# Translation template for Pyrogenesis. # Copyright (C) 2024 Wildfire Games # This file is distributed under the same license as the Pyrogenesis project. # Translators: # GunChleoc, 2013-2014,2016,2018 # GunChleoc, 2015 # GunChleoc, 2015 msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: 0 A.D.\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2024-08-21 03:51+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2013-06-22 12:54+0000\n" "Last-Translator: GunChleoc, 2015\n" "Language-Team: Gaelic, Scottish (http://app.transifex.com/wildfire-games/0ad/language/gd/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Language: gd\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=(n==1 || n==11) ? 0 : (n==2 || n==12) ? 1 : (n > 2 && n < 20) ? 2 : 3;\n" #: i18n/L10n.cpp:346 msgid "Long strings" msgstr "Sreangan fada" #: lobby/XmppClient.cpp:1043 msgid "unknown subtype (see logs)" msgstr "fo-sheòrsa nach aithne duinn (thoir sùil air na logaichean)" #: lobby/XmppClient.cpp:1374 msgid "The certificate is not trusted." msgstr "Chan eil earbsa san teisteanas seo." #: lobby/XmppClient.cpp:1375 msgid "The certificate hasn't got a known issuer." msgstr "Chan eil foillsichear aithnichte aig an teisteanas seo." #: lobby/XmppClient.cpp:1376 msgid "The certificate has been revoked." msgstr "Chaidh an teisteanas a chùl-ghairm." #: lobby/XmppClient.cpp:1377 msgid "The certificate has expired." msgstr "Dh’fhalbh an ùine air an teisteanas." #: lobby/XmppClient.cpp:1378 msgid "The certificate is not yet active." msgstr "Chan eil an teisteanas gnìomhach fhathast." #: lobby/XmppClient.cpp:1379 msgid "The certificate has not been issued for the peer connected to." msgstr "Cha deach an teisteanas fhoillseachadh dhan t-seise a chaidh a cheangal ris." #: lobby/XmppClient.cpp:1380 msgid "The certificate signer is not a certificate authority." msgstr "Chan eil foillsichear an teisteanais ’na ùghdarras teisteanachaidh." #: lobby/XmppClient.cpp:1402 lobby/XmppClient.cpp:1446 #: lobby/XmppClient.cpp:1485 msgid "Error" msgstr "Mearachd" #: lobby/XmppClient.cpp:1405 lobby/XmppClient.cpp:1449 msgid "No error" msgstr "Gun mhearachd" #: lobby/XmppClient.cpp:1407 msgid "Player already logged in" msgstr "Tha an cluicheadair air a chlàradh a-steach mar-thà" #: lobby/XmppClient.cpp:1409 msgid "Forbidden" msgstr "Toirmisgte" #: lobby/XmppClient.cpp:1411 msgid "Internal server error" msgstr "Mearachd taobh a-staigh an fhrithealaiche" #: lobby/XmppClient.cpp:1415 msgid "Not allowed" msgstr "Chan eil seo ceadaichte" #: lobby/XmppClient.cpp:1416 msgid "Not authorized" msgstr "Tha cead a dhìth" #: lobby/XmppClient.cpp:1419 msgid "Recipient temporarily unavailable" msgstr "Chan eil am faighteir ann rè seal" #: lobby/XmppClient.cpp:1421 msgid "Registration required" msgstr "Tha clàradh riatanach" #: lobby/XmppClient.cpp:1425 msgid "Service unavailable" msgstr "Chan eil an t-seirbheis seo ri làimh" #: lobby/XmppClient.cpp:1430 lobby/XmppClient.cpp:1469 msgid "Unknown error" msgstr "Mearachd nach aithne dhuinn" #: lobby/XmppClient.cpp:1450 msgid "Stream error" msgstr "Mearachd sruthaidh" #: lobby/XmppClient.cpp:1451 msgid "The incoming stream version is unsupported" msgstr "Cha chuirear taic ris an tionndadh dhen t-sruth a-steach" #: lobby/XmppClient.cpp:1452 msgid "The stream has been closed by the server" msgstr "Chaidh an sruth a dhùnadh leis an fhrithealaiche" #: lobby/XmppClient.cpp:1456 msgid "An I/O error occurred" msgstr "Thachair mearachd le ion- no às-chur" #: lobby/XmppClient.cpp:1458 msgid "The connection was refused by the server" msgstr "Chaidh