/random/flood_triggers.js:11 msgid "" "The flood continues. Soon the waters will swallow the land. You should " "evacuate the units." msgstr "" #: maps/random/fortress.json msgid "Fortress" msgstr "Fortalesa" #: maps/random/fortress.json msgid "Players start in a ready-made fortress with piles of resources." msgstr "Els jugadors comencen en una fortalesa ja construïda amb piles de recursos." #: maps/random/frontier.json msgid "Frontier" msgstr "Frontera" #: maps/random/frontier.json msgid "A wild, unknown landscape awaits rival explorers." msgstr "Una terra salvatge i desconeguda espera els exploradors rivals." #: maps/random/gear.json msgid "Gear" msgstr "Engranatge" #: maps/random/gear.json msgid "A land with waterways decorated in a manner similar to spider web." msgstr "Una terra decorada amb vies fluvials de manera semblant a una teranyina." #: maps/random/guadalquivir_river.json msgid "Guadalquivir River" msgstr "Riu Guadalquivir" #: maps/random/guadalquivir_river.json msgid "" "Players start in the shores of the Mediterranean Sea with a river flowing between them.\n" "\n" "The Guadalquivir is the fifth longest river in the Iberian peninsula and the second longest river with its entire length in Spain. The Guadalquivir river is the only great navigable river in Spain. Currently it is navigable to Seville, but in Roman times it was navigable to Cordoba. The ancient city of Tartessos was said to have been located at the mouth of the Guadalquivir, although its site has not yet been found." msgstr "Els jugadors comencen a la costa mediterrània separats per un riu.\n\nEl Guadalquivir és el cinquè riu més llarg de la península Ibèrica i el segon més llarg que té tot el seu curs a Espanya. El Guadalquivir és l'únic gran riu navegable d'Espanya. En l'actualitat és navegable fins a Sevilla, però en temps romans ho era fins a Còrdova. Es creu que l'antiga ciutat de Tartessos es trobava a la desembocadura del Guadalquivir, però no s'han trobat les seves ruïnes." #: maps/random/gulf_of_bothnia.json msgid "Gulf of Bothnia" msgstr "Golf de Bòtnia" #: maps/random/gulf_of_bothnia.json msgid "" "Players start around a gulf dotted with small islands.\n" "\n" "The Gulf of Bothnia is the northernmost arm of the Baltic Sea." msgstr "Els jugadors comencen al voltant d'un golf esquitxat d'illetes.\n\nEl golf de Bòtnia és el braç més septentrional del mar Bàltic." #: maps/random/harbor.json msgid "Harbor" msgstr "Port" #: maps/random/harbor.json msgid "" "Players start with some light fishing opportunities in the calm waters of a " "sheltered harbor. A large bounty of seafood lays beyond the protective " "cliffs in the deep ocean. Small passages at the base of the cliffs make for " "tight fighting and easy fortification. Will you fight your way through the " "narrow passageways or take to the sea?" msgstr "Els jugadors comencen amb alguns petits punts de pesca a les aigües tranquil·les d'un port protegit. Fora dels penya-segats protectors, a mar obert, hi ha peixos en abundància. Al peu dels penya-segats hi ha passos estrets fàcilment fortificables. Us obrireu camí pels estrets passatges o prendreu el mar?" #: maps/random/hellas.json msgid "Hellas" msgstr "Hellas" #: maps/random/hellas.json msgid "" "Hellas, home to the Greeks and through them birthplace to the foundation of " "western civilization. Yet the land lacks unity, countless city-states vie " "for dominance. Will you lead your polis to glory and greatness or see it " "fall into oblivion, erased from the histories?" msgstr "Hellas, llar dels grecs i a través d'ells el lloc de naixement de la civilització occidental. Tanmateix, la terra manca d'unitat i un gran nombre de ciutats-estat rivalitza pel domini. Conduireu la vostra polis a la glòria i la grandesa o la veureu caure en l'oblit, esborrada de les històries?" #: maps/random/hells_pass.json msgid "Hell's Pass" msgstr "Pas de l'infern" #: maps/random/hells_pass.json msgid "" "A narrow pass between steep mountains promotes tight, defensive combat. With" " bountiful resources far from the front lines, teams may choose to support " "their exposed teammates financially, or retreat to more fertile, but less " "defensible ground." msgstr "Un pas estret entre muntanyes escarpades promou un combat intens i defensiu. Amb recursos abundants lluny de la línia del front, els equips poden optar per donar suport econòmic als seus aliats exposats o retirar-se a terrenys més fèrtils, però menys defensables." #: maps/random/hyrcanian_shores.json msgid "Hyrcanian Shores" msgstr "Costes hircànies" #: maps/random/hyrcanian_shores.json msgid "" "Each player starts in a coastal area between forested hills and the Sea. " "Inspired by the southern regions of the Caspian Sea known in Antiquity as " "Hyrcania." msgstr "" #: maps/random/india.json msgid "India" msgstr "Índia" #: maps/random/india.json msgid "" "Central India just before the monsoon season - a parched land awaits the " "life-bringing rain which is already two months late. Due to the extended " "dryness and scorching heat, only the largest lake remains. The hardy trees " "which have survived the climate are spread out, yet not too scarce." msgstr "La zona central de l'Índia just abans de l'època de monsons - una terra resseca espera la pluja que ja fa dos mesos tard. A causa de la sequera i la calor abrusadora, només el llac més gran s'ha mantingut. Els arbres resistents que han sobreviscut al clima estan dispersos, però no són escassos." #: maps/random/island_stronghold.json msgid "Island Stronghold" msgstr "Bastió de l'illa" #: maps/random/island_stronghold.json msgid "" "Teams start off with nearly adjacent civic centers on a small island, " "offering a fortified base from which to expand." msgstr "Els equips comencen en centres cívics molt propers en una illa petita, que ofereix una base fortificada per ampliar." #: maps/random/islands.json msgid "Islands" msgstr "Illes" #: maps/random/islands.json msgid "Players start in small islands while there are many others around." msgstr "Els jugadors comencen en illes petites i hi ha moltes altres illes." #: maps/random/jebel_barkal.json msgid "Jebel Barkal" msgstr "Gebel Barkal" #: maps/random/jebel_barkal.json msgid "" "Starting near the fertile banks of the Nile, the players besiege the heavily" " defended city Napata, which lies at the foot of the hill Jebel Barkal, the " "“Pure Mountain”. It is the southern home of Amun and, according to Kushites " "and Egyptians alike, the birthplace of man. Known as the “Throne of the Two " "Lands”, the ancient religious capital of Napata lay in its shadow. This is " "where kings were made – and unmade! Abutting a rich floodplain downstream " "from the Fourth Cataract, this area became the breadbasket of ancient Kush." msgstr "" #: maps/random/jebel_barkal_triggers.js:605 msgid "Napata is attacking!" msgstr "Napata està atacant!" #: maps/random/jebel_barkal_triggers.js:615 #, javascript-format msgid "Napata will attack in %(time)s!" msgstr "Napata atacarà en %(time)s!" #: maps/random/kerala.json msgid "Kerala" msgstr "Kerala" #: maps/random/kerala.json msgid "" "Players start in the southwestern shores of India between a sea and " "mountains." msgstr "Els jugadors comencen a la costa sud-oest de l'Índia, entre el mar i les muntanyes." #: maps/random/lake.json msgid "Lake" msgstr "Llac" #: maps/random/lake.json msgid "Players start around a lake in the center of the map." msgstr "Els jugadors comencen vorejant un llac al centre del mapa." #: maps/random/latium.json msgid "Latium" msgstr "Laci" #: maps/random/latium.json msgid "" "The Italian peninsula \n" "\n" " Latium is the region of central western Italy in which the city of Rome was founded and grew to be the capital city of the Roman Empire. Latium was originally a small triangle of fertile, volcanic soil on which resided the tribe of the Latins. It was located on the left bank (east and south) of the Tiber river, extending northward to the Anio river (a left-bank tributary of the Tiber) and southeastward to the Pomptina Palus (Pontine Marshes, now the Pontine Fields) as far south as the Circeian promontory. The right bank of the Tiber was occupied by the Etruscan city of Veii, and the other borders were occupied by Italic tribes. Subsequently Rome defeated Veii and then its Italic neighbors, expanding Latium to the Apennine Mountains in the northeast and to the opposite end of the marsh in the southeast. The modern descendant, the Italian Regione of Lazio, also called Latium in Latin, and occasionally in modern English, is somewhat larger still, but not as much as double the original Latium." msgstr "La península Itàlica\n\nEl Laci és la regió de la Itàlia centre-occidental on es va fundar la ciutat de Roma, que va créixer per convertir-se en capital de l'Imperi Romà. El Laci originalment era un triangle petit de sòl volcànic fèrtil on vivia la tribu dels llatins. Es trobava a la riba esquerra (est i sud) del riu Tíber i s'estenia cap al nord fins al riu Anio (un afluent de la banda esquerra del Tíber) i cap al sud-est fins a Pomptina Palus (Aiguamolls Pontins, actualment Camps Pontins), acabant al sud al promontori Circeu. La riba dreta del Tíber estava ocupada per la ciutat etrusca de Veïs, i les altres fronteres, per tribus itàliques. Més tard Roma va derrotar Veïs i els seus veïns itàlics, expandint el Laci fins als Apenins al nord-est i fins a l'altra banda dels aiguamolls al sud-est. L'actual Regione italiana del Lazio és una mica més gran, però no arriba al doble del Laci original." #: maps/random/lions_den.json msgid "Lion's Den" msgstr "Cau del lleó" #: maps/random/lions_den.json msgid "" "High cliffs protect each player's main base. Venturing into the unknown can " "be risky, but necessary." msgstr "Els penya-segats protegeixen la base principals de cada jugador. Aventurar-se en terres desconegudes és arriscat, però necessari." #: maps/random/lorraine_plain.json msgid "Lorraine Plain" msgstr "Plana de Lorena" #: maps/random/lorraine_plain.json msgid "" "Players start in a nearly flat Gallic plain divided by a river and its " "tributaries." msgstr "Els jugadors comencen en una plana gal·la dividida per un riu i els seus afluents." #: maps/random/lower_nubia.json msgid "Lower Nubia" msgstr "Baixa Núbia" #: maps/random/lower_nubia.json msgid "" "Known in the Greco-Roman world as the Triakontaschoinos, Lower Nubia was the" " area between the first and second cataracts of the Nile and formed the " "traditional border region between Kush and Egypt. The scorching desert, " "steep valleys and towering cliffs of the area make this an inhospitable " "place to live, but the control of this ancient corridor was vital for any " "power seeking to control the lucrative trade routes on the Nile and affords " "access to the rich goldfields of the Nubian desert." msgstr "Conegut al món grecoromà com el Triakontaschoinos, el Wawat o Baixa Núbia era l'àrea entre la primera i la segona cascada del Nil i formava la regió fronterera tradicional entre Cuix i Egipte. El desert abrasador, les valls costerudes i els penya-segats elevats de la zona fan d'aquest un lloc inhòspit per viure, però el control d'aquest antic corredor era vital per dominar les lucratives rutes comercials del Nil i accedir als rics camps d'or del desert nubi." #: maps/random/mainland.json maps/random/unknown.json msgid "Mainland" msgstr "Interior" #: maps/random/mainland.json maps/random/unknown.json msgid "A typical map without any water." msgstr "Un mapa típic sense aigua." #: maps/random/marmara.json msgid "Marmara" msgstr "Màrmara" #: maps/random/marmara.json msgid "" "The Propontis (Sea of Marmara) connects the Pontus Euxinus (Black Sea) to " "the Aegean Sea, and seperates Asia Minor from Thrace. To the south-west lies" " the Hellespont (Dardanelles), at the entrance of which the ancient city of " "Ilium (Troy) once stood. To the north-east lies the Bosporus Thraciae " "(Bosporus strait) where in time the Greek city of Byzantium would be " "founded, later to become the capital of the great Byzantine Empire under the" " new name of Constantinople. Players start on fertile land with adequate " "resources." msgstr "El Propontis (Mar de Màrmara) connecta el Pontus Euxinus (Mar Negra) amb el mar Egeu, i separa l'Àsia Menor de Tràcia. Al sud-oest es troba l'estret de l'Hel·lespont (Dardanels), a l'entrada del qual hi havia l'antiga ciutat de Troia. Al nord-est es troba el Bosporus Thraciae (estret del Bòsfor) on més tard es va fundar la ciutat grega de Bizanci, la futura capital del gran Imperi Bizantí sota el nom de Constantinoble. Els jugadors comencen en terra fèrtil, amb els recursos necessaris." #: maps/random/mediterranean.json msgid "Mediterranean" msgstr "Mediterrani" #: maps/random/mediterranean.json msgid "" "The Mediterranean, home to the Phoenicians, Greeks, Egyptians and later on " "Romans. They took the rudimentary knowledge and principles of organisation " "from Mesopotamia and forged it into something more, thereby shifting the " "centre of learning and knowledge to the Mediterranean Coast, thus laying the" " foundations of civilization as we know it today. The Mediterranean Sea is " "almost completely enclosed by land: on the north by Gallia Transalpina " "(Transalpine Gaul), Italia, Greece (Graecia) and Anatolia, on the east by " "Syria, on the south by Libya and Mauritania, and on the west by Iberia. The " "name Mediterranean is derived from Latin, but the Romans themselves " "preferred the term 'Mare Internum' or even 'Mare Nostrum'." msgstr "La Mediterrània, la llar dels fenicis, grecs, egipcis i més tard els romans. Aquestes cultures van convertir els rudimentaris coneixements i principis d'organització de Mesopotàmia en quelcom més, desplaçant el centre del desenvolupament cultural cap a la costa mediterrània, i establint els fonaments de la civilització actual. El mar Mediterrani està gairebé completament envoltat per terra: pel nord hi ha la Gàl·lia Transalpina, Itàlia, Grècia i Anatòlia; a l'est Síria; al sud Líbia i Mauritània, i a l'oest Ibèria. El nom de la Mediterrània deriva del llatí, però els propis romans van preferir el terme \"Mare Internum\" o fins i tot \"Mare Nostrum\"." #: maps/random/migration.json msgid "" "Players start in small islands in the eastern part of the map. There is a " "big continent in the west ready for expansion." msgstr "Els jugadors comencen en petites illes a la part oriental del mapa. Hi ha un gran continent a l'oest preparat per a l'expansió." #: maps/random/migration.json maps/scenarios/migration.xml:26 msgid "Migration" msgstr "Migració" #: maps/random/neareastern_badlands.json msgid "Neareastern Badlands" msgstr "Erms del Pròxim Orient" #: maps/random/neareastern_badlands.json msgid "" "A jumbled maze of cliffs, canyons, and rugged terrain with an oasis in the center\n" "\n" "Cappadocia is a historical region in Central Anatolia. In the time of Herodotus, the Cappadocians were reported as occupying the whole region from Mount Taurus to the vicinity of the the Black Sea. Cappadocia, in this sense, was bounded in the south by the chain of the Taurus Mountains that separate it from Cilicia, to the east by the upper Euphrates and the Armenian Highland, to the north by Pontus, and to the west by Lycaonia and eastern Galatia. Cappadocia lies in eastern Anatolia. The relief consists of a high plateau over 1000 m in altitude that is pierced by volcanic peaks. Due to its inland location and high altitude, Cappadocia has a markedly continental climate, with hot dry summers and cold snowy winters. Rainfall is sparse and the region is largely semi-arid." msgstr "Un laberint de penya-segats, gorges i terreny accidentat amb un oasi al centre.