Running cxxtest tests (8 tests) In SimpleTest::testEquality: SimpleTest.h:14: Error: Expected (1 == 2), found (1 != 2) SimpleTest.h:15: Error: Expected ('a' == 'A'), found ('a' != 'A') SimpleTest.h:16: Error: Expected (1.0 == -12345678900000000000000000000000000000000000000000.1234), found (1.0000 != -1.2345E50) In SimpleTest::testAddition: SimpleTest.h:23: Error: Expected (2 + 2 == 5), found (4 != 5) In SimpleTest::TestMultiplication: SimpleTest.h:28: Error: Expected (4 * 4 == 44), found (16 != 44) SimpleTest.h:29: Error: Expected (-2 * -2 != 4), found (4) In SimpleTest::testComparison: SimpleTest.h:34: Error: Expected (-1 < -2), found (-1 >= -2) In SimpleTest::testTheWorldIsCrazy: SimpleTest.h:38: Error: Expected (true == false), found (true != false) In SimpleTest::test_Failure: SimpleTest.h:42: Error: Test failed: Not implemented SimpleTest.h:43: Error: Test failed: 1569779912 In SimpleTest::test_TS_SKIP_macro: SimpleTest.h:47: Warning: Test skipped: Simply skip this test s In SimpleTest::test_TS_WARN_macro: SimpleTest.h:52: Warning: Just a friendly warning SimpleTest.h:53: Warning: Warnings don't abort the test . Failed 6 and Skipped 1 of 8 tests Success rate: 14% Error level = 6