msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: None\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-23 00:09+0000\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2024-09-23 00:09+0000\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit" msgid "Color" msgstr "Kolorea" msgid "Move the sliders to change the Red, Green and Blue components of the Color" msgstr "" "A csúszkákkal be tudod állítani, mennyi vörös, mennyi zöld és mennyi kék legyen a " "színekben." msgid "Red" msgstr "Vermelyo" msgid "Green" msgstr "Zielony" msgid "Blue" msgstr "Niebieski" msgid "Save" msgstr "Salveguardar" msgid "Cancel" msgstr "Hoit i mog noch ned" #, python-format msgid "" "Opening %(url)s\n" " in default web browser. Please wait…" msgstr "" "Ouverture %(url)s\n" "dans le navigateur Web par défaut. Attendez, s'il vous plaît..." msgid "Opening page" msgstr "S'està obrint la pàgina" msgctxt "filesize unit" msgid "B" msgstr "Bitů" msgctxt "filesize unit" msgid "KiB" msgstr "Kilobitů" msgctxt "filesize unit" msgid "MiB" msgstr "Megabitů" msgctxt "filesize unit" msgid "GiB" msgstr "Gigabitů" #. Translation: For example: 123.4 KiB #, python-format msgid "%(filesize)s %(unit)s" msgstr "%(filesize)s %(unit)s" #. Translation: Time-format string. See #. for a guide to the meaning of the letters. msgid "mm:ss" msgstr "mm:ss" msgid "HH:mm:ss" msgstr "HH: mm: ss" msgctxt "enumeration" msgid ", " msgstr "، و" #, python-format msgctxt "Mod comparison" msgid "%(mod)s (%(version)s)" msgstr "%(mod)s (%(version)s)" msgid ", " msgstr "، و" #, python-format msgctxt "Mod comparison" msgid "Required: %(mods)s" msgstr "Изисква(т) се: %(mods)s" #, python-format msgctxt "Mod comparison" msgid "Active: %(mods)s" msgstr "Ενεργοποίηση: %(mods)s" msgid "" "[font=\"sans-bold-20\"]You tried to start the game with incompatible or missing " "mods![/font]" msgstr "" "[font=\"sans-bold-20\"]Dh’fheuch thu ris an geama a thòiseachadh le tuilleadan nach eil" " co-chòrdail no a tha dhìth![/font]" msgid "[font=\"sans-16\"]" msgstr "[font=\"sans-16\"]" msgid "" "Solve the compatibility issue by disabling invalid mods or enabling required " "dependencies. You can then save & start the game." msgstr "" "Fuasgail duilgheadas na co-chòrdalachd is tu a’ cur à comas nan tuilleadan nach eil " "dligheach no a’ cur an comas nan eisimeileachdan riatanach. ’S urrainn dhut an geama a " "shàbhaladh ⁊ a thòiseachadh an uairsin." msgid "" "Incompatible mods will appear in red in the list of enabled mods (bottom panel). " "Dependencies can be added by enabling them in the upper panel." msgstr "" "Nochdaidh na tuilleadan neo-chòrdail le dath dearg orra air liosta nan tuilleadan an " "comas (sa phanail aig a’ bhonn). ’S urrainn dhut na h-eisimeileachdan a chur ris is tu " "’gan cur an comas sa phanail uachdarach." msgid "[/font]" msgstr "[/font]" msgid "Incompatible mods" msgstr "Tá na modhnuithe neamhréireacha" msgid "Ok" msgstr "Ceart ma-thà" msgid "0 A.D. Empires Ascendant Disclaimer" msgstr "Descargo de responsabilidade de de 0A.D. — A ascensión dos imperios" msgid "Document Date: 2023-07-27" msgstr "A kiállítás dátuma: 2023. július 27." msgid "You are about to connect to the online service." msgstr "Vous êtes sur le point de vous connecter au service en ligne." msgid "" "This service provides an easy way to download and install community-made mods and is " "provided by DBolical Pty Ltd, the company behind IndieDB and ModDB." msgstr "" "Tha an t-seirbheis seo a’ solar dòigh furasta airson tuilleadain a chaidh a dhèanamh " "leis a’ choimhearsnachd a luchdadh a-nuas is a stàladh agus tha e ’ga sholar le " "DBolical Pty Ltd, seo a’ chompanaidh a nì IndieDB agus ModDB." msgid "The service is for users age 13 and over." msgstr "Tha an t-seirbheis airson luchd-cleachdaidh a bheil 13 bliadhna a dh’aois no nas sine." msgid "" "Wildfire Games has taken care to make this connection secure and reviewed the mods for " "security flaws, but cannot guarantee that this does not pose any risks." msgstr "" "Rinn Wildfire Games ar dìcheall ach am bi an ceangal seo tèarainte agus rinn sinn " "lèirmheas air na tuilleadain a thaobh easbhaidhean tèarainteachd ach chan urrainn " "dhuinn barantas a thoirt nach èirich cunnartan tèarainteachd ’nan lùib." msgid "" "By using the service, you understand that's Terms of Use and Privacy Policy " "apply and that Wildfire Games is not liable for any damages resulting from this " "service." msgstr "" "Nuair a chleachdas tu an t-seirbheis, bi thu ag aideachadh gu bheil thu a’ tuigsinn gum" " bi teirmichean a’ chleachdaidh is poileasaidh prìobhaideachd an gnìomh agus " "nach eil Wildfire Games buailteach do dhochann sam bith a dh’adhbharaicheas an " "t-seirbheis seo." #, python-format msgctxt " error message" msgid "" "Game ID could not be retrieved.