\n\nLa Capadòcia és una regió històrica de l'Anatòlia central. En temps d'Heròdot, els capadocis ocupaven tota la regió des de les muntanyes del Taure fins a la vora del mar Negre. La Capadòcia limitava al sud amb Cilícia separada per la serralada del Taure, a l'est amb el curs superior de l'Eufrates i l'altiplà d'Armènia, al nord amb la regió del Pont i a l'oest amb Licaònia i la Galàcia oriental. La Capadòcia es troba a l'est d'Anatòlia. El seu relleu consisteix en un altiplà de més de 1000 m d'alçada travessat per cims volcànics. A causa de la seva localització a l'interior i de l'altitud elevada, la Capadòcia té un clima continental molt pronunciat, amb estius secs i calorosos i hiverns freds i nevats. La pluja és escassa i la regió és majoritàriament semiàrida." #: maps/random/new_rms_test.json msgid "New RMS Test" msgstr "Prova de RMS nova" #: maps/random/new_rms_test.json msgid "A basic test of the random map generator - not playable." msgstr "Una prova bàsica del generador de mapes aleatoris - no jugable." #: maps/random/ngorongoro.json msgid "Ngorongoro" msgstr "Ngorongoro" #: maps/random/ngorongoro.json msgid "" "Ngorongoro Crater is the world's largest intact volcanic caldera and is one " "of the Seven Natural Wonders of Africa. Due to it's climate, biodiversity " "and history, Ngorongoro is believed by some to be Africa's Garden of Eden " "and the birthplace of mankind." msgstr "El cràter de l'Ngorongoro és la caldera volcànica intacta més gran del món i és una de les set meravelles naturals de lÀfrica. A causa del seu clima, biodiversitat i història, l'Ngorongoro és considerat per alguns com el Jardí de l'Edèn africà i el bressol de la humanitat." #: maps/random/northern_lights.json msgid "Northern Lights" msgstr "Aurora boreal" #: maps/random/northern_lights.json msgid "" "Players start in a tough map to play with scarce wood and dangerous polar " "animals." msgstr "Els jugadors comencen en un mapa difícil amb poca fusta i animals polars perillosos." #: maps/random/oasis.json msgid "Oasis" msgstr "Oasi" #: maps/random/oasis.json msgid "" "Players start around a small oasis in the center of the map which holds much" " of the available wood on the map." msgstr "Els jugadors comencen al voltant d'un petit oasi al centre del mapa on hi ha la major part de la fusta." #: maps/random/persian_highlands.json msgid "Persian Highlands" msgstr "Altiplans perses" #: maps/random/persian_highlands.json msgid "" "A dry central plateau rich in minerals surrounded by rocky hills\n" "\n" "The southern parts of Zagros Mountains were the heart of the Persian empires and population. Although the altitude is high, the southern parts are drier that the northern Zagros, leading to a semi-arid climate. Still there are some sparse oak forests in the higher grounds." msgstr "Un altiplà sec al centre del mapa envoltat per turons rocosos.\n\nLa part sud de les muntanyes de Zagros, on hi havia el cor de l'Imperi Persa. Tot i que està a gran alçada, el sud és més sec que el nord, amb un clima semiàrid. A les zones més altes hi ha algunes rouredes." #: maps/random/phoenician_levant.json msgid "Phoenician Levant" msgstr "Llevant fenici" #: maps/random/phoenician_levant.json msgid "" "Players start in the eastern part of the map while a great sea is located to" " the west." msgstr "Els jugadors comencen a la part est del mapa, i a l'oest hi ha un gran mar." #: maps/random/polar_sea.json msgid "Polar Sea" msgstr "Mar polar" #: maps/random/polar_sea.json msgid "" "Players start in a cold polar region barren of vegetation. In the sea fish " "and whales abound, while the fragile icy land teems with huntable walruses " "and deadly wolves. These wolves, made ravenous by the harsh and forbidding " "climate, drawn by the scent of prey, have started appearing in terrifying " "numbers. A wise and strong ruler will not only achieve victory over his " "enemies, but also keep the number of these beasts at bay, lest they " "undermine his economy and cause his downfall. [color=\"red\"]Warning: It is " "inadvisable to disable treasures, since there is no gatherable wood. Not " "recommended for inexperienced players.[/color]" msgstr "Els jugadors comencen en una regió polar sense vegetació. Al mar hi abunden peixos i balenes, mentre que la terra glaçada està repleta de morses i llops mortífers. Aquests llops, famolencs pel clima dur i restrictiu i atrets per l'olor de la presa, s'acosten en grans nombres al poblat. Un governant savi i fort no només aconseguirà la victòria sobre els enemics, sinó que també sabrà mantenir les bèsties a ratlla per protegir la seva economia. [color=\"red\"]Atenció: No és recomanable desactivar els tresors perquè no hi ha fusta disponible. Aquest mapa no està recomanat per a jugadors sense experiència.[/color]" #: maps/random/polar_sea.json msgid "Dawn" msgstr "Alba" #: maps/random/polar_sea.json msgid "Scattered sunlight illuminates the scenery in a vivid red tone." msgstr "La llum dispersa del sol il·lumina el paisatge d'un vermell intens." #: maps/random/polar_sea.json msgid "Daylight" msgstr "Llum de dia" #: maps/random/polar_sea.json msgid "The scenery is illuminated by direct or indirect sunlight." msgstr "El paisatge s'il·lumina per la llum directa o indirecta del sol." #: maps/random/pompeii.json msgid "Pompeii" msgstr "Pompeia" #: maps/random/pompeii.json msgid "" "Pompeii was an ancient Roman coastal city, in the Campania region of Italy. " "Pompeii, along with much of the surrounding area, was mostly destroyed and " "buried under 4 to 6 meters of volcanic ash and pumice in the eruption of " "Mount Vesuvius in AD 79." msgstr "Pompeia va ser una ciutat costanera de l'antiga Roma, a la regió italiana de la Campània. Pompeia, juntament amb gran part de l'àrea que l'envoltava, va ser destruïda i enterrada sota 4-6 metres de cendra i roca volcànica amb l'erupció del mont Vesuvi l'any 79 dC." #: maps/random/pyrenean_sierra.json msgid "Pyrenean Sierra" msgstr "Serra pirinenca" #: maps/random/pyrenean_sierra.json msgid "" "High mountains separating the enemies.\n" "\n" "The Pyrenees is a great mountain range located between modern France and Spain." msgstr "Muntanyes altes separant els enemics.\n\nEls Pirineus són una gran serralada que es troba entre França i Espanya." #: maps/random/ratumacos.json msgid "Ratumacos" msgstr "Ratumacos" #: maps/random/ratumacos.json msgid "" "Players start on the banks of the River Sequana (Seine) in Northern Gaul " "near the settlement of Ratumacos. Destined to become one of the largest and " "most prosperous cities of Medieval Europe and one of the Anglo-Norman " "dynasty capitals under the new name of Rouen, Ratumacos is still a peaceful " "land - but not for long." msgstr "Els jugadors comencen a la vora del riu Sequana (Sena) al nord de la Gàl·lia, prop de l'assentament de Ratumacos. Destinada a convertir-se en una de les ciutats més grans i pròsperes de l'Europa medieval i una de les capitals de la dinastia anglo-normanda sota el nom de Rouen, Ratumacos encara és una terra pacífica, però no per molt temps." #: maps/random/red_sea.json msgid "Red Sea" msgstr "Mar Roig" #: maps/random/red_sea.json msgid "" "Historically, the Red Sea was a sea of many nations. Ideally situated for " "trade with the Far East, it was coveted by all. Although dry, this land is " "by no means inhospitable, and is amply provided with all resources." msgstr "Històricament, el Mar Roig era un mar de moltes nacions. La seva posició, ideal per al comerç amb l'Extrem Orient, era cobejada per tots. Tot i que seca, aquesta terra no és gens inhòspita, i hi abunden tots els recursos." #: maps/random/rhine_marshlands.json msgid "Rhine Marshlands" msgstr "Aiguamolls del Rin" #: maps/random/rhine_marshlands.json msgid "" "Shallow, passable wetlands with little room for building. Represents the " "lowlands of the Rhine basin in Europe." msgstr "Aiguamolls poc profunds i transitables amb poc espai per construir-hi. Representa la conca del Rin a Europa." #: maps/random/river_archipelago.json msgid "River Archipelago" msgstr "Arxipèlag de riu" #: maps/random/river_archipelago.json msgid "" "Narrow strips of lands are separated by waterways, leaving few and shallow " "landbridges between them. Tropical wetlands provide plenty of game, but " "beware of Mauryan tribesmen when exploring the outermost islands." msgstr "Franges estretes de terra separades per cursos d'agua, amb pocs guals entre elles. Els aiguamolls tropicals són bons terrenys de caça, però aneu amb compte amb les tribus màuries de les illes perifèriques." #: maps/random/rivers.json msgid "Rivers" msgstr "Rius" #: maps/random/rivers.json msgid "" "Rivers flow between players and join each other in the center of the map." msgstr "Hi ha rius que flueixen entre els jugadors i s'ajunten al centre del mapa." #: maps/random/rmbiome/alpine/late_spring.json msgctxt "biome definition" msgid "Late Spring" msgstr "Darreries de primavera" #: maps/random/rmbiome/alpine/late_spring.json msgctxt "biome definition" msgid "" "A blend of lingering snow and emerging grass, marking a quiet transition " "from winter to summer." msgstr "" #: maps/random/rmbiome/alpine/winter.json msgctxt "biome definition" msgid "" "Snow-capped trees loom through the mist. The ground is blanketed in a layer " "of snow." msgstr "" #: maps/random/rmbiome/alpine/winter.json #: maps/random/rmbiome/gulf_of_bothnia/winter.json msgctxt "biome definition" msgid "Winter" msgstr "Hivern" #: maps/random/rmbiome/fields_of_meroe/dry.json msgctxt "biome definition" msgid "Dry Season" msgstr "Estació seca" #: maps/random/rmbiome/fields_of_meroe/dry.json msgctxt "biome definition" msgid "" "The vitalizing waters of the Nile sustain life along its banks, while the " "long dry season scorches the land." msgstr "Les aigües vitalitzants del Nil sustenten la vida al llarg de les seves ribes, mentre la llarga estació seca socarra la terra." #: maps/random/rmbiome/fields_of_meroe/rainy.json msgctxt "biome definition" msgid "Rainy Season" msgstr "Estació plujosa" #: maps/random/rmbiome/fields_of_meroe/rainy.json msgctxt "biome definition" msgid "" "Revelling in the much awaited rain, the baked land transforms into a lush " "haven for both man and beast." msgstr "Celebrant la tan esperada pluja, la terra cremada es transforma en un paradís exuberant per a humans i bèsties." #: maps/random/rmbiome/generic/aegean.json msgctxt "biome definition" msgid "Aegean-Anatolian" msgstr "" #: maps/random/rmbiome/generic/aegean.json msgctxt "biome definition" msgid "" "Start in a region blessed with the Mediterranean climate, a warm and " "inviting land. The cypresses are in a perpetual struggle with the dominant " "fan palms while deer graze in their shadows, blissfully unaware." msgstr "Comenceu en una regió beneïda pel clima mediterrani, una terra acollidora i càlida. Els xiprers competeixen amb les palmeres dominants mentre els cérvols pasturen a l'ombra." #: maps/random/rmbiome/generic/alpine.json msgctxt "biome definition" msgid "Subalpine" msgstr "Subalpí" #: maps/random/rmbiome/generic/alpine.json msgctxt "biome definition" msgid "" "Between the high summits of the Alps, the valleys are filled with fog in the" " early morning. The ground is full of gravel and rocks, but silver fir and " "spruce trees grow between them and provide shelter for deer and mountain " "goats." msgstr "" #: maps/random/rmbiome/generic/arctic.json msgctxt "biome definition" msgid "Arctic" msgstr "Àrtic" #: maps/random/rmbiome/generic/arctic.json msgctxt "biome definition" msgid "" "A region in the high snowy mountains. Biting winds sweep through the " "abundant conifer forests, making even the more resilient deer and mountain " "goats shiver." msgstr "Una regió muntanyosa i nevada. Els vents implacables bufen entre les coníferes i fan tremolar fins i tot els cérvols i les cabres monteses." #: maps/random/rmbiome/generic/autumn.json msgctxt "biome definition" msgid "Rhine Valley (Fall)" msgstr "Vall del Rin (Tardor)" #: maps/random/rmbiome/generic/autumn.json msgctxt "biome definition" msgid "" "The first leaves have fallen. The landscape is a dazzling dash of colors " "irrevocably intertwined. The native beech and oak trees of this temperate " "zone display a multi-colored foliage while animals try to prepare for the " "approaching winter." msgstr "" #: maps/random/rmbiome/generic/india.json msgctxt "biome definition" msgid "India" msgstr "Índia" #: maps/random/rmbiome/generic/india.json msgctxt "biome definition" msgid "" "Explore the mysterious tropics. An extremely green, but also extremely humid" " environment awaits. The tall Toona trees look on disapprovingly at this " "invasion of their privacy and ferocious tigers are determined to defend " "their territory at all costs." msgstr "Exploreu els tròpics misteriosos. Un entorn extremadament verd, però també extremadament humit, us espera. Els alts arbres toona contemplen amb desaprovació aquesta invasió de la seva privacitat i els tigres ferotges estan disposats a defensar el seu territori costi el que costi." #: maps/random/rmbiome/generic/nubia.json msgctxt "biome definition" msgid "Nubia" msgstr "" #: maps/random/rmbiome/generic/nubia.json msgctxt "biome definition" msgid "" "Nubia, a dry climate in which only the hardy Baobab trees thrive. Solitary " "gazelles graze the sparse