[Desktop Entry] Version=1.4 Name=0 A.D. Exec=0ad %F Icon=0ad Terminal=false MimeType=application/x-pyromod+zip; Type=Application Categories=Game;StrategyGame; # Use the most powerful GPU available by default (i.e. a dedicated Nvidia or AMD card instead of the integrated Intel card) PrefersNonDefaultGPU=true Comment=A real-time strategy game of ancient warfare Comment[de]=Ein Echtzeitstrategiespiel, das die Kriegsführung der Antike behandelt Comment[es]=Un juego de estrategia en tiempo real de guerra antigua Comment[fr]=Un jeu de statégie militaire en temps réel dans l'Antiquité Comment[it]=Videogioco strategico in tempo reale di guerre antiche Comment[nl]=Een real-time strategie spel over oorlog van de oudheid Comment[pl]=Gra strategiczna czasu rzeczywistego o wojnach starożytnych Comment[pt_BR]=Um jogo em tempo real de guerra antiga Comment[ru]=Игра в жанре исторической стратегии в реальном времени Keywords=RTS;Real-Time Strategy;Economic Simulation Game;History;Warfare;Infantry;Cavalry;Siege Engines;Fortress;Celtics;Hellenes;Athenians;Britons;Carthaginians;Gauls;Iberians;Macedonians;Mauryas;Persians;Ptolemies;Romans;Seleucids;Spartans; Actions=Atlas; [Desktop Action Atlas] Name=Atlas Map Editor Exec=0ad -editor