\n" "\n" "%(technicalDetails)s" msgstr "" "Δεν ήταν δυνατή η ανάκτηση του αναγνωριστικού παιχνιδιού.\n" "\n" "%(technicalDetails)s" msgctxt " error message" msgid "Initialization Error" msgstr "Errore di Inizializzazione" msgid "Retry" msgstr "Feuch ris a-rithist" msgid "Abort" msgstr "Ji berxwegirtin " #, python-format msgctxt " error message" msgid "" "Mod List could not be retrieved.\n" "\n" "%(technicalDetails)s" msgstr "" "Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn liosta nan tuilleadan fhaighinn.\n" "\n" "%(technicalDetails)s" msgctxt " error message" msgid "Fetch Error" msgstr "Erreur de récupération" #, python-format msgctxt " error message" msgid "" "File download failed.\n" "\n" "%(technicalDetails)s" msgstr "" "Dh’fhàillig le luchdadh a-nuas an fhaidhle.\n" "\n" "%(technicalDetails)s" msgctxt " error message" msgid "Download Error" msgstr "Mearachd leis an luchdadh a-nuas" #, python-format msgctxt " error message" msgid "" "File verification error.\n" "\n" "%(technicalDetails)s" msgstr "" "ఫైల్ ధృవీకరణ లోపం. \n" "\n" "\n" "%(technicalDetails)s\n" "\n" msgctxt " error message" msgid "Verification Error" msgstr "Erreur de vérification" msgid "Initializing interface." msgstr "S'està inicialitzant la interfície de" msgid "Initializing" msgstr "S'està inicialitzant" #, python-format msgid "Invalid mod: %(error)s" msgstr "Neplatná pozměněná verze: %(error)s" msgid "Fetching and updating list of available mods." msgstr "A’ faighinn ’s ag ùrachadh liosta nan tuilleadan a tha ri am faighinn." msgid "Updating" msgstr "S'està actualitzant" msgid "Cancel Update" msgstr "Cancel·la l'actualització" #, python-format msgid "Downloading “%(modname)s”" msgstr "డౌన్‌లోడ్ చేస్తోంది “%(modname)s”" msgid "Downloading" msgstr "’Ga luchdadh a-nuas" msgid "Cancel Download" msgstr "Sguir dhen luchdadh a-nuas" #. Translation: Mod file download indicator. Current size over expected final size, with #. percentage complete. #, python-format msgid "%(current)s / %(total)s (%(percent)s%%)" msgstr " %(current)s / %(total)s (%(percent)s%%)" #. Translation: Mod file download status message. #, python-format msgid "" "Time Elapsed: %(elapsed)s\n" "Estimated Time Remaining: %(remaining)s\n" "Average Speed: %(avgSpeed)s" msgstr "" "Verstrichene Zeit: %(elapsed)s\n" "Geschätzte Restzeit: %(remaining)s\n" "Durchschnittsgeschwindigkeit: %(avgSpeed)s" msgid "∞" msgstr "бесконачно" #. Translation: Average download speed, used to give the user a very rough and naive idea of #. the download time. For example: 123.4 KiB/s #, python-format msgid "%(number)s %(unit)s/s" msgstr "%(number)s %(unit)s در ثانیه" msgid " Mods" msgstr "Модификации от „“" msgid "Available Mods" msgstr "Խաղի հասանելի ձևափոխություներ" msgctxt "placeholder text for input field to filter mods" msgid "Filter" msgstr "Filtreering" msgid "Name" msgstr "Nombre" msgid "Version" msgstr "სახესხვაობა" msgid "Mod Label" msgstr "Etiqueta de modificación" msgid "File Size" msgstr "Grandura de l archivo" msgid "Dependencies" msgstr "დამოკიდებულებები" msgid "Filter valid mods" msgstr "Филтриране на изправните модификации" msgid "Back" msgstr "Повернутися" msgid "Refresh List" msgstr "Actualizare l repertorio" msgid "Download" msgstr "Luchdaich a-nuas" msgid "" "0 A.D. is designed to be easily modded. Mods are distributed in the form of .pyromod " "files, which can be opened like .zip files." msgstr "" "Играта „0 A.D.