grass, while herds of zebras, wildebeest, giraffes" " or elephants roam the wild in search of food." msgstr "" #: maps/random/rmbiome/generic/sahara.json msgctxt "biome definition" msgid "Sahara" msgstr "Sàhara" #: maps/random/rmbiome/generic/sahara.json msgctxt "biome definition" msgid "" "A semi-desert area that boasts numerous clumps of date palms and acacia " "trees. Herds of camels roam the wild and the occasional gazelle jumps up in " "fright at being disturbed." msgstr "" #: maps/random/rmbiome/generic/savanna.json msgctxt "biome definition" msgid "Sudanian Savanna" msgstr "" #: maps/random/rmbiome/generic/savanna.json msgctxt "biome definition" msgid "" "The transition between the dry Sahara to the north and the tropical forests " "to the south. The sunlight floods through the open canopy and lights the " "grassland between the trees, where herds of zebras, wildebeest, giraffes and" " elephants roam." msgstr "" #: maps/random/rmbiome/generic/steppe.json msgctxt "biome definition" msgid "Eurasian Steppe" msgstr "Estepa eurasiàtica" #: maps/random/rmbiome/generic/steppe.json msgctxt "biome definition" msgid "" "Wide grasslands stretching to the horizon, without any trees blocking the " "view. The Steppe is home to large herds of wild horses, which graze " "peacefully on the empty land, but flee quickly if you try to catch them." msgstr "" #: maps/random/rmbiome/generic/temperate.json msgctxt "biome definition" msgid "Temperate" msgstr "Temperat" #: maps/random/rmbiome/generic/temperate.json msgctxt "biome definition" msgid "" "Lush grasslands carpet the land, in places giving way to magnificent and " "diverse broadleaf forests. Poplars, pines, beeches and oaks all vie for " "supremacy but this root-war is a neverending struggle. Numerous apple trees " "dot the land, deer and sheep gorge themselves on this years fallen fruit." msgstr "La terra està coberta de pastures exuberants que donen pas a magnífics boscos caducifolis. Els pollancres, pins, faigs i roures competeixen per la supremacia, però aquesta guerra d'arrels és constant. Hi ha nombrosos pomers per tot el territori, i els cérvols i les ovelles s'atipen de la fruita caiguda enguany." #: maps/random/rmbiome/gulf_of_bothnia/frozen_lake.json msgctxt "biome definition" msgid "Frozen Lake" msgstr "Llac gelat" #: maps/random/rmbiome/gulf_of_bothnia/frozen_lake.json msgctxt "biome definition" msgid "" "Thick ice has formed on the gulf which is capable of withstanding any " "weight. All plants are covered in snow, but there are large herds of " "migrating deer who try to find some food under the snow." msgstr "" #: maps/random/rmbiome/gulf_of_bothnia/late_spring.json msgctxt "biome definition" msgid "" "A late spring breeze ripples through the conifer forests of the Gulf of " "Bothnia. At this time of the year the gulf offers great fishing " "opportunities." msgstr "" #: maps/random/rmbiome/gulf_of_bothnia/late_spring.json #: maps/random/rmbiome/persian_highlands/spring.json msgctxt "biome definition" msgid "Spring" msgstr "Primavera" #: maps/random/rmbiome/gulf_of_bothnia/winter.json msgctxt "biome definition" msgid "" "Winter has set in, carpeting the land with its first snow, but the landscape" " is still dotted with colorful berry bushes." msgstr "" #: maps/random/rmbiome/persian_highlands/spring.json msgctxt "biome definition" msgid "" "Spring in the highlands, yet the heat has already begun making itself felt. " "The short-lived green grasses are on the retreat, paving the way for " "scorching summer." msgstr "És primavera a les terres altes, però ja comença a notar-se la calor. Les efímeres herbes verdes es retiren, anticipant un estiu abrasador." #: maps/random/rmbiome/persian_highlands/summer.json msgctxt "biome definition" msgid "Summer" msgstr "Estiu" #: maps/random/rmbiome/persian_highlands/summer.json msgctxt "biome definition" msgid "" "An arid, hostile land. The blistering heat has baked the ground to a sickly " "brown and the remaining trees struggle for survival." msgstr "Una terra àrida i hostil. La calor abrasadora ha cuit la terra a un marró torrat i els arbres restants lluiten per sobreviure." #: maps/random/saharan_oases.json msgid "Each players starts near a lush oasis in a large, desolate desert." msgstr "Cada jugador comença prop d'un oasi frondós en un desert gran i desolat." #: maps/random/saharan_oases.json maps/scenarios/saharan_oases.xml:39 msgid "Saharan Oases" msgstr "Oasis del Sàhara" #: maps/random/sahel.json msgid "" "A somewhat open map with an abundance of food and mineral resources, while " "wood is somewhat scarce." msgstr "Un mapa força obert amb abundància de menjar i minerals, mentre que la fusta és més escassa." #: maps/random/sahel.json maps/scenarios/sahel.xml:38 msgid "Sahel" msgstr "Sahel" #: maps/random/sahel_watering_holes.json msgid "Sahel Watering Holes" msgstr "Abeuradors del Sahel" #: maps/random/sahel_watering_holes.json msgid "" "Players start around the map with lines of water between them\n" "\n" "The African savanna is chocked full of animal life for hunting, while the nearby mineral deposits are plentiful. The dry season is approaching and the watering holes are drying up." msgstr "Els jugadors comencen al voltant del mapa amb línies d'aigua entre ells.\n\nLa sabana africana està plena de vida animal per caçar, i els dipòsits minerals propers són abundants. L'estació seca s'acosta i els abeuradors s'estan assecant." #: maps/random/schwarzwald.json msgid "Schwarzwald" msgstr "Schwarzwald" #: maps/random/schwarzwald.json msgid "A forest heavy map with a lake in the middle and plenty of resources." msgstr "Un mapa boscós amb un llac al mig i recursos abundants." #: maps/random/scythian_rivulet.json msgid "Scythian Rivulet" msgstr "Rierol escita" #: maps/random/scythian_rivulet.json msgid "" "Carpeted in snow, the land slumbers in repose, but this fragile peace is " "destined to be shattered - and not by spring. Large packs of wolves lurk in " "the wild searching for prey, a lone arctic fox scurries away to hide. " "Starting in this seemingly hostile terrain, players must conquer - or be " "conquered." msgstr "Coberta de neu, la terra dorm, però la fràgil pau serà trencada - i no per la primavera. Grans llopades s'amaguen en la terra salvatge buscant preses, una guineu àrtica solitària s'escapoleix cap al seu cau. En a aquest terreny hostil, els jugadors han de conquerir - o ser conquerits." #: maps/random/snowflake_searocks.json msgid "Snowflake Searocks" msgstr "Floc de neu d'esculls" #: maps/random/snowflake_searocks.json msgid "Many small islands connected to each other by narrow passages." msgstr "Moltes illetes connectades per passos estrets." #: maps/random/stronghold.json msgid "Stronghold" msgstr "Baluard" #: maps/random/stronghold.json msgid "" "Teams start off with nearly adjacent civic centers, offering easy military " "and construction cooperation. With slivers of personal territory, teammates " "must rely on each other to defend their rear." msgstr "Els equips comencen amb centres cívics molt propers, que faciliten la formació de bases conjuntes i la cooperació militar. Amb només petits fragments de territori propi, els membres depenen dels seus aliats per defensar-se." #: maps/random/survivalofthefittest.json msgid "Survival of the Fittest" msgstr "Supervivència del més apte" #: maps/random/survivalofthefittest.json msgid "" "[color=\"red\"]IMPORTANT NOTE: AI PLAYERS DO NOT WORK WITH THIS MAP[/color]\n" "\n" "Protect your base against endless waves of enemies. Use your woman citizen to collect the treasures at the center of the map before others do, and try to build your base up. The last player remaining will be the winner!" msgstr "[color=\"red\"]NOTA IMPORTANT: LA IA NO FUNCIONA AMB AQUEST MAPA[/color]\n\nProtegiu la vostra base contra interminables onades d'enemics. Feu servir la ciutadana per recollir els tresors al centre del mapa abans que els adversaris i reforçar la vostra base. L'últim jugador que quedi serà el guanyador!" #: maps/random/survivalofthefittest_triggers.js:160 #, javascript-format msgid "The first wave will start in %(time)s!" msgstr "La primera onada arribarà en %(time)s!" #: maps/random/survivalofthefittest_triggers.js:265 msgid "An enemy wave is attacking!" msgstr "Us ataca una onada d'enemics!" #: maps/random/survivalofthefittest_triggers.js:289 #, javascript-format msgid "%(player)s has been defeated (lost civic center)." msgstr "%(player)s ha estat vençut (ha perdut el centre cívic)." #: maps/random/syria.json msgid "Syria" msgstr "Síria" #: maps/random/syria.json msgid "Players start in a plains with slightly rolling highlands." msgstr "Els jugadors comencen en unes planures amb muntanyes suaus." #: maps/random/the_nile.json msgid "The Nile" msgstr "El Nil" #: maps/random/the_nile.json msgid "" "A calm wide river, representing the Nile River in Egypt, divides the map " "into western and eastern parts." msgstr "Un riu ample i tranquil, que representa el riu Nil d'Egipte, divideix el mapa en dues parts: est i oest." #: maps/random/unknown.json msgid "Unknown" msgstr "Desconegut" #: maps/random/unknown.json msgid "The unknown." msgstr "Món desconegut." #: maps/random/unknown.json msgid "Random Land" msgstr "Terra aleatòria" #: maps/random/unknown.json msgid "Choose a random land landscape" msgstr "" #: maps/random/unknown.json msgid "Isthmus" msgstr "Istme" #: maps/random/unknown.json msgid "Central River" msgstr "Riu central" #: maps/random/unknown.json msgid "A small central river." msgstr "Un petit riu central." #: maps/random/unknown.json msgid "Edge Seas" msgstr "Mars perifèrics" #: maps/random/unknown.json msgid "" "Players are aligned on a strip of land with seas bordering on one or both " "sides that may hold islands." msgstr "Els jugadors estan alineats en una franja de terra amb un mar a una banda o ambdues, que pot tenir illes." #: maps/random/unknown.json msgid "Gulf" msgstr "Golf" #: maps/random/unknown.json msgid "Land shaped like a concrescent moon around a central lake." msgstr "Terra en forma de mitja lluna al voltant d'un llac central." #: maps/random/unknown.json msgid "Lakes" msgstr "Llacs" #: maps/random/unknown.json msgid "Mainland style with some small random lakes." msgstr "Estil continental amb alguns llacs petits a l'atzar." #: maps/random/unknown.json msgid "Passes" msgstr "Passos" #: maps/random/unknown.json msgid "" "A large hill encompasses the map and leaves players only a small passage to " "the two neighboring players." msgstr "Un gran turó ocupa tot el mapa i deixa només un passadís estret per arribar als dos jugadors veïns." #: maps/random/unknown.json msgid "Lowlands" msgstr "Terres baixes" #: maps/random/unknown.json msgid "" "The land is enclosed by a hill that leaves a small area per player connected" " to the large central place." msgstr "La terra està envoltada per un turó que deixa una petita àrea a cada jugador connectada amb la zona central." #: maps/random/unknown.json msgid "Random Naval" msgstr "Naval aleatori" #: maps/random/unknown.json msgid "Choose a random naval landscape" msgstr "" #: maps/random/unknown.json msgid "Naval: Central Sea" msgstr "Naval: Mar central" #: maps/random/unknown.json msgid "A huge sea is dividing the map into two halves." msgstr "Un gran mar divideix el mapa en dues meitats." #: maps/random/unknown.json msgid "Naval: Archipelago" msgstr "Naval: Arxipèlag" #: maps/random/unknown.json msgid "Players are scattered across island chains and disconnected islands." msgstr "Els jugadors estan repartits per cadenes d'illes i illes separades." #: maps/random/unknown.json msgid "Naval: Lake and rivers" msgstr "Naval: Llac i rius" #: maps/random/unknown.json msgid "A central lake with rivers possibly separating neighboring players." msgstr "Un llac central amb rius que poden separar els jugadors entre ells." #: maps/random/unknown.json maps/skirmishes/corinthian_isthmus_2p.xml:39 #: maps/skirmishes/corinthian_isthmus_4p.xml:39 msgid "" "Two Mediterranean land masses connected by a narrow spit of land, called an " "'Isthmus'." msgstr "Dues masses de terra del Mediterrani connectades per una llengua estreta de terra, anomenada \"istme\"." #: maps/random/volcanic_lands.json msgid "Volcanic Lands" msgstr "Terres volcàniques" #: maps/random/volcanic_lands.json msgid "A charred dead land where players start around a smoking volcano." msgstr "Una terra morta i socarrimada on els jugadors comencen al voltant d'un volcà fumejant." #: maps/random/wall_demo.json msgid "Wall Demo" msgstr "Demostració de muralla" #: maps/random/wall_demo.json msgid "" "A demonstration of wall placement methods/code in random maps. Giant map " "size is recommended!" msgstr "Una demostració dels mètodes i el codi de col·locació de muralles als mapes aleatoris. Es recomana utilitzar un mapa gegant." #: maps/random/wild_lake.json msgid "Wild Lake" msgstr "Llac salvatge" #: maps/random/wild_lake.json msgid "A lake surrounded by hills." msgstr "Un llac rodejat de turons." #: maps/scenarios/_default.xml:27 msgid "Unnamed map" msgstr "Mapa sense nom" #: maps/scenarios/_default.xml:27 maps/scenarios/temperate_map.xml:26 #: maps/scenarios/walltest.xml:26 msgid "Give an interesting description of your map." msgstr "Doneu una descripció interessant del vostre mapa." #: maps/scenarios/arcadia.xml:38 msgid "" "Springtime in Arcadia, Greece. Spring rains have gorged what would otherwise be dry creek beds throughout the rest of the year, dividing the lands between two warring tribes. \n" "\n" "Players start on either side of a mountainous region rich in resources. Extra starting buildings help players jumpstart building their new colonies." msgstr "Primavera a Arcàdia, Grècia. Les pluges primaverals han omplert els llits secs dels rierols, dividint la terra entre dues tribus en guerra.