an ceangal a dhiùltadh leis an fhrithealaiche" #: lobby/XmppClient.cpp:1459 msgid "Resolving the server's hostname failed" msgstr "Cha deach leinn ainm-òstair an fhrithealaiche fhuasgladh" #: lobby/XmppClient.cpp:1460 msgid "This system is out of memory" msgstr "Chan eil cuimhne air fhàgail air an t-siostam" #: lobby/XmppClient.cpp:1462 msgid "" "The server's certificate could not be verified or the TLS handshake did not " "complete successfully" msgstr "Cha deach leinn teisteanas an fhrithealaiche a dhearbhadh no cha deach an crathadh-làimhe TLS a choileanadh" #: lobby/XmppClient.cpp:1463 msgid "The server did not offer required TLS encryption" msgstr "Cha do thairg am frithealaiche an crioptachadh TLS riatanach" #: lobby/XmppClient.cpp:1465 msgid "Authentication failed. Incorrect password or account does not exist" msgstr "Dh’fhàillig leis an dearbhadh. Chan eil am facal-faire mar bu chòir no chan eil an cunntas ann" #: lobby/XmppClient.cpp:1466 msgid "The user or system requested a disconnect" msgstr "Dh’iarr an cleachdaiche no an siostam briseadh a’ cheangail" #: lobby/XmppClient.cpp:1467 msgid "There is no active connection" msgstr "Chan eil ceangal gnìomhach ann" #: lobby/XmppClient.cpp:1488 msgid "Your account has been successfully registered" msgstr "Chaidh an cunntas agad a chlàradh" #: lobby/XmppClient.cpp:1489 msgid "Not all necessary information provided" msgstr "Cha deach gach fiosrachadh riatanach a sholar" #: lobby/XmppClient.cpp:1490 msgid "Username already exists" msgstr "Tha am far-ainm ann mar-thà" #: ps/ModIo.cpp:266 #, c-format msgid "Failure while starting querying for game id. Error: %s; %s." msgstr "Thachair mearachd nuair a bha sinn ag iarraidh aithnichear a’ gheama. Mearachd: %s; %s." #: ps/ModIo.cpp:296 #, c-format msgid "Failure while starting querying for mods. Error: %s; %s." msgstr "Thachair mearachd nuair a bha sinn ag iarraidh fiosrachadh nan tuilleadan. Mearachd: %s; %s." #: ps/ModIo.cpp:322 #, c-format msgid "Could not create mod directory: %s." msgstr "Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn pasgan nan tuilleadan a chruthachadh: %s." #: ps/ModIo.cpp:347 #, c-format msgid "Could not open temporary file for mod download: %s." msgstr "Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn faidhle sealach fhosgladh airson tuilleadan a luchdadh a-nuas: %s." #: ps/ModIo.cpp:357 #, c-format msgid "Failed to start the download. Error: %s; %s." msgstr "Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn tòiseachadh air an luchdadh a-nuas. Mearachd: %s; %s." #: ps/ModIo.cpp:402 #, c-format msgid "Asynchronous download failure: %s, %s." msgstr "Dh’fhàillig le luchdadh a-nuas neo-shioncronaichte: %s, %s." #: ps/ModIo.cpp:430 #, c-format msgid "Download failure. Server response: %s; %s." msgstr "Dh’fhàillig leis an luchdadh a-nuas. Freagairt an fhrithealaiche: %s, %s." #: ps/ModIo.cpp:536 msgid "Mismatched filesize." msgstr "Chan eil meud nam faidhle a-rèir a chèile." #: ps/ModIo.cpp:554 #, c-format msgid "Invalid file. Expected md5 %s, got %s." msgstr "Faidhle mì-dhligheach. An dùil air md5 %s, ach fhuair sinn %s." #: ps/ModIo.cpp:569 msgid "Failed to compute final hash." msgstr "Cha deach leinn an hais dheireannach àireamhachadh." #: ps/ModIo.cpp:575 msgid "Failed to verify signature." msgstr "Cha deach leinn an soidhneadh a dhearbhadh." #: ps/scripting/JSInterface_Debug.cpp:87 msgid "custom build" msgstr "togail ghnàthaichte" #: renderer/Renderer.cpp:690 renderer/Renderer.cpp:816 #, c-format msgid "Screenshot written to '%s'" msgstr "Chaidh an glacadh-sgrìn a shàbhaladh gu “%s”"