“ е проектирана така, че да предоставя възможност за лесно създаване на " "модификации. Модификациите се разпространяват под формата на файлове във формата " "„.pyromod“, които могат да бъдат отворени като файлове „.zip“." msgid "" "In order to install a mod, just open the file with 0 A.D. (either double-click on the " "file and choose to open it with the game, or run \"pyrogenesis file.pyromod\" in a " "terminal). The mod will then be available in the mod selector. You can enable it and " "disable it at will. You can delete the mod manually using your file browser if needed " "(see" msgstr "" "De forma a instalar um mod, abre simplesmente o ficheiro com o 0 A.D. (quer com clique " "duplo no ficheiro e escolher abrir com o jogo, quer com o comando \"pyrogenesis " "file.pyromod\" no terminal). O mod estará então disponível no seletor de mods. Pode-se " "ativar e desativar o mod quando se quiser. Pode-se também eliminar o mod manualmente " "utilizando o navegador de ficheiros do sistema operativo (ver " " para saber onde se encontram os " "ficheiros nos vários sistemas operativos)." msgid "" "For more information about modding the game, see the Modding Guide online (click the " "Modding Guide button below)." msgstr "" "Para máis información sobre o desenvolvemento de modificacións do xogo, consulta a guía" " de desenvolvemento de modificacións por internet (preme o botón da guía de " "desenvolvemento de modificacións a continuación)." msgid "" "The service is developed by DBolical, the company behind IndieDB and ModDB. " "Those websites have spread the word about 0 A.D. and other indie projects for a long " "time! Today, allows us to list and download all the mods that were verified by " "the team. Click \"Download Mods\" to try it out and install some!" msgstr "" "Услугата „“ се разработва от „DBolical“ — компанията, която стопанисва „IndieDB“ " "и „ModDB“. Тези системи помогнаха изключително много за популяризирането на „0 A.D.“ и " "множество други независими проекти! Днес „“ ни позволява да разглеждаме и сваляме" " всички модификации, одобрени от екипа. Натиснете „Сваляне на модификации“, за да " "изпробвате услугата и инсталирате някоя модификация!" msgid "Pyrogenesis Mod Selector" msgstr "Selector de modificacións de Pyrogenesis" msgid "Close" msgstr "Затваряне" msgid "Modding Guide" msgstr "Guía de desenvolvemento de modificacións" msgid "Visit" msgstr " сайтын зыярат итү" msgid "This mod does not exist" msgstr "Tato pozměněná verze neexistuje" msgctxt "mod activation" msgid "Enable" msgstr "Cuir an comas" msgid "Dependencies not met" msgstr "Cha deach na h-eisimeileachdan a choileanadh" msgctxt "mod activation" msgid "Disable" msgstr "Poista käytöstä" msgid "No mod has been selected." msgstr "Non se seleccionou ningunha modificación." msgid "Enable at least 0ad mod" msgstr "Cuir an comas an tuilleadan 0ad air a char as lugha" msgid "Modifications" msgstr "Pozměněné verze" msgid "Filter" msgstr "Filtreering" msgid "Negate" msgstr "Selectie omkeren" msgid "Filter compatible" msgstr "nach kompatiblen Mods filtern" msgid "Description" msgstr "Նկարագրություն" msgid "(Folder)" msgstr "(Subdirectorio)" msgid "Website" msgstr "Situs Interretialis" msgid "Enabled Mods" msgstr "Միացնել խաղի ձևափոխություները" msgid "" "Enabled mods are loaded from top to bottom. Mods loaded later might overwrite settings " "of mods loaded earlier. It is advisable to have more complex mods loaded last. Use the " "arrows on the right to change the loading order." msgstr "" "Tèid na tuilleadain a tha an comas a luchdadh on bhàrr gun bhonn. Dh’fhaoidte gun " "sgrìobh tuilleadain a thèid a luchdadh nas anmoiche thar roghainnean nan tuilleadan a " "chaidh a luchdadh romhpa-san. Mholamaid gun luchdaich thu na tuilleadain as iom-fhillte" " aig an deireadh. Cleachd na saighdean taobh deas airson òrdugh an luchdaidh " "atharrachadh." msgid "Change the order in which mods are launched. This should match the mods dependencies." msgstr "" "Verander de volgorde waarin modificaties opgestart worden. Dit moet overeenkomen met de" " afhankelijkheden van de modificaties." msgid "Visit Website" msgstr "Navštívit internetovou stránku" msgid "Quit" msgstr "నిష్క్రమించండి" msgid "Help" msgstr "Palīdzība" msgid "Download Mods" msgstr "Luchdaich a-nuas tuilleadain" msgid "Save Configuration" msgstr "Enregistrer la configuration" msgid "Save and Restart" msgstr "Qeyd bike û ji nû ve dest pê bike." msgid "Disclaimer" msgstr "Descargo de responsabilidade" msgid " Terms" msgstr "Conditions d'Utilisation de" msgid " Privacy Policy" msgstr "Politique de Confidentialité de" msgid "OK" msgstr "Ceart go leor" #. Translation: Label of a button that when pressed opens the Terms and Conditions in the #. default webbrowser. msgid "View online" msgstr "Προβολή στο διαδίκτυο" #, python-format msgid "Open %(url)s in the browser." msgstr "Atvērt %(url)s tīmekļa pārlūkprogrammā." msgid "Language" msgstr "Hizkuntza" msgid "Decline" msgstr "Nem fogadom el" msgid "Accept" msgstr "Aktsepteeri"