\n\nEls jugadors comencen a banda i banda d'una regió muntanyosa rica en recursos i comencen amb edificis addicionals." #: maps/scenarios/arcadia.xml:38 msgid "Arcadia" msgstr "Arcàdia" #: maps/scenarios/arcadia.xml:38 maps/scenarios/belgian_bog_night.xml:38 #: maps/scenarios/death_canyon_invasion_force.xml:38 #: maps/scenarios/demo_trading.xml:26 maps/scenarios/eire_and_albion.xml:26 #: maps/scenarios/fast_oasis.xml:26 maps/scenarios/flight_demo.xml:39 #: maps/scenarios/gold_rush.xml:26 maps/scenarios/laconia.xml:26 #: maps/scenarios/migration.xml:26 maps/scenarios/necropolis.xml:38 #: maps/scenarios/reservoir.xml:26 maps/scenarios/saharan_oases.xml:39 #: maps/scenarios/sandbox_britons.xml:39 maps/scenarios/sandbox_gauls.xml:39 #: maps/scenarios/sandbox_iberians.xml:38 maps/scenarios/siwa_oasis.xml:26 #: maps/scenarios/the_massacre_of_delphi.xml:38 #: maps/scenarios/treasure_islands.xml:38 #: maps/scenarios/tropical_island.xml:38 maps/scenarios/walls.xml:26 #: maps/scenarios/walltest.xml:26 maps/skirmishes/acropolis_bay_2p.xml:39 #: maps/skirmishes/cycladic_archipelago_2p.xml:39 #: maps/skirmishes/cycladic_archipelago_3p.xml:39 #: maps/skirmishes/deccan_plateau_2p.xml:39 #: maps/skirmishes/sporades_islands_2p.xml:39 #: maps/skirmishes/zagros_mountains_2p.xml:39 msgid "Player 1" msgstr "Jugador 1" #: maps/scenarios/arcadia.xml:38 maps/scenarios/belgian_bog_night.xml:38 #: maps/scenarios/demo_trading.xml:26 maps/scenarios/eire_and_albion.xml:26 #: maps/scenarios/fast_oasis.xml:26 maps/scenarios/flight_demo.xml:39 #: maps/scenarios/gold_rush.xml:26 maps/scenarios/laconia.xml:26 #: maps/scenarios/migration.xml:26 maps/scenarios/necropolis.xml:38 #: maps/scenarios/saharan_oases.xml:39 maps/scenarios/sandbox_britons.xml:39 #: maps/scenarios/sandbox_gauls.xml:39 maps/scenarios/sandbox_iberians.xml:38 #: maps/scenarios/siwa_oasis.xml:26 #: maps/scenarios/the_massacre_of_delphi.xml:38 #: maps/scenarios/treasure_islands.xml:38 #: maps/scenarios/tropical_island.xml:38 maps/scenarios/walls.xml:26 #: maps/scenarios/walltest.xml:26 maps/skirmishes/acropolis_bay_2p.xml:39 #: maps/skirmishes/cycladic_archipelago_2p.xml:39 #: maps/skirmishes/cycladic_archipelago_3p.xml:39 #: maps/skirmishes/deccan_plateau_2p.xml:39 #: maps/skirmishes/sporades_islands_2p.xml:39 #: maps/skirmishes/zagros_mountains_2p.xml:39 msgid "Player 2" msgstr "Jugador 2" #: maps/scenarios/azure_coast_2p.xml:26 msgid "Azure Coast 2" msgstr "Costa Blava 2" #: maps/scenarios/azure_coast_2p.xml:26 msgid "Greeks" msgstr "Grecs" #: maps/scenarios/azure_coast_2p.xml:26 msgid "Celts" msgstr "Celtes" #: maps/scenarios/azure_coast_2p.xml:26 maps/scenarios/azure_coast_4p.xml:26 #: maps/scenarios/azure_coast_8p.xml:38 msgid "Help the young Massilia to settle or expel the Greeks from Gaul." msgstr "Ajudeu la jove Massília a establir-se o expulseu els grecs de la Gàl·lia." #: maps/scenarios/azure_coast_4p.xml:26 msgid "Azure Coast 3" msgstr "Costa Blava 3" #: maps/scenarios/azure_coast_4p.xml:26 msgid "East" msgstr "Est" #: maps/scenarios/azure_coast_4p.xml:26 msgid "West" msgstr "Oest" #: maps/scenarios/azure_coast_4p.xml:26 msgid "South" msgstr "Sud" #: maps/scenarios/azure_coast_4p.xml:26 msgid "North" msgstr "Nord" #: maps/scenarios/azure_coast_8p.xml:38 msgid "Azure Coast 1" msgstr "Costa Blava 1" #: maps/scenarios/azure_coast_8p.xml:38 msgid "Antipolis" msgstr "Antípolis" #: maps/scenarios/azure_coast_8p.xml:38 msgid "Nikaia" msgstr "Níkea" #: maps/scenarios/azure_coast_8p.xml:38 msgid "Massalia" msgstr "Massàlia" #: maps/scenarios/azure_coast_8p.xml:38 msgid "Olbia" msgstr "Olbia" #: maps/scenarios/azure_coast_8p.xml:38 msgid "Deciates" msgstr "Deciats" #: maps/scenarios/azure_coast_8p.xml:38 msgid "Salluvii" msgstr "Sal·luvis" #: maps/scenarios/azure_coast_8p.xml:38 msgid "Cavares" msgstr "Cavars" #: maps/scenarios/azure_coast_8p.xml:38 msgid "Verguni" msgstr "Vergunis" #: maps/scenarios/battle_for_the_tiber.xml:26 msgid "" "Rome battles against the Etruscan city of Veii for control of the Tiber " "River basin." msgstr "Roma batalla contra la ciutat etrusca de Veïs pel control de la conca del riu Tíber." #: maps/scenarios/battle_for_the_tiber.xml:26 msgid "Battle for the Tiber" msgstr "Batalla pel Tíber" #: maps/scenarios/battle_for_the_tiber.xml:26 msgid "Rome" msgstr "Roma" #: maps/scenarios/battle_for_the_tiber.xml:26 msgid "Veii" msgstr "Veïs" #: maps/scenarios/battle_for_the_tiber.xml:26 msgid "Gallic Invaders" msgstr "Invasors gals" #: maps/scenarios/belgian_bog_night.xml:38 msgid "Two Celtic tribes face off across a large bog at night." msgstr "Dues tribus celtes s'enfronten en uns grans aiguamolls a la nit." #: maps/scenarios/belgian_bog_night.xml:38 msgid "Belgian Bog Night" msgstr "Nit als aiguamolls belgues" #: maps/scenarios/bridge_demo.xml:26 msgid "Demo map showing how to simulate bridges in the Atlas map editor." msgstr "Mapa de demostració que mostra com simular ponts a l'editor de mapes Atlas." #: maps/scenarios/bridge_demo.xml:26 msgid "Bridge demo" msgstr "Demostració de ponts" #: maps/scenarios/bridge_demo.xml:26 msgid "Bridge Demo" msgstr "Demostració de ponts" #: maps/scenarios/bridge_demo.xml:26 msgid "Other" msgstr "Altres" #: maps/scenarios/campaign_test_map.xml:38 msgid "A test map for potential Strategic Campaigns." msgstr "Un mapa de proves per a potencials campanyes estratègiques." #: maps/scenarios/campaign_test_map.xml:38 msgid "Strategic Campaign Proof of Concept" msgstr "Prova de concepte de campanya estratègica" #: maps/scenarios/campaign_test_map.xml:38 msgid "Delian League" msgstr "Lliga de Delos" #: maps/scenarios/campaign_test_map.xml:38 msgid "Megara" msgstr "Mègara" #: maps/scenarios/campaign_test_map.xml:38 msgid "Eretria" msgstr "Erètria" #: maps/scenarios/campaign_test_map.xml:38 msgid "Chalcis" msgstr "Calcis" #: maps/scenarios/campaign_test_map.xml:38 msgid "Peloponnesian League" msgstr "Lliga del Peloponès" #: maps/scenarios/campaign_test_map.xml:38 msgid "Religious Institutions" msgstr "Institucions religioses" #: maps/scenarios/campaign_test_map.xml:38 maps/scenarios/peloponnese.xml:39 msgid "Thessaly" msgstr "Tessàlia" #: maps/scenarios/campaign_test_map.xml:38 maps/scenarios/peloponnese.xml:39 #: maps/skirmishes/egypt_3pv3p.xml:39 msgid "Thebes" msgstr "Tebes" #: maps/scenarios/campaign_test_map_2_heightmap.xml:38 msgid "Campaign Map - Test" msgstr "Mapa de campanya - Prova" #: maps/scenarios/cinema_demo.js:6 msgid "Cutscene starts after 5 seconds" msgstr "La seqüència cinemàtica comença en 5 segons" #: maps/scenarios/cinema_demo.xml:39 msgid "Demo map for cinematic camera movements." msgstr "Mapa de demostració per a moviments cinemàtics de la càmera." #: maps/scenarios/cinema_demo.xml:39 msgid "Cinema Demo" msgstr "Demostració cinemàtica" #: maps/scenarios/cinema_demo.xml:39 msgid "Xerxes I" msgstr "Xerxes I" #: maps/scenarios/cinema_demo.xml:39 msgid "You" msgstr "Tu" #: maps/scenarios/combat_demo.xml:26 msgid "Combat Demo" msgstr "Demostració de combat" #: maps/scenarios/combat_demo.xml:26 msgid "" "A combat demonstration between a small number of ranged and melee infantry " "units." msgstr "Una demostració de combat entre un petit nombre d'unitats d'infanteria cos a cos i a distància." #: maps/scenarios/combat_demo_huge.xml:73 msgid "Combat Demo (Huge)" msgstr "Demostració de combat (Enorme)" #: maps/scenarios/combat_demo_huge.xml:73 msgid "1296 units. Extremely slow (we need more optimisation)." msgstr "1296 unitats. Extremadament lent (cal més optimització)." #: maps/scenarios/death_canyon_invasion_force.xml:38 msgid "" "A deep rocky canyon slicing through the desert. Good for multiplayer.\n" "\n" "2 teams of 2 players. 1 player on each team starts with a base and resources. The other player starts with only a large army to assist their teammate." msgstr "Una profunda gorja rocosa que travessa el desert. Un bon mapa per a partides multijugador.\n\n2 equips de 2 jugadors. 1 jugador de cada equip comença amb una base i recursos. L'altre jugador comença només amb un gran exèrcit per ajudar el seu aliat." #: maps/scenarios/death_canyon_invasion_force.xml:38 msgid "Death Canyon - Invasion Force" msgstr "Canyó de la Mort - Força invasora" #: maps/scenarios/death_canyon_invasion_force.xml:38 msgid "Invasion Force" msgstr "Força invasora" #: maps/scenarios/death_canyon_invasion_force.xml:38 #: maps/scenarios/demo_trading.xml:26 maps/scenarios/fast_oasis.xml:26 #: maps/scenarios/gold_rush.xml:26 maps/scenarios/migration.xml:26 #: maps/scenarios/necropolis.xml:38 maps/scenarios/saharan_oases.xml:39 #: maps/scenarios/sandbox_britons.xml:39 maps/scenarios/sandbox_gauls.xml:39 #: maps/scenarios/siwa_oasis.xml:26 #: maps/skirmishes/cycladic_archipelago_3p.xml:39 msgid "Player 3" msgstr "Jugador 3" #: maps/scenarios/demo_trading.xml:26 msgid "A demonstration of the new trading feature." msgstr "Una demostració de la nova característica de comerç." #: maps/scenarios/demo_trading.xml:26 msgid "Trading Demo" msgstr "Demostració de comerç" #: maps/scenarios/eire_and_albion.xml:26 msgid "" "A demo map of the British Isles, created with the assistance of a height " "map." msgstr "Un mapa de demostració de les Illes Britàniques, creat amb l'ajuda d'un mapa d'alçada." #: maps/scenarios/eire_and_albion.xml:26 msgid "Eire and Albion (British Isles)" msgstr "Eire i Albió (Illes Britàniques)" #: maps/scenarios/fast_oasis.xml:26 msgid "" "A small desert map. Each player starts near an oasis spotted about an otherwise bleak and sandy desert that is wide open to assault and depredation.\n" "\n" "Gameplay is tight and fast, with no time to stop and smell the roses." msgstr "Un mapa desèrtic petit. Cada jugador comença prop d'un oasi en mig d'un desert desolat i sorrenc que permet lliurement l'assalt i la depredació.\n\nEl joc és ajustat i ràpid, sense temps per perdre." #: maps/scenarios/fast_oasis.xml:26 msgid "Fast Oasis" msgstr "Oasi ràpid" #: maps/scenarios/fast_oasis.xml:26 maps/scenarios/gold_rush.xml:26 #: maps/scenarios/necropolis.xml:38 maps/scenarios/saharan_oases.xml:39 #: maps/scenarios/siwa_oasis.xml:26 msgid "Player 4" msgstr "Jugador 4" #: maps/scenarios/fishing_demo.xml:26 msgid "Fishing Demo" msgstr "Demostració de pesca" #: maps/scenarios/fishing_demo.xml:26 msgid "Test out fishing with a fishing boat. Still in development." msgstr "Proveu la pesca amb una barca pesquera. Encara està en desenvolupament." #: maps/scenarios/flight_demo.xml:39 msgid "Fly some Mustangs." msgstr "Feu volar uns Mustangs." #: maps/scenarios/flight_demo.xml:39 msgid "Flight Demo" msgstr "Demostració de vol" #: maps/scenarios/gold_rush.xml:26 msgid "" "A wide-open map with a central rocky region rich in Minerals (Metal " "Resource). This map may be played if the other more detailed maps cause " "uncomfortable lag." msgstr "Un mapa obert amb una zona rocosa central rica en minerals (metall). Aquest mapa és una alternativa a mapes més detallats que poden causar un alentiment del joc." #: maps/scenarios/gold_rush.xml:26 msgid "Gold Rush" msgstr "Febre de l'or" #: maps/scenarios/gorge.xml:26 msgid "A riparian gorge meanders its way through the South lands of Gaul." msgstr "Un congost de ribera fa el seu camí serpentejant per les terres del sud de la Gàl·lia." #: maps/scenarios/gorge.xml:26 msgid "Gorge" msgstr "Congost" #: maps/scenarios/laconia.xml:26 msgid "" "The Peloponnesian valley of Laconia, homeland of the Spartans.\n" "\n" "The Macedonians are encroaching into Spartan lands. After losing a pitched battle against the invaders, the Spartans must rebuild their army quickly before the Macedonians overrun the entire valley." msgstr "La vall de Lacònia, al Peloponès, pàtria dels espartans.\n\nEls macedonis estan envaint les terres espartanes. Havent perdut una batalla campal contra els invasors, els espartans han de reconstruir ràpid l'exèrcit abans que els macedonis prenguin tota la vall." #: maps/scenarios/laconia.xml:26 msgid "Laconia" msgstr "Lacònia" #: maps/scenarios/migration.xml:26 msgid "" "Multiplayer map. Each player starts out on a small island with minimal resources situated off the coast of a large land mass.\n" "\n" "This is a WFG community-designed map by: SMST, NOXAS1, and Yodaspirine." msgstr "Mapa multijugador. Cada jugador comença en una illa petita amb pocs recursos situada davant de la costa d'una gran massa de terra.\n\nAquest mapa ha estat dissenyat per membres de la comunitat de WFG: SMST, NOXAS1 i Yodaspirine." #: maps/scenarios/miletus.xml:39 msgid "A sandbox scenario for one player." msgstr "Un escenari de proves per a un sol jugador." #: maps/scenarios/miletus.xml:39 msgid "Miletus" msgstr "Milet" #: maps/scenarios/miletus.xml:39 maps/scenarios/sandbox_ptolemies_02.xml:38 msgid "Romans" msgstr "Romans" #: maps/scenarios/multiplayer_demo.xml:26 msgid "Multiplayer Demo" msgstr "Demostració multijugador" #: maps/scenarios/multiplayer_demo.xml:26 msgid "" "Small map with lots of resources and some water, for testing gameplay in " "non-competitive multiplayer matches." msgstr "Mapa petit amb molts recursos i una mica d'aigua, per provar el joc en partides multijugador no competitives." #: maps/scenarios/napata_reconstruction.xml:39 msgid "Napata Reconstruction" msgstr "Reconstrucció de Napata" #: maps/scenarios/napata_reconstruction.xml:39 msgid "" "This map displays a reconstruction of the ancient city Napata. " "[color=\"red\"]Note:[/color] The map is not intended to be playable." msgstr "Aquest mapa és una reconstrucció de l'antiga ciutat de Napata. [color=\"red\"]Nota:[/color] El mapa no està pensat per jugar-hi." #: maps/scenarios/necropolis.xml:38 msgid "" "Four players duke it out over the vast Nile Delta. Each city starts out nestled atop a large plateau, but resources are scarce, forcing each player to expand their resource operations into the surrounding lands.\n" "\n" "Scouts say the nearby branches of the Nile River are shallow and fordable in multiple locations, so should only serve as a minor barrier between enemy factions." msgstr "Quatre jugadors s'enfronten pel vast delta del Nil. Cada ciutat comença enclavada en un gran altiplà, però els recursos són escassos, obligant els jugadors a anar a buscar-los a les terres del voltant.\n\nEls exploradors diuen que les branques properes del riu Nil són somes i es poden passar a gual per molts punts, així que només haurien de ser una barrera menor entre les faccions enemigues." #: maps/scenarios/necropolis.xml:38 msgid "Necropolis" msgstr "Necròpoli" #: maps/scenarios/pathfinding_demo.xml:38 msgid "A map for testing unit movement algorithms." msgstr "Un mapa per provar els algoritmes de moviment de les unitats." #: maps/scenarios/pathfinding_demo.xml:38 msgid "Pathfinding Demo" msgstr "Demostració de cerca de camins" #: maps/scenarios/pathfinding_terrain_demo.xml:26 msgid "Pathfinding Terrain Demo" msgstr "Demostració de cerca de camins i de terreny" #: maps/scenarios/pathfinding_terrain_demo.xml:26 msgid "" "A map for testing movement costs and terrain properties in the A* " "pathfinder." msgstr "Un mapa per provar els costos de moviment i les propietats del terreny al cercador de camins A*." #: maps/scenarios/peloponnese.xml:39 msgid "A real-world map of the Greek homeland." msgstr "Un mapa de la Grècia del món real." #: maps/scenarios/peloponnese.xml:39 msgid "Peloponnesian Wars" msgstr "Guerres del Peloponès" #: maps/scenarios/peloponnese.xml:39 msgid "Athens" msgstr "Atenes" #: maps/scenarios/peloponnese.xml:39 msgid "Sparta" msgstr "Esparta" #: maps/scenarios/peloponnese.xml:39 msgid "Elis" msgstr "Elis" #: maps/scenarios/peloponnese.xml:39 msgid "Corinth" msgstr "Corint" #: maps/scenarios/pickup_test_map.xml:39 msgid "" "Test map for picking units up, with sea and two islands. Trigger points are " "placed." msgstr "Mapa de prova per a la recollida d'unitats, amb mar i dues illes. Hi ha situats punts de descàrrega." #: maps/scenarios/pickup_test_map.xml:39 msgid "Pickup test map" msgstr "Mapa de prova de recollida" #: maps/scenarios/polynesia.xml:39 msgid "Demo map for new fancy water effects." msgstr "Mapa de demostració dels nous efectes d'aigua." #: maps/scenarios/polynesia.xml:39 msgid "Polynesia" msgstr "Polinèsia" #: maps/scenarios/polynesia.xml:39 msgid "Samoa" msgstr "Samoa" #: maps/scenarios/polynesia.xml:39 msgid "Vanuatu" msgstr "Vanuatu" #: maps/scenarios/reservoir.xml:26 msgid "A demo showing water planes." msgstr "Una demostració de plans d'aigua." #: maps/scenarios/reservoir.xml:26 msgid "Reservoir" msgstr "Dipòsit" #: maps/scenarios/resource_demo.xml:26 msgid "Resource demo" msgstr "Demostració de recursos" #: maps/scenarios/resource_demo.xml:26 msgid "Demo map for resource gathering." msgstr "Mapa de demostració per a la recollida de recursos." #: maps/scenarios/road_demo.xml:26 msgid "Demo map showcasing Temperate Road decals." msgstr "Mapa de demostració que mostra la superposició de carreteres temperades." #: maps/scenarios/road_demo.xml:26 msgid "Road Decals Demo" msgstr "Demostració de superposició de carreteres" #: maps/scenarios/saharan_oases.xml:39 msgid "" "A desert biome map where each player has founded their colony at their own " "lush oasis. The rest of the map is generally wide-open and barren." msgstr "Un mapa del bioma del desert on cada jugador ha fundat la seva colònia al seu propi oasi exuberant. La resta del mapa en general és exposat i erm." #: maps/scenarios/sahel.xml:38 msgid "" "Situated Southside of the Atlas mountain range in North Africa.\n" "\n" "A somewhat open map with an abundance of food and mineral resources, while wood is somewhat scarce." msgstr "Situat al vessant sud de la serralada de l'Atles al nord d'Àfrica.\n\nUn mapa força obert amb abundància de menjar i minerals, mentre que la fusta és més escassa." #: maps/scenarios/sahel.xml:38 msgid "Aulus Manlius Capitolinus" msgstr "Aule Manli Capitolí" #: maps/scenarios/sahel.xml:38 msgid "Hasdrubal the Fair" msgstr "Àsdrubal el Bell" #: maps/scenarios/sahel.xml:38 msgid "Artaxshacha II" msgstr "Artaxshacha II" #: maps/scenarios/sahel.xml:38 msgid "Tautalus" msgstr "Tàntal" #: maps/scenarios/sandbox_athenians.xml:38 msgid "" "Play with the Athenians faction in a non-threatening sandbox environment." msgstr "Jugueu amb la facció dels atenesos en un entorn de prova no amenaçador." #: maps/scenarios/sandbox_athenians.xml:38 msgid "Sandbox - The Athenians" msgstr "Proves - Els atenesos" #: maps/scenarios/sandbox_athenians.xml:38 msgid "The Athenians" msgstr "Els atenesos" #: maps/scenarios/sandbox_athenians.xml:38 #: maps/scenarios/sandbox_macedonians.xml:38 msgid "The Spartans" msgstr "Els espartans" #: maps/scenarios/sandbox_athenians.xml:38 #: maps/scenarios/sandbox_macedonians.xml:38 msgid "The Persians" msgstr "Els perses" #: maps/scenarios/sandbox_athenians.xml:38 #: maps/scenarios/sandbox_macedonians.xml:38 msgid "The Gauls" msgstr "Els gals" #: maps/scenarios/sandbox_britons.xml:39 msgid "Sandbox - The Britons" msgstr "Proves - Els britons" #: maps/scenarios/sandbox_britons.xml:39 maps/scenarios/sandbox_gauls.xml:39 msgid "Play around with the Gallic faction in an idyllic sandbox setting." msgstr "Jugueu amb la facció gal·la en un entorn idíl·lic de prova." #: maps/scenarios/sandbox_britons.xml:39 maps/scenarios/sandbox_gauls.xml:39 msgid "Roman Interlopers" msgstr "Intrusos romans" #: maps/scenarios/sandbox_carthaginians.xml:38 msgid "Explore the Carthaginian Buildings and Units." msgstr "Exploreu els edificis i les unitats cartagineses." #: maps/scenarios/sandbox_carthaginians.xml:38 msgid "Sandbox - The Carthaginians" msgstr "Proves - Els cartaginesos" #: maps/scenarios/sandbox_carthaginians.xml:38 msgid "Creeps" msgstr "Bèsties" #: maps/scenarios/sandbox_carthaginians.xml:38 maps/scenarios/serengeti.xml:26 msgid "Carthage" msgstr "Cartago" #: maps/scenarios/sandbox_gauls.xml:39 msgid "Sandbox - The Gauls" msgstr "Proves - Els gals" #: maps/scenarios/sandbox_han.xml:39 msgid "A simple map showcasing the Han civilization's assets in the game." msgstr "" #: maps/scenarios/sandbox_han.xml:39 msgid "Sandbox - The Han" msgstr "" #: maps/scenarios/sandbox_iberians.xml:38 msgid "A demo map for the Iberians." msgstr "Un mapa de demostració per als ibers." #: maps/scenarios/sandbox_iberians.xml:38 msgid "Sandbox - The Iberians" msgstr "Proves - Els ibers" #: maps/scenarios/sandbox_kushites.xml:39 msgid "A simple map showcasing the Kushite civilization's assets in the game." msgstr "" #: maps/scenarios/sandbox_kushites.xml:39 msgid "Sandbox - The Kushites" msgstr "Proves - Els cuixites" #: maps/scenarios/sandbox_macedonians.xml:38 msgid "" "Play with the Macedonians faction in a non-threatening sandbox environment." msgstr "Jugueu amb la facció dels macedonis en un entorn de prova no hostil." #: maps/scenarios/sandbox_macedonians.xml:38 msgid "Sandbox - The Macedonians" msgstr "Proves - Els macedonis" #: maps/scenarios/sandbox_macedonians.xml:38 msgid "The Macedonians" msgstr "Els macedonis" #: maps/scenarios/sandbox_mauryas.xml:39 msgid "A simple map showcasing the Maurya civilization's assets in the game." msgstr "" #: maps/scenarios/sandbox_mauryas.xml:39 msgid "Sandbox - The Maurya Indians" msgstr "" #: maps/scenarios/sandbox_persians.xml:39 msgid "A simple map showcasing the Persian civilization's assets in the game." msgstr "" #: maps/scenarios/sandbox_persians.xml:39 msgid "Sandbox - The Achaemenid Persians" msgstr "" #: maps/scenarios/sandbox_ptolemies.xml:38 msgid "An islands map good for intense naval combat." msgstr "Un mapa amb illes adequat per al combat naval intens." #: maps/scenarios/sandbox_ptolemies.xml:38 msgid "Sandbox - The Ptolemaic Egyptians" msgstr "Proves - Els egipcis ptolemaics" #: maps/scenarios/sandbox_ptolemies.xml:38 msgid "Ptolemaios A' Soter" msgstr "Ptolemaios A' Soter" #: maps/scenarios/sandbox_ptolemies.xml:38 msgid "Kautilya" msgstr "Kautilya" #: maps/scenarios/sandbox_ptolemies_02.xml:38 msgid "" "Play with the Ptolemaic Egyptians in a non-threatening sandbox setting." msgstr "Jugueu amb la facció dels egipcis ptolemaics en un entorn de prova no hostil." #: maps/scenarios/sandbox_ptolemies_02.xml:38 msgid "Sandbox - The Ptolemaic Egyptians 2" msgstr "Proves - Els egipcis ptolemaics 2" #: maps/scenarios/sandbox_ptolemies_02.xml:38 msgid "Ptolemy \"Savior\"" msgstr "Ptolemeu \"Salvador\"" #: maps/scenarios/sandbox_ptolemies_02.xml:38 msgid "Seleucids" msgstr "Selèucides" #: maps/scenarios/sandbox_ptolemies_02.xml:38 msgid "Libyans" msgstr "Libis" #: maps/scenarios/sandbox_romans.xml:39 msgid "" "A simple map showcasing the Republican Roman civilization's assets in the " "game." msgstr "" #: maps/scenarios/sandbox_romans.xml:39 msgid "Sandbox - The Romans" msgstr "" #: maps/scenarios/sandbox_seleucids.xml:38 msgid "A sandbox scenario for players to try out the Seleucid civilisation." msgstr "Un escenari de proves per jugar amb la civilització selèucida." #: maps/scenarios/sandbox_seleucids.xml:38 msgid "Sandbox - The Seleucids" msgstr "Proves - Els selèucides" #: maps/scenarios/sandbox_seleucids.xml:38 msgid "The Seleucids" msgstr "Els selèucides" #: maps/scenarios/sandbox_seleucids.xml:38 msgid "The Ptolemies" msgstr "Els ptolemeus" #: maps/scenarios/sandbox_spartans.xml:39 msgid "A simple map showcasing the Spartan civilization's assets in the game." msgstr "" #: maps/scenarios/sandbox_spartans.xml:39 msgid "Sandbox - The Spartans" msgstr "Proves - Els espartans" #: maps/scenarios/savanna_ravine.xml:38 msgid "Savanna Ravine" msgstr "Barranc de la sabana" #: maps/scenarios/savanna_ravine.xml:38 msgid "" "A wide-open Savanna map with a small ravine running down the center, which " "is easily forded." msgstr "Un mapa obert de la sabana amb un petit barranc al centre, que es pot creuar fàcilment." #: maps/scenarios/serengeti.xml:26 msgid "" "The African serengeti has herds of animals criss crossing the plain. Mineral" " wealth is bountiful and wood is in full supply." msgstr "El Serengueti africà té ramats d'animals creuant les planures. Les riqueses minerals i la fusta són abundants." #: maps/scenarios/serengeti.xml:26 msgid "Serengeti 1" msgstr "Serengueti 1" #: maps/scenarios/serengeti.xml:26 msgid "Iberia" msgstr "Ibèria" #: maps/scenarios/serengeti.xml:26 msgid "Greece" msgstr "Grècia" #: maps/scenarios/serengeti.xml:26 msgid "Persia" msgstr "Pèrsia" #: maps/scenarios/ship_formations.xml:26 msgid "Ship formations mockup." msgstr "Maqueta de les formacions navals." #: maps/scenarios/ship_formations.xml:26 msgid "Ship Formations" msgstr "Formacions navals" #: maps/scenarios/ship_formations.xml:26 msgid "Ships" msgstr "Vaixells" #: maps/scenarios/shipattacks.xml:26 msgid "Move ships around. Attack other ships." msgstr "Moveu els vaixells. Ataqueu altres vaixells." #: maps/scenarios/shipattacks.xml:26 msgid "Ships Demo" msgstr "Demostració de vaixells" #: maps/scenarios/siwa_oasis.xml:26 msgid "" "Carthage vs. Macedon vs. Persia vs. Iberia! A large oasis acts as the hub of" " mountainous spokes that divide the home territories of each player." msgstr "Cartago contra Macedònia contra Pèrsia contra Ibèria! Un gran oasi actua com a centre dels radis muntanyosos que divideixen els territoris d'origen dels jugadors." #: maps/scenarios/siwa_oasis.xml:26 msgid "Siwa Oasis" msgstr "Oasi de Siwa" #: maps/scenarios/temperate_map.xml:26 msgid "Base Temperate Map" msgstr "Mapa temperat base" #: maps/scenarios/territory_demo.xml:26 msgid "A demo map showing the territory effects of each type of structure." msgstr "Un mapa de demostració que mostra els efectes sobre el territori de cada tipus d'estructura." #: maps/scenarios/territory_demo.xml:26 msgid "Territory Demo" msgstr "Demostració del territori" #: maps/scenarios/test_foundation.xml:39 msgid "" "This map is designed to help artists and modders find the adequate " "foundation for a specific building. This map is not meant to be playable." msgstr "Aquest mapa està dissenyat perquè els artistes i creadors de mods puguin trobar els fonaments adequats per a un edifici. No està pensat per jugar-hi." #: maps/scenarios/test_foundation.xml:39 msgid "Foundation Testing Map" msgstr "Mapa de prova de fonaments" #: maps/scenarios/the_massacre_of_delphi.xml:38 msgid "" "The Celts invade Greece. Fight through the central valley or cut through the" " rich highlands in order to secure the lands around Delphi!" msgstr "Els celtes envaeixen Grècia. Lluiteu a la vall central o obriu-vos pas a través dels turons per assegurar les terres que envolten Delfos!" #: maps/scenarios/the_massacre_of_delphi.xml:38 msgid "Massacre of Delphi" msgstr "Massacre de Delfos" #: maps/scenarios/the_persian_gates.xml:26 msgid "" "\"It has always been the Greek Dream to go East.\"\n" "\n" "\"Beware such pride. The East has a way of swallowing men and their dreams.\"\n" "\n" "Will Alexander push his way through The Persian Gates and fulfill his destiny, or will Ariobarzanes defend the rugged ancient land of Persis against a foreign invader?" msgstr "\"El somni grec sempre ha estat anar cap a l'Orient.\"\n\n\"Vés amb compte amb tant orgull. L'Orient sovint s'empassa els homes i els seus somnis.\"\n\nPodrà obrir-se pas Alexandre a través de les Portes de Pèrsia per complir el seu destí, o Ariobarzanes defensarà l'antiga terra aspra de Persis contra l'invasor foraster?" #: maps/scenarios/the_persian_gates.xml:26 msgid "The Persian Gates" msgstr "Les Portes de Pèrsia" #: maps/scenarios/the_persian_gates.xml:26 msgid "Alexandros Megas" msgstr "Alexandros Megas" #: maps/scenarios/the_persian_gates.xml:26 msgid "Krateros" msgstr "Krateros" #: maps/scenarios/the_persian_gates.xml:26 msgid "Ariobarzanes" msgstr "Ariobarzanes" #: maps/scenarios/the_persian_gates.xml:26 msgid "Persians" msgstr "Perses" #: maps/scenarios/third_macedonian_war.xml:26 msgid "" "The Romans encroach upon Macedonian lands for the third and final time. Can " "the once-proud Macedonians prevail against the Roman juggernaut?" msgstr "Els romans envaeixen la terra macedònia per tercera i última vegada. Podran els macedonis, en altre temps orgullosos, resistir contra el gegant romà?" #: maps/scenarios/third_macedonian_war.xml:26 msgid "Third Macedonian War" msgstr "Tercera Guerra Macedònica" #: maps/scenarios/third_macedonian_war.xml:26 msgid "Lucius Aemilius Paullus" msgstr "Luci Emili Paul·le" #: maps/scenarios/third_macedonian_war.xml:26 msgid "Perseus of Macedon" msgstr "Perseu de Macedònia" #: maps/scenarios/third_macedonian_war.xml:26 msgid "Greek Allies" msgstr "Aliats grecs" #: maps/scenarios/treasure_islands.js:9 msgid "Collect the treasures before your enemy does! May the better win!" msgstr "Recolliu els tresors abans que el vostre enemic! Que guanyi el millor!" #: maps/scenarios/treasure_islands.js:28 msgid "No winner yet, prepare for battle!" msgstr "Encara no hi ha vencedor, prepareu-vos per a la batalla!" #: maps/scenarios/treasure_islands.js:43 msgid "Your enemy's treasury is filled to the brim, you lose!" msgstr "Les arques enemigues estan plenes a vessar, heu perdut!" #: maps/scenarios/treasure_islands.js:48 msgid "Your treasury is filled to the brim, you are victorious!" msgstr "Les vostres arques estan plenes a vessar, heu vençut!" #: maps/scenarios/treasure_islands.js:60 msgid "Hurry up! Your enemy is close to victory!" msgstr "De pressa! L'enemic està a punt de guanyar!" #: maps/scenarios/treasure_islands.js:71 #, javascript-format msgid "Treasures remaining to collect for victory: %(remainingTreasures)s!" msgstr "Tresors restants per guanyar: %(remainingTreasures)s!" #: maps/scenarios/treasure_islands.js:79 msgid "You have collected a treasure!" msgstr "Heu recollit un tresor!" #: maps/scenarios/treasure_islands.js:91 msgid "Defeat your enemy to win!" msgstr "Derroteu l'enemic per guanyar!" #: maps/scenarios/treasure_islands.js:100 #, javascript-format msgid "%(lastPlayer)s has won (treasure collected)." msgid_plural "%(players)s and %(lastPlayer)s have won (treasure collected)." msgstr[0] "%(lastPlayer)s ha guanyat (treasure collected)." msgstr[1] "%(players)s i %(lastPlayer)s han guanyat (tresors recollits)." #: maps/scenarios/treasure_islands.js:104 #, javascript-format msgid "%(lastPlayer)s has been defeated (treasure collected)." msgid_plural "" "%(players)s and %(lastPlayer)s have been defeated (treasure collected)." msgstr[0] "%(lastPlayer)s ha estat vençut (treasure collected)." msgstr[1] "%(players)s i %(lastPlayer)s han estat vençuts (tresors recollits)." #: maps/scenarios/treasure_islands.xml:38 msgid "" "Search treasures on small islands and on the water. Collect more treasures " "than your opponent to win." msgstr "Cerqueu tresors en illes petites i a l'aigua. Recolliu més tresors que el contrari per guanyar." #: maps/scenarios/treasure_islands.xml:38 msgid "Treasure Islands" msgstr "Illes del tresor" #: maps/scenarios/triggers_demo.js:73 msgid "Testing the yes-no dialog. Do you want to say sure or rather not?" msgstr "Prova dels diàlegs de sí-no. Preferiu dir \"és clar\" o \"més aviat no\"?" #: maps/scenarios/triggers_demo.js:79 msgid "Sure" msgstr "És clar" #: maps/scenarios/triggers_demo.js:83 msgid "Say sure" msgstr "Digueu \"és clar\"" #: maps/scenarios/triggers_demo.js:89 msgid "Rather not" msgstr "Més aviat no" #: maps/scenarios/triggers_demo.js:93 msgid "Say rather not" msgstr "Digueu \"més aviat no\"" #: maps/scenarios/triggers_demo.xml:38 msgid "" "Demo map listening to various triggers and printing warning messages about " "them" msgstr "Mapa de demostració que detecta diversos factors i hi respon amb missatges d'advertència" #: maps/scenarios/triggers_demo.xml:38 msgid "Triggers Demo" msgstr "Demostració de factors desencadenants" #: maps/scenarios/tropical_island.xml:38 msgid "Multiplayer map. A tropical paradise." msgstr "Mapa multijugador. Un paradís tropical." #: maps/scenarios/tropical_island.xml:38 msgid "Tropical Island" msgstr "Illa tropical" #: maps/scenarios/unit_chasing_test.xml:40 msgid "" "This map is designed to test a few different cases of units chasing each " "other." msgstr "" #: maps/scenarios/unit_chasing_test.xml:40 msgid "Unit Chasing test" msgstr "" #: maps/scenarios/unit_dancing_test.xml:40 msgid "This map is designed to test a few different cases of 'Dancing'." msgstr "Aquest mapa està dissenyat per provar diferents casos de \"ball\"." #: maps/scenarios/unit_dancing_test.xml:40 msgid "Unit Dancing test" msgstr "Test de ball d'unitats" #: maps/scenarios/unit_motion_integration_test.xml:39 msgid "" "This map is designed to test some basic unit movement cases. It will involve" " unitAI, unitMotion and the relevant pathfinders and thus acts as an " "integrated test map. Look for things such as stuck units, wrong animations, " "and weird pathing." msgstr "Aquest mapa està dissenyat per provar alguns casos de moviment d'unitats. Utilitza unitAI, unitMotion i els cercadors de camins adequats i per tant funciona com un mapa de proves integrat. Busqueu-hi unitats encallades, animacions incorrectes o camins inusuals." #: maps/scenarios/unit_motion_integration_test.xml:39 msgid "Unit Motion Integration Test" msgstr "Prova integrada de moviment d'unitats" #: maps/scenarios/unit_pushing_test.xml:40 msgid "" "This map is designed to test the performance & functionality of unit " "pushing." msgstr "" #: maps/scenarios/unit_pushing_test.xml:40 msgid "Unit Pushing test" msgstr "" #: maps/scenarios/units_demo.xml:27 msgid "Units Demo" msgstr "Demostració d'unitats" #: maps/scenarios/units_demo.xml:27 msgid "Every unit in the game." msgstr "Totes les unitats del joc." #: maps/scenarios/walls.xml:26 msgid "Walls." msgstr "Muralles." #: maps/scenarios/walls.xml:26 msgid "Walls" msgstr "Muralles" #: maps/scenarios/walltest.xml:26 msgid "WallTest" msgstr "Prova de muralles" #: maps/scenarios/we_are_legion.xml:26 msgid "We Are Legion" msgstr "Som Legió" #: maps/scenarios/we_are_legion.xml:26 msgid "A quick battle demo map using Roman legionaries." msgstr "Un mapa de demostració de batalla ràpida amb legionaris romans." #: maps/scripts/CaptureTheRelic.js:144 #, javascript-format msgid "" "%(_player_)s and their allies have captured all relics and will win in " "%(time)s." msgstr "" #: maps/scripts/CaptureTheRelic.js:145 #, javascript-format msgid "%(_player_)s has captured all relics and will win in %(time)s." msgstr "" #: maps/scripts/CaptureTheRelic.js:156 #, javascript-format msgid "You and your allies have captured all relics and will win in %(time)s." msgstr "" #: maps/scripts/CaptureTheRelic.js:157 #, javascript-format msgid "You have captured all relics and will win in %(time)s." msgstr "" #: maps/scripts/CaptureTheRelic.js:171 #, javascript-format msgid "%(lastPlayer)s has won (Capture the Relic)." msgid_plural "%(players)s and %(lastPlayer)s have won (Capture the Relic)." msgstr[0] "%(lastPlayer)s ha guanyat (Captura la relíquia)." msgstr[1] "%(players)s i %(lastPlayer)s han guanyat (Captura la relíquia)." #: maps/scripts/CaptureTheRelic.js:175 #, javascript-format msgid "%(lastPlayer)s has been defeated (Capture the Relic)." msgid_plural "" "%(players)s and %(lastPlayer)s have been defeated (Capture the Relic)." msgstr[0] "%(lastPlayer)s ha estat derrotat (Captura la relíquia)." msgstr[1] "%(players)s i %(lastPlayer)s han estat derrotats (Captura la relíquia)." #: maps/scripts/Conquest.js:5 #, javascript-format msgid "%(player)s has been defeated (lost all critical units and structures)." msgstr "%(player)s ha estat derrotat (ha perdut totes les estructures i unitats crítiques)." #: maps/scripts/ConquestCivicCentres.js:5 #, javascript-format msgid "%(player)s has been defeated (lost all civic centres)." msgstr "" #: maps/scripts/ConquestCivicCentres.js:9 #, javascript-format msgid "" "%(player)s has been defeated (lost all civic centres and critical units and " "structures)." msgstr "" #: maps/scripts/ConquestStructures.js:5 #, javascript-format msgid "%(player)s has been defeated (lost all structures)." msgstr "" #: maps/scripts/ConquestStructures.js:9 #, javascript-format msgid "%(player)s has been defeated (lost all structures and critical units)." msgstr "%(player)s ha estat derrotat (ha perdut totes les estructures i unitats crítiques)." #: maps/scripts/ConquestUnits.js:5 #, javascript-format msgid "%(player)s has been defeated (lost all units)." msgstr "" #: maps/scripts/ConquestUnits.js:9 #, javascript-format msgid "%(player)s has been defeated (lost all units and critical structures)." msgstr "" #: maps/scripts/Regicide.js:130 #, javascript-format msgid "%(player)s has been defeated (lost hero)." msgstr "" #: maps/scripts/WonderVictory.js:80 #, javascript-format msgid "" "%(_player_)s owns a Wonder and %(_player_)s and their allies will win in " "%(time)s." msgstr "" #: maps/scripts/WonderVictory.js:81 #, javascript-format msgid "%(_player_)s owns a Wonder and will win in %(time)s." msgstr "" #: maps/scripts/WonderVictory.js:92 #, javascript-format msgid "%(_player_)s owns a Wonder and you will win in %(time)s." msgstr "%(_player_)s té una meravella i guanyareu en %(time)s." #: maps/scripts/WonderVictory.js:104 #, javascript-format msgid "You own a Wonder and you and your allies will win in %(time)s." msgstr "" #: maps/scripts/WonderVictory.js:105 #, javascript-format msgid "You own a Wonder and will win in %(time)s." msgstr "" #: maps/scripts/WonderVictory.js:139 #, javascript-format msgid "%(lastPlayer)s has won (wonder victory)." msgid_plural "%(players)s and %(lastPlayer)s have won (wonder victory)." msgstr[0] "%(lastPlayer)s ha guanyat (victòria per meravella)." msgstr[1] "%(players)s i %(lastPlayer)s han guanyat (victòria per meravella)." #: maps/scripts/WonderVictory.js:143 #, javascript-format msgid "%(lastPlayer)s has been defeated (wonder victory)." msgid_plural "" "%(players)s and %(lastPlayer)s have been defeated (wonder victory)." msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" #: maps/skirmishes/acropolis_bay_2p.xml:39 msgid "" "Each player starts the match atop a large flat plateau, otherwise known as an acropolis.\n" "\n" "To the East lies a large bay with fishing opportunities. To the West is a rugged hinterland with an unclaimed acropolis commanding the valley below." msgstr "Cada jugador comença la partida en un gran altiplà, també conegut com a acròpolis.\n\nA l'est hi ha una gran badia amb grans opcions de pesca. A l'oest hi ha una zona interior amb una acròpolis no reclamada que controla la vall de sota." #: maps/skirmishes/acropolis_bay_2p.xml:39 msgid "Acropolis Bay (2)" msgstr "Badia de l'acròpoli (2)" #: maps/skirmishes/alpine_mountains_3p.xml:39 msgid "" "A map filled with impassable mountains and a great number of natural " "resources." msgstr "Un mapa ple de muntanyes infranquejables i un gran nombre de recursos naturals." #: maps/skirmishes/alpine_mountains_3p.xml:39 msgid "Alpine Mountains (3)" msgstr "Muntanyes alpines (3)" #: maps/skirmishes/alpine_valleys_2p.xml:39 msgid "" "The high peaks and valleys of the Alps.\n" "\n" "Each player starts the match nestled in a safe green valley. Between lies the treacherous Alps mountain range." msgstr "" #: maps/skirmishes/alpine_valleys_2p.xml:39 msgid "Alpine Valleys (2)" msgstr "Valls alpines (2)" #: maps/skirmishes/arabian_oases_2p.xml:39 msgid "" "An old favorite. An otherwise wide-open, flat desert map is pierced in the center by two lush oases.\n" "\n" "This represents the Arabian Desert, South of Mesopotamia." msgstr "" #: maps/skirmishes/arabian_oases_2p.xml:39 msgid "Arabian Oases (2 players)" msgstr "" #: maps/skirmishes/arabian_oases_2p.xml:39 #: maps/skirmishes/libyan_oasis_2p.xml:39 msgid "Northeast Player" msgstr "" #: maps/skirmishes/arabian_oases_2p.xml:39 #: maps/skirmishes/libyan_oasis_2p.xml:39 msgid "Southwest Player" msgstr "" #: maps/skirmishes/atlas_valleys_8p.xml:39 msgid "" "Skirmish high in the Atlas mountains, where snowcapped mountains loom over " "desert oases. A wild landscape awaits; every player will experience " "different advantages and challenges based on their location." msgstr "Lluiteu als cims de l'Atles, muntanyes nevades que s'alcen sobre oasis desèrtics. El territori és salvatge i oferirà diferents reptes i avantatges a cada jugador segons on estigui ubicat." #: maps/skirmishes/atlas_valleys_8p.xml:39 msgid "Atlas Valleys (8)" msgstr "Valls de l'Atles (8)" #: maps/skirmishes/bactria_2p.xml:39 msgid "" "In the Eastern land of Bactria lies the rich valley carved by the Oxus River.\n" "\n" "South of the river are rich arable lands and plentiful wood and forage. North of the river lie a mountain range pierced by wide mountain passes and guarded by natural defensive positions.\n" "\n" "Within the mountains can be found riches as well as danger. The player who can exploit the mountainous area the best will have a significant advantage over their adversary." msgstr "" #: maps/skirmishes/bactria_2p.xml:39 msgid "Bactriana (2)" msgstr "Bactriana (2)" #: maps/skirmishes/barcania_3p.xml:26 msgid "Barcania (3)" msgstr "Barcània (3)" #: maps/skirmishes/barcania_3p.xml:26 msgid "" "A wild and wooded isle, full of forests, gold, and mystery. Mountains, seas," " and thick forests make for a very dynamic and fast-paced 3-player map with " "lots of potential for skirmishing and guerilla warfare as well as tough " "defensive fighting or aggressive maneuvers." msgstr "Una illa salvatge i arbrada, plena de boscos, or i misteri. Les muntanyes, mars i boscos espessos proporcionen un mapa de 3 jugadors dinàmic i ràpid amb molt potencial per a les escaramusses i la guerra de guerrilla, així com aferrissades lluites defensives o maniobres agressives." #: maps/skirmishes/belgian_bog_2p.xml:39 msgid "" "Two players face off across a large bog somewhere in the Rhine lowlands.\n" "\n" "Wood is abundant, but Metal and Stone are hard to find and extract. Hunting and foraging is plentiful." msgstr "Dos jugadors s'enfronten en uns grans aiguamolls de la conca del Rin.\n\nLa fusta és abundant, però el metall i la pedra costen de trobar i d'extreure. Hi ha força caça i fruita." #: maps/skirmishes/belgian_bog_2p.xml:39 msgid "Belgian Bog (2)" msgstr "Aiguamolls belgues (2)" #: maps/skirmishes/butana_steppe_2p.xml:39 msgid "" "South of the Sahara, East of the Nile, lies a semi-arid region today known " "as the Butana Steppe." msgstr "Al sud del Sàhara i a l'est del Nil hi ha una regió semiàrida avui coneguda com l'estepa de Butana." #: maps/skirmishes/butana_steppe_2p.xml:39 msgid "Island of Meroë (2)" msgstr "Illa de Meroe (2)" #: maps/skirmishes/caspian_sea_2pv2p.xml:39 msgid "" "Two teams face off across a long, very large saltwater lake.\n" "\n" "Fishing can be had in the central lake. The map is also well-endowed with Stone and Metal deposits." msgstr "Dos equips s'enfronten a banda i banda d'un llac salat molt llarg.\n\nEs pot pescar al llac central. El mapa també és ric en dipòsits de pedra i metall." #: maps/skirmishes/caspian_sea_2pv2p.xml:39 msgid "Caspian Sea (2v2)" msgstr "Mar Caspi (2 contra 2)" #: maps/skirmishes/cisalpine_winter_2p.xml:39 msgid "" "Northern Italy near the Alps is called Cisalpine Gaul by the Romans. It's a fertile area contested by the Gauls, Etruscans, and Romans alike. \n" "\n" "CAUTION: Map has a lot of snow particles that could affect graphics performance on low-end hardware." msgstr "" #: maps/skirmishes/cisalpine_winter_2p.xml:39 msgid "Cisalpine Winter (2)" msgstr "" #: maps/skirmishes/corinthian_isthmus_2p.xml:39 msgid "Corinthian Isthmus (2)" msgstr "Istme de Corint (2)" #: maps/skirmishes/corinthian_isthmus_4p.xml:39 msgid "Corinthian Isthmus (4)" msgstr "Istme de Corint (4)" #: maps/skirmishes/corsica_and_sardinia_4p.xml:38 msgid "" "The players start on two opposing islands, both with a very jagged relief that will make landing difficult.\n" "\n" "Originally occupied by the Torreans, then marginally settled by Etruscans, Phocaeans and Syracusans. Rome conquered these two islands from Carthage during the First Punic War and in 238 BC created the \"Corsica et Sardinia\" province. The Corsicans regularly revolted and over the course of a century, the island lost two thirds of its Corsican population." msgstr "Els jugadors comencen en dues illes enfrontades, les dues amb un relleu molt escarpat que farà que sigui difícil desembarcar-hi.\n\nOcupades originalment pels torreans, després habitades dispersament pels etruscos, els foceus i els siracusans. Roma va conquerir aquestes dues illes a Cartago durant la Primera Guerra Púnica i el 238 aC va crear la província de \"Corsica et Sardinia\". Els corsos es rebel·laven regularment i al llarg d'un segle, l'illa va perdre dos terços de la seva població corsa." #: maps/skirmishes/corsica_and_sardinia_4p.xml:38 msgid "Corsica and Sardinia (4)" msgstr "Còrsega i Sardenya (4)" #: maps/skirmishes/crocodilopolis_4p.xml:39 msgid "" "The ancient lake of Moeris near the Nile River in the Libyan Desert has been settled and used by the Egyptians since prehistoric times. \n" "\n" "The surrounding lands are dotted with ancient and new monuments and temples, while the lake itself is stocked full of Tilapia, ready for fishing. " msgstr "" #: maps/skirmishes/crocodilopolis_4p.xml:39 msgid "Crocodilopolis (4)" msgstr "" #: maps/skirmishes/cycladic_archipelago_2p.xml:39 msgid "Cycladic Archipelago (2 players)" msgstr "" #: maps/skirmishes/cycladic_archipelago_2p.xml:39 #: maps/skirmishes/cycladic_archipelago_3p.xml:39 msgid "A \"small island\"-style map set in the Aegean Sea." msgstr "Un mapa amb illes petites situat al mar Egeu." #: maps/skirmishes/cycladic_archipelago_3p.xml:39 msgid "Cycladic Archipelago (3 players)" msgstr "" #: maps/skirmishes/death_canyon_2p.xml:38 msgid "" "A deep rocky canyon slicing through the desert.\n" "\n" "Each player starts their colony on a plateau on either side of the ravine." msgstr "Una profunda gorja rocosa que travessa el desert.\n\nEls jugadors comencen en altiplans a banda i banda del barranc." #: maps/skirmishes/death_canyon_2p.xml:38 msgid "Death Canyon (2)" msgstr "Canyó de la Mort (2)" #: maps/skirmishes/deccan_plateau_2p.xml:39 msgid "" "Two players square off across the heavily forested Deccan Plateau of central India.\n" "\n" "Each player starts the match with a free farmstead and free storehouse.\n" "\n" "Virgin resources lie to the lowlands on either side of the plateau. The lowlands also offer opportunity for expansion and strategic maneuvering." msgstr "Dos jugadors s'enfronten pel boscós altiplà del Dècan de l'Índia central.\n\nCada jugador comença amb una masia i un magatzem gratuïts.\n\nA banda i banda de l'altiplà hi ha recursos verges i oportunitats per a l'expansió i les maniobres estratègiques." #: maps/skirmishes/deccan_plateau_2p.xml:39 msgid "Deccan Plateau (2)" msgstr "Altiplà del Dècan (2)" #: maps/skirmishes/dueling_cliffs_3pv3p.xml:39 msgid "" "A foggy alpine landscape becomes a battleground as each team has an ally " "squashed precariously between two enemies. Two forest cliffs overlook the " "center lake, accessible from the sides of the map." msgstr "Un paisatge alpí boirós es transforma en un camp de batalla, ja que cada equip té un aliat precàriament encabit entre dos enemics. Dos penya-segats boscosos vigilen el llac central, accessible des dels cantons del mapa." #: maps/skirmishes/dueling_cliffs_3pv3p.xml:39 msgid "Dueling Cliffs (3v3)" msgstr "Duel als penya-segats (3v3)" #: maps/skirmishes/egypt_3pv3p.xml:39 msgid "Egypt (3v3)" msgstr "Egipte (3v3)" #: maps/skirmishes/egypt_3pv3p.xml:39 msgid "" "Fight for the remains of ancient Egypt!\n" "\n" "Players start with full grown cities and small armies, each having distinct advantages and drawbacks. Take care, there are 7 mighty forts and marauding bandids!\n" "\n" "It is the last century before 0 A.D. Egypt is internally divided between hellenistic (Alexandria, represented by Seleucids) and traditional influences (Memphis, represented by Ptolemies). Thebes in the southern clime of river Nile has already been taken over by the Kush. In the north western Al-Dschabal al-Achdar, where the mediterranean city of Cyrene is located the Romans are preparing their invasion. From the eastern desert at-Tih and mount Sinai enemies (represented by Persians) are pushing forward and the oasis Siwa. Charga (represented by Carthage) in the south western desert are trying to get a share of the pie as well.\n" "Locations:\n" "- Alexandria: library, harbor\n" "- Memphis: Necropolis, pyramids, Apis shrine\n" "- Thebes: temple district, Valley of the Kings \n" "- Cyrene: mediterranean Macchie, olive groves\n" "- Fayyum: crocodile shrine, nile dam\n" "- Eastern desert: mount Sinai, deep Wadi, Red Sea reefs\n" "- Western desert: Oasis Charga and Siwa, Qattara Depression\n" msgstr "" #: maps/skirmishes/egypt_3pv3p.xml:39 msgid "Alexandria" msgstr "Alexandria" #: maps/skirmishes/egypt_3pv3p.xml:39 msgid "Siwa" msgstr "Siwa" #: maps/skirmishes/egypt_3pv3p.xml:39 msgid "Sinai" msgstr "Sinaí" #: maps/skirmishes/egypt_3pv3p.xml:39 msgid "Memphis" msgstr "Memfis" #: maps/skirmishes/egypt_3pv3p.xml:39 msgid "Cyrene" msgstr "Cirene" #: maps/skirmishes/farmland_2p.xml:39 msgid "Farmland in Eastern Europe." msgstr "Terres de cultiu a l'Europa de l'Est." #: maps/skirmishes/farmland_2p.xml:39 msgid "Farmland (2)" msgstr "Terres de cultiu (2)" #: maps/skirmishes/forest_battle_4p.xml:39 msgid "" "A forest battle map where all players fight for supremacy and control over " "the middle." msgstr "Un mapa de batalla boscós on tots els jugadors lluiten per la supremacia i el control de la part central." #: maps/skirmishes/forest_battle_4p.xml:39 msgid "Forest Battle (4)" msgstr "Batalla al bosc (4)" #: maps/skirmishes/gallic_fields_3p.xml:39 msgid "" "Defend your Gallic outpost against attacks from your treacherous neighbors!\n" "\n" "Each player begins the match with a wooden palisade and some guard towers atop a low embankment.\n" "\n" "Watch out for Romans passing by!" msgstr "Defenseu el vostre destacament gal contra atacs de veïns traïdors!\n\nCada jugador comença la partida amb una palissada i unes quantes torres de guàrdia sobre un terraplè baix.\n\nCompte amb els romans!" #: maps/skirmishes/gallic_fields_3p.xml:39 msgid "Gallic Fields (3)" msgstr "Camps gals (3)" #: maps/skirmishes/gallic_highlands_2p.xml:39 msgid "The Highlands of central Gaul." msgstr "" #: maps/skirmishes/gallic_highlands_2p.xml:39 msgid "Gallic Highlands (2)" msgstr "" #: maps/skirmishes/gambia_river_3p.xml:39 msgid "" "All players start on one bank of the river, with minimal harvestable metal. Across the Gambia River is a savanna with many deposits of metal to be claimed. \n" "\n" "(Warning: Large map. Good computer specs recommended)" msgstr "Tots els jugadors comencen a una riba del riu, amb poc metall disponible. A l'altra banda del riu Gàmbia hi ha una sabana amb nombrosos dipòsits de metall.\n\n(Advertència: És un mapa gran, es recomana tenir un ordinador amb bones característiques)" #: maps/skirmishes/gambia_river_3p.xml:39 msgid "Gambia River (3)" msgstr "Riu Gàmbia (3)" #: maps/skirmishes/golden_island_2p.xml:39 msgid "" "A ring of land borders a resource-rich island in the Mediterranean. Players " "can access the center via a narrow strip of shallow water or via boat." msgstr "Un anell de terra envolta una illa mediterrània rica en recursos. Els jugadors poden accedir al centre per una estreta franja d'aigua poc profunda o en vaixell." #: maps/skirmishes/golden_island_2p.xml:39 msgid "Golden Island (2)" msgstr "Illa daurada (2)" #: maps/skirmishes/golden_oasis_2p.xml:38 msgid "" "Players start around a small oasis in the center of the map which holds much of the available wood on the map.\n" "\n" "Elsewhere, in the hinterlands, lies great riches, in the form of large deposits of gold and other metals." msgstr "Els jugadors comencen al voltant d'un petit oasi al centre del mapa, on hi ha la major part de la fusta.\n\nA la resta del mapa, al desert, hi ha grans riqueses en forma de dipòsits grans d'or i altres metalls." #: maps/skirmishes/golden_oasis_2p.xml:38 msgid "Gold Oasis (2)" msgstr "Oasi d'or (2)" #: maps/skirmishes/greek_acropolis_2p.xml:38 msgid "Greek Acropolis (2)" msgstr "Acròpoli grega (2)" #: maps/skirmishes/greek_acropolis_2p.xml:38 #: maps/skirmishes/greek_acropolis_night_2p.xml:38 msgid "" "Two factions find themselves perched safely atop large rocky plateaus.\n" "\n" "Scout the lands to find free treasures and to secure new resources." msgstr "Dues faccions es troben situades damunt d'altiplans rocosos.\n\nExploreu les terres per trobar tresors i assegurar-vos recursos." #: maps/skirmishes/greek_acropolis_4p.xml:39 msgid "" "Three factions find themselves perched safely atop large rocky plateaus, whereas the fourth one is separated from their foes by a river branch.\n" "\n" "Scout the lands to find free treasures and to secure new resources.." msgstr "Tres faccions es troben situades damunt d'altiplans rocosos, mentre que la quarta està separada dels seus enemics per un riu.\n\nExploreu les terres per trobar tresors i assegurar-vos recursos." #: maps/skirmishes/greek_acropolis_4p.xml:39 msgid "Greek Acropolis (4)" msgstr "Acròpoli grega (4)" #: maps/skirmishes/greek_acropolis_night_2p.xml:38 msgid "Greek Acropolis Night (2)" msgstr "Acròpoli grega de nit (2)" #: maps/skirmishes/hindu_kush_2p.xml:39 msgid "" "The Hindu Kush mountains separate India from Bactria (modern day Afghanistan) and form a frontier between the Seleucid and Mauryan realms. This area was later under the control of the Greco-Bactrian and Indo-Greek kingdoms of the later Hellenistic period. \n" "\n" "The area is low on wood resources, but high on stone and metal. A trade route runs through the center of the map with Trade Depots that can be captured and used to gather resources via trade. " msgstr "" #: maps/skirmishes/hindu_kush_2p.xml:39 msgid "Hindu Kush (2)" msgstr "" #: maps/skirmishes/hydaspes_river_4p.xml:39 msgid "" "The Hydaspes, aka Jhelum, River in the Punjab of India. Here was the site of" " the great battle between the Macedonian forces under Alexander the Great " "and the Indian forces of the king Porus of Paurava." msgstr "" #: maps/skirmishes/hydaspes_river_4p.xml:39 msgid "Hydaspes River (4)" msgstr "" #: maps/skirmishes/isthmus_of_corinth_2p.xml:39 msgid "" "isth·mus\n" "/ˈis(TH)məs/\n" "noun\n" "a narrow strip of land with sea on either side, forming a link between two larger areas of land.\n" "\n" "This is the Ithmus at Corinth in Greece. The land is rich in raw resources and treasure, and the seas on either side of the isthmus are stocked with fish. Mercenary Camps can be found as well as large Metal Mine deposits.\n" "\n" "Watch out for pirate ships and brigands, though, as war-torn Greece is not without its share of dangers. And the enemy, marshalling their forces across the isthmus on the opposing landmass, will be looking for opportunities to invade your lands and take the strategic Corinthian Isthmus for themselves!" msgstr "" #: maps/skirmishes/isthmus_of_corinth_2p.xml:39 msgid "Isthmus of Corinth (2)" msgstr "" #: maps/skirmishes/libyan_oases_4p.xml:38 msgid "" "An otherwise wide-open, flat desert map is pierced in the center by two lush oases.\n" "\n" "This represents the Libyan Desert, part of the Saharan Desert, West of the Nile River in Egypt." msgstr "Un mapa de desert pla i al descobert foradat al centre per dos oasis frondosos.\n\nRepresenta el desert de Líbia, part del desert del Sàhara, a l'oest del riu Nil." #: maps/skirmishes/libyan_oases_4p.xml:38 msgid "Libyan Oases (4)" msgstr "Oasis libis (4)" #: maps/skirmishes/libyan_oasis_2p.xml:39 msgid "" "An old favorite. An otherwise wide-open, flat desert map is pierced in the center by a lush oasis.\n" "\n" "This represents the Libyan Desert, part of the Saharan Desert, West of the Nile River in Egypt." msgstr "" #: maps/skirmishes/libyan_oasis_2p.xml:39 msgid "Libyan Oasis (2 players)" msgstr "" #: maps/skirmishes/lorraine_plain_2p.xml:39 msgid "" "The map is cut through the center by a river traversing east-west with some shallows.\n" "\n" "Fairly open-wooded and basically flat. Plenty of building room. Well balanced resources.\n" "\n" "Civ Territories are divided by main river and tributaries (with necessary shallows for crossings)." msgstr "El mapa està travessat d'est a oest per un riu que té uns quants guals.\n\nForça boscós i pla. Molt espai per construir. Recursos ben equilibrats.\n\nEls territoris de les faccions estan dividits pel riu principal i els seus afluents (amb els guals necessaris per creuar-los)." #: maps/skirmishes/lorraine_plain_2p.xml:39 msgid "Lorraine Plain (2)" msgstr "Plana de Lorena (2)" #: maps/skirmishes/magadha_2p.xml:39 msgid "" "Two of India's greatest empires, the Maurya Empire and Gupta Empire, originated in Magadha, a region in Northern India near the sacred River Ganges.\n" "\n" "This map was designed as a 1v1 map suitable for rated and tournament play." msgstr "" #: maps/skirmishes/magadha_2p.xml:39 msgid "Magadha (2)" msgstr "" #: maps/skirmishes/median_oasis_2p.xml:39 msgid "Median Oasis (2)" msgstr "Oasi mede (2)" #: maps/skirmishes/median_oasis_2p.xml:39 #: maps/skirmishes/median_oasis_4p.xml:38 msgid "" "A large oasis acts as the hub of mountainous spokes that divide the home " "territories of each player." msgstr "Un gran oasi actua com a centre dels radis muntanyosos que divideixen els territoris d'origen dels jugadors." #: maps/skirmishes/median_oasis_4p.xml:38 msgid "Median Oasis (4)" msgstr "Oasi mede (4)" #: maps/skirmishes/mediterranean_cove_2p.xml:38 msgid "" "A sheltered natural harbour on the Mediterranean coast provides the " "resources for battle." msgstr "Un port natural protegit a la costa mediterrània proporciona recursos per a la guerra." #: maps/skirmishes/mediterranean_cove_2p.xml:38 msgid "Mediterranean Coves (2)" msgstr "Cales mediterrànies (2)" #: maps/skirmishes/miletus_peninsula_2p.xml:39 msgid "" "Each player starts the match atop a large flat plateau, otherwise known as an acropolis.\n" "\n" "To the East lies a large bay with fishing opportunities. To the West is an unclaimed acropolis overlooking the Aegean Sea." msgstr "" #: maps/skirmishes/miletus_peninsula_2p.xml:39 msgid "Miletus Peninsula (2)" msgstr "" #: maps/skirmishes/neareastern_badlands_2p.xml:38 msgid "Neareastern Badlands (2)" msgstr "Erms del Pròxim Orient (2)" #: maps/skirmishes/neareastern_badlands_2p.xml:38 #: maps/skirmishes/neareastern_badlands_4p.xml:38 msgid "" "The 'Cappadocia' region of Central-Eastern Anatolia.\n" "\n" "All players start on the Western end of the map, with a vast unclaimed wilderness lying open before them ripe for conquest and depredation.\n" "\n" "Stone and Metal resources are in abundance, especially Stone, but Wood is somewhat scarce." msgstr "La regió de la Capadòcia a l'Anatòlia centre-oriental.\n\nTots els jugadors comencen a l'extrem oest del mapa, amb un vast desert sense reclamar davant seu per a la conquesta.\n\nLa pedra i el metall són abundants, sobretot la pedra, però la fusta és escassa." #: maps/skirmishes/neareastern_badlands_4p.xml:38 msgid "Neareastern Badlands (4)" msgstr "Erms del Pròxim Orient (4)" #: maps/skirmishes/nile_river_4p.xml:38 msgid "" "An Egyptian desert map bisected by the broad Nile River. Organic resources " "cluster near the river, while mineral resources can be found in the desert " "hinterlands." msgstr "Un mapa del desert egipci tallat en dos pel riu Nil. Els recursos orgànics s'acumulen prop del riu, mentre que els minerals es troben al desert." #: maps/skirmishes/nile_river_4p.xml:38 msgid "Nile River (4)" msgstr "Riu Nil (4)" #: maps/skirmishes/north_african_savanna_2p.xml:39 msgid "" "The Savanna is open and foreboding, chock full of animal, both huntable and hunter. \n" "\n" "Here we have an example of the two seasons prevelant on the savanna: The wet season and the dry season." msgstr "" #: maps/skirmishes/north_african_savanna_2p.xml:39 msgid "North African Savanna (2 players)" msgstr "" #: maps/skirmishes/northern_island_2p.xml:39 msgid "" "Stranded in the cold North, 2 players fight for supremacy over the Island. " "One player starts in the Mountains to the West, the other player starts near" " the Bay in the East." msgstr "Perduts al fred nord, 2 jugadors lluiten per la supremacia de l'illa. Un jugador comença a les muntanyes de l'oest, l'altre prop de la badia de l'est." #: maps/skirmishes/northern_island_2p.xml:39 msgid "Northern Island (2)" msgstr "Illa del nord (2)" #: maps/skirmishes/nubian_frontier_2p.xml:39 msgid "The arid and treacherous frontier between Nubia and Egypt." msgstr "" #: maps/skirmishes/nubian_frontier_2p.xml:39 msgid "Nubian Frontier (2)" msgstr "" #: maps/skirmishes/obedska_bog_4p.xml:39 msgid "Obedska Bog (4)" msgstr "Aiguamolls d'Obedska (4)" #: maps/skirmishes/obedska_bog_4p.xml:39 #: maps/skirmishes/obedska_bog_night_4p.xml:39 msgid "" "A lazy river meanders through these Serbian wetlands. Stone is scarce, but many lumps of bog iron sit waiting to be found.\n" "\n" "*This map makes heavy use of grass actors which may adversely affect performance." msgstr "Un riu tranquil giragonsa pels aiguamolls de Sèrbia. La pedra és escassa, però el ferro és abundant.\n\n*L'herba d'aquest mapa pot causar problemes de rendiment." #: maps/skirmishes/obedska_bog_night_4p.xml:39 msgid "Obedska Bog Night (4)" msgstr "Aiguamolls d'Obedska a la nit (4)" #: maps/skirmishes/oceanside_2p.xml:39 msgid "A Lush temperate biome along an ocean. " msgstr "Un bioma frondós i temperat prop de l'oceà." #: maps/skirmishes/oceanside_2p.xml:39 msgid "Oceanside (2)" msgstr "Costa oceànica (2)" #: maps/skirmishes/persian_highlands_4p.xml:38 msgid "" "A dry central basin rich in minerals surrounded by rocky hills and " "highlands." msgstr "El llit sec d'un riu, ric en minerals, és al centre, envoltat de turons i altiplans rocosos." #: maps/skirmishes/persian_highlands_4p.xml:38 msgid "Persian Highlands (4)" msgstr "Altiplans perses (4)" #: maps/skirmishes/punjab_2p.xml:39 msgid "" "Northwest India. Nearby rivers swell with monsoon rains, allowing for only a few treacherous crossings.\n" "\n" "The rivers are heavily forested, while grasslands carpet the surrounding countryside. Watch out for Tigers in the tall grass! Asian elephants are also a common sight." msgstr "Nord-oest de l'Índia. Els rius propers creixen amb les pluges del monsó, amb només alguns guals traïdors.\n\nEls rius tenen vegetació densa, i estan envoltats de prats. Compte amb els tigres a les herbes altes! Els elefants asiàtics també volten per allà." #: maps/skirmishes/punjab_2p.xml:39 msgid "Punjab (2)" msgstr "Panjab (2)" #: maps/skirmishes/saharan_oases_2p.xml:39 msgid "Saharan Oases (2)" msgstr "" #: maps/skirmishes/saharan_oases_2p.xml:39 #: maps/skirmishes/saharan_oases_4p.xml:39 msgid "" "In the deep Sahara Desert of Africa lies an area of rocky outcrops and small oases. \n" "\n" "Large stone quarries can be found in the cliffs, while wood and animal resources can be found near the oases dotting the landscape. Nearby fruiting Date Palms give an nice initial burst of food." msgstr "" #: maps/skirmishes/saharan_oases_4p.xml:39 msgid "Saharan Oases (4)" msgstr "Oasis del Sàhara (4)" #: maps/skirmishes/sahel_4p.xml:38 msgid "" "Situated Southside of the Atlas mountain range in North Africa.\n" "\n" "A somewhat open map with an abundance of animals and mineral resources, while wood is scarce." msgstr "Situat al vessant sud de la serralada de l'Atles al nord d'Àfrica.\n\nUn mapa força obert amb abundància d'animals i minerals, mentre que la fusta és més escassa." #: maps/skirmishes/sahel_4p.xml:38 msgid "Sahel (4)" msgstr "Sahel (4)" #: maps/skirmishes/sahyadri_buttes_5p.xml:39 msgid "" "The diverse rainforests nestled in the Sahyadri mountain range of the west coast of India. It goes without saying, wood is abundant.\n" "\n" "Iberian players do not get full circuit walls, but 5 strategically placed wall towers.\n" "\n" "WARNING: This map uses a lot of floral actors on account of being a rainforest. Expect a drop in framerate, this is taxing on most mid range computers." msgstr "Les selves de la serralada Sahyadri a la costa occidental de l'Índia. Per descomptat, la fusta és abundant.\n\nEls jugadors ibers no reben el circuit de muralles, sinó 5 torres de muralla col·locades estratègicament.\n\nATENCIÓ: La quantitat de flors presents en aquest mapa de selva pot fer baixar el rendiment, especialment en ordinadors de gamma mitjana." #: maps/skirmishes/sahyadri_buttes_5p.xml:39 msgid "Sahyadri Buttes (5)" msgstr "Muntanyes de Sahyadri (5)" #: maps/skirmishes/savanna_river_2p.xml:38 msgid "A large savanna is bisected by a narrow jungle stream." msgstr "Una gran sabana partida en dos per un riu estret de selva." #: maps/skirmishes/savanna_river_2p.xml:38 msgid "Savanna River (2)" msgstr "Riu de la sabana (2)" #: maps/skirmishes/scythia_4p.xml:39 msgid "" "The steppes of central Asia. A wide open grassland with few trees (about 90%" " fewer trees than on a temperate or Aegean map). Animal life is plentiful " "though, so take advantage of the hunting available. " msgstr "" #: maps/skirmishes/scythia_4p.xml:39 msgid "Scythian Steppes (4)" msgstr "" #: maps/skirmishes/sicilia_2p.xml:39 msgid "The large Mediterranean island of Sicily is open for conquest." msgstr "La gran illa mediterrània de Sicília, a punt per ser conquerida." #: maps/skirmishes/sicilia_2p.xml:39 msgid "Sicilia (2)" msgstr "Sicília (2)" #: maps/skirmishes/sicilia_nomad_2p.xml:34 msgid "" "The large Mediterranean island of Sicily is open for conquest.\n" "[color=\"orange\"]Tip: docks are useful dropsite when you have no territory yet.[/color]" msgstr "La gran illa mediterrània de Sicília, a punt per ser conquerida.\n[color=\"orange\"]Consell: els ports són útils com a punts de descàrrega quan encara no tingueu territori.[/color]" #: maps/skirmishes/sicilia_nomad_2p.xml:34 msgid "Sicilia Nomad (2)" msgstr "Nòmada de Sicília (2)" #: maps/skirmishes/skirmish_demo_2p.xml:38 msgid "A demo Skirmish map." msgstr "Un mapa de demostració d'escaramusses." #: maps/skirmishes/skirmish_demo_2p.xml:38 msgid "Skirmish Demo (2)" msgstr "" #: maps/skirmishes/sporades_islands_2p.xml:39 msgid "An islands map designed for intense naval combat." msgstr "" #: maps/skirmishes/sporades_islands_2p.xml:39 msgid "Sporades Islands (2 player)" msgstr "" #: maps/skirmishes/syria_2p.xml:39 msgid "" "A barren land with little wood and few animals. Treasures dot the landscape and will be essential to early growth.\n" "\n" "The player who sets up a profitable trade caravan earliest may gain a decisive advantage." msgstr "Una terra erma amb poca fusta i pocs animals. Els tresors repartits pel paisatge seran essencials per al creixement al principi.\n\nEl jugador que estableixi abans una caravana comercial profitosa pot guanyar un avantatge decisiu." #: maps/skirmishes/syria_2p.xml:39 msgid "Coele-Syria (2)" msgstr "" #: maps/skirmishes/tarim_basin_2p.xml:39 msgid "Tarim Basin (2)" msgstr "" #: maps/skirmishes/tarim_basin_2p.xml:39 maps/skirmishes/tarim_basin_4p.xml:39 msgid "" "A barren desert basin surrounded by mountainous valleys, the Tarim Basin is also called \"The Western Regions\" by the Han, and represents the furthest extent of their power.\n" "\n" "The basin itself is bereft of life and offers little in the way of defensibility. The rugged mountain valleys harbor the only life, in the form of hearty shrub and tree species and some goats." msgstr "" #: maps/skirmishes/tarim_basin_4p.xml:39 msgid "Tarim Basin (4)" msgstr "" #: maps/skirmishes/team_oasis_2pv2p.xml:38 msgid "" "An oasis surrounded by mountains and desert. Farmlands near the water's edge" " provide much-needed boost in farming, but foraging and hunting are in short" " supply." msgstr "Un oasi envoltat de muntanyes i desert. Les terres de cultiu a la vora de l'aigua afavoreixen l'agricultura, però la caça i la fruita per recol·lectar són escasses." #: maps/skirmishes/team_oasis_2pv2p.xml:38 msgid "Team Oasis (2v2)" msgstr "Oasi d'equip (2 contra 2)" #: maps/skirmishes/temperate_roadway_2p.xml:39 msgid "Temperate zone map with plentiful resources. Map Size: Small" msgstr "Mapa temperat amb abundants recursos. Mida del mapa: Petita" #: maps/skirmishes/temperate_roadway_2p.xml:39 msgid "Temperate Roadway (2)" msgstr "Carretera temperada (2)" #: maps/skirmishes/thessalian_plains_4p.xml:38 msgid "" "The rolling Thessalian plain is traversed with narrow streams, easily " "forded. Wide-open spaces allow for massive expansion, while each player " "starts the match safe atop a large plateau." msgstr "La planura de Tessàlia està travessada per rierols estrets, fàcils de creuar. Hi ha espais oberts que permeten una expansió massiva, i cada jugador comença protegit damunt d'un gran altiplà." #: maps/skirmishes/thessalian_plains_4p.xml:38 msgid "Thessalian Plains (4)" msgstr "Planes de Tessàlia (4)" #: maps/skirmishes/tuscan_acropolis_4p.xml:39 msgid "" "Four factions find themselves perched safely atop large rocky plateaus.\n" "\n" "Scout the lands to find free treasures and to secure new resources." msgstr "Quatre faccions es troben situades damunt d'altiplans rocosos.\n\nExploreu les terres per trobar tresors i assegurar-vos recursos." #: maps/skirmishes/tuscan_acropolis_4p.xml:39 msgid "Tuscan Acropolis (4)" msgstr "Acròpoli toscana (4)" #: maps/skirmishes/two_seas_6p.xml:39 msgid "" "A large tropic map with two seas to the East and to the West. Good for two " "teams of three players or three teams of two players." msgstr "Un gran mapa tropical amb dos mars a est i oest. Adequat per a dos equips de tres jugadors o tres equips de dos jugadors." #: maps/skirmishes/two_seas_6p.xml:39 msgid "Two Seas (6)" msgstr "Dos mars (6)" #: maps/skirmishes/vesuvius_6p.xml:39 msgid "" "Skirmish as ash lightly falls around this recently erupted volcano. The " "scorched landscape offers little food, though the blasted forests are still " "laden with useful wood." msgstr "Lluiteu sota la pluja de cendra d'aquest volcà que acaba d'erupcionar. La terra cremada ofereix poc menjar, però els boscos, tot i que castigats, encara estan plens de fusta." #: maps/skirmishes/vesuvius_6p.xml:39 msgid "Vesuvius (6)" msgstr "Vesuvi (6)" #: maps/skirmishes/via_augusta_4p.xml:39 msgid "All Roads Lead To Rome. Via Julia Augusta a Roman road built in 13 BC." msgstr "" #: maps/skirmishes/via_augusta_4p.xml:39 msgid "Via Augusta (4)" msgstr "Via Augusta (4)" #: maps/skirmishes/watering_holes_4p.xml:39 msgid "" "A small Savanna map with 4 watering holes. \n" "\n" "As with all Savanna maps, huntable animals foragable plants are abundant, but there are no farmlands on the entire map, so farming is difficult.\n" "\n" "Wood is scattered, but comes in high-yield Baobab trees. The watering holes give life to clusters of trees and life to dangerous fauna, such as crocodiles and elephants." msgstr "" #: maps/skirmishes/watering_holes_4p.xml:39 msgid "Watering Holes (4 players)" msgstr "" #: maps/skirmishes/white_cliffs_of_dover_5p.xml:39 msgid "" "Foreigners are invading Britannia. The native Britons must fight against a massive enemy invasion force to secure their homeland for the next generation!\n" "\n" "Player 1 is the Britons. Players 2-5 are the invasion force, garrisoned aboard their stout ships in the channel off the White Cliffs of Dover. \n" "\n" "Teams are set by the map script, but can be altered by the players in setup if they wish to play the map contrary to the scenario defined by the designer. In that case, the game host should set a ceasefire so that the players in the boats can land peacefully and attempt to find a suitable place to plant their first settlements.\n" "\n" "Assigned civilizations are merely suggestions, and the host should set starting resources to 1000 so that Civic Centers can be built at the start." msgstr "" #: maps/skirmishes/white_cliffs_of_dover_5p.xml:39 msgid "White Cliffs of Dover (5)" msgstr "" #: maps/skirmishes/white_cliffs_of_dover_5p.xml:39 msgid "Invader 1" msgstr "Invasor 1" #: maps/skirmishes/white_cliffs_of_dover_5p.xml:39 msgid "Invader 2" msgstr "Invasor 2" #: maps/skirmishes/white_cliffs_of_dover_5p.xml:39 msgid "Invader 3" msgstr "Invasor 3" #: maps/skirmishes/white_cliffs_of_dover_5p.xml:39 msgid "Invader 4" msgstr "Invasor 4" #: maps/skirmishes/yangtze_2p.xml:39 msgid "The Yangtze River in China. " msgstr "" #: maps/skirmishes/yangtze_2p.xml:39 msgid "Chang Jiang (2)" msgstr "" #: maps/skirmishes/zagros_mountains_2p.xml:39 msgid "" "The mountains buffering the Persian homeland, straddling Persis, Susiana, and Media. This map simulates the many valleys and choke points that criss cross the mountain range. \n" "\n" "Players start the match nestled in their own province with 1 free Persian temple. Access to untapped resources and territories can be found through the rugged hinterlands, but is also chock full of dangerous animals, such as Asian bears and Caspian tigers.\n" "\n" "The central valley is wide open for expansion, with an unclaimed Civic Center, farms, and Trading Posts. Cliffs along the valley's edge may offer vantage points for defensive or offensive fortifications." msgstr "" #: maps/skirmishes/zagros_mountains_2p.xml:39 msgid "Zagros Mountains (2 players)" msgstr "" #: ⁨maps/scenarios/Ship Combat Demo.xml⁩:39 msgid "Ship Combat Demo." msgstr "" #: ⁨⁨maps/scenarios/Ship Combat Demo.xml⁩⁩:39 msgid "Ship Combat Demo" msgstr ""